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Special literature (surgical, forensic-medical and criminalistic) is reviewed on classification, mechanisms of a harmful action and characteristics of injuries inflicted by non-lethal arms. Some details of such arms construction and damaging action are given.  相似文献   

Issues on possibility of using capillary patterns of hands and feet in medicolegal examination of unidentified dead bodies and unknown persons, in cases of disputed paternity and maternity and child substitution are considered. Up-to-date theories on inheritance of dermatoglyphics features, their racial, sexual, age and occupational variability as well as interrelationship with some genetic diseases are analysed. Ways of researches in the field of dermatoglyphics of hands and feet for expert practice are outlined.  相似文献   

Analysis of sudden deaths from cardiovascular disorders among a working age population was carried out based on the materials of the Forensic Medicine Bureau of the city of Moscow and the Moscow Region. The most important factors responsible for cardiovascular mortality in working-aged subjects were identified and their implications for the prevention of sudden death considered.  相似文献   

By potential damage, chemical terroristic attacks are much more dangerous than terroristic bombing. To fight chemical terrorism it is necessary to create the system of medical-environmental defense of the population. In line with emergency medicine, forensic medical service is a very important element of the antiterroristic defense. The activity of forensic-medical experts in the field of terroristic chemical attack is analysed.  相似文献   

By the law of the Russian Federation, forensic medical examination is obligatory to assess damage to health in chest and low back spinal traumas. In persons who survived spinal trauma the assessment of its severity is regulated by the rules of assessment of the severity of bodily damage and harm to health. Difficulties arising in this assessment are outlined. Damage to health is proposed to be evaluated not only by clinical data on the condition of the patients but also by macro- and microscopic results of forensic-medical examination of the dead body, by the presence and severity of edema of the spinal cord tissue.  相似文献   

The authors established that special structure of bones in childhood have a significant influence on the fractures of long tubular bones. The formation of unusual fractures shows it. Under condition of low speed of bending in the area of fracture many microfissures are formed, which leads to structural failure of intraosseous microcirculation and osteocytes.  相似文献   

A total of 277 forensic expert medical conclusions on cases with closed heart injury are analyzed. The morphology and mechanisms of formation of heart injuries in various traumas are discussed.  相似文献   

Variants of microscopic structure of the hymen are described and its histological classification based on the stromal component structure is offered. Hypotheses on the hymen histogenesis under different conditions are formulated. Histological analysis and histological classification of the hymen are needed for objective solution of questions arising during expert evaluation of virginity and its violation, probability or improbability of coitus without defloration.  相似文献   

The authors show the necessity of elaboration and practical application of normative documents (standards) and forensic-medical criterions of assessment of defects in obstetric-gynecological medical aid. The examples of the above assessment are given in the article.  相似文献   

Literature data and results of epidemiological examination show that traumas play a significant role in emergence of neurosensory hypoacusis (NSHA) in young healthy population. The diagnosis of NSHA is often missed in forensic-medical examination and this may cause a social problem. Audiometric signs of NSHA were studied in subjects with trauma of the labyrinth. Pure tone audiometry results can be used for differential diagnosis of mechanical and barotraumas and as additional criteria in determination of the harm to health.  相似文献   

Medical cards of 1,116 inpatient victims of surrogate alcohol poisoning and 242 cases of its fatal outcome associated with jaundice were available for analysis form Irkutsk Region and other regions of the Russian Federation in the second half of 2006 and early 2007. The study revealed differences in hepatic lesions depending on the chemical nature of toxicants. Mixtures containing guanidine derivatives caused highly specific irreversible disturbance of bile transport in hepatocytes and biliary capillaries in the absence of cholestasis at the level of biliary ducts. Changes in hepatocytes of different type and genesis appear to be due to other toxic components and may be of use for the establishment of causal relation between hepatic lesions and concrete toxic mixtures.  相似文献   

目的探讨阴茎体感诱发电位(DNSEP)在法医鉴定中的应用价值。方法选取15例确诊勃起功能障碍(erectile dysfunction,ED)患者与13例正常人进行回顾性分析。结果 ED患者P40、N50及P60潜伏期延长、P40波幅下降,与正常对照组比较差异有显著性意义(P0.05)。结论阴茎体感诱发电位能较为客观地评价受检者是否存在阴茎勃起的神经通路损伤,可作为法医鉴定的辅助检查手段。  相似文献   

We studied the trend in the number of forensic-medical examinations in trials against obstetricians and gynecologists conducted in Primorsky Region in 1997-2005. Most typical defects in obstetric-gynecological care are characterized. These cases are analysed in terms of forensic-medical practice. Detection and forensic-medical analysis of the above defects contribute to optimization of the diagnosis and treatment both in obstetric-gynecological practice and in wide medical practice.  相似文献   

A test for trace quantities of synthetic detergents on fabric is described in detail. Feasibility of detergents identification in the spots on the exhibits with thin-layer chromatography on silufol is shown and cases of such identification in biological material are given for illustration. Adequacy of the results is confirmed. Such investigation in forensic-medical practice will raise informative value of expert certification in cases when standard biological methods are unable to provide necessary precision.  相似文献   

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