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Abstract. Since 1966 the Ontario government has been elaborating a regional development program. Extensive administrative changes have been instituted to facetted the coordination of relevant provincial responsibilities and to obtain local and regional viewpoints in the preparation of regional development plans. In a major policy statement in June 1972, the government introduced several changes in the regional planning process, emphasized the important role to be played by cities, counties and regional governments, especially in the implementation of regional development plans, and proposed an accelerated program of local government reform. This article, which is based on a larger study, analyses Ontario's regional development program over the first six years, with particular reference to the adequacy of the administrative machinery involved, outlines the major changes affecting the program which have been introduced during the just half of p 1972 and offers general conclusions concerning the present adequacy and desired future direction of the program. Sommaire. Le gouvemement de l'Ontario élabore un programme de développement régional depuis 1966. Il a entrepris des changements administratifs im-portants pour faciliter la coordination des responsabilités provinciales et pour obtenir les points de we locaux et régionaux nécessaires à la mise au point des plans de développement régionaux. Dans une déclaration de politique de juin 1972, le gouvernement annonça plusieurs modifications apportées au processus de planification régionale, insista sur le rôle important qu'allaient jouer les villes, les comités et les gouvernements régionaux, particulièrement dans la mise en vigueur des plans de développement régionaux, et proposa un programme accéléré de réforme des gouvernements locaux. Cet article, basé sur une étude plus conséquente, analyse le programme de développement régional pendant les six premières années, en s'occupant plus particulièrement de l'efficacité du mécanisme administratif. Il analyse les principaux changements qui ont été apportés au programme pendant les premiers six mois de 1972 et offre des conclusions générales sur son efficacité actuelle ainsi que sur l'orientation que I'auteur voudrait lui voir prendre Bà I'avenir.  相似文献   

It is clear that urban economic development practices in Ontario tend to cluster in certain classifications. The most widely and consistently used practices are in the area of marketing. On average, nine out of eleven techniques are practised by the cities surveyed. Governance tools and infrastructure investments are also fairly widely employed, with an average of six out of ten uniformly used. Governmental regulations, land and property management activities, and financial tools are less widely employed, with averages of five of thirteen, four of eleven, and two of twelve techniques practised by all cities respectively. In total, cities in Ontario employ an average of twenty-five out of fifty-seven economic development techniques listed. The ten most widely practised techniques across all categories are identified in Table 6. Again, marketing activities figure predominantly. However, landbased incentives and initiatives such as land acquisition, industrial zoning and industrial parks, and infrastructure improvements also are important. Based on these findings, it appears that cities in Ontario offer a range of economic development incentives which conforms closely to those widely practised by other cities. Marketing, site acquisition, and infrastructure improvement are among the most commonly used techniques according to literature. Indeed, because much of the literature focuses on cities in the United States, this research also suggests that similar economic development incentives are offered by cities in Canada and the United States. However, financial incentives such as tax abatements, loans, and loan guarantees are notable by their absence in Ontario cities. Does the limitation on bonuses affect economic development practices in the other categories? In other words, what appears to be the result of provincial restrictions on bonuses? Based on survey results and personal interviews with a small sample of economic development officials in Ontario, it does seem that restrictions have had some impact. While common techniques do centre in the marketing and land based areas, it appears that Ontario cities are also more likely to use more innovative means of attracting economic development. For example, business incubators and training programs are utilized by over 25 per cent of the cities. Thus these techniques, often promoted in the literature as more advantageous to cities, seem to be used more widely in Ontario than in many other cities. Regulations to limit or control certain facets of development also seem more prevalent than easing governmental regulations to promote development. Finally, some innovative techniques such as awards for research and development are also evident. While many economic development officials acknowledge that provincial restrictions limit their ability to compete with other cities, particularly those in the United States (52 per cent agree), they are split over whether such restrictions are too extreme (40 per cent feel they are too restricted, 43 per cent feel that they are not). In interviews it was often suggested that such limitations do reduce the inter-city competition for development which often drives economic development policies in cities that are allowed to offer tax abatements and other incentives. Further research is warranted to explore more fully the effect of restrictions on economic development bonuses. If such limitations regularly result in practices that are judged to be effective in promoting economic development, then such policies as those contained in the Municipal Act appear promising.  相似文献   

