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Most people would agree that police are responsible for ensuring that robbers and other criminals are kept off the streets and apprehended when they cross the line. But what happens when theft cases increase to such an extent that police cannot cope with? Enter community policing, focusing their efforts on antitheft initiatives that have achieved credible results across China.  相似文献   

A group of vocational college students recently came to Beijing to receive two months of hands-on work experience in domestic service. Dubbed "college-educated housemaids" by the media, their debut in the capital immediately created a sensation. A large number of Beijingers seeking household help went to interview them at a domestic service agency. Some clinched a deal after the first meeting. The students,  相似文献   

This paper investigates macro-level sources of variations across countries regrading China's national image, as measured by the proportion of the public in each of 35 countries that expressed a favorable view of China in the 2007 Pew Global Attitudes Survey. It turns out that several expected factors have no significant measurable impact on China's image: not the extent of strategic ties between China and a given country; not the political system of that country; not the extent of Chinese investment in the country; and not the number of Confucius institutes and classrooms in that country. The only macro-level factor we find to affect China's image in a country is that country's level of economic and social development, as measured by the UN Human Development Index. Controlling for the other factors, publics in poor or developing countries are much more likely to have a favorable image of China than publics in economically advanced countries. Some implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers have shown that college students are at an increased risk of experiencing interpersonal violence (IV). One factor that appears to play a role in shaping their likelihood of IV is sexual orientation. However, little is known about this relationship and how IV risk varies across categories of sexual orientation. Utilizing a sample of approximately 43,000 college students from the American College Health Association’s National College Health Assessment II, this study examined the prevalence of IV across five categories of self-identified sexual orientation and examined whether sexual orientation was a predictor of IV. Results indicated that, on average, students who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning were significantly more likely to experience IV than their heterosexual counterparts. Implications for prevention and future research are discussed.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to examine how public child welfare employees perceive their graduate social work education, whether they use the knowledge and skills gained, their work satisfaction, and their future plans. It was designed to examine the experiences of the New York City Administration on Children's Services (ACS) employees who were participants in the Professional Development Program and received support to study for their master's degrees in social work. The total number of respondents surveyed was 153, the vast majority of whom were people of color. In considering their motives for attending graduate school, 96 percent emphasized their desire to serve children and families better. These graduates were very positive about their academic and field experiences, with almost all saying they would recommend MSW training to others. There was a constant progression in their perceived knowledge and skill level over time. They expressed a mid-level of satisfaction with their current jobs, but higher satisfaction with the nature of the work itself. It was striking to note the respondents' attitudes about remaining employed at ACS. Only 13 percent of those who responded said they planned to leave within the next two years Almost a third (32.6%) said they thought they'd stay at least 5-9 years, and 39.8 percent said they would probably stay 10 years or longer. Satisfaction with the nature of the work and pay were the two strongest predictors of the length of time respondents planned to stay at ACS. These are important findings because they demonstrate that public investment in MSW education can have significant pay-off by increasing the knowledge and skills of public child welfare workers and encouraging long-term commitment to the work.  相似文献   

<正>Economic cooperation between China and the U.S.is of paramount importance As a candidate for president of the United States,Donald Trump’s criticism of China was frequent and often incendiary.The then real estate mogul and reality television host accused the world’s second-largest economy of"cheating"American businesses and"raping"the U.S.economy with unfair trade practices and currency manipulation—charges dismissed as false by Chinese offi cials.Undeterred,Trump threatened to slap a 45 percent retaliatory tariff on Chinese goods entering the U.S.  相似文献   

Wang Yajun, a security guard at the Central Academy of Drama, one of China’s top art institutions, from which many of the country’s renowned actors and actresses have sprung, unveiled a book on people’s outer appearances in April. The book,which sets out criteria for judging looks, points out that good-looking people tend to acquire more social resources and thus looks can help secure job promotions, wealth and increased social status.  相似文献   

2016 ·China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights successfully took place on September 27 to 28, 2016 in Southwest University of Political Science and Law. The seminar was sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies, hosted by the Human Rights Research Institute of the Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and centered around the theme of the "Protection of Ethnic Minorities' Rights". More than 60 experts and scholars from six countries of Europe as well as China conducted in-depth discussions on the protection of economic, social and cultural rights, focusing on the protection of the rights of ethnic minorities. The participants agreed that enhancing cross-cultural consensus and promoting harmonious integration are essential for the cause of human rights protection for ethnic minorities and even for the overall progress of the human rights cause of all humankind.  相似文献   

ON April 22 and 23,the Biden administration invited 40 world leaders to a virtual climate summit with the hope that other countries would follow the American example of an-nouncing new and expanded commitments to achiev-ing net global carbon neutrality by 2050.But while all of the right elements seemed to be aligned,including planning the opening day of the virtual conference to coincide with the Earth Day,the results of the summit were mixed.However,history is likely to be a fierce judge of the Leaders Summit on Climate.Either the summit will have been another Munich moment of failure and false hope or it will have been a bridge to meaningful climate action at the next UN climate change conference in November.China has the oppor-tunity to greatly influence that verdict.  相似文献   

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