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The uncertainties associated with the precise nature of legalization regimes and with their expected outcomes sometimes are used to justify the maintenance of drug prohibition. This paper details the role that buyer licensing and exclusion might play in implementing a low-risk, post-prohibition drug regulatory regime. Buyer licensing and exclusion provide assistance to those who exhibit or are worried about self-control problems with drugs, while not being significantly constraining upon those who are informed and satisfied drug consumers. Relative to prohibition, licensing and self-exclusion can be part of a drug regulatory structure that is much more finely tuned to the risks of harms stemming from drug use.  相似文献   

This paper describes results of our survey of licensing at 62 research universities. We consider ownership, income splits, stage of development, marketing, license policies and characteristics, goals of licensing and the role of the inventor in licensing. Based on these results we analyze the relationship between licensing outcomes and both the objectives of the TTO and the characteristics of the technologies. Patent applications grow one-to-one with disclosures, while sponsored research grows similarly with licenses executed. Royalties are typically larger the higher the quality of the faculty and the higher the fraction of licenses that are executed at latter stages of development. Sponsored research is more likely to be included in a license if the new technology is at an early stage of development or if the TTO evaluates it as important. We find that additional disclosures generate smaller percentage increases in licenses, and those increases in licenses generate smaller percentage increases in royalties.  相似文献   

肖冰 《河北法学》2002,20(5):42-45
在WTO规则体系中,《进口许可程序协议》的规范角度比较独特,仅适用于进口许可制度的程序领域。但是,在该协议的实施过程中暴露出两个突出问题一是混淆协议中的一系列基本概念,并由此造成对其适用范围的错误认识;二是对协议最重要的义务之一——“信息公开义务”的适用对象、适用条件以及适用内容界定不清,因而在适用中产生争端。为避免我国适用该协议而可能产生的误区,准确加以界定是十分必要的。  相似文献   

Psychological Injury and Law - Survival following traumatic brain injury (TBI) has increased following advances in medical care. However, TBI survivors often experience significant deficits in...  相似文献   

执业资格考试属于行政许可中的特殊职业许可。目前,海峡两岸对对方居民参加执业资格考试都有一定的限制,因此不利于海峡两岸劳务合作交流的需要。应当根据WTO《服务贸易总协定》所确定的渐进式自由化原则、国民待遇原则和最惠国待遇原则,加强海峡两岸劳务合作交流之立法沟通与协调,妥善处理海峡两岸关于执业资格考试的范围、"国籍"和学历承认等问题,以促进海峡两岸劳务合作交流的顺利进行和经济社会的协调发展。  相似文献   

This article presents new evidence based on unpublished buyer surveys and real estate agent and broker surveys supporting the consensus in the published literature that real estate markets are informationally efficient. This evidence is drawn from expert reports submitted in litigation involving claims that contamination caused property value diminution, and presents a new hedonic regression model of residential sales prices that includes as an independent variable the state of knowledge of the buyer regarding a contamination event. In this model the state of knowledge of the buyer has no statistically significant effect on the sales price. The article also discusses standards for the use of buyer and agent/broker surveys in litigation.  相似文献   



To better understand the workings of illicit gun markets by identifying the characteristics of buyers, sellers, firearms, and transactions that predict whether a gun is used in crime or obtained by an illegal possessor subsequent to purchase.


The study employed multivariate survival analysis utilizing data on nearly 72,000 guns sold in the Baltimore metropolitan area from 1994 through 1999 and subsequent recoveries of over 1,800 of those guns by police in Baltimore through early 2000.


Adjusting for exposure time, guns sold in the Baltimore area had a 3.2 % chance of being recovered by police in Baltimore within 5 years. Guns were more likely to be recovered if: they were semiautomatic, medium to large caliber, easily concealable, and cheap; the buyers were black, young, female, living in or close to the city, and had previously purchased guns that were recovered by police; the dealer making the sale was, most notably, in or near the city and had made prior sales of crime guns; and the gun was purchased in a multiple gun transaction. The adoption of a law regulating secondhand gun sales in Maryland did not appear to affect the likelihood of a gun’s recovery, though the extent of the law’s enforcement is unclear.


