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中国与东盟成员国刑事司法协助与引渡制度是双边刑事司法合作中最重要的内容.近几年我国与东盟成员国刑事司法协助和引渡有很大发展,通过刑事司法协助与引渡条约的签署和适用,初步建立起刑事司法协助和打击犯罪合作机制.但存在和面临的问题是明显的,需采取适当的途径和措施,推动中国与东盟成员国刑事司法协助与引渡的完善.  相似文献   

四.中国与外国开展刑事司法协助的主要内容及协助的实施我国与外国缔结的刑事司法协助方面的双边条约确定的协助范围,主要限定于刑事诉讼过程中与送达文书和调查取证有关的诉讼行为。具体说来,在条约中一般规定缔约双方根据请求在刑事方面相互代为送达司法文书,查找和辨认有关人员,获取证人证言或鉴定人鉴定结论,搜查或扣押证据,提供物证、  相似文献   

中国与纳米比亚签署刑事司法协助条约 5月26日,司法部长吴爱英会见了应邀来访的纳米比亚人组党(执政党)中央政治局委员、国民议会议员、司法部长兼总检察长杜基尼·伊塔纳一行.两位司法部长代表两国政府签署了<中国与纳米比亚关于刑事司法协助条约>.  相似文献   

我国签订的双边刑事司法协助条约刘全胜自1987年5月4日至今,我国已与16个国家签订了双边司法协助条约 ̄①,其中涉及刑事司法协助规定的条约有10个, ̄②中国与波兰、蒙古的司法协助条约已分别于1988年2月13日、1990年10月29日正式生效。我国签...  相似文献   

中国东盟打击跨国犯罪刑事合作机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国东盟打击跨国犯罪刑事合作是双边政治、经贸发展的需要;已经建立的双边协商机制和法律合作机制是开展打击跨国犯罪的基础。中国和东盟国家已经签署的引渡条约在政治犯罪不引渡、本国国民不引渡等问题规定落后双边打击犯罪现实,亟需改进;中国和东盟国家司法协助形式较单一,需要增加。对于尚未与中国签署引渡条约的国家,由于不能根据国际公约开展引渡合作,只能开创新的合作思路。未来中国东盟打击跨国犯罪刑事合作应当向着建立区域机构、区域统一逮捕令、强化人员培训技术合作以及网络信息建设方向发展。  相似文献   

黑龙江省检察机关刑事司法协助的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1992年6月19日,中俄两国签订了<中华人民共和国和俄罗斯联邦关于民事和刑事司法协助的条约>(以下简称<司法协助条约>),自此,中俄两国检察机关即开始相互提供刑事司法协助,黑龙江省检察机关已办理刑事司法协助案件二百余起,涉及司法协助的内容十分广泛.  相似文献   

中国对外司法协助(下)梁淑英四、中国对外的民商事司法协助我国参加的国际条约和缔结的双边条约中,有的写明了民事和商事的协助。有的只写民事协助而没写商事,但这样的条约在给"民事司法协助"下定义中也包括了商事和其他方面的协助。如中波关于《民事和刑事司法协助...  相似文献   

<正> 1977年,美国、瑞士签订的刑事司法协助条约正式生效。此后,美国又相继同土耳其、荷兰、哥伦比亚、意大利、摩洛哥以及加拿大等6国签订了司法协助条约。美国还准备就类似条约与大约十几个国家进行谈判。 美国与其他国家广泛签订刑事司法协助条约,有着深刻的背景。二十世纪以来,特别是  相似文献   

赵秉志  黄芳 《法学家》2003,(2):100-110
一、前言 国际刑事司法协助,是世界各国或地区之间为有效制裁国际犯罪行为,依据国际条约规定或双边互惠原则,直接或在国际组织协调下进行的刑事司法互助,代为履行一定诉讼事务的司法制度……  相似文献   

由国家的司法主权所决定,任何一国都不能未经许可而在他国内进行司法行为。但随着各国之间民事、商事的交往和犯罪的国际化趋势日益增强,这种跨国的司法行为又成为社会发展所必须,由此产生国际司法协助。依国际司法协助的内容不同,可将其分为民商事司法协助和刑事司法协助。所谓刑事司法协助就是国家间为了共同打击犯罪,维护国际社会安全和基本秩序及人类共同利益,一国接受另一国的请求和委托,依照国际条约的有关规定或者在互惠的基础上,代为实行或协助实行与国家的刑事诉讼有关的司法行为。随着犯罪的国际化趋势和各国交往中的共同利益的增多,国际司法协助的方式也日益扩展,内容也日益深化。  相似文献   

邓崇专 《河北法学》2007,25(1):155-160
随着中国-东盟自由贸易区的启动和建立,我国与东盟之间将在投资和各项贸易方面密切合作,这势必会产生大量的民商事法律关系.而如何处理和对待我国涉东盟的民商事法律关系,这是目前摆在我们面前急需探讨的问题.由于中国-东盟自由贸易区是我国与他国的第一个区域自由贸易安排,加之东盟自由贸易区自身特点十分突出,所以,我国在处理涉东盟民商事法律关系时应有独到的价值取向.  相似文献   

在中国与东盟经济自由贸易区的合作与发展不断深化和加强的进程中,制度的差异、发展的不平衡、特殊的地理环境等因素让竞争中出现了不法手段乃至犯罪手段,跨国经济犯罪即是其表现之一。跨国经济犯罪是跨国犯罪中最为常见且最为严峻的犯罪,是经济全球化最明显的负面影响。通过对跨国经济犯罪、中国与东盟成员国间跨国经济犯罪现状与原因的分析,进而探求中国与东盟成员国间控制跨国经济犯罪的有效策略。  相似文献   

