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Despite the monopolistic networks, the liberalized electricity supply industry in Germany is unregulated; the network-access charges are only subject to competition law, not to ex-ante approval. This paper explores the consequences of this policy by analyzing empirical observation with the theory of vertical relations. It concludes that the authorities' focus should be on the level of the access charges and not on discriminatory behavior. Unregulated access charges imply that the integrated firms have different incentives as compared to the independent entrants with respect to the competitive markets. Thereby, the principle of a level playing field is violated.  相似文献   

Globalizing Regulation: Reaching Beyond the Borders of Chemical Safety   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article argues that although globalization can benefit both exporters and importers of regulation in absolute terms, it may turn the globalization of regulation into a game with relative winners and losers. Using the EU REACH Regulation of chemicals as a case study, it explores the normative, social, economic, and strategic reasons that push the EU to promote the global adoption of REACH. Notwithstanding its attractions, rules globalization may result in a mismatch between global norms and local priorities, particularly for developing countries. It reduces regulatory diversity, and amplifies the strengths but equally the weaknesses of the dominant regulatory framework. While it can foster international trade through mutual recognition of regulatory decisions and the development of transnational regulatory frameworks, it increases the likelihood of conflict and trade flow desequilibria. The article calls for further careful consideration of rules globalization, so that harmonization does not come at the expense of local interests and values.  相似文献   

何士青  翟凯 《河北法学》2015,33(1):34-42
典当业是一种从事以质押或抵押一定物或权利而进行放贷的特殊金融活动,当前我国典当业正不断发挥其资金融通、救急济困的功能,促进着国民经济的活跃和繁荣。但是由于我国典当业法律制度建设的不完善导致了当前典当业经营出现了许多问题。因而通过梳理我国典当业监管制度的流变,总结目前监管中存在的一些不足,未来可以从法律制定、实务操作等环节多管齐下地采取措施,健全和完善我国典当业的法律监管制度,以引导该行业更好地发展。  相似文献   

李耀磊  张永华 《河北法学》2021,39(1):112-120
智能化体育产业需要进行必要的法律规制,以实现体育产业的有序发展。随着我国人工智能、大数据和互联网等相关技术的快速发展,体育产业呈现出多维度泛在智能化趋向。在智能化体育产业法律规制方面,《体育法》存在明显的缺位,体育行政法规和部门规章也存在规制的不足,而《新一代人工智能发展规划》对智能化体育产业并未予以适当关注。因此,在对智能化体育产业的法律规制策略方面,应选择在《体育法》中进行总则概括规定、分章明确细化规定、在行政法规和部门规章中进行适当体现、由行业协会进行重点监管的法律规制路径。  相似文献   

利润平均化是通过资本在不同产业或部门之间的竞争实现的,各产业(部门)利润率平均化的过程,实质 上就是在不同产业部门不同利润率信号的引导下,逐步实现产业结构不断调整的过程。在此基础上文章分析了产业结 构调整的障碍因素,阐释了当前进行产业结构调整的措施。  相似文献   

中国电力产业的规制及其法律问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在 2 1世纪 ,在对具有自然垄断特性的产业的管理上开始越来越多地提及一个新名词“规制” ,“规制”的含义应该与“监管”基本相同 ,与以往的“管制”有一定的区别。本文从分析电力产业“规制”和“管制”的关系入手 ,提出促进电力产业实现有效的规制 ,完成电力产业改革的目标 ,必须靠完善的法律体系的保证 ;并进一步分析了电力产业现有法律框架的不足 ,以及如何使这种法律框架得到进一步的完善。  相似文献   

我国彩票业法律规制初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年世界彩票业一直以15%左右的高速增长,西方彩票业之所以快速发展与其健全的法律制度是分不开的.我国自1987年发行第一张彩票至今20年间,彩票业也取得了辉煌的成就.但目前突出的问题是:与彩票业快速发展相比,我国彩票立法明显滞后,一直没有一部最基本的彩票法或彩票行政法规,由于立法的空缺,对彩票的发行主体、购买、市场管理、资金分配和使用、监督、彩票发行者与彩民的权利义务、对非法彩票发行的惩处缺乏一套严格有效的规范体系,致使社会上出现了一些日益增多的"彩票纠纷"、"彩票官司"和"私彩"问题,各类彩票案件频发.毫不讳言,我国目前关于彩票发行除了国务院以若干"通知"的形式明确彩票发行的基本要求外,彩票的具体发行规则以及资金使用办法等则由民政部、财政部分别制定行政规章,这些法律层级比较低,事实上,我国的彩票发行至今没有获得法律上的认可.而解决上述问题的有效途径在于,构建符合我国国情的彩票法律制度.首先明确彩票法律地位、合法性、公益性等问题;其次规定彩票主体--购买主体、发行主体、监管主体三大主体的权利义务;再次建立公开、公正、公平的彩票市场法律制度.  相似文献   

化学成像检验技术新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化学成像检验技术已经成为物证鉴定学科研究的重点和热点课题。化学成像检验技术结合了成像检验。光谱分析。图像处理等技术方法,能够为检验鉴定同时提供定量定性定位的准确信息。本文参考大量文献。总结归纳了化学成像检验的定义。介绍了化学成像检验技术应用于法庭科学研究现状与未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

The role of prosecution in achieving compliance with social regulation is a highly contentious issue, nowhere more so than with regard to work-related injury and death in the New South Wales mining industry. Following a mining disaster, political pressure prompted the mines inspectorate to abandon its traditional 'advise and persuade' approach in favour of a much tougher, deterrence-oriented approach. Our field-work suggests that while the former approach can result in regulatory capture, the latter can be equally counterproductive. In the mining industry, interactions between inspectors and the regulated industry are frequent and ongoing and trust is central to constructive relations. When those relations break down (as under an inappropriate prosecution policy) then dialogue ceases, information is withheld rather than shared, in-firm accident investigation, prevention, and remedial action are inhibited and both sides retreat to a form of adversarialism that undermines regulatory effectiveness. Through a 20-year case study of the mines inspectorate, the article demonstrates the centrality of trust to regulatory effectiveness, how it can be lost, and how it can best be regained.  相似文献   

魏静 《法治研究》2010,(1):31-35
行业协会限制竞争的行为主要体现为卡特尔行为。行业协会卡特尔行为因行业协会的特殊性质而更具隐蔽性、复杂性和严重性。我国现行《反垄断法》对行业协会卡特尔行为进行了规制,但规定存在某些缺失,有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

快递行业的迅速发展导致纠纷的急剧增加,在诸多纠纷中,快递业往往以行业习惯作为免除自身责任的理由。针对消费者反映强烈的一些问题,以习惯为理由显然不能为快递业开脱。通过考察习惯的形成与发展路径,发现快递行业的习惯需要秉持理性的发展道路,而合理习惯的形成与发展离不开行业自律与法律规制。  相似文献   

This case study focuses on how the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment combined consultative processes with federal provincial negotiations to develop a policy for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds. The paper argues that the relationship among the parties was not characterized by the reciprocity required for a partnership, and that the process employed was insensitive to inequalities in regulatory capacity. As a result, too little attention was devoted to the question of how regulatory capacities can be continuously improved.  相似文献   

论文化产业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋球勋 《行政与法》2004,(11):13-15
积极发展文化产业,是对我国文化建设理论的重大突破,也是对文化建设认识上的飞跃。那么,文化产业与文化事业有何不同?发展文化产业意义何在?应采取哪些应对措施?这些都是人们应该认真思考的问题。  相似文献   

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