Risk factors identified in this study could be used to guide gun trafficking investigations, regulation of gun dealers, and the development of prevention efforts for high-risk actors and areas. The results also provide some support for policies that regulate particular types of firearms and transactions. Limitations to the study and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

吴晓  方洪声 《政法学刊》2011,28(5):110-114
我国公安机关办理治安案件存在的问题大多集中在程序上,重实体,轻程序的执法习惯在法治呼声高涨的社会中很容易制造社会矛盾。关注和研究公安行政执法程序问题,解析公安行政执法程序执行上的困难,从加强行政执法程序性训练,完善法律规制以及发挥调解、听证等程序的法律价值等几方面着手,积极回应社会对公安行政执法的程序法治要求。  相似文献   

刑罚观念的转变是刑事制度适应社会政治经济形势的必然选择,而刑罚效果是影响和评价刑事制度的主要标尺。在对报应和功利主义刑罚观扬弃的基础上,刑罚人道主义和轻刑化观念日益深入人心。在我国,恢复性司法包括刑事和解观念逐渐融入宽严相济的刑事政策,并在检察机关的监督下谨慎推行。刑事和解首先应在轻罪公诉案件范围内试行,和解的事实基础在于罪刑轻微且加害人悔罪赔偿并取得谅解;和解的法律依据是相对不起诉制度规范。  相似文献   

司法公信力是指司法机关根据其信用所获得的社会公众的信任和尊重程度.其构成要素包括法律规则的权威性、司法主体的自律性、司法过程的公开性以及司法裁判的终局性等四方面的内容.时下,我国司法公信力低下.在新一轮的司法改革过程中,应当采取有效措施加强法律规则的权威性,增强法官的自律性,增加司法的透明度以及保证司法的终局性,以增强司法公信力.  相似文献   

源于北欧诸国著作权法上的著作权延伸性集体管理,将本由集体管理组织与使用者之间的作品使用合同依法延伸适用于非会员权利人。因该制度涵盖面广、可降低交易成本等显著特点,目前已成为世界各国解决数字化环境下作品海量使用授权问题的首选立法方案。我国《著作权法修订草案(送审稿)》引入了此项制度,但颇具争议。引入著作权延伸性集体管理制度符合我国国情,但需谨慎移植,删除《著作权法修订草案(送审稿)》第63条"其他方式"的表述,增加集体管理组织的通知义务;在第74条中增加,在非会员权利人起诉使用人侵权,法院判决使用人支付赔偿时,"集体管理组织应向使用人退还所收取的使用费"。  相似文献   

王若思 《法学杂志》2020,(8):120-129
对近两年司法实务判决书的实证分析,能够揭示妨害作证罪司法适用现状及其中亟待解决的理论问题。关于行为主体范围问题,因为犯罪嫌疑人、被告人不指使他人作伪证的行为是具备期待可能性的,故犯罪嫌疑人、被告人能够作为妨害作证罪的主体。关于行为类型问题,客观方面通过对罪状中"等方法"所指涉的"引诱"进行限制解释,"等方法"应当与"暴力、威胁、贿买"具有等置性;主观方面通过目的解释和体系解释,可以将"陷害自己"这一主观目的排除在妨害作证罪之外。关于犯罪形态问题,妨害作证罪是具体危险犯,可以借鉴"规范的结果性危险理论"认定具体危险犯的既遂。  相似文献   

近年来,餐饮具集中消毒行业所暴露出的问题日益突出,为了切实规范和整治南通市区餐饮具集中消毒单位,南通市卫生监督所积极探索,大胆创新,制定出符合本地区实际的有效监管措施,将餐饮服务许可制度引入行业的许可监管中。自2011年9月份起,南通市区所有餐饮具集中消毒单位须领取餐饮服务许可证,方可进入市场。截止到2011年底,市区55家单位已有15家领取了餐饮服务许可证。本文结合项目工作实践,分析了餐饮具集中消毒行业推行行政许可制度的必要性及其效果,讨论了餐饮服务许可制度在实际应用中存在的问题。  相似文献   

