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学科史研究的价值在于更好地规划未来。在"两条线索、三个参数"这一新的学科史研究方法的指导下对西南政法大学行政法学科进行分析后发现,西南政法大学行政法学科为我国行政法的发展做出了重要贡献,同时也是我国行政法治发展的一个缩影。1953年,西南政法大学首开行政法课程,行政法学科萌芽。1982年,西南政法大学行政法学科在全国率先开始了中国行政法学的探索。此后,该学科不断涌现出出色的学术成果。学科成员在完成科研任务的同时,也积极参与着行政法治的实践。西南政法大学行政法学科不仅在新中国成立后较早开设行政法课程,同时也是最早探索中国行政法学的学科建设的院校之一。建设者在进行行政法教学与科研的同时,也积极践行着行政法治理想。  相似文献   

翁里  刘一展 《政法学刊》2004,21(2):41-44
2003年春夏之际,一场始料不及的瘟疫——“非典型性肺炎”席卷了我国大江南北。通过各级政府和全社会公民的良性互动,目前疫情已经得到了阶段性的控制。回首抗击“非典”的日日夜夜,少数人借“非典”之机大发不义之财;而更多的公民则为了控制疫情积极配合政府采取的应对措施。有法可依,依法办事,切实保障每一位公民的基本权利,这是法治国家政府在防治严重传染病过程中面临的重要问题。这场瘟疫不仅考验了科学,而且也考验着政府的应急能力及其法律是否完善。在我国缺乏《紧急状态法》的前提下,政府为了应对突发性公共卫生事件而采取了(包括“隔离”等限制公民人身自由在内的)一系列行政强制措施。政府行政权力的底线是尊重和保障人权,而不能随意压制公民、法人和其它组织的私权利。“塞翁失马,焉知非福。”尽早出台《传染病隔离法》等相关法律,从立法和执法中寻求公权力和私权利之间的动态平衡未尝不是抗击“非典”给我们带来的启示。  相似文献   

一、妨害"非典"防治的违法犯罪 现行<中华人民共和国传染病防治法>对包括"非典"在内的35种法定传染病的预防、疫情的报告和公布、控制、监督以及法律责任做出了详细规定,并明确规定了政府、医疗卫生机构和一般公民在传染病防治中的职责和权利.与该法相关的违法犯罪主要表现为对"非典"传染病的防治起到事实的妨害作用.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,公民法治观念对国家法治建设的基础性作用不断增强,学界有关公民法治观念的研究也取得了丰硕的成果,但在公民法治观念的科学测量、理论概括与学理解释等方面尚存不足,对于公民法治观念的现状特征、变化特点、影响因素与影响效应等问题仍缺乏足够的认知与研究。本文认为,公民法治观念的研究要特别加强实证研究方法的设计,建构科学测量法治观念的指标体系,优化多样化的研究方法与技术,注重跨学科的合作与研究对话。  相似文献   

随着十五大“依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家”号召的提出,关于法治问题的讨论已成为学术界的热门话题.就法治的功能来说,限制政府权力,保障公民各种权利、自由,促进社会正义等早已达成共识.本文就法治增进社会活力、促进社会发展方面提出自己的看法.  相似文献   

公民德性是人在与公共生活相关的审议与行动中,超越个人善、推进公共善的确定倾向。公民德性从树立法治观念、参与公共讨论、参与政治事务的方面塑造“好公民”,为法治发展奠定基础,提供动力。中国已经处于法治转型的关键时刻,为了解决政府主导型模式带来的弊端,完成法治的正当性供给,需要发挥并培育公民德性。目前,中国公民德性的养成存在政治体制、法律制度、历史 传统等方面的问题,我们需要立刻着手解决这些问题,为中国公民德性的养成提供更好的条件。  相似文献   

程序正义初论   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:37  
程序正义初论●西南政法大学教教授田平安硕士生杜睿哲一、问题之提出江泽民同志在党的十五大报告中指出:要“进一步扩大社会主义民主,健全社会主义法制,依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家。”在当今中国,法治正成为人们议论的重点,改革与发展的一个热点。君不见,国人...  相似文献   

如何利用法治推动文化的繁荣与发展,如何有效监管文化市场,是目前学界关注的重要课题.在文化法治建设中,国家保护文化的自主、开放和多元性,保障公民文化基本权利.国家为文化服务并有义务促进文化的发展,但也通过给付行政的方式来行使国家的文化形成权.德国在文化法治背景下形成了文化市场监管的四种模式:自我规制、受规制的自我规制、共同规制和政府规制.这四种模式各有优劣,且可以相互补充、共同发挥作用,以实现促进文化发展,保障公民文化基本权利的目标.我国在进行文化体制改革和文化法治建设时,可以借鉴与学习德国的经验,合理建构文化与国家的关系、文化与法治的关系、公民文化基本权利与政府责任之间的关系,以给付行政的方式促进文化的发展,并建立以行业的自我规制为主,以受规制的自我规制、共同规制、政府规制为辅的多元监管体系.  相似文献   

