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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 62 毫秒
Book reviewed in this article.
T he S tudy of P olitical B ehaviour . By D. E. B utler .
T he F oundations of P olitical T heory . By H. R. G. G reaves .
T he T heory of C ommittees and E lections . By D uncan B lack .
C onviction . Edited by N orman M ackenzie .
O ppression and L iberty . By S imone W eil .
T he H uman C ondition . By H annah A rendt .
L abour and P olitics , 1900–1906. A H istory of the L abour R epresentation C ommittee . By F. B ealey and H. P elling .
T he B ritish C ommunist P arty . A H istorical P rofile . By H. P elling .
E ssays on "T he W elfare S tate ." By R. M. T itmuss .
T he M inistry of P ensions and N ational I nsurance . By S ir G eoffrey S. K ing .
N ationalisation in B ritain . T he E nd of a D ogma . By R. K elf -C ohen .
N ational W ages P olicy in W ar and P eace . By B. C. R oberts .
T he B ackground to C urrent A ffairs . By D esmond C rowley .
T he V ichy R eagime , 1940–1944. By R obert A ron , in collaboration with G eorgette E lgey . Translated by H umphrey H are .
Q uai d'orsay (1945–1951). By J acques D umaine , with a Preface by F rancois M auriac . Translated by A lan D avidson .
T he C oming C aesars . By A maury de R iencourt .
P roblems of the N ew C ommonwealth . By S ir I vor J ennings .
A ustralian A ccent . By J. D. P ringle .
T he F irebrand . By W illiam K ilbourn .
SHORTER NOTICES T he B ritish S ystem of T axation .
W hat is the C ommonwealth ?
E conomic D evelopment in the C ommonwealth .
N ew U niversity . By J ack S immons .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1961,32(2):193-207
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C onstitutional S tructure of the C ommonwealth . By K. C. W heare .
T he I ntellectual O rigins of E gyptian N ationalism By J amal M ohammed ahmed .
C orruption in W ashington . By B lair B olles .
T he R ising A merican E mpire . By R. W. V an A lstyne .
L ugard : T he Y ears of A uthority , 1898–1945. By M argery P erham .
T he C ity . By M ax W eber . Translated and edited by D on M artindale and G ertrud N euwirth .
M ax W eber , A n I ntellectual P ortrait . By R einhard B endix .
T he F rench R adical P arty : F rom H erriot to M endegs -F rance . By F rancis D e T arr .
C ommand D ecisions : Office of the Chief of Military History, United States Department of the Army.
M odern B ritain , 1885–1955. By H enry P elling .
T he Two N ations . A spects of the D evelopment of R ace R elations in the R hodesias and N yasaland . By R ichard G ray .
A M anual of I nternational L aw . By G eorg S chwarzenberger . Two vols. Fourth Edition.
M ust L abour L ose ? By M ark A brams and R ichard R ose , with a Commentary by R ita H inden . Penguin Special.
T he O verseas S tudent I n B ritain . By A. S. L ivingstone .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1958,29(2):178-204
Book reviewed in this article.
T he T ransfer of P ower in I ndia. By V. P. M enon .
C onstitutional D evelopments in I ndia. By C. H. A lexandrowicz.
T he I talian L ocal E lections 1956. St. Antony's Papers Number 3. By R oy P ryce, Fellow of St. Antony's College.
T he D ouble P atriots : A S tudy of J apanese N ationalism. By R ichard S torry.
C entral A dministration in B ritain. By W. J. M. M ackenzie and J. W. G rove .
S overeignty: A n I nquiry into the P olitical G ood. By B ertrand de J ouvenel. Translated by J. F. H untingdon.
G reat C ities of T he W orld. Edited by W illiam A. R obson. Second edition.
R ural L ocal G overnment in S weden , I taly and I ndia. By H arold Z ink , A. W ahlstrand , F. B envenuti and R. B haskaran.
P akistan: A P olitical S tudy. By K eith C allard, Associate Professor of Political Science, MCGill University.
P akistan. By A lan G ledhill, Professor of Oriental Laws, University of London. T he B ritish C ommonwealth S eries : T he D evelopment of I ts L aws and C onstitutions. Volume 8.
F rench E lectoral S ystems and E lections 1789–1957. By P eter C ampbell.
