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见危救助义务的正当性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国尚无关于见危救助义务的立法,从欧美国家的立法来看,对见危救助义务持有截然不同的态度。见危救助义务的法律化可以从三个方面得到论证:被救助人基于人权有权获得救助,救助人基于社群责任有义务提供救助,而基于以上两个前提救助义务的法律化并不存在重大理论障碍,也并非对个人自由的侵犯。  相似文献   

不动产权人虽然在控制自己的不动产或者动产方面没有尽到合理的注意义务,他们并非必然要就自己控制的物或者环境引起的损害对受害人承担过失侵权责任;在确定不动产权人是否要就其控制的物或者环境引起的损害对他人承担侵权责任时,法院往往要考虑受害人在遭受物或者环境损害时的身份究竟是合法进入者还是非法进入者并根据受害人身份的类别分别决定不动产权人是否承担注意义务和注意义务的范围。受害人身份的考虑既平衡了不动产权人对自己物享有的利益,也平衡了受害人对自己人身和财产安全享有的利益,是法律实现公平正义目标的必然要求,应当为我国侵权法所采取。  相似文献   

陈清 《河北法学》2012,30(7):175-181
英美法系关于一般救助义务的立场,经历了一个由完全拒绝到例外承认的缓慢演进过程.无论是近代还是现在,无救助义务规则在英美法系都是普遍存在的.无救助义务规则的例外情形,严格意义上来说,并非指美国几个州所制定的“坏撒玛利亚人法”,而是指它们关于特殊关系理论的阐述与运用.与此同时,美国法中“好撒玛利亚人法”立法范式更是为后人所称赞.  相似文献   

郑丽清 《北方法学》2012,6(3):20-29
无救助义务是美国传统侵权法上的一项重要规则。由于社会组织结构的精细化使人与人之间的关系更加紧密了,容易出现牵一发而动全身的局面,如果还任由人们对他人的困境无动于衷可能会造成无法挽回的严重后果,加之作为与不作为的区分越来越小,故美国选择了一条侵权过失责任的改良道路,主张不作为不应该成为被告承担过失责任的障碍。而美国的司法判例和立法经验也告诉我们,一般无救助义务规则正经受两方面的侵蚀:一是扩大特殊救助义务的范围;二是通过制定法律承认一般救助义务。  相似文献   

陈清 《北方法学》2012,6(3):30-36
大陆法系的绝大多数国家在刑法上都完成了"恶撒玛利亚人法"的制定,确立了人们应对他人承担一般救助义务的立法模式。但由于"好撒玛利亚人法"的缺失,势必会使人们在施救时产生种种疑虑与担心,进而严重影响到救助义务规定的法律实效。尽管《法国民法典》也是如此,但法国人在司法实践中形成的一些著名判例,对欧洲大陆其他国家还是产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

In this article we evaluate whether the Supreme Court's much-discussed decision in Chevron v Natural Resources Defense Council (1984) signaled a lasting difference in how the justices decide administrative law cases, by comparing and testing the predictions of three distinct theories of Supreme Court behavior. The legal model predicts an increase in deference to administrative agencies. This prediction is shared by the jurisprudential regime model, which also predicts that the justices evaluate key case factors differently before and after Chevron . The attitudinal model predicts no change in the justices' behavior as a result of Chevron . Although we find that attitudes matter, the fact that we also find support for the legal and jurisprudential regime models undermines the assertion of the attitudinal model that law cannot explain Supreme Court votes on the merits.  相似文献   

袁曾 《政治与法律》2020,(1):151-161
在海上救助遇险人员历来是船长的义务,但现实中却经常出现船长等责任主体漠视海上人命的极端案例。海上人命救助人的义务过重,加之缺少有效激励与保障机制,使得人命救助人面临巨大的道德风险。根据国际法与国内法的规定,人命救助人面临着义务与权利不对等、救助人命的系统性规制缺位、缺少优先救助人命的强制性规定等多种不利因素。现行海难救助国际公约和英国海商法已经将海难救助客体作了扩大,美国“好撒玛利亚人法”对救助人的责任做出了限制,适用准合同理论确认了救助人报酬的取得依据,有效地保护了救助人的救助积极性。借鉴先进立法经验,结合海难救助的实际,有关国际法律和我国《海商法》应明确生命权属于海难救助的客体,承认独立的人命救助报酬并建立报酬支付制度体系,结合优先救助人命的强制性规定,以法律的系统性调整促进海难人命救助的发展。  相似文献   

