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《The Modern law review》1966,29(5):577-592
Book reviewed in this article: Human Law and Human Justice . By Julius Stone . The Law of Restitution . By Robert Goff and Gareth Jones . Die Mangelfreie Lieferung Beim Kauf Beweglicher Sachen . By Eugen Dietrich Graue . Copinger & Skone James on Copyright . Tenth edition. By F. E. Skone James and E. P. Skone James . Copyright , Modern Law and Practice . By P. F. Carter -Ruck and E. P. Skone James , edited by F. E. Skone James . Crime and Punishment in Britain : The Penal System in Theory , Law and Practice . By Nigel Walker . Social Defence . A Modern Approach to Criminal Problems. By Marc Ancel . With a Foreword by Leon Radzinowicz . Translated by J. Wilson . Studies in Penology . Dedicated to the Memory of Sir Lionel Fox. Edited by Manuel Lopez -Rey and Charles Germain . Scandinavian Studies in Criminology . Volume 1. With a Foreword by Johannes Andenaes . Police and Government . By Geoffrey Marshall . Hallett's Conveyancing Precedents . By V. G. H. Hallett , M.A. (Oxon.) of the Inner Temple and Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law. The Legal Aspects of Business . Sixth edition. By H. R. Light . The Legal Aspects of Industry and Commerce . Third edition (revised). By W. F. Frank . International Co-operation in Litigation . Europe . Edited by Hans Smit . Columbia University School of Law. Project on International Procedure. Labour Relations and the Law : A Comparative Study . Edited by Otto Kahn -Freund .  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this Article.
ADVERSE POSSESS ION By Charles C. Callahan
Society and the Law (New Meanings for an Old Profession). By F. James Davis, Henry H. Foster, Jr., C. Ray Jeffery, and E. Eugene Davis.
The Pyramid Climbers By Vance Packard
Conceptual Foundations of Business By Richard Eells and Clarence Walton Homewood, Illinois Richard D. Irwin
Principles of Business Law By Dillavou, Howard, Roberts, Robert and Corley Englewood Cliffs  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1972,35(4):434-448
Book reviewed in this article: Accidents , Compensation and the Law . By P. S. Atiyah The High Court of Delegates . By G. I. O. Duncan The Restraint of Trade Doctrine . By J. D. Heydon The Conflict of Laws . By J. H. C. Morris , D.C.L. F.B.A Copinger and Skone James on Copyright . Eleventh edition. By E. P. Skone James , M.A., Barrister. Terrell on the Law of Patents . Twelfth edition. By Douglas Falconer , M.B.E., B.SC., William Aldous , M.A., and David Young , M.A. Locus Standi and Judicial Review . By S. M. Thio , LL.M., PH.D. Canadian Constitutional Law in a Modern Perspective . Edited by J. Noel Lyon and Ronald G. Atkin . Reflections on the Constitution and the Constituent Assembly . By L. J. M. Cooray , LL.B.(Cey.), PH.D. (Cantab.) The Legal Régime of Hydrospace . By E. D. Brown . The Human Right to Individual Freedom . Edited by Luis Kutner . Primitive Law , Past and Present . By A. S. Diamond .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1970,33(1):103-117
Precedent in English Law and Other Essays . By James Louis Montrose . Edited by H. G. Hanbury . Precedent in English Law . By Rupert Cross . Second Edition. Double Jeopardy . By Martin L. Friedland . The Making of a Criminal . By Patricia Elton Mayo . Constitutional Law in Northern Ireland : A Study in Regional Government . By Harry Calvert . The Vietnam War and International Law . (Sponsored by the American Society of International Law.) Edited by Richard A. Falk . Law and Vietnam . By Roger H. Hull and John C. Novogrod . Foreword by Myres S. Mc Dougal . The Middle East Crisis : Test of International Law . Edited by John W. Halderman . Law and Contemporary Problems Series, No. 11. Restatement of African Law . Kenya . Volume I: The Law of Marriage and Divorce . Volume II: The Law of Succession . By Eugene Cotran . General Editor, Professor A. N. Allott . The Law and Practice of Nigerian Wills , Probate and Succession . By Brian W. Harvey . Uganda , The Development of its Laws and Constitution . By H. F. Morris and James S. Read . Le Droit de la Famille en Afrique Noire et à Madagascar . Edited by Kéba M'Baye . Preface by Marc Ancel . Ideas and Procedures in African Customary Law . Edited by Max Gluckman . Neutralization and World Politics . By Cyril E. Black and Others .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1975,38(5):589-608
