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Since May 2008, relations across the Taiwan Strait have experienced a 'historical turning point. The two sides of the strait have tided over a "high-risk" period and embarked upon a path of peaceful development and benign interaction. When the Obama administration came to power in January 2009, the new situation in cross-straits relations had already taken hold. By then,  相似文献   

In the 1990s following the end of the Cold War, the Taiwan issue regained its prominence in Sino-American relations due to adjustments made by the United States in its Taiwan policy as well as political changes taken place in Taiwan. At the beginning of the 21st century, Sino-American relations underwent severe test by the tension across the Taiwan Strait. However, with the policy adjustments of the United States and China, the political reshuffle  相似文献   

The Taiwan issue concerns Chinese people living in the mainland and in Taiwan.Its peaceful resolution can be achieved through negotiations between the two sides.Unprecedented progress has been made since the KMT came back to power in Taiwan.On December 31,2008,at an event to mark the 30th anniversary of the "Message to Compatriots in Taiwan",Chinese President Hu Jintao stressed the need to "deepen cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation",and said that "negotiations should be considered as an important way to promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations".On May 20,2012,Ma Ying-jeou said in his second term inaugural speech that:"In the next four years,the two sides of the Taiwan Strait should explore new areas of cooperation,continue to consolidate peace and expand prosperity,and deepen mutual trust".  相似文献   

Washington had all along followed an ambiguity policy over its possible military intervention in a Taiwan contingency. However, recent years have witnessed readjustments towards" "double clarity" of a possible military response in case of a Chinese-initiated use of force and potential inaction in the event of a conflict derived from Taiwanese provocations to change the status quo by seeking de jure independence. In other words, it spells a policy shift toward "dual deterrence," namely to deter the Chinese mainland from using force in seeking national reunification and to deter Taiwan from moving toward de jure independence. To prevent such eventuality, Washington made direct appeal to the Taiwan public to make clear its opposition to Taiwan independence.
The reasons behind the readjustments are not far to seek. They reflect shifts in U.S. strategic focus, changes in its China policy, political developments on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and President Bush's personal disgust with former Taiwan leader Chen Shuibian's cunning tricks.
However, resumption of Cross-Strait dialogue in the wake of the return to power of the Kuomintang (National Party) through the ballot in March may bring about new worries and possible further readjustments in U.S. cross-strait policy after the November presidential elections. Though uncertainties remain, in the pipeline may be an endeavor to prevent excessive cross-strait warmth and a possible tilt of Taiwan to the Chinese Mainland.  相似文献   

R elations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have improved somewhat and tension in the Strait that lasted for several years has somehow relaxed. This is a result of the changes taken place in the Taiwan island, and more importantly, a result of t…  相似文献   

1. The development of China-U.S. relations in 2007 will be influenced mainly by the following factors: (1) The trend of U.S. economic development; (2) The changes in U.S. domestic politics; (3) the Iraq issue; (4) The Taiwan question; (5) The way China deals with China-U.S. relations.  相似文献   

Sino-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships in theworld.Among the various factors that influence Sino-US relations,the Tai-wan issue is of particular importance.The Chinese government and its people willnever allow the current rampant ever-growing separatist activities in Taiwan totake its own course.As the US is bound to interfere with Taiwan issue when Chi-  相似文献   

On February 27, 2006, Chen Shuibian announced his decision to cease the operation of the "National Unification Council (NUC) and the application of its guidelines," which further increased the risk of "Taiwan independence." Chen's campaign for "Taiwan independence," which in essence was an attempt to change the status quo, thus gravely damaging the cross-strait relations. The next day,the White House and U. S. State Department made a separate response. On the one hand, they argued that Chen didn't change the status quo as he only "freezed" instead of "abolishing" the "NUC"and its guidelines. On the other hand, they urged the leaders of mainland China and the Taiwan authorities to go back to the negotiation table. ① Such understatement and seeming evenhandedness by the U.S. shows its acquiescence to the reality of Chen's abolition of the"NUC," and its limited ability to control Chen's activities for "Taiwan independence." In the coming two years, Washington's current Taiwan policy will hardly continue to work, as Chen will steadily promote the modification of "The Constitution" and the "legal independence." The U. S. must make an option between allowing the "Taiwan independence" forces to impinge on its "one-China policy' and clearly suppressing the movement for "Taiwan independence."  相似文献   