T he B oards of the N ationalised I ndustries. By L ord S imon of W ythenshawe.
B ritish P ressure G roups. By J. D. S tewart.
T he G eneral S trike. By J ulian S ymons.
A B reviate of P arliamentary P apers , 1900–1916. The Foundation of the Welfare State. By P. and G. F ord .
G uide to R esources for C ommonwealth S tudies in L ondon , O xford , and C ambridge . By A. R. H ewitt .
N ot by B read A lone . By V ladimir D udinstev .
I nternational L aw . Volume 1. By G eorg S chwarnzeberger .
P arliament . By S ir I vor J ennings .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1976,47(3):344-368
O il , P ower AND P olitics . C onflict I n A rabia , T he R ed S ea A nd T he G ulf . By M ordechai A bir .
A rab S tates O f T he L ower G ulf . P eople , P olitics , P etroleum . By J ohn D uke A nthony .
T he N ew O il S takes . By J ean -M arie C hevalier .
O il A nd P olitics . By H enry M adelin . Translated from the French by M argaret T otman .
A P lain M an's G uide T o O i . By P hilip W indsor .
T he S even S isters . T he G reat O il C ompanies A nd T he W orld T hey M ade . By A nthony S ampson .
T he C ritical P hase I n T anzania 1945–1968. N yerere A nd T he H eagence O f A S ocialist S trategy . By C ranford P ratt .
I ndustrial R elations I n F leet S treet . By K eith S isson .
T he F oreign P olicy P rocess in B ritaik . By W illiam W allace .
L loyd G eorge . By P eter R owland .
T he P olitics of R eappraisal 1918–1939. Edited by G illian P eele and C hris C ook .
B ritish G overnment 1966–1975: Y ears of R eform . By F raxk S tacey .
L essons of U lster . By T. E. U tley .
T he O rigim of U lster U nionism . By P eter G ibbon .
T he E dwardiass : T he R emakixg OF B ritish S ociety . By P agl T hompson .
N onconformity in M odern B ritish P olitics . By S tephen K oss .
B ritish P ublic O pinion and the A byssinian W ar 1935–36. By D aniel W aley .
P ower A nd P arty B ureaucracy in B ritain . By D avid J. W ilsox .
T he C ommonwealth . By P eter B. H arris .
T he O ffice of P rime M inister . By R obert B lake .
T he T iger : T he L ife of G eorces C leyenceau 1841–1929. By E dgar H olt .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1961,32(3):284-311
Book reviewed in this article:
T he L ong R evolution . By R aymond W illiams .
M an's P icture of H is W orld . By R. E. M oney -K yrle .
S ociology : A S ystematic I ntroduction . By H arry M. J ohnson .
T elevision and the P olitical I mage . A study of the impact of television on the 1959 General Election. By J oseph T renaman and D enis M c Q uail .
P arliament and P ublic O wnership . By A. H. H anson .
T he S upreme C ommand , 1914–1918. By L ord H ankey .
E conomic A id to U nderdeveloped C ountries . By F. B enham .
I ndian E conomic P olicy and D evelopment . By P. T. B auer .
A H istory of I ndia . By M ichael E dwardes .
J omo K enyatta . By G eorge D elf .
T anganyika and I nternational T rusteeship . By B. T. G. C hidzero .
A frican A ffairs : S t A ntony 's P apers No. 10. Edited by K enneth K irkwood .
W hite to M ove ? By P aul F oster .
T he S panish C ivil W ar . By H ugh T homas .
I slam and the I ntegration of S ociety . By W. M ontgomery W att .
T hree K ings in B aghdad . By G erald de G aury . [ Hutchinson . 232pp. 25s.] M iddle E astern A ffairs , No. 2.
M iddle E ast I ssues . By D avid E nnals and I ain C ampbell .
T he E mancipation of F rench I ndo -C hina . By D onald L ancaster .
T ropical A frica . By G eorge H. T. K imble .
T he B asic W ritings of B ertrand R ussell . Edited by R obert E. E gner and L ester E. D enonn .
A P rime M inister R emembers . By F rancis W illiams .
E mpire into C ommonwealth . By T he R t . H on . E arl A ttlee .
T he M ajor G overnments of M odern E urope . By H erman F iner .
L ondon and the O utbreak of the P uritan R evolution . C ity G overnment and N ational P olitics 1625–43. By V alerie P earl .
