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人类辅助生殖技术的突飞猛进造成父母身份的分裂,传统亲子关系认定标准受到挑战,"基因说"、"意思说"和"子女最佳利益说"等新标准的地位逐渐得到提升.英国、美国、德国、以色列等正致力于构建二元生殖模式下亲子关系的规范体系.我国民法典应充分借鉴国外的立法和司法经验,重塑适合我国国情的人工生殖亲子法,明确人工生殖子女的法律地位.  相似文献   

施晓玲  王平荣 《证据科学》2006,13(4):279-283
生物基因工程学科的最新发展,为人类福祉的增进,提供无限广阔的前景,人类辅助生殖技术即属其一,它在造福人类的同时,也带来了大量涉及社会、道德、伦理和法律方面的问题。本文通过对自然生殖状态亲子关系的剖析,对照性分析如何认定人工辅助生殖的子女在法律上的地位。  相似文献   

生物基因工程学科的最新发展,为人类福祉的增进,提供无限广阔的前景,人类辅助生殖技术即属其一,它在造福人类的同时,也带来了大量涉及社会、道德、伦理和法律方面的问题。本文通过对自然生殖状态亲子关系的剖析,对照性分析如何认定人工辅助生殖的子女在法律上的地位。  相似文献   

人工辅助生殖技术涉及许多法律问题,本文主要关注人工授精技术所生子女在家庭中的法律地位,其中详细分析了如何确定不同情况下同质授精所生子女的亲子关系以及异质授精所生子女的亲子关系问题。  相似文献   

供精人工授精生育的若干法律问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
供精人工授精是一项成熟的人工生殖技术,但亦引发较多的法律问题。本文就单身女性能否采用供精人工授精生育、供精人工授精中的同意原则、供精人工授精中的亲子关系及对供精者的保护等问题进行了较全面的探讨  相似文献   

亲子关系承载着家庭领域诸多的权利和义务,是家庭稳定、社会和谐的基础性因素。因此,通过诉讼厘清血统、明确基因,对于国家、社会、家庭都具有重要意义。实践中,亲子关系确认诉讼主要是确认生父,包括非婚生子女要求确认生父,母亲再婚后一定时间内所生子女的生父确认等,上述确认的目的主要是为了实现要求抚养费或者确定抚养权的目的;少数情况下也会出现要求确认生母的诉讼,尤其在人工辅助生殖技术越来越成熟的当下,基因母、怀孕母、养育母可能出现分离,在发生争议时也有确认的必要。亲子关系确认诉讼既包括父或母针对子女提起的诉讼,也包括成年子女针对父或母提起的诉讼。在具体诉讼层面,确认亲子关系涉及当事人适格、诉讼证明、推定等诸多问题,需要引起理论和实务界的足够重视。  相似文献   

人工生殖技术的发展改变了传统的自然生育方式,给法律上亲子关系的认定带来了巨大的冲击。传统"分娩者为母"原则受到了技术上的挑战,无法满足现实需求;根据基因来源确定亲子关系,在某种情况下背离了捐精者或供卵人的意思自治;而以"儿童最大利益原则"为标准使得代孕子女出生前无法形成有效的身份预期。从代孕协议的效力上来看,代孕协议本身并不与强制性法律法规相悖,也不会对公序良俗造成剧烈的冲击,代孕协议的效力不应被轻易否定。因此,代孕背景下亲子关系应当依据代孕协议确定,并以"儿童最大利益原则"作为补充要素。另外,由于代孕协议涉及到伦理色彩浓厚的身份法领域,其不能简单地适用《合同法》的规定,因此,在代孕协议无效的情况下,应当坚持"身份确定原则",严格限定当事人提起无效之诉的时效,并承认事实抚养关系。  相似文献   