The East China Sea which covers a total area of 750,000 square kilometers is a semi-closed sea lying between the eastern coast of China's mainland and the Pacific Ocean, bounded on the west by China, on the east by the Kyushu and the Ryukyu Islands of Japan, and on the north by Jichu Island of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the Yellow Sea, and connected with the South China Sea by the Taiwan Strait on  相似文献   

South Africa is to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic ofChina by the end of this year while cutting off its official ties with Taiwan.This will be a major event worthy of warm celebrations. It will usher in a newstage in the annals of bilateral relations of friendship and cooperation. The decisionfor the changeover in diplomatic recognition by the new South Africa Governmentis a wise, crucial strategic action taken after all-round deliberations on its long-termstate interests and carried out in accordance with diplomatic norms accepted in theinternational community. No doubt, it will exert positive impact worldwide.  相似文献   

Cross-strait relations over the past 30 years can be divided into three different time periods,which correspond to changes in the Sino-U.S.bi-structure in terms of materialist structure and idealist structure.In other words,although changes in Taiwan itself have affected cross-strait relations they are subordinate to changes in the Sino-U.S.bi-structure.  相似文献   

The coming five or ten years is a crucial period for China in building a moderately well-off society in an all-round way.The maintenance of a stable external environment during this strategic period of opportunity depends, in a great degree, on the stability of Sino-US relations. At present, the bilateral security relations are the bottleneck for the development of the overall Sino-US relations, mainly because a mutual trust between China and the US in the domain of security has not been established. The bilateral security relations that remain unstable for a long time will have a negative influence on the overall Sino-US relations, or even jeopardize the realization of their national interests.  相似文献   

The author intends to use the Nash Equilibrium to explain why "neither unification, nor independence" is currently a stable status in Cross-Strait relations between Mainland China and Taiwan.  相似文献   

( 1 ) The Choice of Security Pattern on Malacca Straits in Indonesia and Malaysia Post-Cold War ZHANG Jie 1
Abstract: Malacca Strait lies between Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. It is one of the most important strategic passages in the world. Affected by the territorial area and geographical position, Indonesia and Malaysia should take mainly charge of the security in Malacca Strait. Since the end of Cold War, the security cooperation pattern of Indonesia and Malaysia's on Malacca Strait had changed prominently. The ultimate reason is that two sides wanted to evade the cost. "Piracy" and maritime terrorism didn't cause serious problems, but to counterstrike them needed paying a lot. Therefore both Indonesia and Malaysia chose to negative cooperation pattern. U. S. military intervention finally facilitates cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia.
Key words: Malacca Strait; Security ; Pattern Choice  相似文献   

The orientation of bilateral relations in the two countries' external strategy plays a decisive role in the general trend of bilateral relations. Demand plays the major decisive role in the strategic orientation of external relations. Only when demand is needed, there is a driving force in developing relations. Thus importance will be attached to developing  相似文献   

There are two levels of security relations between China and the EU. The first level is that of China and the EU as a whole. The second level is that between China and member states of the EU respectively. Because the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU is still in an initial phase, defense relations between China and the EU have mainly been at the second level.  相似文献   

The trend of Russia-U.S. relations,one of the important bilateral relations in today's world,has always been an important factor affecting global strategic stability. Since the end of the Cold War,Russia's tussles with the United States  相似文献   

It is obvious that Sino-Japanese relations are importantly both to China and to Japan. Nevertheless, the reality of “hot economic relations vs. cold political relations“ between the two countries puzzles people who show deep concern for Sino-Japanese relations: Are the inherent features of Sino-Japanese relations the cause of the phenomenon? Is the gap between aspiration and action the cause of it? Or both are the causes? The answer is there, but exploration needs to be made.……  相似文献   

The year 2006 marks the 50th anniversary of the beginnings of diplomatic relations between China and Africa. Over the past 50 years, Sino-African friendship has been increasingly consolidated and bilateral relations have developed to a brand-new stage. Meanwhile, along with the rapid development of Sino-African relations, the clamor of "China threat" could  相似文献   

Since China and the United States established diplomatic relations 30 years ago, their bilateral relations have gone through all twists and turns. The initial strategic-oriented relationship with the purpose of coping with the Soviet threats has evolved into a comprehensive relationship of constructive cooperation. With its profound impact on world situation, the relationship is now one of the most important bilateral relations in the world.  相似文献   

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