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经济体制改革使得中国经济取得了史无前例的成功,进入二十一世纪,中国处于体制转轨、社会转型的过程中,在此期间腐败现象亦非常突出,引起党及国家高度关注,并出台一系列的政策、法规打击和预防职务犯罪,贿赂犯罪作为职务犯罪中最主要的犯罪之一,其司法现状不容乐观。  相似文献   

冯卫国 《法律科学》2007,25(2):102-108
和谐社会是稳定而有活力的社会,是国家与社会动态平衡的二元结构社会.在构建和谐社会的大背景下,犯罪控制模式应当由传统的"国家本位模式",向"国家·社会"双本位模式转化,应积极推进犯罪控制中的社会力量参与,以适应社会转型时期,公众对犯罪预防和控制的要求.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare the efficiency of crime control and crime prevention programs. The focus on efficiency adds knowledge about quality of performance in criminal justice programs. The case study covers twelve-year implementation process of two juvenile justice programs in a local law enforcement agency. A Truancy Reduction Program (TRP) represents the crime control approach. A School Resource Officer Program (SROP) represents the crime prevention approach. The evaluation shows that the SROP produced far more efficient results than the TRP. The SROP demonstrates gradual improvement and efficient implementation. The TRP appears inefficient and, therefore, should have been revised in the midst of the implementation period. The study draws policy implications for designing more efficient crime control and crime prevention programs. The implications can be useful for law enforcement agencies that contemplate or implement such programs  相似文献   


Research Summary

Focused deterrence strategies are increasingly being applied to prevent and control gang and group‐involved violence, overt drug markets, and individual repeat offenders. Our updated examination of the effects of focused deterrence strategies on crime followed the systematic review protocols and conventions of the Campbell Collaboration. Twenty‐four quasi‐experimental evaluations were identified in this systematic review. The results of our meta‐analysis demonstrate that focused deterrence strategies are associated with an overall statistically significant, moderate crime reduction effect. Nevertheless, program effect sizes varied by program type and were smaller for evaluations with more rigorous research designs.

Policy Implications

The available empirical evidence suggests these strategies generate noteworthy crime reduction impacts and should be part of a broader portfolio of crime reduction strategies available to policy makers and practitioners. Investments still need to be made, however, to strengthen the overall rigor of program evaluations and improve our understanding of key program activities associated with observed crime reduction impacts.  相似文献   

犯罪黑数及其控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
犯罪黑数是指由于各种原因而没有记载在刑事统计中的具体犯罪数据 ,也就是刑事统计犯罪个数与实际发生的犯罪数之差。犯罪黑数存在的原因相当复杂 ,而要控制这一现象 ,也需要从其产生的社会原因、法律原因以及主体因素等方面加以考虑。  相似文献   

美国环境规制与成本—收益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对20世纪1970年代环境规制的高社会经济成本的反思,成本—收益分析在美国环境规制领域愈来愈受到重视。关注美国环境行政规制中的成本考量,有助于我们正视环境问题的复杂性,反思本国环境行政实践中的某些盲目和失误,可以避免因为不恰当的规制方式带来更加严重的环境损害后果。  相似文献   

国际犯罪与涉外犯罪、跨国犯罪之间虽然在起源上具有不可磨灭的历史渊源,但它们在内容上并不具有同一或者包容关系,而是一种即相互交叉又彼此保持一定独立性的关系。只有当涉外犯罪、跨国犯罪具有"国际性"时,即它们的危害性达到国际刑法所要求的严重程度时,才能上升为国际犯罪。而在国际犯罪中,除了具有国际性的涉外犯罪和跨国犯罪外,还包括具有国际性的既不属于涉外犯罪又不属于跨国犯罪的单纯的国内犯罪。  相似文献   

施俊镇 《犯罪研究》2009,(4):37-43,80
犯罪是严重危害人身安全与财产安全,侵害生活安宁与经济发展的反社会行为,同国家与法律如影相随。但犯罪行为总是客观的、外在的,具有可控制性特征.为了实现犯罪控制的目标,我们需要深刻剖析制约我国犯罪控制的现实因素,进而探索优化我国犯罪控制的具体路径。  相似文献   

Information on costs of crime in any one country is difficult to compile and most efforts to present the costs of crime have had shortcomings flowing from the ambiguity of data and a lack of precise information on both costs and benefits. International information on the costs of crime is extremely rare; and, of course, comparative data is a task for the future when uniform data collection becomes possible. Even then the information is likely to reflect (as do official crime figures now) the cooperation or lack of cooperation of particular governments. This paper describes an unprecedented approach by the Australian Institute of Criminology to improve the present state of knowledge by working through diplomatic channels.  相似文献   

