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既往的跨国移民研究中,较少有学者关注到"跨国"带给移民的困扰及问题。本文以从事义乌小商品等中国商品贸易的海外华商为研究对象,立足于南非约翰内斯堡、义乌及青田三地的问卷调查、深度访谈之基础上,从生活"两重天"、家庭碎片化、隔洋难尽孝三方面尝试勾勒出因跨国而带给他们的无奈,以期为既有的跨国移民研究增添另一个面相。  相似文献   

自19世纪末青田商人赴意大利起,华商在意大利奋斗已历经百余年。一战后,未被遣返而辗转至意大利的华工与20世纪20—30年代赴意的华人一起构成早期旅意华侨华人群体。其中,贩卖石雕和生活用品的"行商"及少数开办餐馆和杂货店的"坐商"共同构成第一批意大利华商。20世纪80年代以后,随着中国大陆改革开放后出国政策和意大利移民政策的宽松,以浙南农民为主体的新移民来到意大利,从事服装、皮革、餐饮和外贸等行业。意大利华商迅速壮大,成为欧洲各国华商中既具有典型性又具有自身特色的群体。  相似文献   

说到浙江义乌大名鼎鼎的小商品市场,几乎全世界都家喻户晓。除此之外,义乌的展会经济也是如火如荼。例如,中国义乌国际小商品博览会、中国义乌文化产品交易会、中国国际旅游商品博览会、中国义乌国际森林产业博览会、中国义乌电子商务及网络商品博览会、中国义乌国际装备制造业博览会等展会就像四时鲜花一样盛开不断。义乌的展会经济在经历数年时间和市场的考验,其专业化和国际化特点越来越突出。  相似文献   

作为17-18世纪越南海外贸易中最重要的外商群体,华商主导了越南与日本、中国及东南亚的贸易。参与其中的华商包括:清政府解除海禁前纵横于远东海域的郑氏武装海商集团;开禁之后赴越中国海商的主体——东南沿海民间散商;侨居越南及东南亚其他国家的华商。他们共同推动了越南融入远东海洋贸易体系的进程。  相似文献   

义乌市自1982年在全国率先开放小商品市场以来,至今已经走过了20年的风雨历程。目前,义乌中国小商品城拥有营业面积近100万平方米,商位4.2万个,经营28个大类、10万多种商品,市场成交额连续11年位居全国各大专业市场榜首,义乌市场已经成为名副其实的“华夏第一市”和全国劳动密集型产品出口贸易的重要平台。目前正在建设中的占地20平方公里的中  相似文献   

走进有着“华夏第一市”美称的义乌中国小商品城,不论是在篁园市场还是宾王市场,喧闹的人群中,人们不时可以看到操着英语、德语、俄语、韩语的一群群国外商人。他们时而认真挑选商品,时而精明地与摊主讨价还价,一批批小商品通过这些外商,从这里源源不断地输送到世界各地。义乌市市场发展局局长吴波成说:“现在每天常驻义乌采购的外商有1000多人,去年小商品销往120多个国家和地区,出口额达50亿元,这些外商是义乌小商品外贸出口的主力军!”  相似文献   

义乌:以现代服务业改造提升传统商贸市场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地处浙江中部的义乌中国小商品城,目前拥有经营面积150余万平方米,4万余个商位、4万余家生产企业和地区总经销商聚集在这里,经营着工艺品、饰品、文体用品、化妆品等34个行业1502个大类32万多种商品,市场从业人员超过16万,日客流量达20万。2004年,义乌中国小商品城的市场成交额达267亿元,连续14年保持了国内工业品批发市场的龙头地位。  相似文献   

2005年,联合国、世界银行和摩根士丹利联合发布的《震惊全球的中国数字》报告中称,义乌市场是全球景大的商品批发市场。让世人震惊的是,义乌市场远不止商品批发市场。从1995年起,每年在义乌举办的中国义乌国际小商品博览会年年有高潮,次次创新意。2006义博会以“新义博,新舞台”为  相似文献   

