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论我国侦查程序中法官角色的重塑   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
侦查程序的正当化系现代法治国家刑事诉讼文明的重要标志,而法官的应然作用对侦查程序的正当化起关键性作用。我国侦查程序中法官应然角色作用缺失,形成种种弊端,严重违背程序正义理念的要求,亟待予以重新塑造,以充分保障人权,促进我国刑事诉讼文明、民主的进程。  相似文献   

Most of the economic models that analyse the behaviour of interest groups in the policy making process uphold the idea that there are many organized groups that compete, with the aim of achieving their individual goals. The adoption of decisions is the result of a complex system of strategic interactions, and since different groups have different resources at their disposal this makes it easier for one or more groups to influence whether or not a policy is adopted. This research demonstrates that an institutional system such as the European Union (EU) should be able to protect us from the potential manipulation, which accompanies these channels of influence.  相似文献   

Many international instruments proclaim that those who face criminal prosecution ought to be afforded a ‘presumption of innocence’, and the importance and central role of this presumption is recognized by legal systems throughout the world. There is, however, little agreement about its meaning and extent of application. This article considers the purposes of legal presumptions in general and explores various, sometimes contradictory, conceptions of this most famous one. It is equated by many scholars to the requirement that the prosecution prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. As such, it is merely a rule of evidence (albeit an important one), with no application pre- or post-trial. The article advocates adoption of a broader, normative approach, namely that the presumption reflects the relationship which ought to exist between citizen and State when a citizen is suspected of breaching the criminal law. As such, it should be promoted as a practical attitude to be adopted by the key protagonists in the justice system, for the duration of the criminal process.  相似文献   

Starting from the contemporary processes of “fragmentation of societies” (pluralization of individual lifestyles, the increasing ethnic‐cultural diversity, de‐solidarity, the melting away of political loyalties) and of “dissolution of the nation” (the erosion of the monopoly of the state, economic globalization), the author examines Tocqueville's question about what holds society together. This problem of integration is analysed in the perspective of social and legal sciences. Accordingly, the author stresses that solutions to such a problem should come from a constitutional theory which is open to debates and answers developing in other disciplines, thus obtaining relevant information concerning the role of law and of constitution for integration. 1 Abstract by Antonino Rotolo.

Arts Entrepreneurship education as a field continues to grow, but misperceptions of entrepreneurship seem to cause confusion among arts students, faculty, and administrators regarding the value of entrepreneurial training to higher education arts programs. These misperceptions are explored to determine if entrepreneurship, for artists, is harmful or helpful. By articulating the theoretical essence of entrepreneurship, it is suggested that entrepreneurial action is profoundly synergetic with artistic action and purpose, and that arts faculty and administrators can embrace entrepreneurship education and its value to aspiring professional artists.  相似文献   

The need to determine the source(s) of fugitive gasoline in the environment is common when multiple candidate sources co-exist nearby to the discovery or when gasoline is discovered subsequent to a property transfer. Process forensics is the component of environmental forensics that relies upon a detailed understanding of the current and historic refining and engineering practices and how these practices would predictably have affected the chemical composition of the automotive gasoline manufactured at different refineries at different times. Since not all gasoline is ‘created equal’, when the detailed “chemical fingerprint” of a fugitive gasoline in the environment is interpreted in light of process forensics, a more thorough understanding of the production practices used to refine the fugitive gasoline can emerge. In some circumstances this knowledge can help to implicate a particular source(s) of the gasoline.  相似文献   

美国<专利法>第271节(g)款和<1930年关税法>第337节均规定了对美国方法专利的保护,但正如2004年发生的Kinik Co.v.International Trade Com'n.一案所揭示的,两者的保护标准存在着实质性差别.在本案中,美国国际贸易委员会认为美国<专利法>第271节(g)款中的"安全港"条款不适用于337条款程序,而联邦巡回上诉法院在上诉程序中支持了这一决定.这起案件表明,美国<专利法>和337条款在对方法专利的保护标准方面存在着差异,而这种保护标准的差异可能导致美国违反了根据GATT1947第3条和第20条、以及TRIPs协定第27条的规定所承担的义务.  相似文献   

论文阐述了日本民事诉讼法典制定以及"第二次世界大战"以后日本民事诉讼法典的若干次重要修改.论文清晰地阐明了民事诉讼法典修改的目的、意义,以及修改中要解决的问题点.说明了若干单行制度从民事诉讼法典中分离并成为单行法的理由.论文还介绍了日本法制审议会在日本民事程序法立法中的作用以及日本民事程序法今后面临的课题.  相似文献   