L abour R elations and C onditions of W ork in B ritain .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1965,36(2):228-231
Book reviewed in this article:
S ystems of I ntegrating the I nternational C ommunity . Edited by E lmer P lischke .
T he R ole of T heory in I nternational R elations . Edited by H orace V. H arrison .
A ction and R eaction in W orld P olitics . By R ichard N. R osecrance .
W alter L ippmann's P hilosophy of I nternational P olitics . By A nwar S yed .
U nited N ations F orces . By D. W. B owett .
T he B ureaucratic P henomenon . By M ichel C rozier .
P olitics in G hana , 1946–1960. By D ennis A ustin .
L ocal G overnment in G hana . By J. K. N sarkoh .
T he C ongo S ince I ndependence : J anuary 1960 to D ecember 1961. By C atherine H oskyns .
D ocuments on C hina's R elations with S outh and S outh -E ast A sia 1949–1962. Edited by G. V. A mbekar and V. D. D ivekar
S outheast A sia , I llusion and R eality in P olitics and E conomics . By L ennox A. M ills
G overnments and P olitics of S outheast A sia . Edited by G eorge M c T urnan K ahin . S aul R ose
T he C onservative P arty in O pposition , 1945–51. By J. D. H offman .
P lekhanov . T he F ather of R ussian M arxism . By S amuel H. B aron .
M en and W ork : T he A utobiography of L ord C itrine .
A D ictionary of the S ocial S ciences . Edited by J ulius G ould and W illiam L. K olb .
E nglish C onstitutional T heory and the H ouse of L ords 1556 to 1832. By C orinne C omstock W eston .
T he G enesis of P arliamentary R eform . By G. S. V eitch
C hartist P ortraits . By G. D. H. C ole .
T he E ssentials of P arliament D emocracy . By R. B assett .
G reat B ritain and G hana D ocuments of G hana H istory 1807–1957. By G. E. M etcalfe .
T he S ocialist C ommonwealth of N ations . Organisation and Institutions. By K azimierz G rzybowski .
B ritish P olitics and the A merican R evolution . By B ernard D onoughue .  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
R ise and F ulfilment of B ritish R ule in I ndia . By E dward T hompson and G. T. G arratt .
T he E conomics of A bundances . By S tuart C hase .
C ivitis D ei . By L. C urtis
B ritish C ommonwealth R elations C onference , 1933. Edited by A. T oynbee .
E conomic O rganization of the B ritish C oal I ndustry . By A ndrew M artin N euman . With a Foreword by S ir H erbert S amuel .
C oal and M en . By H arold M. W atkins . with a foreword by P rosser J ohn R. C ommons .
T he E ncyclopædia of the S ocial S cience , Vols, VIII., IX., X. and XI.
A H istory of N ational S ocialism . By C onrad H eiden .
G eramany U nmasked . By R obert D ell .
F ascism and S ocial R evolution . By R. P alme D utt .
H itler's O fficial P rogramme . By G ottfried F eder .
T he C ensor, the D rama, and the F ilm , 1900-1934. By D orothy K nowles . With a prefae by H ubert G ripfith .
U nbalanced B udgets . By H ugh D alton , B rinley T homas , J. N. R eedman , T. J. H ughes and W. J. L eaming .
T he S tate and E conomic L ife : R ecords of an I nternational C onference . Publided by the I nternationalinstitute of I ntellectual C o-operation .
S tudies in W orld E conomics . By G. D. H. C ole .
M astering the C rises . By P rof. I rving F isher .
T own and R egional D evelopment . By H. C hapman .
P refaces by B ernard S haw .
T he G reat D epression . By P rofessor L ionel R obbins
S ome A spects of the C onvent of the L eague of N ations . By S ir J ohn F ischer W illiams .
T he D evelopment of I nternational L aw by the P ermanent C ourt of I nternational justice . By H. L auterpacht .
T rade U nion and the S tate . By W. M ilne -B ailey .
R eport on C ollective A greements B etween E mployers and W orkpeople in G reat B ritain and N orthern I reland . Vol. I.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1962,33(3):321-343
Book reviewed in this article:
D ag H amwrskjold . A biography by J oseph P. L ash
A sia in the E uropean A ge 1498–1955. By M ichael E dwardes
A sia in the B alance By M ichael E dwardes
I ndonesia and the D utch By L eslie P almier .
