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This article assesses whether police Field Training Officers (FTOs) display patterns of attitudes that distinguish them from non-field training officers. The analysis focuses on attitudes toward four important groups: fellow officers, immediate supervisors, top managers, and neighborhood residents. Interview data used were collected from Indianapolis Police Department (IPD) during the summer of 1996. Findings show that FTOs are more critical of their immediate supervisors and district managers than non-FTOs, whereas FTOs and non-FTOs hold similar attitudes toward their co-workers and neighborhood residents. Implications for future research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the level of dissatisfaction with police officer performance appraisal systems in many agencies is substantial (Hughes, 1990; Lilley, 2002), a recent nationwide survey of six hundred police organizations indicated that overall satisfaction was significantly higher among agencies with greater levels of community policing implementation (Lilley & Hinduja, 2006a). Given that research has suggested that dissatisfaction with the appraisal process may impact future employee performance and retention (Daily & Kirk, 1992; Deming, 1986), the focus of this analysis was to examine differences among police agencies that might explain this variation. Utilizing structural equation models, results indicated that agencies with a high level of community policing implementation were not automatically associated with increased satisfaction. Rather, these organizations differed from their more traditional counterparts with regard to evaluation procedure in that they provided substantially more training to raters, emphasized the use of performance appraisal for officer development, and evaluated a broader range of performance criteria.  相似文献   

Sixty-two police officers were administered the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) during employer referred psychological Fitness for Duty Examinations (FFDEs). PAI scores were analyzed as a function of the length of time the officers had worked within law enforcement occupations. PAI subtest scales ARD, ARD-P, ARD-T and DEP scores all produced significant positive correlations between both the amount of time spent on the current police job and the total time served as a police officer within a bivariate Pearsonr correlation matrix. Implications for an understanding of psychometric test results within the FFDE context and the evolution of law enforcement officer personality patterns are discussed. Author Note: At the time this research was done, Beth Caillouet was with Matrix, Inc. She is now a graduate student in psychology. Cary Rostow, Ph.D., is a police psychologist and president of Matrix, Inc., and Robert Davis, Ph.D., is executive vice-president and director of science, research, and development for Matrix, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA.  相似文献   

Conclusion On the 15 propositions, three propositions were found to support the general hypothesis. The findings indicate that as police officers showed an increase in attitudes supporting spousal violence the following occurred: (a) “frequent calls for police assistance from the household” became less important to police officers who were deciding to arrest; (b) “Jail overcrowding” became more important to police officers who were deciding not to arrest; and (c) “participant’s first encounter with the police” became more important to police officers who were deciding not to arrest. The other 12 propositions did not support the general hypothesis which suggested that the priority of all extralegal factors would relate to the ABUSE score.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate whether there was a relationship between police officer characteristics (e.g., experience, race, gender, age) and internal affairs investigations for allegations of use of force. Cumulative logistic regression models were fitted to data extracted from personnel files of officers employed by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department for the years 1996 through 2000. Analysis showed that officers with less than five years experience working in the Sheriff's Department had odds of being investigated for allegations of using force that were nearly 4.4 times the odds among officers with twenty or more years of experience. Officers with five to nine years experience were eight times more likely to be investigated for use of force allegations than those with twenty or more years of experience. In general, the lower the departmental experience, the higher the odds of being investigated. No significant racial disparities were observed in investigations for allegations of use of force. Officers with a history of allegations of use of force investigations were considerably more likely to be subsequently investigated for alleged uses of force. It was concluded that investigations for allegations of use of force by officers might be reduced considerably if more attention were paid to training and mentoring of new and younger officers.  相似文献   

Television has become “the” medium of the masses in contemporary America. However, there has been very little systematic investigation about television’s impact upon agents of political authority, such as municipal police agencies. This research analyzes potential linkages between voter support for local police and voter viewing habits of local television news. The impact of television news upon voter support for police is assessed in the context of a multivariate model, which includes media and non-media predictor variables. Voter “support” for a municipal police agency is deemed a multidimensional concept and is measured in absolute and relative terms. The findings of this exploratory study suggest that local television news has minimal or no impact (positively or negatively) upon voter attitudes toward local police agencies. The inability of mediaand non-media variables to explain voter support for municipal law enforcement indicates the need for a completely new paradigm to guide research in this niche of criminal justice.  相似文献   

