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包含名宾心理动词的事件句和非事件句   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
事件句和非事件句是从认知语言学的角度上界定出的一对语法语义范畴.在句法层面上,事件句、非事件句和构句成分有相互的选择关系.在不同的句法结构中,心理动词的语义表现为属性义和非属性义.当心理动词表现为属性义时,由心理动词作谓语述语构成的句子是非事件句;当心理动词表现为非属性义时,由心理动词作谓语述语的句子是事件句.  相似文献   

The paper first describes general trends in evaluation in (mainly) western societies. Why is evaluation growing, what are the characteristics of this ‘growth industry’ and what developments are occurring outside western societies? Trends in the evaluation of criminal justice programs in the USA, the UK and the Netherlands are then discussed. Two important developments are therafter highlighted: experimental evaluations and theory-driven evaluations. Both approaches are discussed, and some pros and cons are listed. Finally, the paper outlines some challenges for future work in the evaluation of criminal justice programs, stressing the importance of combining good designs with both program and social science theories.  相似文献   

试论竞争政策与贸易政策的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王先林 《河北法学》2006,24(1):36-39
竞争政策与贸易政策都是基本的经济政策,并且在主要方面都体现为相应的经济法律制度.在现代社会,竞争政策与自由贸易政策在追求的目标和面临的现实条件方面具有一致性,在功能上具有相互促进和补充的作用,但是两者在作用的领域、价值观念和取向以及具体处理和作用的方式等方面存在内在的差异性和潜在的冲突.  相似文献   


This aper considers the scant literature in the field of child sexual abuse in Asian families, and reports the authors' involvement with four male Asian sexual offenders. The therapeutic approach used with the offenders is described, and clinical themes arising from their treatment are identified. Issues and difficulties in therapy are discussed, in particular personal issues arising for the therapists. It is concluded that Asian sexual offenders are a group who have been neglected in the literature and in treatment, partly, perhaps, because they are infrequently referred to treatment services in comparison with non-Asian sexual offenders. Particular therapeutic issues relating to the treatment of immigrant Asians who do not speak English are raised and further research needs are identified in relation to this patient group.  相似文献   

宪法性法律的性质界定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马岭 《法律科学》2005,23(1):28-36
宪法性法律是法律而不是宪法 ,它们与其它法律一样都是对宪法的“规则化” ,但又与其它法律明显不同 :宪法性法律是“宪法”法 ,是“国家”法 ,是“权力”法和“权利”法。它们通过将宪法内容具体化、程序化来保障宪法。我国的宪法性法律在数量上和质量上都有欠缺 ,这是我国宪法不能有效实施的重要原因之一  相似文献   

Fragmented court systems are especially problematic for domestic violence victims because they typically are involved in more than one proceeding that stems from the same pattern of abuse. The proceedings are handled in different courts and before different judges, who are often unaware of these orders being issued in other proceedings. Consequently, conflicting orders are prevalent and the protection and needs of victims are often not met. A unified family court, on the other hand, provides one court with the subject-matter jurisdiction to handle all family-related matters and one judge to hear all cases that involve a single family, resulting in conflicting orders being issued less frequently. Additionally, the needs of victims are better served as a result of the services component. Given the fragmented state of the court systems in New York and Pennsylvania, United States; Alberta, Canada; and Australia, unified family courts should be implemented in each locality.  相似文献   

哈特以社会规则理论为核心阐释法律的概念,使规则区别于习惯,并将法律视为初级规则与次级规则的结合。同时,社会规则理论也具有一定的限度,这集中表现在,根据哈特的理论,在法体系之下,作为法律规则的初级规则的成立并不以其具有社会规则这一身份为必要条件。被制定出来的法律规则能够经由通过法体系效力判准的检验而在其被真正实践之前就成立,因此,有些法律规则不是社会规则,社会规则理论不能适用于所有的法律规则。  相似文献   

受国际毒潮的渗透和影响,我国新型毒品违法犯罪来势凶猛、发展迅速,社会危害日显突出新型毒品制贩犯罪活动呈现出国际化、现代化等特征。造成新型毒品日益严重的原因主要是制造新型毒品的原材料易购、制造工艺简单、新型毒品的科技含量日益加强,而娱乐场所为新型毒品犯罪提供了理想的温床。对此,应广泛深入的发动群众,拓展宣传教育的深度和广度;依法严厉打击毒品犯罪;加快科技强警的步伐,为构建和谐社会创造良好的社会环境。  相似文献   