English Law —The New Dimension . By Sir Leslie Scarman . The Hamlyn Lectures, 26th Series. 1974. Legal Values in Western Society . By Peter Stein and John Shand . The Politics of Rights : Lawyers , Public Policy and Political Change . By Stuart A. Scheingold . Government and Law : An Introduction to the Working of the Constitution in Britain. By T. C. Hartley and J. A. G. Griffith . Changing Prisons . By J. E. Hall Williams . Progress in Penal Reform . Ed . Louis Blom -Cooper . Bentham and Legal Theory . Edited by M. H. James . English Land Law . By Michael Harwood . Family Property and Financial Provision . By J. G. Miller . Tribunals and Government . By J. A. Farmer . Administrative Law . By Zaim M. Nedjati , LL.B., Barrister, Advocate. Williams' Law Relating to Wills . Fourth Edition. C. H. Sherrin LL.M., Ph.D., and R. F. D. Barlow , M.A. International Organisation : Law in Movement . Edited by J. E. S. Fawcett and Rosalyn Higgins . Aerial Hijacking as an International Crime . By Nancy Douglas Joyner . 1974. The Illegal Diversion of Aircraft and International Law . By Edward Mc Whinney . 1975. Police Powers in England and Wales . By L. H. Leigh . Products Liability . By S. M. Waddams .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
THE P olitics of R egulation Edited by James Q. Wilson
T he G reat B illion D ollar M edical S windle By Keith Alan Lasko, M.D.
A merican L aw of M edical M alpractice By Steven E. Pegalis, J.D., and Harvey F. Wachsman, M.D., J.D.
H idden V ictims : T he S exual A buse of C hildren By Robert L. Geiser  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1967,30(5):591-606
Ethics in Medical Progress: A Ciba Foundation Symposium. The Constitutional History and Law of Southern Rhodesia 1888–1965. By Claire Palley. Uganda: The Development of its Laws and Constitution. By H. F. Morris and James S. Read. Deutsches Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht. By Alexander N. Makarov. Civilians and the NATO Status of Forces Agreement. By G. I. A. D. Draper. The Doctrine of the Legal Equality of States. An Inquiry into the Foundations of International Law. By P. H. Kooijmans. Les Conditions de Recevabilité des Requêtes Individuelles Devant la Commission Européene des Droits de L'Homme. By Anne-Marie Nay-Cadoux. European Institutions. Co-operation, Integration, Unification. Second edition. By A. H. Robertson, B.C.L. (Oxon.), S.J.O. (Harvard). Resale Price Maintenance. Studies edited by B. S. Yamey. Principles of Local Government Law. Third edition. By C. A. Cross, M.A., LL.B. An Outline of English Law. By H. K. Black and D. J. Latham Brown. The Law of Real Property. By R. E. Megarry, Q.C., M.A., LL.D., and H. W. R. Wade, LL.D., D.C.L. Third edition. Archbold: Criminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice. Thirty-sixth edition. By T. R. Fitzwalter Butler and Marston Garsia, Barristers-at-Law. The English Bar: A Priesthood. By Barnett Hollander.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Tudor Royal Proclamations, Volume I Edited by P aul L. H ughes and James F. Larkin
THE ROBINSON-PATMAN ACT Summary and Comment By D aniel J. B aum  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1974,37(2):228-240
Book reviewed in this article: Criminal Appeals : English Practices and American Reform . By D. J. Meador The Right to be Different : Deviance and Enforced Therapy . By Nicholas N. Kittrie Databanks in a Free Society —Computers , Record -Keeping and Privacy . Private Lives and Public Surveillance . By James B. Rule Payment for Pain and Suffering —Who Wants What , When and Why ? By Jeffrey O'Connell and Rita James Simon Charlesworth and Cain : Company Law . Tenth edition. By T. E. Cain Australian Company Law . Second edition. By W. E. Paterson and H. H. Ednie Taxation of Companies . By Richard Bramwell Cases and Materials in Revenue Law . By A. J. Easson Diplomacy in International Law . By G. E. do Nascimento e Silva Succession of New States to International Treaties . By Okon Udokang Matthew Hale . By Edmund Heward Farewell to the Assizes . By Sir Basil Nield Confessions of a Country Magistrate . By Edmund Grierson Archbold : Pleading , Evidence and Practice in Criminal Cases . (38th ed.) By T. R. Fitzwalter Butler Company Promoters . By J. H. Gross  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1972,35(6):668-679
