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Love for Love     
A Shanghai doctor gives back to herdsmen by serving them in Tibet The drain in Zhou Jian’s bathroom is clogged with hair again. The 48-year-old has a buzz cut and lives alone, but he said the drain blocks twice a month."It never happened when I was in Shanghai. I’m losing my hair much faster on the plateau," Zhou, Vice President of the Xigaze People’s Hospital in Tibet Autonomous Region, southwest China, told Beijing Review.  相似文献   

Patients with HIV face an uphill battle to receive regular medical services Misfortune never comes singly. It is especially true for Xiaofeng, a 25-year-old HIV-positive sufferer of lung cancer in north China’s Tianjin. Worse still, his request for lung surgery was denied by a local cancer hospital because he was found to be HIV-positive. Xiaofeng’s only hope to receive treatment was to falsify  相似文献   

A Cry for Help     
Rescue of newborn trapped in sewer becomes clarion call for unwed mothers On the afternoon of May 25,the muffled cries of an infant echoed from the sewage drain of a public toilet on the fourth floor of a residential building in Pujiang County, east China’s Zhejiang Province.Police officers and firefighters jointly extracted the 2.3-kg newbom covered in sores and swiftly sent him to a local hospital.But how did he end up in the sewer? Who would abandon a baby boy in a toilet?Police identified the baby’s mother as a 22-year-old woman with the pseudonym Xiaofei who lived in a nearby apartment,but she was initially reluctant to admit  相似文献   

正Xiao Mingli is a migrant worker in Beijing.In his spare time he likes to read books online.In April,however,Xiao discovered that he could not read anything he used to on Sina.com’s Reading Channel,as the channel was banned by the authorities for hosting pornographic content."It’s not surprising to see that be-cause it contained a lot of porn articles  相似文献   

<正>Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to Serbia was rewarded with big deals Premier Li Keqiang has put his effective salesmanship to use in exporting China’s manufacturing and technology industries.Whenever he pays a visit to a foreign country,he spares no effort to promote Chinese enterprises to the host country.  相似文献   

Dong Youchen was studying Russian at the Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1959 when he came across a novel by a foreign author that captivated him. Boat Capsize, the complex story of a man who survives a ferry disaster to discover the young woman he has rescued is not his new bride but rather someone else’s, moved Dong immeasurably. “I have to read the original,” the 22-year-old from northeast China’s Jilin Province thought to himself at the time.  相似文献   

正Some 13 years ago,Wei Yongkang was flunked out of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)because he was unable to complete his master’s degree at the prestigious institution within the stipulated three years.He was expected to complete a successive postgraduate and doctorate program at the CAS after being accepted at 17.Wei had been called a prodigy because he knew 1,000 Chinese characters when he was just 2 years old.He entered a prestigious senior high school at 12.His  相似文献   

When Jon Burris dropped in on a Chinese painter’s studio in the early 1990s, he sighed within that the painter was probably unable to create large-scale works since the studio, in a four-story walk-up, was too small for big canvases. Back then, Chinese painters were reluctant to suggest a price for their work to this American art buyer.  相似文献   

正Tibet looks for economic and environmental collaboration around the world Located at the breathless roof of the world,Lhasa was host to the Tibet Development Forum,which sought to discuss ways to further the region’s progress.The forum,which lasted from July 7 to 8,herded in 130 scholars,business leaders and journalists from all over the world.After a three-day tour encompassing  相似文献   

It was reported that in Hangzhou,east China’s Zhejiang Province,a youth was recently slapped in the face repeatedly when he refused to give up his seat for a young couple holding a baby. And in Ji’nan,east China’s Shandong Province,a mother slapped a man on  相似文献   

<正>The market for traditional Tibetan medicine is flourishing Born into a family of traditional Tibetan doctors in 1966,Puqung first began to serve as a doctor in his village in Baxoi County,southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region,at the tender age of 15.Two years earlier,Puqung had commenced his study by memorizing the Four Volumes of Medicine(FVM),regarded as the most systematic and complete book on Tibetan medicine.By 24,he had become a chief doctor at Qamdo Tibetan Medicine Hospital in east Tibet,a position he holds to this day.  相似文献   

Champa Trinley was born of a peasant's family in Lhasa, capital of Tibet, in 1954. Healthy and lovely, the baby brought great joy to the family. But when he was six years old, a serious disease made him blind in both eyes. Despite seeing nothing, Champa learned to do farm work. Every day he worked in the fields like everyone else. Aside from completing what work was assigned him by the production team, he joined the local youth shock brigade and, as a member of the brigade, vied with oth-  相似文献   

<正>The economic driver of China’s biggest steelmaking center shifts During his 16-year career as a steel worker in Handan,north China’s Hebei Province,Yuan Haixin never imagined that he would later become a nanomaterial production inspector.After the steel mill where he was working was shut down due to  相似文献   

<正>This March 28 marked the 63rd anniversary of the emancipation of serfs in Tibet.Chen Zonglie,born in 1932,was a photojournalist who worked for Tibet Daily from 1956 to 1980,then Beijing Review from 1981 to 1996.He witnessed and recorded the changes in local people’s lives before and after the 1959 democratic reform in the region.Li Nan,born in 1982,is a reporter with Beijing Review.She visited Tibet Autonomous Region every year from 2017 to 2020.  相似文献   

正The paired assistance policy has fuelled Tibet’s development and benefited local residents Tibetan resident Dorjee,63,is pleased with his new home.Last September,he moved into the 200-square-meter prop-erty located in Zhejiang Residential Compound in Nagqu Prefecture,Tibet Autonomous Region.This August,the area was battered by a heavy torrential rain.Yet his house,along with other new ones in his neighborhood,survived the  相似文献   

Living the Dream     
An American aspires to build a cultural bridge across the Pacific through art James Holt realized both his own and his grandmother’s long-cherished visions the day he got his visa stamp to come to China seven years ago. Holt’s grandma, Kay Engel, was a medic who wanted to go to China to help injured soldiers and civilians during World War Ⅱ.  相似文献   

A Balancing Act     
Li Long is a 39-year-old doctor in Beijing who still remembers sandstorms ravaging the capital during spring when he was a university student about 20 years ago."On the streets,everyone had to wear a mask or a scarf to cover their noses and mouths.The sand wasn’t only an outside menace,it also blew into people’s homes,”he recalled.  相似文献   

<正>In half a century,Tibet Autonomous Region has come a long way The atmosphere was festive to say the least in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region in early September.The first day of the month marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the autonomous region,and people dressed in brightly colored clothing sang and danced to celebrate the occasion across the region.This celebration culminated in a grand celebration in front of the Potala Palace in Lhasa,the regional capital,on September 8.In his speech,Yu Zhengsheng,Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference,  相似文献   

I'm a graphic designer from San Francisco. I'd never been to Tibet before and had only seen a handful of pictures of it. I have a friend who's been here a couple of times, and whenever he talks about it, he gets a dreamy, faraway, happy look. Based on that, I was pretty sure I was in for a really special experience. The little I knew about the Tibetan political situation before the trip was that it seemed to be a mess: that China  相似文献   

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