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The analysis of bitemarks has a significant bearing on forensic odontology and has attracted an increasingly sophisticated array of techniques in its evaluation. Two postulates underlie all bitemark analyses: firstly, that the characteristics of the anterior teeth involved in the bite are unique, and secondly, that this uniqueness is accurately recorded in the material bitten. Here, we investigate the question of the uniqueness of the anterior dentition. To do this, we use geometric morphometric techniques based on landmark and semilandmark data. The incisor and canine occlusal surfaces of 50 randomly selected orthodontic casts of young individuals (17-20 years) of both sexes form the material for this study. We analyzed the sizes of these teeth by means of landmark and semilandmark analysis to calculate Procrustes distances between tooth outlines. In order to analyze shape variation among individuals, we carried out principal components analyses on the partial warp scores. These are derived from Partial Procrustes coordinates aligned by means of thin-plate spline decomposition based on the bending energy matrix. The results indicate that there is no sexual dimorphism in the shape of the upper or lower arches. Plots of centroid size and first relative warps show less superposition among individuals than in shape analysis. This means that, when the size and shape are considered together, the difference between arches increases. Procrustes superimposition between the two individuals located most closely (0.0444) and the two most separated (0.1567) along the first axis of relative warp analyses show that individuals are not only differentiated by the relative position of their teeth but also by their arch shape. In conclusion, it appears that the incisal surfaces of the anterior dentition are in fact unique.  相似文献   

One of the four pillars of the anthropological protocol is the estimation of sex. The protocol generally consists of linear metric analysis or visually assessing individual skeletal traits on the skull and pelvis based on an ordinal scale of 1-5, ranging from very masculine to very feminine. The morphologic traits are then some how averaged by the investigator to estimate sex. Some skulls may be misclassified because of apparent morphologic features that appear more or less robust due to size differences among individuals. The question of misclassification may be further exemplified in light of comparisons across populations that may differ not only in cranial robusticity but also in stature and general physique. The purpose of this study is to further examine the effect of size and sex on craniofacial shape among American populations to better understand the allometric foundation of skeletal traits currently used for sex estimation. Three-dimensional coordinates of 16 standard craniofacial landmarks were collected using a Microscribe-3DX digitizer. Data were collected for 118 American White and Black males and females from the W.M. Bass Donated Collection and the Forensic Data Bank. The MANCOVA procedure tested shape differences as a function of sex and size. Sex had a significant influence on shape for both American Whites (F = 2.90; d.f. = 19, 39; p > F = 0.0024) and Blacks (F = 2.81; d.f. = 19, 37; p > F = 0.0035), whereas size did not have a significant influence on shape in either Whites (F = 1.69; d.f. = 19, 39; p > F = 0.08) or Blacks (F = 1.09; d.f. = 19, 37; p > F = 0.40). Therefore, for each sex, individuals of various sizes were statistically the same shape. In other words, while significant differences were present between the size of males and females (males on average were larger), there was no size effect beyond that accounted for by sex differences in size. Moreover, the consistency between American groups is interesting as it suggests that population differences in sexual dimorphism may result more from human variation in size than allometric variation in craniofacial morphology.  相似文献   

Criticisms of the forensic discipline of bitemark analysis state that the range of distortion in the shape of bitemark impressions in skin has not been scientifically established. No systematic statistical studies exist that explore this problem. As a preliminary investigation of this issue, a single dentition was mounted in a mechanical apparatus and used to create 89 bitemarks in human cadaver skin, both parallel and perpendicular to tension lines. Impressions of the same dentition were also created in wax. 2D scanned images of the biting dentition were obtained. Locations of incisal edges of all 6 anterior teeth as well as the midpoint of the canine were captured as landmarks in all specimens. This set of landmark data was then studied using established geometric morphometric methods. All specimen shapes were compared using Procrustes superimposition methods, and by a variation of Procrustes superimposition which preserves scale information. Match criteria were established by examining the range of variation produced by repeated measurements of the dentition for each class of specimen. The bitemarks were also compared to a population of 411 digitally scanned dentitions, again using the match criteria. Results showed that bitemarks in wax had lower measurement error than scanned images of the dentition, and both were substantially lower than measurement error as recorded in skin. None of the 89 bitemarks matched the measured shape of the biting dentition or bitemarks in wax, within the repeated measurements error level, despite the fact that all bitemarks were produced by this dentition. Comparison of the bitemarks to the collection of 411 dentitions showed that the closest match to the bitemarks was not always the same dentition that produced the bitemarks. Examination of Procrustes plots of matched shapes showed non-overlapping distributions of measurements of bitemarks in skin, wax, and the dentition. All had statistically significant differences in mean shape. Principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical variates analysis (CVA) both showed clear segregation of the three types of data. The patterns of variance revealed by PCA showed several distinct patterns produced by skin distortion; alteration of relative arch width, and varying displacement of non-aligned teeth in the dentition. These initial results indicate that when multiple suspects possess similar dentitions, bitemark analysis should be approached with caution.  相似文献   

