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陈可 《行政与法》2012,(12):36-40
在我国社会发展的关键时期,要不断地进行社会管理创新并使其和社会的发展与经济的发展相适应。社会管理的最终目的是为了实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益。保障公民民主权利是社会管理创新的根本落脚点,社会管理创新是保障公民民主权利的重大举措,实现社会管理创新与保障公民民主权利的良性互动是学界需要研究的重大理论和实践问题。  相似文献   

This paper uses historical content analysis to examine the developmentof the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). It is argued that certain historical events led to the definition of organized crime as an alien conspiracy and helped shape the RICO law. The theoreticalframeworks of sociology of knowledge and innovation diffusion are used to relate the development of RICO to the alien conspiracy view. Thoughtof in this context, law is the result of a knowledge creation and diffusion process. This paper demonstrates how one knowledge diffusion process (the acceptance of organized crime as a national conspiracy)affected a new knowledge creation process culminating in the RICO law.  相似文献   

The channels through which firms access and acquire new and relevant knowledge for their innovative activities is a critical issue to the geography and the management of innovation. In this regard, recent studies have suggested that the mobility of workers across firms is a primary source of new knowledge for the hiring firm and, more in general, of knowledge diffusion across firms. However, little evidence has been presented and discussed about the role and the impact of workers’ mobility on the processes of knowledge transfer across firms. The present paper, thus, aims precisely at contributing to this stream of research by making use of unique data on Italian inventors’ curriculum vitae. The results of the empirical analysis indicate that the mobility of inventors is a mechanism that spurs processes of cumulative knowledge and innovation building from the departure firm to the destination one and significantly impacts on knowledge diffusion across firms.  相似文献   

This paper uses historical content analysis to examine the implementation ofthe Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). It is argued thatthe historical events leading to the definition of organized crime as an alienconspiracy still affect RICO's use some 30 years after its passage. This paper applies state-centered theory to the theoretical frameworks of sociology of knowledge and innovation diffusion. This approach is used to relate the current implementation and controversy of RICO to the alien conspiracy view. Thought of in this context, legal implementation is the result of a knowledge creation and diffusion process. This paper demonstrates how one knowledge diffusionprocess (the acceptance of organized crime as a national conspiracy in 1970) leads to a new knowledge diffusion process (the use of RICO).  相似文献   

Innovation research has been characterized by findings which are either considered unstable or inconsistent. This article addresses some of the methodological issues that arise when one attempts to test interactive models of innovation, describes how one particular algorithm — AID-3 — can be used to refine the use of general linear models, and proposes a research strategy based on a building mode of innovation theory. As such it functions as a “how to” for those interested in designing innovation studies and also as a theoretical piece aimed at re-organizing the goals and outputs of innovation research.  相似文献   

企业是社会管理的主体,在社会管理创新实践中能否有效发挥企业的基层基础作用直接关系到社会管理创新的成效,而企业履行社会责任是其充分发挥作用的关键。本文阐释了企业社会责任的内涵和国内外对企业社会责任认识的现状,分析了我国企业社会责任缺失的主要方面及成因,以此为基础,对我国企业在社会管理创新实践中如何履行社会责任提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

侯东德 《政法论丛》2020,(1):125-136
以智能理财为代表的金融创新行为值得鼓励,该行业对社会和经济产生了巨大的推动力,使得各国政府都愈发重视。由于智能理财业务模式的创新,其区别于传统投资顾问的新特征也随之出现,这种变化必将给金融行业传统的风险规制带来新的课题:监管者如何区配新的风险规制路径?要让智能理财行业实现良性发展,首先需要清楚地认识到其所具有的金融风险、技术风险和法律风险,并明确其规制路径予,让监管主体有效发挥职能。具体来说,首先需要完善信息披露制度、强化风险提示机制,完善信用体系等资本市场相关制度;其次需要强化市场准入与牌照管理,健全合格投资者制度等准入门槛;最后还需要将穿透式监管、全过程监管、科技监管等新型监管模式贯穿其中。  相似文献   