伤残评定标准及赔偿方式的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王旭 《证据科学》2009,17(2):250-256
目的比较目前司法实践中常用的伤残评定标准及赔偿方式,以揭示目前我国人身伤害民事赔偿中存在的现实问题。方法时目前司法实践中常用的工伤标准、交通标准、普通伤害标准三大标准的内容进行比较;对与上述三大标准相对应的赔偿方式进行比较。结果(1)就标准的内容来看:三大标准中伤残条款的设立、级剐有显著的区别,同种损伤依据不同的标准评定,其伤残评定结果差异明显,“同伤不同残”现象较为普遍。(2)就标准的宽严尺度来看:工伤标准宽泛,门槛低,级别评定较高;而交通、普通伤害两个标准严格.门槛高,较轻的损伤不易评定为残疾。(3)就标准的架构来看:工伤标准、普通伤害标准在架构上严谨;而交通标准不够严谨,分级过于简单且涵盖内容不全。(4)就标准的强制力来看,交通标准为国家强制标准,级别最高.工伤标准其次,为国家推荐标准。普通人身伤害标准级别最低,目前尚无全国统一的标准;有的省适用自制标准(如江苏、北京),有的省适用工伤标准,有的省适用交通标准,其效力常常遭到质疑。(5)就三种损伤类型的赔偿体系来看:赔偿方式各不相同,赔偿额差距显著,“同伤不同价”现象突出。因为目前全国没有统一的普通人身伤害标准.地方对伤残标准及赔偿方式的应用极为混乱,有的地方以宽松的残疾标准(如工伤标准)评定伤残,再配以目前普通伤害案件宽松的赔偿方式,其结果是赔偿额大幅增加,造成明显的司法不公。结论上述问题的解决应从伤残评定的医学标准着手,目前急需制定一部适用于普通伤害的残疾评定标准,这样可以确保在每一赔偿体系中,均存在与其相配套的医学评定标准,以避免因鉴定标准的不同引发的司法不公。  相似文献   

Conflicts in intimate relationships are often accidental, occasional, and unique; yet they are also systemic, repetitive, and alike. For this reason, they are amenable to systemic analysis and resolution by altering them at their chronic sources and applying the preventative methodology of conflict resolution systems design. The central difficulties with using traditional forms of conflict resolution systems design in marriages, couples, and families are that they do not effectively address the emotional meaning or significance of the conflict within the relationship; are not grounded in the heart; and do not address the intimate, relational aspects of intimate, affective conflicts. Marriages and families are deeply sensitive, highly complex emotional relationships that require systems design methodologies that are profoundly informed by the heart. This article proposes a heart‐based systems design approach that includes forgiveness and reconciliation for use in marriages and families, including those that end in divorce.
    Key Points for the Family Court Community:
  • Conflicts in intimate relationships are accidental, occasional, and unique; yet they are also systemic, repetitive, and alike.
  • Marriages and families are deeply sensitive, highly complex emotional relationships that require systems design methodologies that are profoundly informed by the heart.
  • It is possible to create a heart-based systems design approach to marital, family and divorce conflicts that includes forgiveness and reconciliation.

《Criminal justice ethics》2012,31(3):198-220
Recent developments in philosophy and in criminology indicate that there are significant respects in which the two disciplines can be mutually informing. Many philosophers are increasingly interested in exploring empirical aspects of philosophical claims, and criminologists are finding their way past the alleged fact/value distinction and are rediscovering the moral significance of facts, especially regarding punishment and desistance. In some recent criminological studies there are implicit links to the British moralists such as David Hume and Adam Smith, and to Aristotle as well. This paper explicates those links and some of the possibilities for philosophy and criminology to be mutually informing.  相似文献   

心脏肌钙蛋白T、I与心肌损伤及其法医学应用前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Xing Y  Huang PJ  Zhang KM 《法医学杂志》2003,19(4):242-244
心脏肌钙蛋白T、I具有很高的心脏特异性,敏感性高,能检测多种不同的心肌损伤,区别心肌损伤和骨骼肌损伤,并能用作心肌损害的危险程度分级和判断预后的指标,在临床上得到了广泛的应用。在法医学上也有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