B ritain and C hina . By E van L uard .
T he wall H as T wo S ides By F elix G reene
S ocialism and W ar . A survey of Chinese criticism of the policy of coexistence. By E dvard K ardelj . Translated from the Serb Croatian by A lec B rown .
T he K remlin S ince S talin . By W olfgang L eonhard Translated by E lizabeth W iskemann and M arian J ackson
I deology and P ower in S oviet P olitics . By Z bigniew K. B rzezinski .
A nglo -S oviet R elations 1917–1921. V olume I. I ntervention and the W ar . By richard H. U llman .
D efence or R etaliation By H elmut S chmidt .
T he P olitics of W estern D efence By F. W. M ulley .
T he D epartment of S cientific and I ndustrial R esearch . By S ir H arry M elville
T he B ritish C abinet . By J ohn P. W ckintosh .
P arliament AT W ork . By A. H. H anson and H. V. W iseman .
Q uestions in P arliament . By D. N. C hester and N ona B owring .
A B reviate of P arliamentary P apers , 1940–1954. W ar and R econstruction . By P. and G. F ord .
W ilkes and L ibert y: A S ocial S tudy of 1763 TO 1774. By G eorge R udé .
B ritish G uiana . By R aymond T. S mith .
T he U nited S tates and the U nited N ations . Edited by F rances O. W ilcox and H. F ield H aviland , J r .
T he D ictionary of N ational B iography : T he C oncise D ictionary , PART 11, 1901–1950.
T he E limination of C orrupt P ractices in B ritish E lections 1868–1911. By C ornelius O ilwry .
D emocracy and the C ost of P olitics in B ritain . By W illiam B. G wyn .
T he F irst R ussian R evisionists . A Study of Legal Marxism in Russia. By R ichard K indersley .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1964,35(4):469-498
Book reviewed in this article:
B eginning A gain : A n A utobiography of the Y ears 1911 to 1918. By L eonard W oolf .
P aths of A merican T hought . Edited by A rthur M. S chlesinger , J r . and M orton W hite .
T he R ise of S ocial D emocracy in R ussia . By J. L. H. K eep .
T he S oviet F amily . By D. and V. M ace .
T he N ew C ommonwealth and I ts C onstitutions . By S. A. de S mith .
B ureaucracy and P olitical D evelopment . Edited by J oseph la P alombara .
T he C ivic C ulture , P olitical A ttitudes and D emocracy in F ive N ations . By G. A. A lmond and S. V erba .
S tate and N ation . By B enjamin A kzin .
E volution or C haos : D ynamics of L atin A merican G overnment and P olitics . By K. M. S chmitt and D. D. B urks .
T he N ew S tates of A sia . By M ichael B recher .
T he M anagement of the B ritish E conomy 1945–60. By J. C. R. D ow .
T he R eform of P arliament . By B ernard C rick .
C abinet R eform in B ritain , 1914–63. By H ans D aalder .
B ritish P olitics in the S uez C risis . By L eon D. E pstein .
S outh A frica's R ule of V iolence . By P atrick D uncan .
T he N ew T owns —T he A nswer to M egalopolis . By S ir F rederick O sborn and A rnold W hittick .
K orea : T he L imited W ar . By D avid R ees .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T he U niversity T eaching of S ocial S ciences : P olitical S cience . A Report prepared by W illiam A. R obson .
T he U niversity T eaching of S ocial S ciences : I nternational R elations . A Report prepared by C. A. W. M anning .
A n E ssay on R acial T ension . By P hilip M ason .
S cience and S ocial A ction . By W. J. H. S prott . ( Watts. 164 pp. 15 s .)
T he P sychology of P olitics . By H. J. E ysenck .
G ladstone : A B iography . By P hilip M agnus .
T empestuous J ourney : L loyd G eorge , his L ife and T imes . By F rank O wen .
G eneral U nion : A Study of the National Union of General and Municipal Workers. By H. A. C legg .
T he S ystem of I ndustrial R elations in G reat B ritian . Edited by A llan F landers and H. A. C legg .
A n I ntroduction to A merican P olitics . By D. W. B rogan .
F ive H undred B orstal B oys . By A. G. R ose .
I nternational R elations : T he W orld C ommunity in T ransition . By N orman D. P almer and H oward C. P erkins .
