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农市发[2020]1号各省、自治区、直辖市农业农村(农牧)、畜牧兽医、农垦、渔业厅(局、委、办),林业草原、发展改革、财政、科技、自然资源、生态环境、水利主管部门,新疆生产建设兵团农业农村局,黑龙江省农垦总局,广东省农垦总局,内蒙古、吉林、黑龙江、大兴安岭、长白山森工(林业)集团公司:为贯彻落实中央1号文件和中央农村工作会议关于开展特色农产品优势区建设工作的要求。  相似文献   

This article argues that the merger of the PDS with the WASG offers the new ‘Left Party’ an opportunity to realise a long-held goal of the PDS – a firm place in Germany's party system as a nationwide party of the radical left. Much, however, will depend upon the successful resolution, or at least successful management, of some key points of conflict. To understand the challenges involved here, the article compares and contrasts the merger of the German Greens and Alliance '90 with that of the PDS and WASG. Although there are some striking similarities between the two merger processes, there are also some significant differences, differences that suggest that the long-term marriage of the PDS and WASG may be a rocky one.  相似文献   

对安全的追求,对于形成斯大林在战前、二战中以及战后不同时期的政策起到了至关重要的作用。从国内政治看,这种政策不仅是动员苏联人民应对斯大林所认为的即将到来的、新一轮同西方的对抗的手段,而且也是巩固他在苏联最高决策层内地位和权力的一个手段。斯大林是苏联在战后关键问题上,诸如东欧的前途、德国问题以及对日占领问题上采取强硬政策的决策者。斯大林努力主导战后东欧国家的政治发展,其主要目标是要沿着苏联西部边界建立一个安全地带。斯大林认为,这一目标同与西方保持良好关系的需要并不矛盾。斯大林希望苏联在东欧的势力范围可以被英美所承认,以换取苏联承认西方在欧洲其他地区的影响。斯大林对东欧的控制,部分原因也是因为担心同英美的合作可能面临失败。然而,斯大林对东欧的控制最终还是被西方认为是挑战西方,从而产生了与他的愿望相反的结果。在这一过程中,苏联对自身安全与意识形态的追求,一方面同西方所坚持的所谓"民主、自决"原则产生了尖锐的矛盾;更为重要的是,苏联的目标同美国日益扩张的在全球的利益发生了严重的冲突,从而使欧洲逐步分裂成为两个敌对的集团。在同西方盟国打交道的过程中,斯大林在较少重要性的问题上,如的里雅斯特问题、其卫星国的赔偿问题以及托管地等问题上表现出灵活性,也愿意作出妥协。而在主要问题上,斯大林则毫不妥协。苏联在战争后期和战后初期对土耳其、伊朗的政策,成为以美国为首的西方国家遏制苏联的主要理由,成为导致冷战爆发的重要事件。就这样,苏联和美国这两个战时的盟友,领导着各自的阵营,开始了长达四十年的冷战。  相似文献   


This essay examines a resurgent interest in “regionness” as a response to globalization, and it looks at how governments and citizens have participated in the discourse on forging a new Asia-Pacific community that has developed over the past fifteen years. Part one distinguishes between “regionalization” and “regionalism” as competing visions for the construction of a future Asia-Pacific community. Regionalization, the dominant paradigm during the postcolonial period, centers on interstate forums dominated by officially recognized political and economic elites who seek interstate cooperation in order to protect state interests, state power, and national identity from foreign as well as domestic challenges. Regionalism, as an alternative paradigm, envisions the creation of transnational networks inclusive of nonofficial actors, whose identification with a particular state and set of national interests does not preclude the creation of a regional identity (or identities) and support for regional interests. Part two considers the challenges that regionalism poses for the nation-state and its leadership. It does so by highlighting the pressure for reform that globalization has brought to bear upon one particular institution that theorists of nationalism have long identified as central to the perpetuation of national identity, national unity, and state authority: schooling. Part three assesses the current prospects for such reforms by briefly examining recent educational developments in Japan, Australia, Malaysia, and Singapore.  相似文献   

Harriet Aldrich 《圆桌》2018,107(3):341-346
In the 1980s, the debate surrounding South Africa apartheid consumed the Commonwealth. While superficially this discussion might appear to have had little relevance to the interests of micro and small state members of the Commonwealth, the behemothic nature of apartheid presented significant challenges to such states. This article attempts to assess the varied ways in which South African apartheid affected the diplomatic strategies of micro-states within the political landscape of the Commonwealth, and how it could be perceived as both a hindrance to their agendas, as well a potential tool in the fight to amplify their voices. Micro-states used the egalitarian structure of the Commonwealth and combined it with the prominence of apartheid in international debate to both elevate their status and even to garner support for their own personal concerns. Apartheid’s reframing of the international conversation had broad reverberations which affected Commonwealth responses to a variety of seemingly disparate issues. This culminated in the ejection of Fiji from the Commonwealth in the aftermath of the 1987 coup due to concerns over racial discrimination, emblematising the all-pervasive nature of the apartheid debate within the Commonwealth.  相似文献   