杜月标 《法制与社会》2011,(32):154-155
随着我国宪政文明和法治建设的不断发展,公民的监督权问题显得越来越重要与迫切。如何使公民更好地行使与维护宪法赋予的监督权,不仅对于构建我国的权力监督体系有重大影响,在推进法治社会与和谐社会的建设方面更是起着关键的理论与实践作用。为此,本文从我国公民监督权的基本概念与组成角度入手,浅要分析了公民监督权的特点与功能等,并对于我国公民监督权的现状与完善进行了一些必要的思考。  相似文献   

"公民用法"与公民守法、知法等概念有着质的区别,它能够使法回归于社会,改变政府的法治角色,提升公众的法治认同度,使法由支流变为主流。"公民用法"意味着一国法治进入了相对较高层面,是对传统法治理念的升华或拓展;也意味着公民与法进入了一种新的关系形式。然而,在我国法治系统中"公民用法"还是一个盲区,具体表现为:强调了执法机关的用法行为,疏忽了公民的用法行为;强调了公民的守法意识,疏漏了公民的用法意识;强调了法治的社会化,疏漏了法治的个体化;强调了国家治理的进路,疏漏了公民自治的进路等。基于此,笔者认为,应塑造公民后现代法律意识,确认公民对法的选择权,提高公民对立法参与的深度和广度,承认公民作为法治主体的身份,政府应当转化法治主动者的角色。  相似文献   

经济法的价值理念和基本原则   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江帆 《现代法学》2005,27(5):118-122
目前一些关于经济法理念、价值以及基本原则的讨论,除了语言表述上的差异外,内涵上也有很大不同。笔者认为,经济法的价值并不能脱离法律价值之公平、秩序、自由的范畴,但必须具有其独特的解释;而经济法的基本原则则应当回应和体现其对法律价值解释的意义。本文试图梳理经济法价值理念与基本原则的关系,并将经济法的基本原则表述为:适度干预原则、公共利益原则、合理竞争原则、弱者保护原则。  相似文献   

Legal decisions are results of the use of law, which includes the application of law and the finding of law, but mainly referring to the latter. In the application of law, facts match norms, and thus legal decisions could be obtained directly through deduction thereof, which is called the deduction mode. However, in the finding of law, since facts are not symmetric to norms, before making judgment through deduction, facts and norms shall be equalized. That is to say, facts shall be generalized and then upgraded to the provisions, while norms shall be concrete and downwards to specific cases, conducting for spiral upwards, which is called equalization mode. Zheng Yongliu, professor at the Institute of Legal Philosophy of China University of Political Science and Law, also a visiting professor at University of Saarland in Germany (till 1996), and a guest professor at Jilin University (since 1998), whose research is focusing on legal philosophy, particularly on the legal methods as well as law and society. Prof. Zheng once published 4 books, i.e., The Orientation of Rural Law in Contemporary China (1991), The Farmers’ Legal Awareness and the Development of Village’s Law (1993), Das Wirtschaftsrecht Chinas (1997) and The Rule of Law: the British and German Origin, International Standards and Its Practices in China (2002). In his published articles, the follows are most dear to his heart: What is Legal Philosophy (1998), the Origin and Evolution of the “Rechtsstaat” in Germany (2000), the Legal Hermeneutics and Its Relationship with the Legal Interpretation (2002), Academic Freedom and Its Enemies (2004), Pluralistische Ordnungen im chinesischen Wirtschaftswandel (German, 2006).  相似文献   

Public domain is a core rule of copyright law, under which various creative materials are available for an author to use without charge or liability for infringement, hence ensuring the effective implementation of copyright law. Public domain is characterized by openness, public ownership, irrevocability and formality. Based on the premise that the author’s work will not be interfered, public domain ultimately aims at the enlargement of its own universe and prosperity of the culture of human society. Its introduction into copyright law satisfies both historical and logical demands. Without its acknowledgement, copyright cannot be justified. In that sense, public domain and copyright can be deemed as twins. Public domain is not only an existing institution, but also an ideological tendency or a methodology. It has evaluative and inspective values towards copyright. It is an important precondition of copy-rights, and what is more, an important measure for controlling the expansion and realizing the purpose of copyright. Huang Hui, Ph.D, is a lecturer of civil law at Southwest University of Political Science and Law. Till now, he has released over 20 research articles in academic journals in China, such as Modern Law Science, Legal Forum, Academic Forum, etc. His magnum opus includes: Legal Philosophy Exposition of Unreasonable Outstretch in Intellectual Property Rights, Interpretation & Transfer: An exposition of de-intelligence of intellectual property rights, research on the protection of works in public domain, etc.  相似文献   

多媒体教学在本科民事诉讼法学课程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多媒体教学及其效果已成为国家评价教学质量的重要指标。具体到法学本科教学,我们应当注重多媒体教学的应用,为保证和提高法学本科课程教学效果与质量建立完善的教学方法体系。我们在总结多媒体在本科民事诉讼法学课程教学中应用的理论和实践经验的基础上,探究多媒体应用于本科民事诉讼法学课程教学的方式以及应当注意的问题。  相似文献   