This report begins with a brief historical sketch of eventsleading up to the conclusion of the Framework Agreement on ComprehensiveEconomic Cooperation between ASEAN and CHINA in 2002 and themaximum utilization of their collective efforts to implementthe establishment of CHINA–ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA)for China and ASEAN Six by 2010, and for China and ASEAN asa whole by 2015. The Second CAFTA Expo at Nanning on 18–21October 2005 provided yet another yardstick to assess the progressachieved as well as a platform from which to launch future practicalmeasures to accelerate the realization of their joint endeavorsto set up a super regional Free Trade Area of 1.85 billion ASEANand Chinese consumers, and an ideal investment area coveringthe entire mainland China and all ASEAN countries. The SecondNanning Expo 2005, like its predecessor the year before, servedas an effective tool: (1) to place goods and services availablewithin the CHINA–ASEAN Greater Region on display at theexhibition pavilions; (2) to provide facilities and opportunitiesfor the Business and Investment Summit meetings for traders,investors and members of the ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and theirChinese counterparts to gather together for closer consultationon the cultivation of their joint projects; and (3) to organizethe CHINA–ASEAN Legal Affairs Forum for brainstormingsessions to work out practical ways and means to implement theircombined plan of actions, notably to devise a functioning legalmachinery to ensure further inter-regional economic integration.It is gratifying, at the end of the day, to be able to witnessat close range the rebirth and phenomenal natural growth ofa new breed of Chinese and ASEAN transnational legal scholarsand practitioners actively at work. The heritage of ASEAN–Chineselegal scholarship is apparent and distinctive.  相似文献   

黄莉娜 《北方法学》2011,5(4):98-103
作为中国对外能源合作的重要组成部分,中国与东盟的能源安全合作发展迅速,并已成为中国与东盟经贸合作的重点。但是,由于东南亚出口能源的减少,能源运输通道安全受到的威胁,以及南海问题的国际化,中国与东盟的能源安全合作虽前景广阔但障碍重重。为此,利用联合国条约体系,解决马六甲海峡防盗、反恐和南海问题;借助WTO协议和CAFTA协议,加强能源贸易和投资纪律;以及借鉴ECT和NAFTA,建立专门的能源合作协调机制应是双方未来合作的重要内容。  相似文献   

China and the ASEAN are negotiating to establish a free trade area and an investment agreement is an integral part of it. The ongoing investment agreement negotiations have achieved some basic consensus as to specific contents of the agreement. However, due to the procedural obstacles and substantive controversies, the negotiations have become stagnant. In order to reach a final and successful conclusion of the investment agreement, the procedural obstacles should be overcome and the substantive controversies be settled since the agreement has economic and political implications for both China and the ASEAN.  相似文献   

《Global Crime》2013,14(4):290-311
Gambetta's theoretical framework focuses on two important aspects directly relating to the birth and development of mafias, namely a demand for private protection and a supply of the same. In the Post-Mao era, China started its transition from a centrally controlled economy to a market-directed economy by adopting reform and opening-up policies. The widespread creation of property rights has exponentially enlarged the demand for protection. However, property rights are ambiguously defined in the Chinese legal system, and the state is unable and unwilling to provide efficient and sufficient law enforcement mechanisms for needy people because of the rampant corruption of government officials and the weak judicial system. In this case, the mafia that is interested in the private provision of protection developed into an alternative enforcement mechanism for ‘securing’ property rights in China's economic transition. The most important service offered by the mafia in China is not only to assist business enterprises in monopolising the market, but also to assist local government in China's economic reform.  相似文献   

中国与东盟国家国际投资保护法律制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国——东盟自由贸易区的框架下,中国与东盟国家间的相互投资规模日益增大。加强对国际直接投资的法律保护既是最终建成这一自由贸易区的重要条件,也是防范投资风险(主要是政治风险)的必要手段。因此,认识到该区域内国际投资保护制度的重要性,运用比较分析的方法找出现行保护机制的不足和缺失,从国内法和国际法两个层面提出完善中国与东盟国家间国际投资保护制度的建议将对完善与发展这一国际投资保护制度有所裨益。  相似文献   

统一、协调的知识产权保护制度是开展国际贸易的基本环境和条件之一.中国-东盟知识产权保护与合作的进程已经全面启动,但具体的合作机制或制度性安排还有待进一步完善.实现中国-东盟国家间知识产权法律协调的关键,在于建立以政治高层的战略对话为引领,以协调委员会的组织协调为核心,以特别审查机制和执法合作机制为保障的全方位、多层次的知识产权合作机制.  相似文献   

Traditionally, it has been argued that increased economic competition through free trade agreements would bring about environmental degradation. This study, however, argues that recent international free trade agreements have tended to enhance environmental cooperation among participating countries. This study has examined the process by which East Asian countries have developed mechanisms for the extant level of regional environmental cooperation, particularly highlighting the reasons for commonalities and differences in regional environmental cooperation between ASEAN and the dominant economies in the region. It finds that three factors particularly matter for developing regional environmental cooperative mechanisms: networks of intergovernmental organizations, the strong willingness of political leaders which is often embodied in national strategies for regionalism and the establishment, and the institutionalized linkage—particularly through FTAs—between trade and the environment. Tracing the process of policy evolution within three groups of countries sheds light on the political conditions under which the four entities involved (the ASEAN, Japan, China, and the Republic of Korea) have produced and strengthened cooperative environmental mechanisms among them along with free trade agreements. Focusing especially on the environmental policy changes in Japan, China, and the ROK associated with the creation of its FTAs with ASEAN, the study concludes that each of free trade agreements has incrementally developed environmental cooperation, especially when integrated into a vision for regional integration.  相似文献   

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