雷虹 《今日浙江》2006,(8):46-49
二十世纪九十年代的义乌,俨然是《马可·波罗游记》中世界之城的泉州现代版——5万多个摊位、2万多家工业企业,以全球最低的价格提供着全球50万种商品目录中的40万种商品,外来人口达70多万,分别来自全国32个省市区、126个国家和地区、40多个民族,日人口流量达20万。联合国、世界银行和摩根士丹等机构通过调查,联合发布《震惊世界的中国数字》说,“义乌市是全球最大的小商品批发市场”。快速发展的工商企业和迅速膨胀的外来人口,在财富滚滚流向义乌人腰包的同时,当地劳资矛盾、劳资纠纷也大量涌现。据有关方面1997年的统计,当时的义乌每年劳…  相似文献   

欧洲华商群体起步较晚,自20世纪后期以中餐业为代表的传统华商兴起后,成为发展最快的海外华商群体之一。大陆学界对欧洲华商的研究方兴未艾,主要关注以下三个方面:其一,英、法、俄等欧洲大国早期华商的移民、创业与发展;其二,新华商群体在中国经济崛起与欧洲一体化等国际大环境下迅速发展;其三,面对新形势下的诸多困难,欧洲华商需要转变发展思路,借助中国"一带一路"机遇实现多元化发展。  相似文献   

If China is indeed the factory of the world, then Yiwu, a small city in eastern Zhejiang Province, would be its headquarters. A small commodity trade center established in this rural area in early 1980s as a test field to spearhead local economic development has grown fast to become what is now the world's largest market for small commodities.  相似文献   

Hong Liu 《当代中国》2005,14(43):291-316
Emerging at the turn of the twentieth century, overseas Chinese nationalism played an important part in the evolution of the overseas Chinese community and modern history of China. It is generally held that overseas Chinese nationalism had died out and had become ‘a historical phenomenon’ by the 1950s, when the China-centered allegiance of the overseas Chinese was replaced by a local-oriented identity. The fundamental change of the Chinese diasporic communities over the last two decades, however, has put this conventional wisdom into contestation. This essay is concerned with the emergence of the xin yinmin (new migrants) and corresponding manifestations of a reviving overseas Chinese nationalism since 1980. It is divided into two main parts. The first is empirical, examining the rise and characteristics of the new migrants, who are composed of four main types: students-turned-migrants, emigrating professionals, chain migrants, and illegal immigrants. The second section is conceptual and comparative, looking at the manifestations and limitations of the reviving overseas Chinese nationalism and placing them in a historical perspective. It also considers the embedded tensions between nationalism and transnationalism and the strategies employed by both the Chinese state and new migrants in tackling these tensions. I argue that there are complex reasons behind the re-emergence of overseas Chinese nationalism. From overseas, it is a by-product of the formation of sizeable new migrant communities, particularly in the West. As the first-generation immigrants who have extensive links with the homeland, they remain culturally, and often, politically, attached to China (as a nation-state and/or site of transnational imaginary) and are concerned greatly with Chinese matters. Through such intermediaries as Chinese-language newspapers, websites and TV programs, they form a borderless and imagined greater China that is bound by both the ideas of sovereignty and transnational culture. From the mainland, a series of policies relating to the Chinese overseas facilitate the connections between China and its population overseas, thus providing a potential ground for the revival of overseas Chinese nationalism. I argue that the key agendas of this reviving overseas Chinese nationalism are China's economic prosperity, cultural regeneration, and national unification. This nationalism, furthermore, is characterized by its reactive nature and embedded contradictions with the simultaneous process of transnationalism, which in turn reduces the centrality and intensity of nationalism. As a result, it is unlikely to constitute a unified ideology or a movement with centralized leadership such as that in the 1930s.  相似文献   

改革开放30余年,中国从封闭半封闭状态走向对外开放。改革开放前,中外经济关系主要是对外贸易与对外经济合作。改革开放以来的巨大变化突出体现为跨国(地区)直接投资,主要包括“引进来”与“走出去”。始于改革开放初期的“引进来”,发展到“引进来”与“走出去”并行;21世纪初,随着中国加入WTO和政策法规体系逐渐完备,中外之间的跨国(地区)投资进入新的阶段。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,福建省在坚持中央侨捐政策的同时,也因地制宜地制订了一些相关的条例法规。有关部门并以合理引导侨捐流向、做好侨捐表彰工作、进行侨捐项目数据库建设、认真整改等手段,推进侨捐政策的落实,实践中并已初显成效。但与此同时,在落实过程中也存在着观念滞后、监管不力等问题,并因此而影响到福建省侨捐事业的顺利发展和海内外同胞关系的和谐,需要加以纠正。  相似文献   

