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Transition teams are often used to help Prime Ministers and Premiers move into their new roles. At the municipal level, the use of transition teams is relatively new. As such, we know little about what these groups do in comparison to federal and provincial transition teams. In this article, we examine mayoral transition teams and find that the increased use of these groups is a reflection of the enhanced organizational complexity of Canadian local government. Additionally, local conditions and candidate experience often dictate the shape and function of transition teams. Overall, we argue that more resources should be devoted to the municipal transition process.  相似文献   

Abstract: During the years 1974–1980, extensive opportunities existed for public participation at a normative level on the issue of electric power planning in Ontario through the Royal Commission on Electric Power Planning and the Select Committees on Ontario Hydro. In contrast, there is presently no adequate forum for public participation at a normative planning level. Based on personal interviews and available literature., this paper examines the need for public participation at a normative level in electric power planning in Ontario, and assesses three alternative approaches to the provision of participatory opportunities. Sommaire: Au cours des années 1974–1980, le public a pu, sur le plan normatif, participer largement à la planification de l'énergie électrique en Ontario, par le truchement de la Commission royale sur la planification de 1'énergie électrique ainsi que par les Comités restreints sur Ontario Hydro. À l'heure actuelle, cette situation s'est complètement modifiée en absence d'un forum adéquat qui permette la participation du public au niveau normatif de la planification. L'auteur de cet article, après avoir fait des interviews et consulté les publications existantes, examine le besoin d'une telle participation de la part du public et évalue trois approches possihles pour l'assurer.  相似文献   

悟性作为人的一种直观地、生动地感知周围世界的现象和事物,作为一种进行逻辑思维分析从而荻取新知识的思维活动,本质上是人的一种认知能力,体现的是人的一种内在素质和行为境界.实践证明,高校辅导员的工作是一项特别需要有悟性的工作.因此,加强高校辅导员的悟性修养,对于尽快提高他们的自身素质和工作能力具有十分重要的意义.高校辅导员的工作悟性来源于学生工作的实践,因此加强其悟性修养的途径主要有四条.  相似文献   

如何推动中欧关系深入发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过去3年中欧关系是绘制蓝图和确立目标时期,目前中欧关系已进入勇于解决问题和实现雄心壮志的阶段。双方应抓住谈判签署新的合作协定的机会,将战略伙伴关系定义为“贸易战略伙伴 全球负责任伙伴”。这是介于普通的合作伙伴和军事结盟之间、基于二者间的合作对于双方本身以及全球问题均具有战略影响的一种新型伙伴关系。中国在与欧盟发展战略伙伴关系时要把握欧洲的特殊性,认识到欧盟是一个特殊和复杂的国际行为体,并对其内部的差异性做到心中有数。解决武器禁售问题需要外交技巧,中国应主动与欧盟一道共同影响和改变美国的态度。市场经济地位问题的解决则有赖于中欧经贸关系大背景的改善。  相似文献   

Abstract. A new style of averment reappraisal is described in this two-part paper. The first part deals with the way in which the Ontario Government structured this reapraisal using a combination of government and non-government people to establish an effective change agent. The second part details the key elements of the new structure at both the cabinet and ministry levels, including the new Policy and Priorities Board of Cabinet, the three policy field committees of cabinet, a new kind of minister with no administrative responsibilities, their respective support staffs, and the role of the treasurer. The paper then outlines the progress made to date to implement the recommendations and some observations for those who might be contemplating a similar study of government management. Interim reports, regular meetings with cabinet, a leadership convention, and a provincial election all aided in achieving what Premier William G. Davis has referred to as ‘the most comprehensive restructuring of Government in this country.’ Sommaire. Dans cette communication en deux parties, l'auteur décrit un nouveau mode de réévaluation gouvernementale. Dans la première partie, il explique comment son government a structurté cette réévaluation en se servant d'une combination de personnel governmental et de gens de l'extérieur pour créer un agent de hangmen efficace. Dans la deuxième partie, il expose en détail les éléments clés de la nouvelle structure au niveau du cabinet et des ministères, y compris le nouveau conseil de cabinet sur les politiques et les priorités, les trois comités des secteurs de politiques, un nouveau genre de ministre sans responsabilités administratives, leur personnel respectd et le rôle du trésorier. Il rapporte ensuite les progrès réalisés jursqu'ici dans Papplication des recommandations et fait quelques observations à I'intention de ceux qui envisageraient une étude semblable de leur gestion gouvernementale. Des rapports intérimaires, des réunions régulières du cabinet, un congrès de chefferie et une élection provinciale, tout cela a contribuéà ce que le premier ministre William G. Davis a appelé“la restructuration gouvernementale la plus complète jamais effectuée dans ce pays”.  相似文献   

