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Competition policy often asks whether a “fair share” of the benefits from cost savings obtained through mergers or agreements is passed on to the consumers. We assess the factorsthat determine cost pass-on in some partial-equilibrium oligopoly models, and show that, although the strength of the pass-on varies from one situation to another, there are some rules of thumb that give a first approximation of the pass-on rate. We also show that, contrary to common belief and to what is written about the subject in the European Commission's guidelines on the application of Article 81(3), in most circumstances cost pass-on does not depend on the price elasticity of demand nor on the market share of the cost saver, and that with competition the pass-on of firm-specific cost savings is weaker than without. JEL Classification: C72 (non-cooperative games), D43 (oligopoly), L40 (antitrust policy)  相似文献   

共同侵权之“共同”标准:反思与重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国《侵权责任法》以意思联络作为确定共同侵权的“共同”标准。该法选择的进路并无充分的价值依据且悖于侵权法的发展方向。其他现有的替代标准未能弥补该缺陷。妥当的进路是附条件的损害共同说。在受害人无辜的场合,只要数人致同一或不可分的损害。各加害人均应负连带责任。在受害人具有过错的场合,只要某加害人责任份额比受害人责任份额大,该加害人即应负连带责任。过错程度和风险比例规则是确定当事人责任份额的妥当标准。  相似文献   

Much of the criminal justice literature indicates that people’s support for harsh criminal sanctions such as the death penalty is strongly related to their beliefs about deterrence and their beliefs about retribution. In this paper, using social dominance theory as our organizing framework, we expand upon this literature by showing that social dominance orientation (SDO) is also related to support for harsh criminal sanctions, as well as to deterrence and retribution beliefs. In addition, we show that the relationships between SDO, on the one hand, and support for various forms of severe criminal sanctions, on the other, are mediated by deterrence and retribution beliefs.
Jim SidaniusEmail:

共同过失这个命题是共同侵权制度据以扩张解释的一个理论假设。然而目前所有关于共同过失的观点及其论证都是不成立的。共同过失就其实质而言,属于无意思联络的数人过失侵权,按照目前侵权责任法的规定,数人应对受害人承担按份责任。然而共同过失这个理论假设不适当地扩张了共同侵权行为的范围,并导致了连带责任制度被滥用。  相似文献   

崔冬  胡敏 《行政与法》2010,(3):25-28
我国的环境保护工作起步于环境政策,在建设法治国家进程中环境政策与环境法律的并存是客观实际的需要。环境政策和环境法律是我国保护环境的两种有效手段,二者有着共同的利益基础,二者并不矛盾,应当协调配合,共同发挥环境保护的合力作用。本文分析了环境政策与环境法律协调发展的理论基础,提出在现阶段环境政策和环境法律应当并存,进而提出正确处理环境政策与环境法律的协调配合关系。  相似文献   

论共同过失犯罪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于共同过失犯罪问题,刑法理论界和司法实践部门聚讼颇多,特别是围绕共同过失犯罪能否成立共同犯罪的问题,国内外刑法理论界更是长期存在着肯定与否定之争,难以形成基本的共识。面对我国现代社会发展的新形势,立足于刑事司法实践,借鉴于前人的研究成果,应从正确贯彻刑事政策、完善刑法理论、正确理解共同过失的构造、正确追究刑事责任、兼顾诉讼便利等方面确认共同过失犯罪应当成立共同犯罪。  相似文献   

赵合理 《法律科学》2009,27(1):82-91
犯罪主体的不同身份能够对共同犯罪的性质产生影响。中外刑法通说主张的共犯从属于正犯的观点,较好地解决了共同犯罪的定罪问题。对于纯正身份犯的共同犯罪,其定罪可分为:非身份者教唆、帮助身份者的共犯关系;非身份者与身份者共同实行或组织实行的共犯关系;身份者教唆、帮助非身份者实行的共犯关系等情况进行。  相似文献   