Stress is clearly a part of the human condition, especially in today’s crowded and complex society. In the criminal justice system in particular, occupational stress can be seen to be a problem for its employees. The present study examined aspects of stress for the line correctional officer, utilizing a number of approaches. Situations perceived as stressful were identified by interviews conducted with correctional officers. Information was then gathered by interviewing a second sample as to the types of coping responses available to correctional officers in these situations. The results indicated that officers reported periodic work overload, the handling of promotions, and conflicts with supervisors and initiates to be the most stressful situations. Correctional officers also indicated that in most of the stressful situations generated, there were few coping responses available to them, and that they had little or no control over these situations. Since most of the situations presented to correctional officers resulted in no constructive coping responses, the hypothesis was advanced that correctional officers who stay on the job develop cognitive coping processes in order to handle stressful situations. Furthermore, correctional officers tended to deny the stresses of the occupation and consequently experience feelings of helplessness and alienation.  相似文献   

Bottoms and Tankebe recently analysed the multidimensional nature of police legitimacy and made an argument for its relevance to social order. Using survey data from three communities of varying socioeconomic conditions in Pakistan, this paper examines the links between the multiple dimensions of the Bottoms-Tankebe model of police legitimacy and support for vigilante violence. The findings show overall high levels of support for vigilantism. Regression analysis shows that experiences of police illegality consistently predict support for vigilantism across the three communities. Perceived quality of police decision-making predicts support for vigilantism in some conditions but not others. Contrary to expectations, quality of interpersonal treatment by police and police effectiveness do not explain support for vigilantism. We also found no evidence to show that feelings of obligation to obey the police mediate the influence of police legitimacy on vigilante support. The implications of these findings are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1994,59(246):66204-66253
This final rule contains provisions regarding both paternity establishment and the audit. The paternity establishment provisions implement the requirements of section 13721 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 (OBRA '93) signed by the President on August 10, 1993, which amends title IV-D of the Social Security Act (the Act). These provisions require States to adopt procedures for a simple civil process for the voluntary acknowledgement of paternity, including early paternity establishment programs in hospitals. For paternity cases that remain contested, the statutory provisions require States to adopt a variety of procedures designed to streamline the paternity establishment process. These include the use of default orders, a presumption of paternity based on genetic test results, conditions for admission of genetic test results as evidence, and expedited decision-making processes for paternity cases in which title IV-D services are being provided. In addition, this final regulation amends the Child Support Enforcement program regulations governing the audit of State Child Support Enforcement (IV-D) programs and the imposition of financial penalties for failure to substantially comply with the requirements of title IV-D of the Act. This regulation specifies how audits will evaluate State compliance with the requirements set forth in title IV-D of the Act and Federal regulations, including requirements resulting from the Family Support Act of 1988 and section 13721 of OBRA '93. This final regulation also redefines substantial compliance to place greater focus on performance and streamlines Part 305 by removing unnecessary sections.  相似文献   

Despite the volume of time officers spend on traffic enforcement encounters, there was limited research exploring how they used their discretion in such interactions. Issues relating to police decision making patterns in the enforcement of motor vehicle laws were particularly salient in light of the on-going debate over racial profiling. This study examined how officers made decisions (in particular, to stop and to sanction) in the course of traffic enforcement. Using field observations and interviews with officers in a small midwestern agency, the authors described the factors and forces that officers used in making discretionary choices. The findings indicated that leniency in sanctioning was very common and that officers expected citizens to be contrite and acknowledge responsibility for their infractions. Implications for larger and more systematic observational studies are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined police discretionary behavior in stopping and arresting drivers suspected of drunken driving in the state of Maine (U.S.A.). A sample of 186 officers was questioned at the beginning and end of a one-year period with respect to their attitudes toward OUI (Operating Under the Influence of Alcohol) law enforcement and their discretionary behavior in regard to OUI.Significant minorities of police officers reported that they made decisions either not to apprehend (thirty-three percent) or not to arrest (forty-one percent) OUI suspects in the study year. Officers who reported discretionary decisions not to apprehend or arrest generally did so infrequently—i.e. five percent of possible apprehensions and ten percent of possible arrests.Type of police department was significantly associated with decisions not to stop OUI suspects: officers in large departments ( ≥ 20 officers) reported more discretion. Officers with longer service careers, administration responsibilities, high personal priorities on OUI enforcement, and favorable opinions of the climate of OUI enforcement were less likely not to arrest OUI suspects.  相似文献   

