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贺 词在四川大学南亚研究所四十年所庆之际 ,我谨代表中国南亚学会致以最热烈的祝贺。中国南亚学会成立二十五年来 ,共举行过二十次全国性的学术讨论会 ,其中有六次是在成都地区召开并由川大南亚所举办的 ,每次讨论会都取得了园满的成功。为此 ,我向川大南亚所全体同志表示衷心的感谢。现在 ,川大南亚所已成为全国南亚研究强有力的基地 ,希望贵所今后做出更大的贡献。中国南亚学会会长 孙培钧2 0 0 4年 9月贺 词值此四川大学南亚所成立 4 0周年并被教育部批准为重点研究基地之际 ,谨向贵所表示热烈祝贺 !四川大学南亚所是中国南亚研究有…  相似文献   

总的来看 ,自开展绿色革命以来 ,南亚地区的粮食增长快于人口增长 ,但是 ,随着今后人口的迅速增长和粮食增产速度的降低 ,这种粮食增长快于人口增长的趋势却不可能一直保持下去。本文从可持续发展的观点出发 ,首先分析了南亚地区人口增长对粮食生产和耕地的压力 ,然后阐述了该地区粮食产量进一提高的局限性。在南亚地区 ,今后要想继续运用绿色革命技术来提高粮食产量 ,虽然有可能 ,但是却会比过去更加困难 ,而且还需要付出使生态环境受到不可弥补的破坏的代价。要使该地区人口增长同粮食生产相协调 ,关键是要控制人口增长 ,减少人口对粮食的需求量 ,同时走农业可持续发展的道路 ,节地、节水、保护环境 ,使单位土地上的粮食产量获得最大的提高。  相似文献   

俄罗斯东北亚战略的形成及其前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪90年代以来,随着世界经济格局的不断变化,经济区域化和全球化的发展趋势逐步加快,东北亚区域合作也随之发展。在东北亚经济合作中,由于俄罗斯东部地区独特的地理位置和丰富的自然资源,其作用愈来愈明显,俄罗斯也愈来愈重视与亚太地区特别是东北亚地区的联系,并形成了一系列较完整的地区性战略,它对东北亚区域经济合作的影响日显重要。当然,还有许多因素制约着俄罗斯东北亚战略的实施,影响着东北亚区域经济合作向深度和广度发展。然而由于区域合作历史发展趋势的推动,由于俄罗斯加快发展东部地区经济的迫切需要,俄罗斯将会积极推进东北亚战略,促进与东北亚各国经济合作,其前景将非常广阔。  相似文献   

经济全球化进程的特点表现为一体化进程的加快及人流和货流的增长。战后世界贸易的增长大大超过了世界经济的发展速度。21世纪形成了三个增长极,即北美、西欧和亚太地区诸国。当前,俄罗斯面临着独特的局面,我国领土直接或间接地处在上述三个中心交通走廊和利益交汇点上。必须利用国外公司有兴趣在俄境建现代化交通走廊的局势,来解决我们的国内问题。俄罗斯亚洲地区是俄经济走向亚太国家巨大市场的一个门户。  一、交通独立自主性苏联解体后,西伯利亚同国际市场经济联系的条件大大恶化,尤其是同欧洲、大西洋和中东国家,其原因:1.形成了…  相似文献   

栏目与篇名作者期次页码[专家论坛 ]俄罗斯政治经济形势及外交走向高中毅Ⅰ 3当前远东经济形势的某些特点 [俄 ]П·А·米纳基尔Ⅰ 44发展中俄区域合作潜力巨大 ———曲伟院长对库列绍夫院士访谈录 初 祥Ⅱ 3普京总统施政一年评说俞 邃Ⅱ 82 1世纪俄罗斯在亚太地区的发展战略要点述评赵立枝Ⅱ 1 2审视战略大势 把握合作机遇 ———充实与深化中俄战略协作伙伴关系 高中毅 秦宣仁Ⅲ 1 2苏联模式探析姜长斌Ⅳ 1普京新政与俄罗斯发展的几个趋势性问题董晓阳Ⅴ 1苏共垮台与苏联解体的十大关键问题姜长斌Ⅵ 3[经济论坛 ]黑龙江省与远东农…  相似文献   

俄罗斯和中国的证券市场都是从计划经济向市场经济转轨中产生和发展起来的。虽然两国采取了不同的发展模式,在证券市场主体、流通的主要证券品种、外资准入等方面都有不同,但是,两国证券市场改革所面临的产权结构、治理监管制度等深层次问题是相似的,充分借鉴两国的经验,有利于两国证券市场健康稳定地发展。  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the relationship between new social movement theory and terrorism studies. The revolutionary dimension of new social movements can be correlated to terrorist groups. This article also uses new social movement theory to develop a fuller understanding of the leadership, membership, personal ideology and gender within a new social movement; these then can be used to follow the development of a politically violent group. This article uses the example of the American movement and its by-product—the Weather Underground.  相似文献   

中国历来重视南亚印巴之间的克什米尔争端,在众所关注的1999年卡吉尔冲突期间,鉴于冷战后南亚新格局和自身的战略利益,中国坚持了客观公正的主场,对解决危机、结束冲突发挥了重要的作用,同时也表明中国对南亚安全局势可能施加的积极影响及受到的某些制约.  相似文献   