试论股份合作制企业的立法问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常青 《政法学刊》2000,17(1):15-18
股份合作制企业是我国现阶段经济体制改革中涌现的一种新型的企业形式,正日益显示出它的顽强的生命力,使许多中小企业和集体企业充满了生机和活力。但由于我国在这方面缺乏有效统一的法律机制,因而在发展过程中出现了不少问题。鉴于股份合作制经济的不断发展和壮大,而有关立法却严重滞后,为了使股份合作制这种新的企业规范运作、健康发展,有必要制定一部健全、完善的股份合作制企业法。  相似文献   

The ongoing feud over the export of Canadian softwood lumberto the US is likely one of the most litigated trade disputesin history. In April 2001, the fourth round of the lumber disputecommenced. The ensuing five-and-a-half years featured a numberof cases being filed before panels constituted under the NorthAmerican Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization(WTO), as well as, for the first time, US domestic courts. Duringthe summer of 2006, as with the two rounds of the dispute immediatelybefore it, Canada and the US negotiated a settlement. This articlepresents a broad overview of the softwood lumber dispute andexamines what was accomplished in the Lumber IV litigation.It explores the decisions rendered by NAFTA and WTO panels,as well as the historic foray by Canadian parties into the UScourts. It also analyses lessons learned from the softwood lumberlitigation, and the potential applicability of these lessonsto other complex trade disputes.  相似文献   

程啸 《法律科学》2010,28(2):125-133
《侵权责任法》第10条规定的是共同危险行为。该条的规范目的在于减轻受害人因果关系证明上的困难。在解释共同危险的构成要件与免责事由时不能偏离该规范目的。除基本的构成要件外,共同危险行为有两项重要的构成要件,一为共同危险人参与实施了对受害人权益有损害之危险的行为;二为因果关系不明,即无法确定具体的侵权人。此外,共同危险行为人之间不存在意思联络也是共同危险行为的消极构成要件,它能有效地将共同危险与其他共同侵权区分开来。  相似文献   

WTO框架下的国际竞争政策和我国竞争法制的完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
戴霞 《现代法学》2003,25(6):162-167
在贸易自由与市场准入涉及的关税和非关税壁垒问题成功纳入WTO体制后 ,新的、更深层次的问题又产生了 ,即企业阻碍贸易自由发展的反竞争行为。现行的竞争政策包括国内、双边和WTO体制下分散的竞争政策 ,这些竞争政策并不能有效地解决日益突出的全球竞争问题。贸易与竞争的议题在新加坡会议后已纳入WTO的视野。本文通过对国际竞争政策的产生、发展的分析 ,展望未来之国际竞争政策 ,并提出了中国竞争法制完善的几点原则意见  相似文献   

肖灵 《政法学刊》2013,30(4):68-72
传统刑法理论是否认共同过失犯罪的,理论研究的发展使刑法学界已不能回避共同过失犯罪的存在.明确违反共同注意义务在共同过失犯罪中的核心地位,准确划分违反共同注意义务的判断对象,正确认识违反共同注意义务的共同过失与竞合过失的区别,对纠正传统理论对共同过失犯罪的误解,建立和完善共同过失罪理论体系有重要的意义.  相似文献   

张明楷 《法学研究》2020,(1):134-153
刑法总则规定了哪些参与人,刑法对共犯人如何分类(参与类型),是两个不同的问题。我国刑法总则虽然规定了主犯、从犯、胁从犯与教唆犯四种情形,但不能据此认为这四种情形就是对共犯人的分类。刑法理论必须以罪刑法定原则为根据,确定刑法总则应当规定哪些参与类型。由于刑法分则规定的是正犯,所以,只有当刑法总则规定了教唆犯、帮助犯时,才能扩张地处罚教唆犯与帮助犯,否则便违反罪刑法定原则。由于共同正犯不以实施构成要件行为为前提,所以,如果对共同正犯按照正犯处罚,就必须有刑法总则的明文规定。主张刑法第26条规定的主犯与正犯是交叉关系、递进关系或者等同关系以及双层次区分说的观点,都存在缺陷。刑法第26条是关于共同正犯的规定,该规定贯彻了"部分行为全部责任"的原理。教唆他人犯罪的,如果在共同犯罪中起主要作用,就属于(共谋)共同正犯,按正犯处罚;如果起次要作用,则是狭义共犯中的教唆犯,应当按从犯量刑。基于实质标准,对起次要作用的实行者,也只能按从犯处罚。  相似文献   