An Introduction to English Legal History . By J. H. Baker . The Human Body and the Law . A Medico -Legal Study . By David W. Meyers . More Essays in Legal Philosophy . Edited by Robert S. Summers . Local Prisons : The Crisis in the English Penal System . By Richard F. Sparks . Essays on Criminal Law in New Zealand . Edited by R. S. Clark . Lindley on Partnership . Thirteenth edition. By Ernest H. Scamell . Law of Partnership . By Charles D. Drake . Underhill's Principles of the Law of Partnership . Ninth edition by George Hesketh The Law of Partnerships and Voluntary Associations in South Africa . Second edition. By Brian Bamford . Documentary Letters of Credit . By E. P. Ellinger . The Extent of the Advisory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice . By Kenneth James Keith . International Law , National Tribunals and the Rights of Aliens . By Frank Griffith Dawson and Ivan L. Head .  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1981,44(6):729-752
Natural Law and Natural Rights. By John Finnis. Legal Philosophies. By J. W. Harris. The Brethren: Inside the Supreme Court. By Bob Woodward and Scott Armstrong Legislation and Society in Australia. Edited by R. Tomasic. Access to Law: Second Seminar on Australian Lawyers and Social Change. Edited by J. Goldring and others. Psychology, Law and Legal Processes. By Farrington, Hawkins and Lloyd-Bostock. A Practical Introduction to European Community Law. By Richard Plender. Emden's Building Contracts and Practice. Eighth edition. By S. Bickford-Smith and F. Freeth. Privacy and Government Data Banks: an International Perspective. By David H. Flaherty. Cases and Materials on the Irish Constitution. By James O'Reilly and Mary Redmond. Butterworths Law of Food and Drugs. Editor A. A. Painter. Law and Psychological Practice. By Robert L. Schwitzgebel and R. Kirkland Schwitzgebel. Plea-Bargaining. Edited by William F. McDonald and James A. Cramer. The Framework of Criminal Justice. By Michael King.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
T he C radle W ill F all . By Mary Higgins Clark
T he V erdict . By Barry Reed, J.D.
C ases and M aterials O n P harmacy L aw . By Helen Wetherbee and Bruce David White
T he L unar E ffect : B iological T ides and H uman E motions . Arnold L. Lieber, M.D.
C hild P sychiatry and the L aw . Edited by Diane H. Schetky, M.D. and Elissa P. Benedek, M.D.
P atients : T he E xperience of I llness . By Mark L. Rosenberg, M.D.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1989,52(6):868-872
Book reviewed in this article: Justification and Excuse in the Criminal Law . By J. C. Smith . Law and the Electoral Process . By H. F. Rawlings . Introduction to the Conflict of Laws . By A. J. E. Jaffey . Conflict of Laws . By J. G. Collier .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
G ood L ife /G ood D eath : A D octor's C ase F or E uthanasia and S uicide . By Dr. Christiaan Barnard
A M atter of L ife . By Robert Edwards and Patrick Steptoe
G enetics and the L aw II. Edited by Aubrey Milunsky, M.B.B.Ch., M.R.C.P., D.C.H. and George J. Annas, J.D., M.P.H.
L egal A spects of H ealth P olicy : I ssues and T rends . Edited by Ruth Roemer and George McKray
F ederal R egulation : H ospital ATTORNEY'S DESK REFERENCE. By the American Society of Hospital Attorneys
I ndustry W age S urvey : H ospitals and N ursing H omes , S eptember 1978  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Review in This Article:
T he B itter P ill : D octors , P atients , and F ailed E xpectations . By Martin R. Lipp, M.D.
