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AFTER successful experi-mentation in south China'sSEZs, the reform and open-ing policy was applied tocoastal cities, and then to centraland western China. Shenzhen andShanghai's Pudong constitute theeconomic backbone of theZhujiang and Yangtze RiverDeltas, and Binhai New Area isthe economic heart of Bohai Bay.The rapid development of BinhaiNew Area in recent years has stim-ulated economic growth in Tianjinand all of northern China.  相似文献   

Lakeside Respite     
Xitang is where busy urbanites can slow downX itang, a 1,000-year-old river town in Zhejiang Province, is renowned for its stockpile of buildings from Ming and Qing dynasties (1368- lynj. A local bar wall sports a number of compliments to the town that were written by  相似文献   

The world's best-selling soprano charms her Chinese fans Half a year after her rendition of You and Me,the theme song of the 2008 Beijing Olympic  相似文献   

正This year marks the 80th anniversary of the release of the fi rst Chinese edition of U.S.author Edgar Snow’s Red Star Over China,a masterpiece that gives an inside account of the Communist Party of China(CPC)-led revolution.The following is an edited version of a Xinhua News Agency report exploring the enduring appeal of Snow’s book:  相似文献   

Tang Zhenya has worked as a postman of the China Post Laozishan Township Branch for over 20 years. What sets him apart from many of his peers is that he does not only deliver parcels on land, but also on water.  相似文献   

正As recently as a few decades ago,few Chinese had so much as heard of the mental disorder,depression.Many who suffer from the condition,along with their families and their communities,are still not well informed about it;as a result,few of those afflicted visit hospitals to address their sadness or dour moods.Today,recognition of this psychological disorder is spreading across China.Depression is now considered a major  相似文献   

我国《物权法》在严格遵守《宪法》集体所有权制度的前提下,对集体所有制财产进行了重新划分,并在此基础上明确了集体所有财产权利行使的基本程序规范.在集体经济组织和村民自治组织民主管理的原则基础上,针对现实生活中侵犯集体成员财产权利的行为,创制了基本的财产保护法律规范.  相似文献   

马雄光 《桂海论丛》2002,18(2):9-11
江泽民在庆祝建党八十周年大会上的讲话,始终贯穿着唯物辩证法的认识论和方法论:通过辩证分析建党前后两个八十年的历史,揭示了党的历史使命和历史地位、党赖以生存和发展的基础、党永远站在时代前列的根本在于始终实践"三个代表";运用唯物辩证法原理对"三个代表"内涵作科学阐述.  相似文献   

Dalian, the coastal city in northeast China's Liaoning Province, is a famous summer resort. It attracts flocks of domestic visitors with pleasant weather, golden beaches and delicious seafood. Like Davos, the small Swiss town famous for hosting the annual World Economic Forum's winter sum-re.it, Dalian has burst on to the world business map, hosting the annual meeting of Global Growth Companies known as the Summer Davos.  相似文献   

毛泽东在领导中国革命的过程中,高度关注中国社会阶级阶层及其关系的新变化,及时地进行科学的理论概括.通过阶级分析,毛泽东为我党制定新民主主义革命的总路线奠定了基础;通过阶层分析,又为我党制定新民主主义革命的不同时期或不同方面的具体路线奠定了基础.这种分析法对今天我们认识社会主义社会的阶级阶层结构仍有现实意义.  相似文献   

Chengde Mountain Resort was the summer residence of emperors dur- ing the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). Construction of the resort started in 1703, and lasted for 87 years. Chengde City in Hebei  相似文献   

<正>West Lake inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List as cultural landscape The famous ancient Chinese poet Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty(618-907) could not imagine a thousand years later the West Lake that fascinated him would  相似文献   

Located in the southeastern part of Guangdong Province and on the west bank of the Pearl River estuary,Zhuhai borders Hong Kong to the east and Macao to the south.As early as 1980,it was one of the country’s first four special economic zones. With picturesque landscapes dotted with green mountains and clear water,Zhuhai is widely known as"the city of a hundred islands."Its transportation network-which is made up of the Zhuhai Jinwan Airport,Gaolan Port,Guangzhou-Zhuhai Railway,Pearl River  相似文献   

IF China has become the world's manufacturing center over the past 30 years,then the Pearl River Delta(PRD)in Guangdong Province is undoubtedly the nation's"factory."But despite decades of rapid development and dizzying economic growth,the area s labor-intensive industries are now facing growing cost pressures.How have the enterprises of the PRD reacted?  相似文献   

Away to Anhui     
<正>Central China’s Anhui Province becomes a major destination for industry as companies move their production lines inland Wage growth and land costs inflation are prompting relocation of China’s manufacturing jug-gernaut, a growth engine of the Chinese economy.  相似文献   

Last month I wrote about the happiness I discovered visiting a farming community near the small southern Guangdong city of Taishan.This month we will visit the charming, fascinating city with its unique accent, Taishanhua, which is quite incomprehensible to Putonghua speakers. Most of its overseas visitors are returning relatives ("huaqiao") so frequently I was the only foreign face! However, everywhere I received warm, welcoming smiles, plenty of help and lots of curiosity!  相似文献   

<正>The Zhoushan Archipelago will use its location by the sea to break into a new economy The Zhoushan Archipelago in east China’s Zhejiang Province,which  相似文献   

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