This paper offers an analysis of the influence of management behavior on the relationship between factors such as market, governance and resources of a firm, and the choice of the type of technological innovation in Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The authors develop a structural equation model and 12 hypotheses and test the model and hypotheses using a sample of 274 SOEs in China. This study discovers that the choice of innovation types among Chinese SOEs depends on the turbulence in the environment, and on the organizational resources. The key contributions of the study include: testing existing theories of innovation in the context of Chinese SOEs; studying the factors that affect product innovation and process innovation in that context; and demonstrating that market forces and internal governance simultaneously influence SOE innovation.  相似文献   

陈可 《行政与法》2013,(12):49-54
提 要:从协商民主视域创新社会管理是加强社会建设的基本要求与发展趋势.因此,充分认识协商民主视域下社会管理创新的时代价值,对协商民主视域下社会管理创新的现实问题作出分析,进一步明确协商民主对社会管理创新提出的新要求,努力探讨协商民主视域下社会管理创新的理论突破与实践选择,具有非常重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

经济社会的发展必然会带来一系列社会矛盾和问题,因此也对社会管理提出了更高的要求。本文从烟台市社会管理的实践经验入手,剖析其中存在的问题,并进一步探讨在解决社会矛盾和问题的过程中如何实现社会管理创新突破。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the debate about the role of the region in the placement and coordination of research centers linking technology-led economic development and science, technology, and innovation policy. Through a comparison of how a “conscious geography” has informed the organization of innovation + development (I + D) research centers in the US and Canada, this analysis focuses on the variation in the models of multi-scalar policy coordination deployed through the I + D research center frameworks in the US and Canada. This article begins with a discussion of the theoretical arguments behind territorial innovation systems. It continues by describing the different models of I + D research centers in the US and Canada and the role of the region in each set of policy frameworks. The third section discusses ways policy outcomes are influenced by the initial consideration of the spatial distribution of production and innovation. The article concludes with the case for a policy model which prioritizes a role for the region as a site of economic and geographic analysis and a partner in the design of a multi-scalar innovation policy.  相似文献   

Policies meant to stimulate knowledge intensive innovation, should be based on a sound and realistic view how knowledge, especially scientific and technological, is used in innovation processes, and the workings of the innovation system and the complex flow of knowledge within it. Report is given on recent attempts in the Netherlands to formulate a policy framework that avoids basic assumptions of linear models of innovation. Instead, the framework is based on the interactive and cyclical ways knowledge is used in innovation systems. In case studies it is shown that application of the framework may help in analytical clarification. It is argued that it is important to introduce the framework on an intermediary level in policy making for two main reasons. Firstly, it enables to abstract from the institutions in the research infrastructure and to bring the discussion on such a level that the philosophy behind those institutions can be questioned. Secondly, the framework brings coherence in the discussions what should be done and why. The latter particularly applies to strategic discussions, such as resource allocation between science inspired by ‘science itself’ or ‘science inspired by society.’  相似文献   

林野 《行政与法》2012,(7):65-68
社会管理体制创新既是当前乃至今后一个时期各级政府面临的主要任务,也是一项崭新的执政课题。从当前的实际来看,积极推进新型社区组织建设,是社会管理体制创新的一个有效举措。新型社区是中国式社会管理的一个新载体,因而推进新型社区建设是对社会管理创新所做的有益探索。  相似文献   

A country’s competitiveness is a complex concept that has been widely studied from different perspectives. Given that the competitive performance depends on the formation of intellectual capital and society’s capacity to innovate, economic research has identified innovation and productivity as key engines for the increase of competitiveness. There are several alternatives approaches for measuring innovation, productivity, and competitiveness. These approaches lead to different assessments, since there is no universally accepted definition and measuring technique of the aforementioned concepts. Moreover, these definitions appear to have several overlaps and this complicates the analysis of their relations. The aim of this paper is to present a methodological framework for studying the dynamic linkage among innovation, productivity, and competitiveness and explore the implications for policy and practice. For each one of these measures, an overall score is estimated, using a regression-based model that follows the principles of multi-objective mathematical programming. For the purpose of the analysis, a database containing a set of 25 indicators for 19 countries for the period 1998–2008 has been developed. The most important results include a series of contour maps and gap analysis diagrams that illustrate the evolution of the overall innovation, productivity, and competitiveness indices and compare the performance of the examined countries. These results show that, by average, there are no significant gaps among innovation, productivity, and competitiveness, although several variations may be found for particular countries. The motivation for this research from a policy and management perspective, is to explore whether, how and why certain combinations of competitiveness, productivity and innovation levels for a given country as well as across countries reveal any particular set of intrinsic strengths or weaknesses as well as more effective entry points regarding public sector (policy) interventions. A systematic profiling and comparison of competitiveness, productivity and innovation competence levels may reveal guidelines and insights for private sector (management) choices and initiatives as well.  相似文献   