我国《婚姻法解释(三)》首次规定亲子关系诉讼中的推定规则,该规定结束了长期以来各界关于能否适用推定认定亲子关系的争论,将亲子关系诉讼中的事实推定上升为法律推定.然而,观察三年来亲子关系诉讼中推定规则的适用状况,发现裁判者对其适用范围、适用条件以及原告范围等问题理解不同,导致实践中同案不同判现象频现.对此,既要在理论层面使裁判者明确亲子关系诉讼中推定的逻辑结构和法律效果,正确处理推定与亲子鉴定在亲子关系认定问题上的适用关系并合理配置双方当事人的程序性权利义务;又要在民事立法层面建构完善的亲子关系推定及强制认领制度,保障亲子关系诉讼中推定规则的有效实施.  相似文献   

汪丽青 《政法论丛》2014,(5):121-129
随着现代生殖医学技术的发展,死后人工生殖已成为现实。在死后人工生殖的法律规制方面,美国走在了世界前列。死后人工生殖的前提是死后配子的支配问题,对此,生前取精和死后取精各有不同。死后人工生殖主要涉及家庭法、继承法、保险法等方面的法律问题,美国法院对这些问题的处理各有不同。我国应当借鉴美国的经验,有条件地许可死后人工生殖,并在相应的立法文件中有所体现。  相似文献   

台湾地区代孕合法化之争研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
代孕人工生殖客观上导致母亲职能的分解,挑战母亲定义和亲子关系认定的标准。台湾地区曾掀起一场激烈的代孕合法化之争,力主合法化有之,坚持非法化有之。争论对台湾地区代孕立法的方向、进程和模式都产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术可能带来的相关刑事法律问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辅助生殖技术的成功运用和不断完善实施,给众多不孕家庭带来了福音,使得他们为人父母成为一种可能,加之辅助生殖技术成功率的提升,更给这一技术的推广带来了机遇。目前全世界不孕不育率之高以及这种仍在增长的趋势是前所未有的,这给该技术的推广带来了机遇但是同时也一系列问题。本文讨论的是这一系列问题中的“犯罪与刑法相关问题”,正如本文中所列举,这一技术所可能引发的刑事法律问题并不是单一的,而是多发的,也是存在于多个领域之中的,这需要我们用立法对其加以规制,这既是对违法犯罪行为的打击,同时更重要的是对辅助生殖技术安全规范实施的保障。  相似文献   

The recent Federal Court decision in McBain v. Victoria, which rendered inoperative a Victorian law that restricted assisted reproductive technology to married or heterosexual de facto couples, has raised the issue of whether lesbians should have access to such technology. This article provides an overview of State laws currently regulating lesbian access to assisted reproduction in Australia. It then explores the growing body of empirical research indicating that the welfare of children raised in lesbian households does not differ in any significant respect from the welfare of children raised in comparable circumstances by heterosexual parents. This research undermines the view that children suffer social stigma or experience hardship caused by the lack of a 'father figure.' The 'welfare of child' rhetoric has in fact been used to mask marginalisation of 'alternative' family forms, and the reluctance to extend assisted reproductive technology to lesbians is underpinned by a deep-rooted fear of undermining the traditional heterosexual nuclear family.  相似文献   

论人工生殖子女父母身份之认定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张燕玲 《法学论坛》2005,20(5):66-75
传统民法中父母子女关系的建立,血缘与怀胎是母亲同时具备的要素,法律上兼以二者作为认定母子关系的指标。随着医学科技的发达,人工生殖技术使得血缘与怀胎间的相连性不再理所当然,不孕夫妻可以借用他人的精卵通过体内或体外受精,使妻孕育分娩子女,甚至可以将不孕夫妻的受精卵植入他人的子宫怀胎分娩,使得人类的繁衍可以在血缘之外的母体进行。生殖科技对现行法律制度提出了诸多挑战,人工生殖子女之父母身份的认定问题尤为突出。为避免因采用特殊规则形成人工生殖子女为特殊子女的不当认识,立法上应力求采用与自然生殖同样的父母认定标准确定人工授精子女的亲子关系,即依据出生事实确定谁是母亲,根据婚生推定及否认制度确定谁是父亲,丈夫的术前同意限制其对子女的婚生否认权的行使;立足于有限性开放代理孕母的观点,确定代孕子女的父母身份时,法律应突破传统的分娩者为母亲的观念,通过特殊立法规定遗传父母为代孕子女之法律父母。  相似文献   