Abstract: As Canada enters the twenty-first century, its highly prized program, medicare, is undergoing radical transformation. With technological change and the restructuring of health systems, the locus of care is shifting from institutions to the home. As a result, care that was formerly publicly financed under the Canada Health Act is technically becoming de-insured. This paper analyses the reform of community-based long-term care services in Ontario from 1985 to the present. During this period, three different parties, the Liberals, the ndp and the Progressive Conservatives, in turn, formed the government. Four different models were put forward before the current model was adopted by the current pc government. Each of these models is analysed with respect to design decisions that must be made in the policy dimensions of financing, delivery and allocation and evaluated in terms of equity, liberty, security and efficiency. Underlying the debate in Ontario was a fundamental disagreement about the role of government, reflected in views about the responsibilities of individuals and their families, and the appropriate place of for-profit organizations within a publicly funded system. The reform of this sector has significance that goes beyond its boundaries, with wider implications and warnings for health care in general. Sommaire: Au moment même où le Canada se trouve au seuil du vingtième siècle, son très populaire régime d'assurance-maladie subit une transformation radicale. À cause de l'évolution technologique et de la restructuration du systéme de soins de santé, le fardeau de ces soins se déplace des institutions vers les foyers. Par conséuent, des soins auparavant financés par les deniers public en vertu de la Loi cana-dienne sur la santé deviennent techniquement non-assurés. Dans cet article, on analyse la réforme des services ontariens de soins à long terme axés sur la communauté, de 1985 áG ce jour. Pendant cette période, trois partis differents, les Libéraux, les Né-démocrates et les Progressistes conservateurs ont formé le gouvernment à tour de rôle. Quatre modèles différents ont été préconisés avant l'adoption du modèle actuel par le gouvernement progressiste conservateur qui est aujourd'hui au pou-voir. On y analyse chacun de ces modèles quant aux décisions conceptuelles á faire pour les politiques de financement, de prestation et d'allocation, et chaque modèle doit être évalué en termes d'équité, de liberté, de sécurité et d'efficacité. À l'arrièreplan du débat, en Ontario, il y avait un désaccord fondamental sur le rôle du gouvemement, que reflétaient les opinions concemant la responsabilité des citoyens et de leurs familles ainsi que sur la place appropriée des organismes à but lucratif à au sein d'un système financéà même les derniers publics. La réforme de ce secteur a des répercussions non seulement sur le secteur hi-même mais aussi sur les soins de santé en général.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent efforts by the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation (MRI) to measure and evaluate the success of its policies. It argues that these efforts have been inhibited by changes in the ministry's political context and the inherent complexity of the issues that innovation policies seek to address. The innovation strategy pursued by the ministry incorporates an element of mediated causality in its program logic, which complicates efforts to determine policy outcomes. When compounded by a changing normative context for judging success, this inherent complexity makes it very difficult to accurately determine and learn from the MRI's policy outcomes. The article concludes by suggesting a preliminary process of inquiry that might address some of these difficulties.  相似文献   

中国正进入经济结构战略性调整和完善社会主义市场经济体制的重要时期 ,将要加入 WTO,并且要适应其规则 ,这些都对政策创新提出了艰巨的任务 ,政策科学在中国因而既面临挑战又适逢契机  相似文献   

经济外交是一国对国内外竞争利益作出回应的政策努力,其目的是通过政府及其海外公司使国家利益最大化.作为世界上最大的发展中经济体,中国经济的总量增长越大,越需要在国内甚至全球范围内寻求更多的资源配置.然而,现存的国际体系和制度规范并没有对接纳中国等新兴大国做好充分准备.另一方面,随着对高科技、资本、能源和原材料的进口依赖不断加深,中国经济安全的范畴也更加宽泛,敏感程度似乎更高.在这些趋势的影响下,近年来中国更加强调外交工作"服务于国内经济建设的大局",出现了观念更新、制度改进、决策多元和形式多样化等显著转变.本文旨在总结目前中国经济外交在动因、规范、机制和实践方面变化的特点,并由此推断中国未来全球战略的基本走向.  相似文献   

中国的对外经济政策是中国外交政策的重要组成部分,其核心目标是国富民强,尽快实现中国的现代化。本文试图展示过去50年以来中国对外经济政策的主要特征、影响对外经济关系的各种因素以及中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)5年以来所受的冲击和面临的挑战,并进一步探讨中国对外经济政策应如何作出调整。  相似文献   

本文主要从回顾中国改革开放以来经济领域立法的进程的角度,肯定了经济立法对中国社会主义市场经济发展所起到的保驾护航作用,并且明确指出改革开放以来经济立法中一些法律制度存在着立法内容不够完善、实施效果不甚理想和缺位现象亟待解决等三方面主要问题和不足之处,进而对企业组织管理法、市场管理法、宏观调控法、社会保障法的相关立法前景进行了探讨和展望.  相似文献   

Regional collaboration has been suggested as a more effective way to promote economic development than competitive approaches. In Ontario, despite attempts by the provincial government to encourage regional collaboration, research finds that municipalities are still engaging in inter-territorial competition. In this article, we conducted interviews with thirty-seven practitioners to determine if economic development practices in Ontario have shifted towards more collaborative approaches during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article finds that regional collaboration, as an economic development practice, has intensified in the province during the recent pandemic. Practitioners noted three reasons for engaging in regional collaboration: pool resources, reduce duplication, and complete regionally task-oriented goals.  相似文献   