Studies of capital punishment worldwide investigate how international influence affects the death penalty. We analyze European influence on the death penalty in Russia over the imperial, Soviet, and post-Soviet periods, using two parameters: the changing mechanisms of influence in each period and the death penalty's significance in the broader spectrum of punitive violence. On the first parameter, in the tsarist period, European influence on Russian policy was “productive” – exercised through prestige, moral suasion, and “diffusion.” In the Soviet period, European influence was blocked. In the post-Soviet period, European influence is coercive, as the Council of Europe has unsuccessfully sought to compel Russia to abolish its death penalty. On the second parameter, the death penalty in Russia has always been only one of many forms of state-sanctioned punitive killing. In consequence, the Council's involvement in Russia's death penalty has produced an incoherent policy outcome and has entangled the Council in Russia's authoritarian politics. Russia thus exemplifies the hazards of external involvement in death penalty abolition.  相似文献   


In this article, the authors trace how the Anglo-Australian system of criminal law constructs crime within the family differently from other forms of crime. The zone of legal impunity for intrafamilial crime was carved out by special defences and immunities, such as provocation and marital rape, as well as policing policies and practices that effectively decriminalised “domestic” forms of physical and sexual abuse. Legal impunity was never absolute, and there were notable exceptions where the familial and gendered aspects of the crime in fact aggravated the offence, such as the law's treatment of spousal murder by females as a form of “petty treason”, warranting the most severe punishment of burning at the stake. Reforms in the late twentieth century removed overt forms of gender discrimination from the criminal law, exposing a new legal visibility of crime within “the family”, though as the authors conclude, there are still remnants of differential treatment in fields of sentencing law and practice.  相似文献   

This article provides an introduction to a special collection of five articles showcasing the work of rising scholars in the geography and anthropology of Tibetan regions in China (Eveline Washul, Andrew Grant, Tsering Bum, Huatse Gyal and Duojie Zhaxi, published in Critical Asian Studies 50: 4 and Critical Asian Studies 51: 1). It contextualizes the authors’ contributions in the recent promotion of planned urbanization in Tibetan regions as the key to achieving the “Chinese Dream” under President Xi Jinping. The paper calls attention to these authors’ focus on Tibetan experiences of new urbanization policies and practices, as well as their less-appreciated entanglement with shifting education priorities. Providing brief summaries of each author’s case study and arguments, it points to the ways in which all five articles address the relationship between space and subjectivity, as well as the issue of constrained agency (versus simple notions of “choice”), in statist urbanization processes.  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市农业农村(农牧、畜牧兽医)厅(局、委),新疆生产建设兵团农业农村局:为有效防控非洲猪瘟,《国务院办公厅关于加强非洲猪瘟防控工作的意见》(国办发[2019]31号)明确规定,屠宰企业、肉制品加工企业要开展非洲猪瘟检测。从实施情况看,屠宰企业能够按照要求开展非洲猪瘟检测,但个别企业存在检测不规范、检测人员技术能力不高等问题。近期.我部根据市场监管总局通报的肉制品加工企业和流通环节抽查结果,对阳性样品溯源涉及到的生猪屠宰企业开展了飞行检查。现将有关情况通报如下。  相似文献   

Peter Gowan 《亚洲研究》2013,45(3):413-432

Peter Gowan responds to published criticisms of his article “Triumphing toward International Disaster: The Impasse in American Grand Strategy” (Critical Asian Studies 36, no. 1 [March 2004]: 3-36) by Kristen Nordhaug, Ravi Arvind Palat, Vijay Prashad, Marika Vicziany, Mark T. Berger, and Heloise Weber (see Critical Asian Studies 37, no. 1 [March 2005]: 75-140).  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore the implications of Shanghai Cooperation Organization's (SCO) engagement with India, Pakistan and Iran. Not in terms of power-politics or as a counterbalance to the USA as this has been explored elsewhere, but what practical problems such an expanded organization could help solve, what opportunities it could realize, and how SCO's engagement in trade is a function of favourable political and bilateral developments in the region. It is argued here that the trade, infrastructure and energy sectors are of particular importance and that substantial potential gains could be realized if coordination is improved. Nevertheless, it is also recognized that China, Russia, Pakistan, India and Iran may have lower standards of democratic development and economic transparency than the West. What is the motivation behind the SCO's engagement with India, Pakistan and Iran? Should this engagement be conceived only in terms of balancing US unipolarity or are there legitimate concerns of increasing regional cooperation in Eurasia?  相似文献   

Sophia Price 《圆桌》2016,105(5):499-507

Development cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of states has provided a vehicle for the UK’s ongoing relationship with the majority of the Commonwealth, although this was widely overlooked in the run-up to the UK referendum and its aftermath. Membership of the EU has provided the UK with the opportunity to collectivise its obligations to ACP Commonwealth states and a framework for its development cooperation relations across the Global South. This has augmented British leadership in global development and the alignment of development policy and practice at the global, regional and national levels. This paper argues that withdrawal from the EU would be a lengthy and costly process that threatens to undermine the UK’s position in global development, current levels and sources of development funding and existing and nascent trade relations. While this will present particular challenges for ACP Commonwealth states, there may also be opportunities to propose and advocate for alternative frameworks. However, recent changes to the UK’s post-referendum political leadership does not augur well for those hoping for a roll back of pressures for liberalisation and associated reforms.  相似文献   

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