Properties, victims, and locations previously targeted by offenders have an increased risk of being targeted again within a short time period. It has been suggested that often the same offenders are involved in these repeated events and, thus, that offenders’ prior crime location choices influence their subsequent crime location choices. This article examines repeated crime location choices, testing the hypothesis that offenders are more likely to commit a crime in an area they previously targeted than in areas they did not target before. Unique data from four different data sources are used to study the crime location choices of 3,666 offenders who committed 12,639 offenses. The results indicate that prior crime locations strongly influence subsequent crime location choices. The effects of prior crime locations are larger if the crimes are frequent, if they are recent, if they are nearby, and if they are the same type of crime.  相似文献   

This study examines how sex and gender are measured and operationalized in studies on criminology and criminal justice (CCJ) through content analysis of peer-reviewed journals. Despite that they are distinct and not always parallel, the terms sex and gender are often used interchangeably in CCJ research. Moreover, despite increasing recognition that gender-responsive practices are important at every stage of the criminal justice process, gender is almost exclusively measured as a male-female binary, miscategorizing and failing to properly account for those who do not fit in one of those gender identities. There are important implications for the safety of such individuals, as both victims and offenders throughout the criminal justice process, therefore it is essential that we more accurately measure gender in this field. Recommendations for improvement are addressed.  相似文献   

现场勘查时经常会提取到金属承痕客体,由于各种原因导致金属客体锈蚀。主要通过在刑事技术领域中除锈方法和锈蚀对金属表面形象痕迹影响的论述,它是如何改变痕迹的特征,为除锈后的鉴定判断符合点和差异点提供理论基础。最后论述了锈蚀痕迹和锈层在鉴定和侦查工作中的应用和发展前景。  相似文献   

中日刑法中的商业贿赂犯罪之比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈家林 《政法论丛》2006,4(6):68-73
中日两国对于打击商业贿赂犯罪都十分重视,但两国刑法对于商业贿赂罪的规定则不尽相同。日本刑法典中仅规定有关公务员的贿赂犯罪,商业贿赂方面的犯罪则规定在《商法》等附属刑法之中。同时,日本刑法对商业贿赂犯罪的成立条件做了比公务员贿赂犯罪更严格的限定。日本刑法的这种规定方式对我国商业贿赂犯罪的立法及解释都具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

行业协会中强势会员的不正当行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在行业协会内部,由于各企业在资财多寡、影响力大小等方面存有差异,因而有强势会员与中小会员之分。在利益的驱动下,强势会员可能利用自己的优势地位操纵和控制协会,侵害中小会员的利益,从而直接影响到行业协会的健康发展,因此,应当完善行业协会的内部治理结构,规范强势会员的不正当行为。  相似文献   

在当今的司法程序中越来越多地应用科学技术来证明争议事实,但这种应用也存在一些争议和问题。有关证据和证明程序规则的存在.在本质上,并没有同科学证据的应用和采纳在任何方式上存在冲突。相反,如果存在非认知性的程序规则,其结果是这样的规则应该被撤销。除了物理、化学、工程学和遗传学等“解释性科学”得以广泛应用之外,心理学、社会学...  相似文献   

Criminologists are increasingly interested in the effects of life-course dynamics on criminological development. However, detailed longitudinal data are difficult to obtain and possibly confounded due to recall errors. Life Event Calendars (LECs) are designed to reduce recall errors and are increasingly used as a method for obtaining valid retrospective data in criminological studies. Yet few studies exist that assess the accuracy of LEC data in offender samples. This study aims to fill this void. We compare data regarding the prevalence and timing of marriage, divorce, and childbirth obtained through an LEC to official registry data in a sample of convicted offenders. We examine whether the accuracy of the data vary by event or respondent specific characteristics. We conclude that the LEC data are quite accurate regarding the prevalence of marriage, divorce, and childbirth. The data are less accurate regarding the timing of these life events.  相似文献   

道路交通事故精神伤残评定相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,道路交通事故频繁发生,造成严重的人身伤害。许多颅脑损伤患者伤后常出现明显的行为或认知缺陷,创伤性脑损伤患者精神障碍的患病率明显增高,精神伤残的评定日益增多。但同时,关于精神伤残评定的争议也日益激烈。首先介绍国内外精神伤残的相关概念,然后分析道路交通事故精神伤残评定标准存在的不足和缺陷,重点分析道路交通事故中精神伤残程度的影响因素,并介绍精神伤残评定中的检查方法,最后提出解决精神伤残评定分歧的思路。  相似文献   

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