S cience and C onscience . By Milton R. Wessel
R ights and R esponsibilities in M odern M edicine : T he S econd V olume in a S eries on E thics , H umanism , and M edicine . Ed. by Marc D. Basson  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1969,32(5):580-600
Road Accidents . By D. W. Elliott and Harry Street . Law and Society , a series edited by Professors O. Kahn-Freund and K. W. Wedderburn. Compensation for Road Accidents —A Study on the Question of Absolute Liability and Social Insurance. By Alexander Szakats . A Modern View of the Criminal Law . By S. W. Stewart, ll. b . Labor and the Legal Process . By Harry H. Wellington . An Introduction to Administrative Law in New Zealand . By D. E. Patterson . Bowstead on Agency . Thirteenth edition. By F. M. B. Reynolds and B. J. Davenport . An Introduction to Legal Systems . Edited by J. Duncan M. Derrett , Professor of Law in the University of London. Law and Practice Relating to Banking . Vols. 1 and 2. By F. E. Perry . Monopolies and Restrictive Practices . By Valentine Korah . Sale of Goods and Hire Purchase . By R. Lowe . Uniform Laws on International Sales Act 1967: A Commentary . By R. H. Graveson , E. J. Cohn , and Diana Graveson . The Law of Nations . By J. E. S. Fawcett . New Nations and the Law of Nations . By S. Prakash Sinha . How Nations Behave . Law and Foreign Policy . By Louis Henkin . United Nations Peacekeeping 1946–1967. Volume I: The Middle East . By Rosalyn Higgins . Jerusalem and the Holy Places . By Elihu Lauterpacht . Cases on Private International Law . By J. H. C. Morris . Facts , Failures and Frauds . By D. Morier Evans . [London: Groombridge and Sons. 1859; reprinted by Augustus M. Kelley (New York) and published in the United Kingdom by David and Charles (Newton Abbot). The Ombudsman . Edited by Donald C. Rowatt . Contract and Conveyance . By J. T. Farrand, ll. d ., Solicitor (Hons.), Professor of Law at the University of Manchester. Constitutions of Asian Countries . Prepared by the Secretariat of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee, New Delhi. The Roman Law Reader . Edited by F. H. Lawson . Oceana Docket Series.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1968,31(1):95-118
Jurisprudence. By B. A. Wortley, o.b.e., ll.m. (Leeds), ll.d. (Manchester), Professor of Jurisprudence and International Law in the University of Manchester. The American Jury. By Harry Kalven Jr. and Hans Zeisel. Law Relating to Nuclear Energy. By Harry Street and F. R. Frame. Sources of Family Law. By J. C. Hall, m.a., ll.b. Cambridge Legal Case Book Series. Sovereignty Within the Law. By Arthur Larson, C. Wilfred Jenks and Others. The New Nations in International Law and Diplomacy. Edited by William V. O'Brien. Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee. Report of the Sixth Session, Cairo, 1964; Seventh Session, Baghdad, 1965. International Law in Australia. Edited by D. P. O'Connell. Paget's Law of Banking. Seventh edition. By Maurice Megrah assisted by F. R. Ryder. Leading Cases in the Law of Banking. Second edition. By Lord Chorley and P. E. Smart. Cases on the Criminal Law, Procedure and Evidence of Nigeria (excluding the North). Law in Africa, No. 19. By Cyprian O. Okonkwo and Ian McLean. Soviet Criminal Law and Procedure: the R.S.F.S.R. Codes. Translated by H. J. Berman and J. W. Spindler, with an Introduction by Harold J. Berman. Nigerian Law of Landlord and Tenant. By M. O. Onwuamaegbu, b.a., ll.m., ph.d. (London), of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-Law; Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. Sir John Latham and Other Papers. By Zelman Cowen. Of Law and Men. By Felix Frankfurter. Introduction to English Law. By Philip S. James. Sixth edition. Elements of English Law. By William Geldart. Seventh ed. by D. C. M. Yardley. The Book of English Law (as at the year 1966). By Edward Jenks. 6th revised edition by P. B. Fairest. Cowen on the Law of Negotiable Instruments in South Africa. Fourth edition. By Denis V. Cowen and Leonard Gering. Principles of Registered Land Conveyancing. By J. A. Holland, ll.b. and J. R. Lewis, ll.b.  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1980,43(4):467-488
The Rise and Fall of Freedom of Contract. By P. S. Atiyah. Law and Economics : An Introductory Analysis. By Werner Z. Hirsch Law and Economics. By J. M. Oliver Plea Bargaining or Trial ? By Lynn M. Mather Social Movements and the Legal System: A Theory of Law Reform and Social Change. By Joel F. Handler. Le Controle de L'Administration Economique en Grande -Bretagne. By Yvonne Fortin. The Politics of the Corporate Economy. By Trevor Smith. Crisis and Legitimacy. By James O. Freedman. A History of Dalhousie Law School. By John Willis. Francois Gény and Modern Jurisprudence. By Jaro Mayda. A Textbook on Muslim Law. By David Pearl The Florence Access-to -Justice Project. 4 Volumes. Edited by Mauro Cappelletti and Bryant Garth Archbold : Pleading , Evidence & Practice in Criminal Cases. Fortieth edition. By Stephen Mitchell , M.A. Commercial Banking Law. By R. R. Pennington , A. H. Hudson and J. E. Mann. Understanding the Rape Victim: A Synthesis of Research Findings by Sedelle Katz and Mary Ann Mazur. Digest of the English Law of Trusts. By George W. Keeton and L. A. Sheridan  相似文献   