A Real Options-Driven Theory of Business Incubation   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
This article employs real options-theoretic reasoning to develop a theory of business incubation. This theory seeks to predict and explain how business incubators and the process of business incubation increase the likelihood that new ventures will survive the early stages of development. It conceptualizes the incubator as an entrepreneurial firm that sources and macro-manages the innovation process within emerging organizations, infusing these organizations with resources at various developmental stage-gates while containing the cost of their potential failure. The incubator is the unit of analysis while incubation outcomes—measured in terms of incubatee growth and financial performance at the time of incubator exit—provide indicators of success. Our model of the incubation process and specification of the range of possible incubation outcomes offer implications for managerial practice and policy-making vis-à-vis incubator management and good entrepreneurial failure.  相似文献   

创新就是变旧为新,创新就是与时俱进。政府创新就是探索政府行政的新方法,新模式以适应新环境的变化和现实的挑战。我国政府创新的能力和动力严重不足,已严重制约了政府的进一步发展。本文从分析政府创新的动力角度入手,分析政府创新的动力源,力图提高政府的创新能力和竞争力,构建新型的政府模式。  相似文献   

Innovation diffusion is important for both firms’ profitability and countries’ economic growth. For these reasons, policies that aim to reduce the main barriers to innovation diffusion are a relevant issue on the agenda of most policy makers. Although the importance of this topic is widely recognized, few studies explore public policies that aim to enhance innovation diffusion. This article attempts to fill this literature gap. Specifically, the study aims to clarify the role of policy makers in promoting new technology diffusion, to identify the barriers that affect the process of innovation diffusion and that are relevant for public policy makers and to analyze potential policies to overcome the main barriers to the diffusion of new relevant technologies. This study shows that public policies must simultaneously address the most relevant barriers to the diffusion of a new technology to be effective. Focusing on only specific barriers by developing policies with a too narrow scope may lead to poor results. The study explores a topic that is almost neglected in the innovation management literature. On the one hand, the article provides a conceptual framework for analyzing public policies. On the other hand, it proposes an overview of the repertoire of policies that policy makers can use to overcome the most relevant barriers to the diffusion of a new technology. In doing so, it also contributes to the debate about the role of the policy maker in the process of innovation development and diffusion.  相似文献   

杨凯 《中国法学》2014,(3):211-228
审判管理作为目前在全国法院系统广泛推行的一种主流管理手段和方法,已历经多元化的司法改革探索实践十几年时间,无论是审判管理体制构建还是审判管理运行模式方法都有较多的实践经验和理论创新成果。但迄今为止,关于审判管理系统化理论体系的法理学构架还没有完全形成,整个审判管理运行模式仍然处于改革探索实践阶段。科学的审判管理理论体系架构和审判管理模式创新是人民法院实现司法治理理论体系和治理能力现代化的基础。本文基于法社会学、法理学与法哲学的三维视角,立足中基层法院审判管理工作的改革实践和理论创新经验,试图初步构建现代审判管理理论体系的法理架构,进而探究审判管理体制机制创新的思维路径与方法。  相似文献   

Technology management must be improved if the US is to cope in an aggressively competitive international marketplace. It is becoming increasingly clear that investing in technologically advanced plant and equipment alone is not enough to compete successfully. To raise levels of efficiency and effectiveness in technology management, firms must develop a multi-dimensional approach to solving problems associated with manufacturing process. A way to capture scenarios for decision-making is through expert systems—programs that have wide bases of knowledge in restricted domains and utilize complex inferential reasoning to perform tasks that human beings could accomplish, but less efficiently. These systems contain a great deal of knowledge about a specific problem areas and disciplines. They also allow expertise to be distributed throughout the firms, raising competence levels and the productivity of non-experts.  相似文献   

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