孤儿作品法理问题研究——中国视野下的西方经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵力 《河北法学》2012,30(5):149-155
随着数字技术和网络技术的发展,传统作品的阅读、发表、传播方式产生巨大变革.与此同时,尚未进入公有领域,而作者信息无法取得的作品大量存在.上述问题引起国际图书馆协会和机构联合会、国际语音协会等NGO的关注,同时欧美国家也针对上述问题进行立法尝试.鉴于我国数字图书馆、文献电子化的蓬勃发展,有必要审视我国著作权法问题,借鉴西方经验,完善著作权法,解决孤儿作品的可及性问题,实现文化繁荣.  相似文献   

段礼乐 《河北法学》2011,29(7):46-55
受我国经济发展阶段及产业发展规律、政策效果的可识别性、政策功能的可替换性、法律约束强度、地方政府竞争等因素的影响,产业政策在地方层面被限缩为产业转移政策。在地方政府对资本展开争夺的过程中,劳动法的空间受到挤压,表现为降低劳动者保护标准、弱化制度实施、资本绑架体制、公权功能扭曲等。应当通过提高全日制用工比重、平衡地区之间的财政落差、实现最低限度的产业政策法律化、细化劳动政策考核指标等措施强化制度的可操作性,增强劳动法的制度竞争力,更好地保护劳动者权益。  相似文献   

A central argument behind the Bayh-Dole Act presumed that firms had no incentives to invest in downstream R&D aimed at developing university inventions committed to the public domain. The empirical evidence on university patenting and licensing is partly at odds with the premises of this argument. Non-exclusive licensing of university patents has been common and lucrative, and in the area of biomedical technologies university patents and licensing restrictions may be a hindrance to downstream R&D, rather than a stimulus. The paper presents a model of R&D competition based on a university invention where appropriability conditions are defined by the patentability of downstream innovations and imitation opportunities. A comparison of equilibria under “open access” to university inventions and under “university patenting” shows that only under restrictive conditions the latter regime results in increased R&D investment and social welfare. In general, university licensing royalties are therefore a poor gauge of social welfare gains from university patenting. This is an extensive revision of the paper “University Patents, R&D Competition, and Social Welfare” presented at the conference on University Spin-Offs at the Université du Québec à Montréal on February 27th, 2004. I would like to thank the conference participants and a referee from the journal for useful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

刘磊 《知识产权》2012,(8):68-72
在药品领域引入专利保护,其目的是通过"小垄断"来激发"大竞争",即通过赋予专利权人对药品专利技术的短期垄断利益,从而在药物研制领域展开更为激烈的创新竞争,从而提高人类应对疾病的能力。然而,在市场经济中垄断的存在必然会导致产品价格的抬升。对于药品领域来说,药品专利的保护势必会由于价格提升的问题,造成人们获取药品的障碍。在专利保护框架下破除这一障碍,最有效的途径就是选择合适的专利药品价格控制策略。  相似文献   

时下国内最热门的话题莫过于互联网金融,究其原因主要是因为互联网金融不仅关涉政府部门、金融机构或互联网企业,也正在改变着社会的方方面面,包括思维方式、行为习惯和商业模式。当变革带给我们巨大便利和实惠的同时,纷繁复杂的互联网金融模式也留下了各种问题和争论,然而,在互联网金融发展的初期,法律层面的问题是我们首先需要面对和解决的。以实务的视角来看,互联网金融区别于传统金融的特征在于金额小、人数多、总量大和涉及面广,因而需要我们树立开放、包容和创新的理念,去探索适合互联网金融的法律规范模式。  相似文献   

艾佳慧 《中国法律》2008,(4):16-17,71-74
公元2008年5月12日下午2点28分,四川汶川发生8级强震.没有任何预警地瞬间吞噬了数以万计的鲜活生命,大量房屋倒塌、道路受损。整个川西地区突然陷入了灾难与恐惧之中。  相似文献   

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