樊文 《法学研究》2011,(3):112-137
1979年以来我国刑事立法和司法忽视或遗忘了刑法的特征与内在价值,高估了刑法影响人的行为的可能性,刑法一直保持着在功能化方向上的惯性,刑罚结构和刑罚适用面临着重刑主义的突出问题。我国的犯罪控制存在着惩罚主义的结构特征,然而惩罚主义的意愿和努力,并没能有效遏制犯罪规模和犯罪的总体严重程度迅猛发展的势头。在刑事政策和刑罚体系的主导思想没有做出重大调整前,刑罚轻缓化的改革仍然任重道远。  相似文献   

社会转型时期治安防控体系的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑列  王瑞山 《犯罪研究》2005,1(5):20-25
社会转型带来利益格局的调整,社会流动的负面效应,原有社会控制被打破而新的社会控制尚未形成,信息时代为犯罪信息传递提供渠道不断增多,这些因素造成社会治安问题多发,严重影响了社会公众的公共安全感。本文意在我国社会转型这一特殊语境下,以构建和谐社会为理念,分析社会治安突出问题的原因,提出通过加强政府的社会控制、完善社会治安综合治理体系、规范发展以保安行业为代表的新型治安防范力量、探索新形势下发动群众参与治安防控的新机制等多种途径构建政府主导的新型社会治安防控体系。  相似文献   

罗开卷  李伟华 《犯罪研究》2007,(1):15-21,29
民族型恐怖主义犯罪,就是以民族主义为思想基础,采用暴力等手段打击无辜者以制造社会恐慌,以为实现民族独立、民族自治或取得政治优势目标服务的犯罪。我国的恐怖主义犯罪主要是由民族主义引发的,突出表现为西藏“独立”和新疆“东突”问题。在防范民族型恐怖主义犯罪中,政治和刑法手段只能治标,社会政策则是治本之策。通过完善和加强我国的民族区域自治、经济、语言、教育、移民和宗教等政策,消解民族型恐怖主义犯罪思想基础的民族主义情绪。  相似文献   

This article examines theimpact of globalization on both crime and crimecontrol at the national and global levels. Tomake conceptual sense out of the transformingnature of these activities at the turn of the21st century, a threefold analysis ispresented: (1) an overview of the threetraditional developmental models of crime andcrime control – modernization, world system,and opportunity; (2) a characterization ofcrime and crime control in relationship to themore recently emerging models of globalization;and (3) a discussion of the implications of thedialectical relations between the models ofdevelopment and the models of globalization.Assessments of the models and other provisionalconclusions are drawn based on a survey of bothcrime and crime control in 15 developed,developing, and post-traditional nation-states.  相似文献   

Moran  Leslie J. 《Law and Critique》2001,12(3):331-344
Various scholars have noted the priority given to law in the politics of hate violence; violence is the problem and law, more specifically the criminal law, the solution at the ‘heart’ of society. This article seeks to explore some of the gaps and silences in the existing literature and politics that mobilize these ideas and associations. It is the gap sand silences associated with demands for and expectations of criminal justice that will be the particular concern of this article. The demand for law is examined by way of David Garland's recent work on the culture of crime control. His work offers an analysis of the contemporary place of crime control in Anglo-American liberal democracies. A distinctive feature of his analysis is to be found in the way it maps an important paradox of contemporary crime control; its political centrality and an increasing recognition of its limitations. Garland's ‘criminology of the self’ and the ‘criminology of the other’ raise some important challenges for those who advocate resort to crime control. My particular concern is to consider the significance of Garland's work for a contemporary sexual politics that puts violence and criminal justice at the heart of that politics. Feminist, gay and lesbian scholarship first on criminal justice and second, on violence and law will be used to develop a critical dialogue with Garland's analysis and to reflect upon the challenges raised by his insights into contemporary crime control. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

涉外金融犯罪的预防与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张筱薇 《犯罪研究》2006,8(1):12-19
金融犯罪是大部分国家现代化过程中都存在的社会现象。但在发展中国家,金融犯罪对可持续发展所造成的影响和损失更为严重,控制和预防金融犯罪因而成为各国刑事司法的重点。我国在现代化建设中同样遭受了金融犯罪的侵犯。其中,危害性特别严重的是涉外金融犯罪。涉外金融犯罪的发生与发展有其固有的原因和规律,研究当前发生在我国的各种金融犯罪,探讨有效的防范措施,不仅是刑事法律科学固有的任务,更同国家的金融安全和社会发展息息相关。  相似文献   

立法成本效益评估制度的适用范围考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
立法成本效益评估制度是指通过对立法所消耗的成本以及它所获得的收益进行比较,判断立法的实施效果以及在此基础上对立法提出修改、废止等建议供有关决策机关参考的制度.它最早形成于美国,后来被世界上很多国家采纳和接受,有一定的价值与优势,能够保障决策科学化、平衡各种利益.但是该制度并不能适用所有的立法,即成本效益评估制度的适用有一定的范围.我国应借鉴美国等国家的做法,确立我国立法成本效益评估制度适用的原则性规定、肯定性规定以及禁止性规定的具体范围,保障该制度适用的科学性与合理性.  相似文献   

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