《The Modern law review》1970,33(5):578-600
Crime , Law and the Scholars : A History of Scholarship in American Criminal Law . By Gerhard O. W. Mueller . What's Wrong With The Law ? Edited by Michael Zander . Tangling With Law : Reforms in Legal Process. By F. A. R. Bennion. The Charter Controversy in the City of London , 1660–1688, and its Consequences. By Jennifer Levin . The Popular Movement for Law Reform 1640–1660. By Donald Veall . Delictual Liability and the Conflict of Laws . By Otto Kahn -Freund . The Principles of Modern Company Law . Third edition. By Professor L. C. B. Gower , A Law Commissioner. Co-editors: K. W. Wedderburn , Cassel Professor of Commercial Law in the University of London, and O. Weaver and A. E. W. Park , Barristers-at-Law. The Criminal Responsibility of Corporations in English Law . By Dr. L. H. Leigh . The Company : Law , Structure and Reform in Eleven Countries . Edited by Charles de Hoghton . The Legitimacy of the Business Corporation in the Law of the United States 1780–1970. By James Willard Hurst . Discretionary Justice : A Preliminary Inquiry . By Kenneth Culp Davis . Congress v. The Supreme Court. By Raoul Berger . The Costs of Accidents : A Legal and Economic Analysis . By Guido Calabresi . The Law of Tort in Local Government . Second Edition by Mary Bell Cairns, ll.m., ph.d . Labour Law . By Charles D. Drake, m.a., ll.b. , of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. The Divorce Reform Act 1969. By Bernard Passingham, o.b.e., t.d.  相似文献   

The Enforcement of Morals. By Patrick Devlin. Legal Systems and Lawyers' Reasonings. By Julius Stone. Law in Society. By Geoffrey Sawer. [London: Oxford University Press. Clarendon Law Series: edited by H. L. A. Hart. Advocacy in Our Time. By O. C. Mazengarb, C.B.E., Q.C., M.A., LL.D. Salmond on the Law of Torts. Fourteenth edition. By R. F. V. Heuston, M. A., LL. B., Professor of Law in the University of Southampton, of Gray's Inn and King's Inn, Dublin, Barrister-at-Law. Jurisdiction and Illegality. By Amnon Rubinstein. Die Erforschung des Sachverhalts im Prozess. By Erich Döhring, Professor at the University of Kiel. A Casebook of Administrative Law. By J. A. G. Griffith and H. Street. Tribunals and Inquiries―A Guide to Procedure. By Neville D. Vandyk. Capital Gains Tax. By G. S. A. Wheatcroft, assisted by A. E. W. Park and John E. Talbot. Corporation Tax. By Peter M. B. Rowland and John E. Talbot with Annotations to Finance Act 1965 by S. Michael Young and John Silberrad. Disarmament and International Law. By Allan Gotlieb. United Nations Forces. By D. W. Bowett with the assistance and collaboration of Dr. G. P. Barton, H. C. Carnegic, Wing-Commander A. E. Cobus, J. G. Collier, M. Hardy, Dr. Rosalyn Higgins and Professor L. B. Sohn. The Theory of Nationalisation. By Konstantin Katzarov. Criminal on the Road. A Study of Serious Motoring Offences and those who commit them. By T. C. Willett. Curtis and Ruoff on The Law and Practice of Registered Conveyancing. Second edition. By Theodore B. F. Ruoff, C.B.E., Chief Land Registrar. Banking Law for Trustee Savings Banks. By C. L. Lawton, Barrister-at-Law. The Practitioner's Guide to Hire-Purchase Cases. By Harold Brown, Q.C. The Mercantile and Industrial Law of Scotland. By J. J. Gow. The Quantum of Damages in Bodily and Fatal Injury Cases. Second edition. By M. M. Corbett and J. L. Buchanan. Law Relating to Hospitals and Kindred Institutions. Fourth edition. By S. R. Speller, O.B.E., LL.B. Introduction to Modern Hindu Law. By J. Duncan M. Derrett, M.A., PH.D., of Gray's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, Professor in Oriental Laws in the University of London, Tagore Professor of Law for 1953, University of Calcutta. Le Droit de Visits des Parents Séparés de leurs Enfants en Suisse, en France et en Allemagne. By Maurice Marthaler. A Deliktuális Felelösség a Társadalom és a Jog Fejlödésének Történetében (Delictual Liability in the History of the Evolution of Society and Law). By Ferenc Mádl. Das Deutsche Seerecht. First edited by Georg Schaps and others. Third edition. By Hans Jürgen Abraham. Criminal Law in Nigeria (excluding the North). By C. O. Okonkwo and M. E. Naish.  相似文献   

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