T he S py W eb : A S tudy in C ommunist E spionage . By F rancis N oel -B aker .
S ocial S ecurity in T he B ritish C ommonwealth . Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. By R onald M endelsohn .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1957,28(2):188-204
Book reviewed in this article.
D evelopment for F ree A sia . By M aurice Z inkin .
O ut of the G un . By D enis W arner .
T he N ew D imensions of P eace . By C hester B owles .
E ssays in S ociology and S ocial P hilosophy . Vol. I O n the D iversity of M orals ; Vol. II R eason and U nreason in S ociety . By M orris G insberg .
G erman S ociology . By R aymond A ron .
A C entury of F amily L aw : 1857–1957. Editors R. H. G raveson and F. R. C rane .
S t . A ntony's P apers . Number One. S oviet A ffairs .
A tomic W eapons and E ast -W est R elations . By P. M. S. B lackett .
A tomic Q uest . By A rthur H. C ompton .
R ocket . By A ir C hief M arshal S ir P hilip J oubert de la F erteg .
F abian I nternational E ssays . Edited by T. E. M. McK itterrick and K enneth Y ounger .
T he B ritish C ommonwealth . By F rank H. Underhill .
L aw and O rders . By S ir C arleton K emp A llen .
T he S uez C anal.
T he S chool T eachers. By A. T ropp.
E uropean R efugees: 1939–1952. A S tudy in F orced P opulation M ovement. By M alcolm J. P roudfoot.  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1983,54(4):399-419
Book reviewed in this article:
T he E nergy D ebate . Edited by D erek E zra .
T he P rice O f N uclear P ower . By C olin S weet .
I ssues I n T he S izewell "B" I nquiry . Edited by D avid L owry and I an G amble . [ Polytechnic of the South Bank
E nvironmental G roups I n P olitics . By P hilip L owe and J ane G oyder .
A nti -N uclear P rotest : T he O pposition T o N uclear E nergy I n F rance . By A lain T ouraine et al . Trans. P eter F awcett .
R ationality A nd R itual : T he W indscale I nquiry A nd N uclear D ecisions I n B ritain. By B rian W ynne.
T he I nternational L aw of H uman R ights . by P aul S ieghart .
S teering T he P olity : C ommunication A nd P olitics I n israel . By I tzhak G alnoor .
B etween B attles A nd B allots : I sraeli M ilitary I n P olitics . By Y oram P eri .
S himon P eres : A B iography . By M atti G olan . Translated from the Hebrew by I an F riedman .
T he B irth O f N ato . B y S ir N icholas H enderson .
T he P olitics O f T he N ational H ealth S ervice . B y R udolf K lein .
D og -C ollar D emocracy : T he I ndustrial C hristian F ellowship 1919-1929. B y G erald S tuddert -K ennedy .
L ord S winton . B y J. A. C ross .
B ritain's N aval F uture . B y J ames C able .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1960,31(4):509-524
Book reviewed in this article:
T he E dge of the S word . By C harles de G aulle . Translated from the French by G erard H opkins .
F rance : T he N ew R epublic . By R aymond A ron .
F rance : T roubled A lly : D e G aulle's H eritage and P rospects . By E dgar S. F urniss , J r .
D e G aulle's R epublic . By P hilip M. W illiams and M artin H arrison .
T he F ifth F rench R epublic . By D orothy P ickles .
N either W ar nor P eace . By H ugh S eton -W atson .
T he B ritish G eneral E lection of 1959. By D. E. B utler and R ichard R ose .
F ive E lections in A frica . Edited by W. J. M. M ackenzie and K enneth R obinson .
E lections in D eveloping C ountries . By T. E. S mith .
T he H undred F lowers . By R oderick M ac F arquhar .
T rade U nions and the L abour P arty . By M artin H arrison .
T rade U nions and the G overnment . By V. L. A llen .
T rade U nions , the E mployer and the S tate . By H enry W elton .
W orkers and T echnical C hange . By O live B anks .
T he P olitics of M ass S ociety . By W illiam K ornhauser .
O ut of A pathy . Editor: E. P. T hompson .
R ace and P olitics . By E dward C legg .
C entral A frican E mergency . By C lyde S anger .
A N ew E arth . By E lspeth H uxley .