This Comment traces assisted reproductive technologies from their historical beginnings in early artificial insemination techniques, through the revolutionary advent of in vitro fertilization two decades ago, and continues to current experimental procedures such as embryo twinning and cryopreservation of ova. It then examines the worldwide controversy surrounding clinical use of these technologies and international attempts to resolve these issues. The final focus is on whether or not a consensus exists within the international legal community on how to tackle the complex issues presented by recent advances in reproductive technology.  相似文献   

This commentary examines social and political implications of social egg freezing in a market that is stratified, globalized, and part of a larger bioeconomy. John Robertson''s article and public discourse prompted by Facebook and Apple''s ‘corporate egg freezing’ benefits provide touchstones for interrogating social and industry practices that embrace making reproductive capacity marketable. Supply of the cells and bodies necessary for assisted reproductive technology use depends on market thinking and structural inequality. What the industry produces are carefully calibrated social-political distances between participants in egg freezing and banking, as well as ‘third party reproduction.’  相似文献   

This article proposes a new model for analyzing legal issues arising from technological conception and uses it to develop rules to govern the legal parentage of technologically conceived children. Professor Garrison shows that most commentators on technological conception have employed a "top-down" methodology, deriving rules for specific cases from an abstract global principle such as reproductive autonomy, freedom of contract, or anticommodification. Professor Garrison critiques these and several other approaches, showing that they offer little concrete guidance in many cases, risk the introduction of discordant values into the law of parentage, and fail to capture all of the values that have traditionally guided parentage determination. In their place, she proposes an "interpretive methodology" which, by relying heavily on current rules governing parentage determination in other contexts, would assimilate technological conception within the broader law of parental obligation. Professor Garrison argues that cases of sexual and technological conception should be governed by similar rules because, despite mechanical differences between these two reproductive methods, there are no significant differences in the parent-child relationships that they produce. She demonstrates that the interpretive approach can cabin rule-making disagreements, and that it can generate comprehensive parentage rules that are based on uniform policy goals and that ensure consistent treatment of parent-child relationships.  相似文献   

欧洲所有国家都有关于规范辅助生殖的全面立法计划。欧洲国家的立法机构在调整辅助生殖的过程中在个人生育权与负责任的生殖实践和养育子女有关的信念之间寻求平衡。欧洲关于辅助生殖的立法分为宽容型、谨慎型和禁止型。意大利和西班牙作为具有天主教悠久历史的两个国家,在调整辅助生殖立法方面走上了两个截然相反的道路。医师团体、女权主义者、堕胎问题对于欧洲国家辅助生殖立法进程起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

Although testimonial privileges undermine the general rule that all relevant evidence is admissible at trial, legislatures and courts have recognized certain privileges primarily to protect. In these cases, the courts and legislatures have balanced the competing interests of full disclosure, on one hand, and the preservation of valued relationship, on the other, and have found that the latter outweighs the former. The attorney-clint privilege, for example, exists to encourage truthful communications between attorney and client so that the client may obtain complete and accurate legal advice. Likewise, the marital privilege protects confidences between spouses to preserve the institution of marriage. The parent-child relationship, while certainly valuable to society, has not been afforded the same protection. This note argues that a parent-child privilege should exist. Basic constitutional principles, as well as comparative and social policy arguments, support the recognition of a parent-child privilege .  相似文献   

Although many have argued that assisted reproductive technologies ("ARTs") attract those with a desire to genetically engineer their offspring, this claim has yet to be verified. To address this question, we surveyed three groups: the general public, people enrolling in an in vitro fertilization ("IVF") program, and pregnant couples. We asked subject which traits they would select in their children if it were possible to use a magic wand to do so and to value genetic relatedness. In our sample, the potential parents who were using ARTs were less likely to express a desire to select traits in their offspring than were the general public, and just as likely as the pregnant couples, Those using ARTs , however, place greater importance on having genetically related children than the others. Thus, the widely held view that reproductive technology is utilized by those most likely to favor genetic engineering is falsified by out findings.  相似文献   

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