刘晓巧 《桂海论丛》2005,21(4):80-82
随着中国与东盟各国关系的全面发展,各国的投资和贸易往来日益紧密,跨国的民商事案件将出现,由于各国的法律制度不同会引起不同国家的法律冲突,建立国与国之间的司法协助是解决法律冲突的重要途径。文章就中国与东盟各国的民商事司法协助的法律依据、范围、程序及方法实现进行探讨。  相似文献   

Shaio H. Zerba 《当代中国》2014,23(90):1093-1112
This article examines China's response to the 2011 Libya crisis and the emergence of a new diplomatic imperative: overseas citizen protection. Over a 12-day period in February and March 2011, China evacuated more than 35,000 Chinese nationals from civil war torn Libya, testing the overseas crisis management capacity of the Chinese government. Because of increasing domestic pressure to protect the growing population of Chinese citizens abroad, Beijing is developing its diplomatic and military capabilities to manage and mitigate crises overseas. The large-scale Libya evacuation served as a wake-up call for Beijing, that conducting business in high risk countries around the world comes at a price; as a consequence, Beijing will be compelled to reassess its global strategic posture and foreign policy principles.  相似文献   

Along the contemporary migration history of the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia, three distinctive images have been constructed through the interaction between the overseas Chinese and Mainland China. First, the image of involuntary migrant, formulated by their migration activity and the continuous remittance they sent back to their hometowns, closely linked to the political and social-economic disturbances in the early years of the twentieth century. Second, the image of the overseas Chinese as political revolutionary was heavily politicised by the revolutionary policies of Mainland China in the 1950s and 1960s. Third, through the operational means of foreign direct investment, the overseas Chinese image of economic energiser was re-focused and mirror-imaged with the imperative of the economic reform of Mainland China in the 1970s and 1980s. On the one hand, the images of involuntary migrant, political revolutionary and economic energiser of the Southeast Asian overseas Chinese describe their situational status. On the other hand, these images also reflect the contemporary historical development of Mainland China.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化不断地深入发展,区域经济一体化也正在加速发展,双边FTA不断在国家之间签署,以自由贸易区为主要形式的区域贸易安排不断出现。该文选取2002年-2017年中国和FTA协议国双边的贸易数据,运用PSM-DID模型分析中国签订FTA对双边贸易依存度的影响如何。研究结果发现:第一,签订FTA对中国和协议国双方的贸易依存度具有提升作用;第二,中国与不同发展程度、不同区域类型的国家签订FTA对双边贸易依存度的影响不同,与发达国家签订FTA对双边贸易依存度的提升作用比发展中国家作用明显,与周边国家签订FTA对双边贸易依存度的影响也更大。  相似文献   

Enze Han 《当代中国》2013,22(82):594-611
This paper depicts the transnational ethnic and religious ties between China and Southeast Asia and examines the cultural, political and economic implications for state–minority relations in Southwest China. It documents how transnational ethnic and religious ties facilitate cultural revival among the ethnic Dai people in Southwest China and examines the impact of Buddhist networks on local governance. In particular, it portrays the cooperative relationship between the Chinese state and the Buddhist Sangha on social issues such as HIV/AIDS prevention and care. The paper argues that the Chinese state is more willing to cooperate with transnational ethnic and religious groups when the latter can help improve local governance and generate economic development, under the condition that they do not challenge the state's ultimate legitimacy and authority.  相似文献   

There is an implicit but commonly held assumption that Chinese businesses are distinctively Chinese. Casting them in unitary and national terms, this assumption has often provided the underpinnings for the conception of the strength of Chinese businesses as signs of an emerging China threat. Drawing on a global production networks (GPN) approach, this paper aims to question the assumption by arguing that many Chinese businesses, embedded in the expanding global and regional production networks, have taken on important transnational characteristics. Given these transnational connections, Chinese business networks in both ‘Greater China’ and China proper are characterized more by diversity and fragmentation than by cultural coherence and homogeneity. This analysis of the transnationalization and fragmentation of contemporary Chinese businesses helps better understand and respond to the complex challenge posed by the economic dynamism in China.  相似文献   

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