K enya : T he T ensions of P rogress . By S usan W ood .
C oloured I mmigrants in B ritain .
C hina Y earbook 1959–1960.
P olitical H andbook of the W orld . Edited by W alter H. M allory .
O xford R egional E conomic A tlas : T he M iddle E ast and A frica .
S tatistical Y ear B ook 1959.
D ocuments on I nternational A ffairs , 1957. Selected and edited by N oble F rankland .
T he U nited N ations . By L eland M. G oodrich .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1974,45(4):493-518
Book reviewed in this article
C onservative P olitics I n F rance . By M alcolm A nderson .
M aking I nstitutions W ork . By S ir G eoffrey V ickers .
T he C onsumer and C orporate A ccountability . Edited by R alph N ader .
T he R adical A ttack on B usiness . By C harles P errow .
C ontemporary T hought A nd P olitics . B y E rnest G ellner .
T he P rivate G overnment O f P ublic M oney . B y H ugh H eclo and A aron W ildavsky .
D ivorce L aw R eform IN E ngland . B y B. H. L ee .
M arx A nd M ill : T wo V iews O f S ocial C onflict A nd S ocial H armony . B y G raeme D uncan .
T he I deology O f O rder : A C omparative A nalysis O f B odin A nd H obbes . B y P reston K ing .
W ith G reat T ruth AND R espect . T he M emoirs O f P aul G ore -B ooth .
A gainst T he S tream : C ritical E ssays O n E conomics . B y G unnar M yrdal .
T ransport O rganisation I n A G reat C ity— T he C ase O f L ondon . B y M. E. C ollins and T. M. P haroah . Foreword by P rofessor A. R obson .
T he C onservative P arty 1918–1970. By T. F. L indsay and M ichael H arrington .
T he C onservative P arty . By P eter L ane.
T he O rigins O f T he C ultural R evolution . B y R oderick M acfarquhar . V ol . 1: C ontradictions A mong T he P eople .
T he A byssinian C risis . B y F rank H ardie .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1956,27(1):101-121
Books reviewed in this article.
T he A frican A wakening . By B asil D avidson .
B lack M oses , the S tory of M arcus G arvey .
E lections and E lectors . By J. F. S. R oss .
L e R egime P olitique B ritannique . By A ndre M athiot .
M oslems on the M arch . By F. W. F ernau .
B ritish P ost -W ar M igration . By J ulius I saac .
P eopling the B ritish C ommonwealth . By G. F. M c C leary .
C ulture and H uman F ertility . By F rank L orimer , with special contributions by Meyer Fortes, K. A. Busia, Audrey I. Richards, Priscilla Reining and Giorgio Mortara.
A merican C onstitutional L aw . By B ernard S chwartz .
T he "H igher L aw " B ackground of A merican C onstitutional L aw . By E dward S. C orwin .
I ndia : N ew P attern . By L ady H artog .
I ndia at a G lance . Edited by G. D. B inani and T. V. R ama R ao .
T he T heory of E conomic G rowth . By W. A rthur L ewis .
S oviet E ncounter . By R ear -A dmiral P eltier .
T rade U nions and T he L aw . By H oratio V ester and A nthony H. G ardner .
T he U nknown P rime M inister : T he L ife and T imes of A ndrew B onar law , 1858–1923. By R obert B lake .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1962,33(4):427-444
Book reviewed in this article:
T he C rown and the E stablishment . By K ingsley M artin .
T he N ature of P olitics . By J. D. B. M iller .
T he F rench R evolution F rom ITS O rigins TO 1793. By G. L efebvre . Translated from the French by E. M. E vanson .
P ublic A dministration W elfare P ublic for a S tate . By P aul H. A ppleby .
T he E cology P ublic P ublic A dministration By F. W. R iggs .
E ssays on the S cientific S tudy of P olitics . Edited by H erbert J. S toring .
T he S tate and S ociety IN O ur T imes . By T heodor S chieder .
T he P assing of the W higs . By D onald S outhgate .
I ndustrial R elations . C ontemporary P roblems and P erspectives . Edited by B. C. R oberts .
T he G enesis of Y oung O ttoman . A Study in the Modernisation of Turkish political ideas. By S erif M ardin .
P olitical C ontrol of L iterature in the U.S.S.R., 1946–1959. By H arold S wayze .