Children’s (N = 89) identification accuracy was examined as a function of lineup size. Participants (8–13 years) viewed a videotaped staged event, described what was witnessed and then were presented with either a target-present or—absent lineup containing 6 versus 12 lineup members. The elimination lineup procedure (Pozzulo and Lindsay J Appl Psychol 38: 2195–2209 1999) was used to present lineups. No significant differences in correct identification rates were found across the target-present sized lineups. In addition, the target was likely to “survive” at a comparable rate regardless of lineup size. Moreover, there was no significant difference in correct rejection rate as a function of lineup size. The non significance of these data are critical given that most research with child witnesses uses 6-person lineups whereas in many real world contexts larger sized lineups are used (e.g., 12-person in Canada).  相似文献   

We examine factors that determine attendance for major U.S. symphony orchestras over seven seasons. We find that performing more of the standard repertoire increases attendance but the choice of a composition that has a particular solo instrument does not affect attendance. Other management options that increase attendance include spending on advertising and broadcasting concerts. Own-price elasticity of demand and income elasticity are inelastic.  相似文献   

This paper questions the widespread tendency to view academic spin-outs as an undifferentiated category and explores typologies of companies originating in universities, using a Penrosean conceptualization of entrepreneurial activity. We initially identified five main types of business activities pursued by academic entrepreneurs, which we revised after analyzing a database of Cambridge University spin-outs and real-time exemplars of emerging ventures. The refined typology takes into account the dynamic of the entrepreneurial process. As the business models of ventures evolve they may enter a different category of business activity. We conclude by discussing the academic and practical needs for a better understanding of the heterogeneity of spin-outs, the diversity of which has theoretical and policy implications.  相似文献   

Burri  Susanne 《Law and Philosophy》2020,39(4):381-408
Law and Philosophy - This paper examines whether an agent becomes liable to defensive harm by engaging in a morally permissible but foreseeably risk-imposing activity that subsequently threatens...  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of lawyer capability on the decisionmaking of the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC). Extending prior attorney capability studies of U.S. judicial decisionmaking, we test three lawyer variables: prior litigation experience, litigation team size, and Queen's Counsel designation. We find that the first two variables have a statistically significant and positive relationship with the SCC's decisions in non-reference-question cases from 1988 to 2000. Moreover, this relationship persists even after controlling for party capability, issue area, and judicial policy preferences.  相似文献   

Explaining Corporate Environmental Performance: How Does Regulation Matter?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
How and to what extent does regulation matter in shaping corporate behavior? How important is it compared to other incentives and mechanisms of social control, and how does it interact with those mechanisms? How might we explain variation in corporate responses to law and other external pressures? This article addresses these questions through an study of environmental performance in 14 pulp and paper manufacturing mills in Australia, New Zealand, British Columbia, and the states of Washington and Georgia in the United States. Over the last three decades, we find tightening regulatory requirements and intensifying political pressures have brought about large improvements and considerable convergence in environmental performance by pulp manufacturers, most of which have gone “beyond compliance” in several ways. But regulation does not account for remaining differences in environmental performance across facilities. Rather, “social license” pressures (particularly from local communities and environmental activists) and corporate environmental management style prod some firms toward better performance compliance than others. At the same time, economic pressures impose limits on “beyond performance” investments. In producing large gains in environmental performance, however, regulation still matters greatly, but less as a system of hierarchically imposed, uniformly enforced rules than as a coordinative mechanism, routinely interacting with market pressures, local and national environmental activists, and the culture of corporate management in generating environmental improvement while narrowing the spread between corporate leaders and laggards.  相似文献   

Introduction The purpose of the sue and labour clause is well known,as Lord Blackburn stated in Aitchison v Lohre: to encourage and induce the assured to exert themselves,and therefore the insurers bind themselves to pay in proportion any expense incurred,whenever such expenses  相似文献   

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