Law enforcement officers experience a variety of stressors because of their police work responsibilities. The use of avoidance coping in order to cope with emotions, thoughts, and memories of traumatic or stressful events may explain increases in occupational stress and poorer psychological functioning. In this study, avoidance coping, occupational stress, and psychological distress were assessed in law enforcement officers. The sample was majority Caucasian, male, and married with a mean of 12.4 years of law enforcement experience. Results indicated that participants reported high levels of psychological distress as compared to an adult male non-patient sample. The use of avoidant coping was associated with higher levels of organizational stress. Additionally, a predictor of psychological distress was the use of avoidant coping strategies and high levels of occupational stress, respectively. Implications of these findings concerning the role of workplace acceptance in a law enforcement setting are discussed. Authors’ Note: Significant institutional support was provided by the police administration to conduct this study. The authors would like to thank all of the police officers that took their time to participate in this study. This study was funded by a fellowship from the Jim Mikawa Ethnic Minority Fund. Data collection was provided by Rebecca M. Pasillas. Natalie M. Rice. Kathleen M. Palm. Leah, M. Leonard, and Lindsay Gray.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):703-719

The present study identifies areas of concern related to the interaction of recent Asian arrivals with the American police, and differentiates Chinese immigrants from Vietnamese refugees. Community leaders reported their perception of Asian attitudes toward the police. This information was used to construct a questionnaire administered to residents of a Chinese and a Vietnamese community in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. The study found 1) that fear of crime, poor communication with police, and gang activities are the major concerns for the Vietnamese in the sample, and that fear of crime and perceived police prejudice against residents are the primary concerns for the Chinese; and 2) that the Vietnamese consistently rated all the problems as more serious than did the Chinese.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2023,63(2):149-157
The identification of long-term missing persons and unidentified human remains is a global challenge. Many people stay on missing persons registers, with unidentified human remains stored for extended periods in mortuaries around the world. Research exploring public and/or family support for providing DNA in long-term missing persons cases is scarce. The aims of this study were to examine whether trust in police predicted the level of support for providing DNA and explore public/family support and concerns for providing DNA in such cases. Trust in police was measured through two widely used empirical attitude scales; “The Measures of Police Legitimacy and Procedural Justice”. Support and concerns for giving DNA were measured through four hypothetical missing persons case scenarios. The results showed more positive attitudes towards police legitimacy and procedural justice significantly predicted support, with the percentage level of positive support across the four case types as follows: cases involving a long-term missing child (89%), elderly adult with dementia (83%), young adult with a history of runaway (76%), with the lowest level of support for an adult with an estranged family (73%). Participants also reported more concerns about providing DNA when the missing person circumstances involved family estrangement. Understanding levels of public/family support and concerns around providing DNA to police in missing persons cases is vital to ensure that DNA collection practices reflect what the public/family support and, wherever possible, alleviate public concerns.  相似文献   

There has been much debate regarding basic police training and its effect on the attitudes of police recruits. Some critics argue that academy training creates negative attitudes in police recruits that favor arrest and crime attack orientations. The data presented in this article suggest that police recruits from a large urban police training program possess attitudes unfavorable toward crime attack or strict enforcement policing roles. The article examines a Los Angeles Police Department recruit training class, and the perceptions these recruits have toward selected policing roles. The study suggests police recruits do not perceive their role as simply being one of crime attack and strict enforcement.  相似文献   

A longitudinal study investigated prejudice among 412 New South Wales (Australia) police recruits. Recruits were tested on Beswick and Hills' (1972) Australian E scale and Ray's (1972) Balanced F scale at recruitment, after 6 months' full-time academy training, and after 12 months' police experimence. It was found that over the period of academy training recruits became less authoritarian but did not vary on ethnocentrism. Over the field experience stage recruits became both more ethnocentric and authoritarian. Further, recruits sent to districts with large Aboriginal populations became significantly more ethnocentric but no more authoritarian than other recruits. At a theoretical level, results suggest that police attributes may develop as a function of particular policing experiences. At an applied level, results suggest that training alone is unlikely to overcome the problem of police prejudice.  相似文献   

This study explored the attitudes and support needs of police officer negotiators involved in suicide negotiation. A qualitative approach was adopted, applying principles of grounded theory research. Purposive sampling was used and 16 semi-structured interviews conducted. Strategies and processes taught during training for the role constituted an important support mechanism. The lack of formal processes to support participants’ well-being was reported although effective peer support network amongst negotiators existed. Mental health awareness and suicide intervention training should be considered key for police officers, who are first responders. Robust procedures are needed to support the emotional well-being of police negotiators.  相似文献   

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