作为国际政治经济学知识谱系中主要的研究范式之一,国家主义将国家带入了对外经济政策分析的中心。由于对"国家"概念界定的不同,国家主义包括三种不同的理论路径:单一国家路径、国内结构路径和制度路径。本文在梳理代表性文献的基础上,辨析和比较了这些不同路径的主要命题,指出了它们相互融合的基础,并揭示了国家主义理论对研究对外经济政策的意义。  相似文献   

防止经济大起大落始终是一个具有重大理论和现实意义的问题。论文从商业性金融的顺周期性出发,对财政政策和货币政策为主的宏观调节手段、基于商业性金融监管的微观干预手段的特征和效果进行分析,说明由于财政政策的挤出效应、货币政策的时滞效应,以及监管当局微观干预的被动性与刚性等原因的存在,使得传统的反经济周期政策工具存在明显的局限性,而作为直接市场主体的开发性金融更具有及时性和诱导性,可以有效地弥补以政府部门为主体的传统间接调控的不足,完善反周期调节的政策工具体系。  相似文献   

在自由市场经济中,全球性经济和金融危机的发生往往呈现出周期性特征。对于俄罗斯而言,2008年经济危机在本质上区别于1998年经济危机:1998年经济危机是由于内部原因引发的,俄罗斯  相似文献   

新经济政策的实施,给当时的俄共(布)党建发展提供了新的契机。列宁为此提出了应在党内实行广泛的民主选举、加强和完善党内民主讨论、加强和改善党内集体领导、建立健全党内民主监督等一系列思想。学习列宁党内民主思想,对中国共产党党内民主制度建设有着相应的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between local government economic development policy and multilevel governance, and investigates whether multilevel governance can be effectively implemented in key sectors, using two case studies of the aerospace and fashion sectors. This article seeks to answer the following questions: What inhibits the formation of multilevel collaborative governance institutions in these sectors? What implications does this have for urban economic development policy for the City of Toronto, and by extension, other cities across Canada? The case study evidence suggests that these institutions are forming in other cities such as Montreal and contributing to their success. So why is Toronto different?  相似文献   

国际金融危机对我国实体经济的影响呈扩大趋势,当前必须在对外经济政策上实现五大转变,即我国从"创汇"向内外币均衡转变,从追求贸易顺差向追求进出口基本均衡转变,从重数量轻质量向重数量更重质量转变,从对外经济重引资轻投资向引资投资并重转变,从对待企业重外资轻内资向内外资兼顾转变.  相似文献   

经济转轨期我国公共政策决策模型的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在复杂多变的社会转型期 ,公共政策作为政府调控社会成员之间的利益关系 ,实现公共利益的合理分配及具体行政目标的重要手段之一 ,越来越发挥着举足轻重的作用。我国当前正处在经济转轨期 ,不可避免地涉及到如何运用合理的决策模型去制定科学有效的公共政策。实践证明 ,只有符合中国化的决策模型才能解决社会转型所带来的问题 ,因此中国的现代化发展必须更多地借鉴综合扫描决策模型的道路  相似文献   

When the generation of post-80s entered the labor market during 2003—2013, the China economic growth presented an inverted U type track. When the generations of post-90s and post-00s enter the labor market, growth will have dramatically declined. With post-90s and post-00s entering into the labor market, population bonus begins to disappear after 2016. To prevent Chinese economic fastly falling into demographic cliff, the paper evaluate the delay retirement and fertility policy, and we found that, when post- 90s and post-00s are entering into the labor market, delaying retirement is better than not, maintaining fertility policy unchanged is better than a relaxed fertility policy, while adjusting the retirement system brings about great effect. Delayed retirement policies need to be performed immediately, fertility policy is important, but not urgent.  相似文献   

To date, online voting studies have focused on impacts on political behaviour and voting security. Analyses of impacts on administrators and electoral governance remain sparse internationally and are relegated to overviews in technical reports in Canada (Pammett and Goodman 2013; Goodman and Pyman 2016). Drawing on an original survey of local administrators in Ontario following the 2014 municipal elections, this article explores how online voting impacts election administration. Findings suggest strong satisfaction with online voting, citizen‐centered rationales for adoption, and key differences in challenges and cost based on municipal size. We conclude with implications for the local governance of elections as technology plays a greater role in voting processes.  相似文献   

This article examines the definition of success in First Nations drinking water service as voiced by the First Nations technical community of practice. The research explores success stories to identify success themes and factors to formulate a workable definition for policy‐makers. Researchers interviewed sixteen technical practitioners in Ontario using a semi‐structured approach. Data analysis revealed a definition of success that extends beyond the technical boundary to include professional growth, employment, local action and a facilitating policy environment. This comprehensive definition provides a basis for policy and program considerations to increase First Nations buy‐in and foster a constructive environment for drinking water improvements.  相似文献   

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