人民监督员制度的广安模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年以来,四川广安的人民监督员制度试点历经普通试点、体制外试点和以检校合作为基础的深化试点三个阶段,已初步形成广安模式的基本框架。该模式秉持相信人民群众、贯彻司法民主、通过试点推进司法改革三大理念,形成了一套以群众性为方向,以外部性为原则,以独立性为出发点,以有效性为目标,监督员的选任管理更优化、监督范围更合理、监督程序更独立、监督效果更明显,更符合司法民主和权力监督要求的制度模式。本文系统总结了广安模式的制度理念和制度亮点,为进一步推广广安经验和完善人民监督员制度奠定基础。  相似文献   

西南政法大学诉讼法专业博士生培养取得了骄人的成绩。这是通过贯彻"三严三宽"即严格要求、严格标准、严格管理和宽松、宽融、宽厚原则来实现的。但学生质量、生源、导师指导、学生学习时间等方面还存在一些不足,需要进一步改进。  相似文献   

In traditional Chinese law, cases are the judicial decisions of general effects determined by special procedures. Before the Period of Spring and Autumn and Warring States, the main form of Chinese law was cases. After that period, Chinese legal system had gradually accommodated various forms in coexistence, with codes as the main body but cases as supplementary. Such a system maintained for a long time. Those cases in the codification era were based on codes and functioned to broaden the scope of legislation, supplement the legislative techniques and strengthen the effect of rules. As to the relationship between the establishment rule and the recurring rule of cases, ancient Chinese law persisted in the recurring rule and thus it maintained a relatively steady supply of rules while maintaining an inner stable legal forms. Wang Shirong, professor, head of the Research Department of Northwest University of Political Science and Law (NWUPL), Standing Director of the Legal History Society of China, Vice-director of the National Clinical Education Committee, Honored Professor of Gansu Institute of Political Science and Law, Consultant of Xi’an Intermediary Court, a project manager of the legal clinic program of NWUPL. His Major researches cover: Chinese legal history, the legal history of criminal law and the clinical legal education. His representative works include: A Study of Chinese Court Decisions in Ancient Time (1997, CUPL Press), A Study of Ancient Cases in China (1997, CUPL Press), Legal Cases and Law Development (2006, Law Press), and more than 20 papers released in key journals.  相似文献   

在高等法学专业本科教学中实现素质教育正在成为师生互动的催人奋进的实践活动。科学界定高校民事诉讼法学教育模式涉及高校教育思维的现代化,教学方式、教学手段的现代化、智能化,教学成果(学生学科成绩、能力、以及工作后的能力运用)测试的科学化等等因素的整合。在教学实践经历的基础上,本文作者认为,实践性教学是我校民事诉讼法学课程素质教学的体现与落实。在本文中,探究了民事诉讼法学课程实践教学的具体方法与基本要求,并明确了实施民事诉讼法学课程实践教学应当处理好的基本关系。  相似文献   

《标准化法》在实施了近30年后,于近期进行了修改。《标准化法》主要做出了如下修改:将标准适用范围扩展到社会事业领域;严格界定强制性标准,避免强制性标准过滥;增加标准的有效供给,满足社会实践的需求;构建统一有序的标准体系,确保标准间衔接与配套。其中,《标准化法》提出了标准研制要求;强制性标准和具有强制执行效力的标准必须执行;相关单位应当公开其标准执行;不得利用标准优势不正当竞争等规定对鉴定活动将会产生深远影响。当前,我国鉴定机构存在标准制定不科学,标准更新不及时;鉴定机构对标准情况不掌握不了解;鉴定机构执行鉴定标准的意识不强;鉴定机构不公开鉴定活动执行标准信息;鉴定机构自己制定的标准比政府组织制定的标准低等现象,作者因此进行了剖析并提出了相应对策和建议。  相似文献   

In the most range of the East China Sea, the exploiting oil and gas have been blocked for decades by conflicting claims to the boundaries and islets by China and Japan. For the sake of addressing conflicts in a comprehensive cooperation by bilateral and multilateral agreements aiming at reducing rising tensions and harvesting resources in disputed areas, it has become a key issue worthy of research. Zhou Zhonghai is a professor of international law and director of the International Law Center in China University of Political Science and Law. He was a senior visiting scholar of the Law School, University of Virginia (1991). As a legal adviser of the Chinese delegation to the third UN conference on the law of the sea, he once attended the drafting committee conference. His main works include Comments on International Law (2001), International Law of the Sea (1987), Legal Problems on International Economic Relations (1993), Peace, Justice and Law (1996), Technologic Progress and Development of the Law of the sea (1998), Law Dictionary (1998), Business Law in China, Trade, Investment and Finance (1997), On the Case of Agusto Pinochet Ugarte (1999). In addition, he has published many essays, for instance, Zhonghai Zhou’s essays on international law (2006), Jurisdiction of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (2005), International law and its functions in international relations (1997), On diplomatic protection for the overseas investments (2007).  相似文献   

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