黑龙江省与远东农业合作对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农业作为国民经济的基础,对俄罗斯远东地区整个经济状况有着很大影响.远东地区的农业改革虽然走了一段弯路,但是只要不断完善农业改革的方针和政策,加大国家对农业的投入,加强国际农业合作,提高农业集约化经营水平,经过一段时间的努力与磨合,远东地区的农业生产就一定能够走出低谷.建议以亚太市场为导向,加强黑龙江省与远东的农业合作,提高农业合作的科技含量,强化在绿色生态农业方面的合作.这不仅有利于农业资源的合理利用,还能够给中俄双方合作者带来巨大的经济效益.  相似文献   


One of the greatest changes organisations in South Africa experienced through the country's democratisation is the introduction of ‘legitimate’ activism in organisational settings. Organisational communication literature – specifically as manifest in the excellence theory – compounded this through views on the potentially positive impact activism could have on organisations by ‘pushing’ them beyond equilibrium to a state of dynamic equilibrium – mediated through strategic and effectual communication. This view, however, is somewhat fouled by occurrences such as those at Marikana, and concomitant strikes in the country's platinum industry, which have held the economy ‘captive’ in various ways. Organisations – especially the mining industry – need to ask ‘How much activism is too much activism?’ and organisational communication practitioners need to introspectively consider whether this theoretical contribution should not perhaps have come with greater guidance in terms of the chary (if not restrained) implementation of this potentially positive, yet almost insidiously dangerous, communicative feature. this article aims to explore activism in the mining industry of South Africa, specifically from the vantage points of industry heads, as it concerns the changed communicative landscape in this industry post-marikana. to this end, the article will report on seven qualitative, semi- structured interviews – along with existing literature on the topic – as it offers up six considerations in applying the aspect of excellence and ‘positive activism’ within organisations in South Africa's mining industry.  相似文献   

Terrorism has global reach in its activities and in its sources of funding. There are manifold sources operating through methods that may be legal or illegal and sometimes even nefarious, and through routes that are often circuitous. Indeed, so-called charitable organizations are often used as a front to mobilize funds or serve as a conduit for the money. It is clear that if acts of terrorism are to be eliminated, the flow of money on which they ride must be stemmed at the source. This is one area in which stringent financial procedures and controls could be helpful. Equally important is the control that central banks must exercise in the financial sector, and the banking system in particular, to ensure greater accountability and better record keeping. Realistically, however, as long there is someone who operates a hawala system from a back of a store, money will keep flowing. No less important is the cooperation between countries and the enforcement of international conventions. A recent article on the transfer of money in Dubai notes that the authorities counted 429 suspicious money transfer operations between August 2001 and May 2003. Of these, only 46 cases were thoroughly investigated because there was little support from other countries involved, including Britain, Switzerland and the United States. Finally, education systems that teach jihad (holy war) as the highest calling for the individual and breeds religious intolerance must be reformed.  相似文献   

国际服务贸易的发展在总量上还不及商品贸易。但是 ,其增长速度已超过了商品贸易。印度作为一个发展中国家 ,同时也是WTO的成员国 ,其服务贸易的发展速度较快。本文通过使用计量研究方法对印度 2 0世纪 90年代对外服务贸易的状况进行考查 ,力图探索其发展特征 ,并结合印度服务产业的发展状况 ,对印度对外服务贸易的发展趋势进行预测。最后 ,希望得出对中国对外服务贸易发展有用的启示  相似文献   

This commentary challenges the major conclusion of a 1997 article which appeared in this journal. There, Philip Zelikow argued that previous treatments of the Council of Foreign Ministers 1947 meeting in Moscow erred in their characterization of the role of US Secretary of State Marshall. Earlier studies, in Zelikow’s view, failed to understand that Marshall, refusing to be constrained by the recently announced containment policy, made a serious effort to meet Soviet demands for reparations from current German output. It is contended here that a review of the evidence, especially materials from the John Foster Dulles papers and from British archives, does not support Zelikow’s conclusion.  相似文献   

The establishment of OCCAR, the European multinational arms procurement agency, raises interesting questions about its accountability and legitimacy. Is it right for such an agency to procure arms? This article examines the arguments about methods of accountability deemed more appropriate for judging agencies like OCCAR than just examining traditional parliamentary accountability. It then examines OCCAR through this lens of analysis. Finally, it rejects these suggestions as inadequate for failing to include an ideational component and argues that this is necessary for legitimacy especially in the politically sensitive area of defense and security.  相似文献   

哈尔滨市与俄罗斯在贸易和经济合作方面处于逐年下降趋势。只是在科技合作方面取得了一些进步。形成这种状况的原因有很多.主要是中俄贸易不规范、没有向国际化靠近;俄罗斯国内投资环境不佳。社会混乱,投资风险过高。哈尔滨与俄罗斯在科技合作方面虽然取得一些成果,但存在的问题也相当多。这都制约了哈尔滨与俄罗斯在经贸科技领域的合作。  相似文献   

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