The United States (U.S.) population structure is currently in a state of flux with one of the most profound changes being the increasing number of people referred to as Hispanic. In the U.S., much of the identification criteria for a biological profile are based on American Black and White individuals from anatomical collections. Using metric data from the Forensic Anthropology Data Bank (FDB), this paper will attempt to explore several issues that forensic anthropologists face when confronted with Hispanic remains. These will involve estimation of sex, height, and ancestry, the initial components of a biological profile. Discriminant function analyses indicate that American White criteria provide poor estimations of sex when applied to Hispanics and that ancestry estimation of Hispanic crania is difficult. Additionally, a new linear regression equation is presented that estimates stature for Hispanic individuals, although population specific criteria are still needed for Hispanic individuals from diverse geographical origins.  相似文献   

This study has been carried out to examine whether the Suchey-Brooks (S&B) methods could be successfully applied in age assessment of populations from the Balkans. The known-age sample consists of 33 females and 52 males pairs of pubic bones collected from the autopsy cases. Age estimation by S&B method showed an accuracy of 89.74% in males and 72.0% in females. Statistical analysis showed a positive correlation between the actual age of the investigated individuals and age phases obtained by the S&B method, although the mean values of the sixth age category differed significantly compared with the original model. The most reliable indicators in both sexes were the relief of the symphyseal surface, lipping, symphyseal rim, and dorsal margin. The discriminating power of these indicators was the least reliable in distinguishing S&B phases 2 and 3. Based on these results, the appropriate recommendations for aging Serbian populations are made. There was a good agreement between two observers (kappa=0.726).  相似文献   

The authors studied sexually dimorphic differences in coxal shape using geometric morphometric analysis of 15 osteometric landmarks recorded by multislice computed tomography (MSCT), based on three-dimensional reconstructions of 65 Caucasian adults. Geometric morphometric analysis, principal component analysis, canonical variates analysis, and other discriminant analysis (Goodall's F-test and Mahalanobis distance) were performed for the three separate bones of the left innominate (pubis, ilium, and ischium), the modified pubis (pubis and ischiopubic ramus), the modified ilium (ilium and ischial spine), three bone complexes (ischiopubic, iliopubic, and ilio-ischial), and the complete innominate. A cross-validation test was also performed. All areas studied were dimorphic, but results for sexual dimorphism in decreasing order were as follows: the modified pubis, followed by the ischiopubic complex, the iliopubic complex and the complete innominate, the pubis, the modified ilium, the ilio-ischial complex, the ilium, and finally the ischium. These results show the potential of this approach for future anthropological research.  相似文献   

Prior research indicates that while statistically significant differences exist between subcategories of the adult soft tissue depth data, magnitudes of difference are small and possess little practical meaning when measurement errors and variations between measurement methods are considered. These findings raise questions as to what variables may or may not hold meaning for the sub-adult data. Of primary interest is the effect of age, as these differences have the potential to surpass the magnitude of measurement error. Data from the five studies in the literature on sub-adults which describe values for single integer age groups were pooled and differences across the ages examined. From 1 to 18 years, most soft tissue depth measurements increased by less than 3 mm. These results suggest that dividing the data for children into more than two age groups is unlikely to hold many advantages. Data were therefore split into two groups with the division point corresponding to the mid-point of the observed trends and main data density (0-11 and 12-18 years; division point = 11.5 years). Published sub-adult data for seven further studies which reported broader age groups were pooled with the data above to produce the final tallied soft tissue depth tables. These tables hold the advantages of increased sample sizes (pogonion has greater than 1770 individuals for either age group) and increased levels of certainty (as random and opposing systematic errors specific to each independent study should average out when the data are combined).  相似文献   