I n D efence of P olitics . By B ernard C rick .
W ilkfs , W yvil AND R eform . By I an R. C hristie .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
W ealth and L ife By J. A. H obson
T he S tatistical M ethod in E conomics and P olitical S cience By P. S argant F lorence
U plift in E conomics By P. S argant F lorence
R esearch in T he S ocial S ciences (A S ymposium )
T he F ranco -R ussian A lliance 1890–4 By W. L. L anger
T he F ranco -R ussian A lliance 1891–1917 By DR. G eorges M ichon Translated by N orman T homas
T he L ittle E ntente By R obert M achray
T he E conomic D evelopment of I ndia By V era A nstey , D.Sc.
T he P roblem of I ndustrial R elations By H enry C lay
T he N ext T en Y ears in B ritish S ocial and E conomic P olicy By G. D. H. C ole
T he P rogress of the O pen C onspiracy  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1962,33(2):218-232
Book reviewed in this article:
G rowing . A n A utobiography of the Y ears 1904–1911. By L eonard W oolf .
T he A rt and P ractice of D iplomacy . By S ir C harles W ebster .
T he C hanging P atterns of the M iddle E ast , 1919–1958. By P ierre R ondot . Translated from the French by M ary D ilke . With an introduction by E lizabeth M onroe .
C ontemporary A rab P olitics : A C oncise H istory . By G eorge E. K irk .
T he S oviet E conomy : A n I ntroduction . By A lec N ove .
T he M aking of the P resident . By T heodors W hite .
T he P residential E lection and T ransition , 1960–61. Edited by P aul T. D avid
T he S tory of F abian S ocialism . By M argaret C ole .
I n S earch of C riminology . By L eon R adzinowicz .
T he R econstruction of A merican H istory . Edited by J ohn H igham .
G reater L ondon P apers .
U nited N ations . A nnual R eport of the S ecretary -G eneral on the W ork of the O rganisation  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
T rotsky's D iary in E xile 1935. Translated from the Russian by E lena Z arudnaya .
T he P rophet U narmed . T rotsky : 1921–1929. By I.D eutscher .
Q ueen M ary . By J ames P ope -H ennessy .
E lections and P arty M anagement . By H. J. H anham .
T he A merican S cience of P olitics: I ts O rigins and C onditions . By B ernard C rick .
W hite and C oloured: T he B ehaviour of B ritish P eople T owards C oloured I mmigrants . By M ichael B anton .
P rovincial M etropolis . By L. P. G reen .
T he H ashemite K ings . By J ames M orris .
T he A rabs in I srael . By W alter S chwarz .
W ords and T hings : A C ritical A ccount of L inguistic P hilosophy and a S tudy in I deology . By E rnest G ellner .
T he G rowth of B ritish I ndustrial R elations: A S tudy from the S tandpoint of 1906–14. By E. H. P helps B rown .
D emocracy in the D ominions . By A lexander B rady .
T he M izan N ewsletter .
S ocial T heories of F ertility and the M althusian D ebate . By D. E. C. E versley .
C lass and C lass C onflict in I ndustrial S ociety . By R. D ahrendorf .
O xford E conomic A tlas of the W orld .
D ocuments on A merican F oreign R elations 1958. Edited by P aul E. Z inner .
W isdom of the W est . By B ertrand R ussell .  相似文献   

《The Political quarterly》1973,44(4):491-513
Book reviewed in this article:
P rivacy and H uman R ights . Edited by A. H. R obertson .
T he Y oung L loyd G eorge . By J ohn G rigg .
L loyd G eorge : F amily L etters 1885–1936. Edited by K enneth O. M organ .
T he F all of L loyd G eorge : T he P olitical C risis of 1922.
C apitalism and the P ermissive S ociety . By S amuel B rittan .
T he 1922. By P hilip G oodhart with U rsula B ranston .
J ohn S trachey . By H ugh T homas .
C onstraints and A djustments in B ritish F oreign P olicy . Edited by M ichael L eifer . Acton Society Studies.
T he D eath of L orca : A n I nvestigation into O ne of the G reat C rimes of the S panish C ivil W ar . By I an G ibson .
T he R ebirth of I taly 1943–50. Edited by S. J. W oolf .
G overnment in S pain : T he E xecutive at W ork . By K enneth N. M edhurst .  相似文献   

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