陈明涛 《政法论丛》2013,(6):93-100
就合作作品的主体身份确认的要件而言,共同创作的行为与共同创作的意图历来被认为是核心要件.然而,对两个要件内涵的理解,一直存在模糊的认识.为此,有必要对两个核心要件进行深入地阐述和分析,以期建 立正确的判断标准,从而引起司法实务的重视.  相似文献   

The compatibility test contained in Article 2 of the Merger Control Regulation (MCR) is at the very heart of EU merger control, for it determines whether a concentration with a community dimension is deemed compatible or incompatible with the common market. Incompatibility can lead to prohibition of a concentration, although this is rare. The paper reviews the recent developments to the conditions of the test itself as well as the analytical methods employed to determine compatibility. Concerning the former, the new foreseeable dominance interpretation, put forward by the European Commission and made law by the Court of First Instance (CFI), is explored. This new variant of the dominance condition is important on its own right but it is also of major interest because of the explicit legal requirement placed on the Commission to assess the future likelihood of abusive behaviour by the merging parties in its prospective analysis. This is not the case with the original dominance compatibility condition. The unexpected but important clarification by the CFI of the notion of substantial part of the common market, as contained in the express wording of the compatibility test, is also commented upon. Concerning the determination of compatibility, the Commission's controversial employment in certain conglomerate concentrations of the range effects of competitive harm theory is examined, as is the need to take cognisance of merger specific efficiencies when determining if a merger increases societal welfare. The EU is making progress toward such an efficiencies assessment as part of the compatibility determination. EU merger control – and hence the compatibility test – do not exist in a vacuum. The EU has played a major role in shaping the new multilateral architecture and its goal of increasing international convergence in competition matters. This in turn has led the EU to rethink the nature of the compatibility test. For example, it has sought to evaluate the dominance condition of the compatibility test with the substantial lessening of competition (SLC) approach used by some other regulators, like the US. The paper concludes by looking at a fundamental issue that has arisen from recent CFI judgements and the GE/Honeywell merger: the competence of the Commission, or more accurately the Merger Task Force (MTF), to carry out the compatibility determination. Proposals are outlined so as to ensure that the Commission's prospective analysis in a concentration case meets the requisite legal standard. It is essential for this standard to be met if EU merger control is to remain credible. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an empirical analysis of Spanish court performance using the economic approach. An econometric model will be estimated in order to answer two basic questions: (1) why some courts’ output it is greater than others? (2) Could courts produce a higher output using their actual resources? In addition it will be determine, by means of an analysis of variance (ANOVA), whether courts showing higher than average output have dictated resolutions with a higher reversal rate.  相似文献   

祖屋继承是个难题,我国现有的共同继承遗产之共同共有制度存在不利于物之利用,从经济学产权理论分析这一问题产生的原因,可以发现该问题的解决可适用取得时效。  相似文献   

网络共同犯罪之我见   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘守芬  丁鹏 《法律科学》2005,23(5):98-106
网络共同犯罪是以网络为空间背景或者侵犯对象的特殊犯罪形态,与传统共同犯罪有着显著的区别。在网络共同犯罪的主观方面,行为人之间的意思联络一般通过网络形成,体现出不确定性和隐密性的特点;在犯罪的客观方面,共同犯罪行为中的实行行为必须依赖于网络完成,包含了很强的技术色彩。同时,网络的虚拟性和技术性特征也使共同犯罪人中的正犯、帮助犯、教唆犯的行为形式发生了新的变化。  相似文献   

欧美并购控制法实体标准比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
刘和平 《法律科学》2005,23(1):107-115
实体标准是整个并购控制体系的核心 ,也是反垄断法的重要内容之一。欧盟最新并购控制立法确立的“严重妨碍有效竞争”实体标准与美国奉行的“实质性减少竞争”标准一样都反映着并购控制的本质。欧美采取大同小异的并购实体标准有利于推动国际跨国并购审查结果的一致性 ,促进并购活动的发展。我国应确立“严重妨害正当竞争”实体标准并配套颁布并购评估指南 ,注重并购审查的经济分析  相似文献   

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