Radiology is increasingly being used as a means of postmortem identification. We have devised a shadow positioning technique by which a postmortem radiograph of a skeletal part can exactly duplicate an antemortem radiograph, thus, faciliating identification by comparison of the antemortem and postmortem radiographs. The antemortem radiograph can be of any skeletal part and taken in any position.  相似文献   

目的在前期动物实验基础上,结合电击死人体尸检病理组织学观察,确定电击死鉴定最佳的组织取材部位。方法选取23例明确"手-足路径"电击死者,明确死于交通事故颅脑损伤和冠心病猝死者各10例为对照组。所有案例提取双腕上前内侧、双踝上后部等部位软组织,观察并分析其骨骼肌(Sk MCs)和动脉血管平滑肌细胞(ASMCs)的核轴比变化。结果 23例电击死案例,年龄19~59岁,男性19例、女性4例;高压电击死3例,日用低压电击死20例;7例出现典型电流斑(31.18%);5例出现胸膜电击纹(22.7%)。电击死组的前腕、内踝的Sk MCs和ASMCs细胞核拉长、扭曲,呈波浪样、栅栏状排列,其核轴比与对照组相同部位比较,有显著性差异(P<0.001),而且ROC曲线分析,Sk MCs和ASMCs的核轴比的诊断临界值为分别4.84、3.81。结论在"手-足路径"电击死的最佳取材部位应为机体电流路径中最狭窄位置,即腕、踝部位,该部位Sk MCs和ASMCs细胞核的极向性拉长、靠近呈串珠状或直线状排列,为最具特征性和诊断价值的电损伤形态学变化。  相似文献   

To the best of our knowledge, the first case of successful personal identification based on the characteristic finding of a metallic Z-stent, unexpectedly discovered in the common bile duct, is reported. An unknown human male cadaver was found at the seaside. The age was estimated to be ~50–70 years and the postmortem interval was considered to be ~2 weeks. There was a small surgical scar of 1.5 cm in diameter in the epigastrium. The cadaver was group A in the ABO blood group system. Internally, the following severe injuries were observed: the dislocation of the occipito-atlantal joint, fractures of the cervical and thoracic portions of the spinal column, multiple fractures of the bilateral ribs, and ruptures of the spleen, left kidney and liver. Furthermore, a 4.5 cm long metallic stent was found in the common bile duct, and the gallbladder was not thoroughly identified because of the severely tight adhesion of the surrounding tissues. In every cut surface of the liver, multiple bile plaques, signifying the presence of long-standing cholestasis, were conspicuous. A microscopic examination revealed the invasion of cancer cells into the liver, which was diagnosed as well or moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, although the primary origin of the adenocarcinoma could not be determined. The cause of his death was diagnosed as traumatic shock. According to the police investigation after the autopsy, it was revealed that a 60-year-old male, suffering from gallbladder carcinoma, had disappeared. His medical chart disclosed that his blood group was A and that a metallic Z-stent had been inserted in the common bile duct in order to dilate the stenotic duct because of the invasion of the gallbladder carcinoma, and that he had never received cholecystectomy. The male's X-ray films revealed that the metallic Z-stent found at autopsy was identical with the one placed in the common bile duct by percutaneous transhepatic cholangial drainage (PTCD) procedures. The cadaver, therefore, could be identified as this missing 60-year-old male. Finally, it is recognized that forensic pathologists should have as much knowledge as possible of advanced modern iatrotechniques (surgical procedures, appliances, etc.) in order properly to perform a personal identification of unknown cadavers or people in whom the evidences of such modern iatrotechniques are found.  相似文献   

A discriminant function analysis based on seven postcranial measurements for the metric assessment of race is presented. A sample from the Terry Collection (NMNH) was used to create independent functions for African-American males and females, and European-American males and females. The functions were tested using known forensic cases from the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology and the C.A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory. Based on the Terry Collection sample, correct classification of race for males was 87.0%, and for females 100.0%. For the independent test population, correct classification for males was 81.8%, and for females only 57.1%. The low classification for females is most likely due to sample bias.  相似文献   