Platania  Judy  Moran  Gary 《Law and human behavior》1999,23(4):471-486
Prosecutorial misconduct in closing argument during the penalty phase of capital trials can be defined as any disparaging or prejudicial statements calculated to influence the jury to consider improper factors in determining life in prison or the death penalty (Gaskill, 1991, p. 13). Improper statements made by the prosecutor during closing argument may jeopardize a defendant's right to a fair trial. While acknowledging such statements as misconduct, courts sometimes permit them on the theory that the presence of improper statements in closing argument would not change the juries' verdicts and therefore are not fundamentally unfair (Chapman v. California, 1967). The present study examined whether improper statements made by the prosecutor in closing argument during the penalty phase of a capital trial would result in more death penalty recommendations. Three hundred and twenty jury-eligible individuals viewed a videotape based on the penalty phase of an actual capital trial (Brooks v. State, 1977). Individuals exposed to improper statements made by the prosecutor in closing argument recommended the death penalty significantly more often than those not exposed to the statements.  相似文献   

Seventy female residents of an urban domestic violence shelter were interviewed to examine a series of hypotheses concerning two factors relevant to the process of leaving an abusive relationship: risk assessments and decision-certainty. Participants' subjective estimates of their own risk of returning to the batterer were examined relative to their perceptions of the likelihood that most battered women will return to the batterer, their certainty regarding the decision to leave the batterer, and their status on known risk factors for returning to an abusive relationship. As hypothesized, battered women's perceptions of personal risk for returning to the batterer were biased by unrealistic optimism; specifically, personal risk was estimated as significantly lower than the risk of most battered women and was not correlated with actual risk factors. Further, the magnitude of the optimistic bias was significantly greater among women expressing high certainty about their decision to leave than among women who expressed less certainty. The clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article develops the concepts of regulatory legal strategy, a resource-based view of government agencies, and regulatory entrepreneurship. These ideas are explored through a case study of the limited (if any) access that legal cannabis-related businesses have to the banking system due to the clash between federal law and laws in those states that have legalized some uses of cannabis. This article argues that regulators’ entrepreneurial regulatory legal strategies can have a material impact on regulated entities and give them a competitive advantage. To demonstrate, this article claims that regulators’ adoption of permissive regulatory legal strategies has facilitated access of some cannabis-related businesses to the banking system. Conversely, if regulators adopted obstructive regulatory strategies, this would act as a constraint on such access in the future, even if Congress resolves the federalism issue largely responsible for the current limitations these businesses face.  相似文献   

自1957年欧洲经济共同体成立以来,欧洲一体化始终是欧共体和欧盟的目标.欧洲共同市场的建设与运行,既是这一目标的核心组成部分,又是实现这一目标的主要途径.  相似文献   

吴光升 《中国司法》2008,(12):106-108
关于司法鉴定的问题,一直是我国司法改革讨论的热点问题之一。2005年《关于司法鉴定管理问题的决定》,虽然针对鉴定机构设置与管理体制、鉴定人的资格、鉴定人的出庭与法律责任等作出了相应规定,解决了一些问题,但因该决定是从行政管理的角度所作的规定,诉讼尤其是刑事诉讼中存在的诸多司法鉴定问题仍然没有得到彻底解决。这些问题的解决只能有待于《刑事诉讼法》的再修改了。  相似文献   

This study focuses on regional entrepreneurial ecosystems and offers a complex model of start-ups, Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index (REDI) and six domains of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (culture, formal institutions, infrastructure and amenities, IT, Melting Pot and demand). Altogether they capture the contextual features of socioeconomic, institutional and information environment in cities. To explain variations in entrepreneurship in a cross-section of 70 European cities, we utilize exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modelling for regional systems of entrepreneurship using individual perception surveys by Eurostat and the REDI. This study supports policymakers and scholars in development of new policies conducive to regional systems of innovation and entrepreneurship and serves as a basis for future research on urban entrepreneurial ecosystems.  相似文献   

祖某 ,自幼喜玩名车。祖某自 1997年起先后盗走他人汽车数十辆 ,有的弃置路旁 ,有的开回原处 ,并没有长期窃占他人车辆 ,但其盗开车辆行为导致失主丢失车辆五部 ,价值 10 0万余元。问 :1 使用盗窃为何义 ?2 使用盗窃的国内外立法存在何种不同 ?3 使用盗窃当作何种犯罪论处 ?4 偷开汽车行为应作何种处理 ?一、使用盗窃涵义考一般意义上 ,使用盗窃是指以非法使用为目的 ,秘密窃取他人财物的行为。在我们看来 ,使用盗窃应当具有两个基本特征 :一是使用的目的 ;二是盗窃的行为。使用目的是指行为人主观方面并非非法“所有”公私财物 ,而是暂时…  相似文献   

燕茹  刘武俊 《中国司法》2006,(6):99-101
解析新闻传媒与司法的关系我们所处的时代是一个新闻传播高度发达、新闻舆论监督强劲的传媒时代,同时也是一个以司法维系社会的公平和正义、彰显司法权威的司法时代。司法与传媒的交融和互动已经大势所趋,司法机关与新闻媒体打交道越来越趋于频繁。司法如何直面传媒,传媒如何监  相似文献   

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