One of the stages of dealing with biological material submitted to forensic laboratories is species identification. The aim of the present work was to validate and assess the possibility of applying sequence analysis of the region coding cytochrome b as a method of species identification in the field of forensic science. DNA originating from individuals from major phyla of vertebrates was isolated by the organic method from various specimens. Extracted DNA was subjected to PCR and direct cycle sequencing using a universal pair of primers. The validation process, performed according to TWGDAM recommendations, revealed that the technique is a very sensitive and reliable method of species identification allowing analysis of tiny amounts of material and also degraded material, and can be useful in the field of forensic genetics. The case example presented here, concerning the determination of species origin of biological evidence collected from fatal road accident, confirms that analysis can be carried out even when there is no reference sample, and the sequences obtained can be assessed through analysis of their similarity to sequences for cytochrome b present in DNA databases.  相似文献   

目的利用腭皱模型分析法评价腭皱形态的个体独特性及正畸治疗前后腭皱形态的稳定性,探索腭皱形态在法医齿科学个体识别应用中的可靠性。方法分别收集70例正畸治疗前、后的上颌模型。通过模型测量分析对腭皱形态及个体识别进行检测,包括数量、方向、形状及长度的变化和近、远中侧端点分别在近远中向及前后方向上的位移。同时对正畸治疗前、后及正畸治疗后与其复制后腭皱模型进行配对检测,计算其平均正确配对率(%)。结果 (1)正畸治疗后腭皱数量、方向、形状及长度均有变化,表现为长度变化(28.6%);分裂(4.3%);联合(2.9%);方向变化(1.4%);形状变化(1.4%)。并且治疗后腭皱远中端点的前后向位移变化占45.7%,近远中向位移占40%;而腭皱近中端在在前后向和在近远中向上位移变化分别为32.9%和17.1%。(2)正畸治疗前组及正畸治疗后组不同个体均未发现相同的腭皱模式。(3)正畸治疗前、后模型的腭皱平均正确配对率为92.19%。而治疗后模型与复制后模型的腭皱平均正确配对率是99.05%。结论腭皱形态具有高度的个体特异性,尽管正畸治疗后腭皱的形态有一定变化,但仍可作为一种新的方法应用于法医齿科的同一认定。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(5):594-601
The need for digital forensic science (DFS) services has grown due to widespread and consistent engagement with technology by members of society. Whilst digital evidence often plays an important role in many inquiries, available investigative resources have failed to keep pace with such demand for them. As a result, the use case prioritisation models for backlog/workload management are of increasing importance to ensure the effective deployment of laboratory resources. This work focuses on the concept of ​​case prioritisation in a digital forensic laboratory setting, following the submission of exhibits for examination, where this workflow is described. The challenges of case management and prioritisation in laboratories are discussed, with both ‘case acceptance’ and ‘case prioritisation’ procedures explained. Finally, the ‘Hierarchy of Case Priority’ (HiCaP) - a transparent, risk-based approach for the prioritisation of cases for examination, is proposed and described using examples.  相似文献   

For street samples suspected of containing the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors sildenafil (Viagra(?)) and/or vardenafil (Levitra(?)), including powders or adulterated herbal supplements, a chemical analysis is needed to provide confirmatory identification of these illegally procured substances. Sildenafil and vardenafil are structurally similar and it is difficult to differentiate between them, as previous mass spectrometric studies have shown the two drugs to produce similar fragmentation patterns. The use of tandem mass spectrometry can produce confirmatory data, but the technique requires a high level of technical expertise. We have developed an electrospray ionization-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (ESI-LC-MS) method that allows differentiation between these two structurally similar molecules via in-source fragmentation in combination with an ion trap mass spectrometer. A very stable gas phase ion is formed during in-source fragmentation of vardenafil; the combination of the stability of this ion and the longer residence time for the ion in the ion trap results in a very strong signal. This feature results in a method that can provide clear differentiation between sildenafil and vardenafil while at the same time requiring less expertise from the routine analyst to confirm the presence or absence of the two compounds.  相似文献   

A method for identifying the group appurtenance of biological objects from subjects suffering from various diseases is developed. The method can be used in examination of putrefactive objects (blood, secretions, hair, etc.) and in cases when the group appurtenance cannot be identified by other methods.  相似文献   

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