Abstract. Since 1966 the Ontario government has been elaborating a regional development program. Extensive administrative changes have been instituted to facetted the coordination of relevant provincial responsibilities and to obtain local and regional viewpoints in the preparation of regional development plans. In a major policy statement in June 1972, the government introduced several changes in the regional planning process, emphasized the important role to be played by cities, counties and regional governments, especially in the implementation of regional development plans, and proposed an accelerated program of local government reform. This article, which is based on a larger study, analyses Ontario's regional development program over the first six years, with particular reference to the adequacy of the administrative machinery involved, outlines the major changes affecting the program which have been introduced during the just half of p 1972 and offers general conclusions concerning the present adequacy and desired future direction of the program. Sommaire. Le gouvemement de l'Ontario élabore un programme de développement régional depuis 1966. Il a entrepris des changements administratifs im-portants pour faciliter la coordination des responsabilités provinciales et pour obtenir les points de we locaux et régionaux nécessaires à la mise au point des plans de développement régionaux. Dans une déclaration de politique de juin 1972, le gouvernement annonça plusieurs modifications apportées au processus de planification régionale, insista sur le rôle important qu'allaient jouer les villes, les comités et les gouvernements régionaux, particulièrement dans la mise en vigueur des plans de développement régionaux, et proposa un programme accéléré de réforme des gouvernements locaux. Cet article, basé sur une étude plus conséquente, analyse le programme de développement régional pendant les six premières années, en s'occupant plus particulièrement de l'efficacité du mécanisme administratif. Il analyse les principaux changements qui ont été apportés au programme pendant les premiers six mois de 1972 et offre des conclusions générales sur son efficacité actuelle ainsi que sur l'orientation que I'auteur voudrait lui voir prendre Bà I'avenir.  相似文献   

试析航班延误的法学概念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航班延误是我国当今社会的热点问题。世界范围内的航空运输,航班延误不可避免。在法学层面,我国立法未明确界定航班延误的概念。当航班延误时,航空消费者与航空承运人之间的诉讼时有发生,司法机关也难以做出公正的裁判。近两年来,法学理论界和司法界对于航班延误给予了相当的关注和研究,并认为解决航班延误的法律问题,其概念的界定是关键。航班延误的法学概念是深入研究航班延误法律责任制度的理论基础和技术支撑。  相似文献   

对城中村改造的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放后,国民经济得到了迅猛发展,城市化进程大大加快,但由于社会管理具有相对经济发展的滞后性,农村就业、户籍、社会保障等政策没有相应程度的改变,造成了现在的种种遗留问题。为此,应制定城市房地产发展政策,聚积资金,逐步实施改造,定位于发展廉租公寓,根据城市规划的要求,将新村纳入整个城市发展空间,多方筹集改造资金,改革集体资产产权制度,建立股份公司,对转制后的城中村,统一实行社会化管理。  相似文献   

行政管理体制和机构改革是推进政治体制改革的重要内容,是推动我国上层建筑更好地适应经济基础的一项重要的制度建设和创新,也是建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制的客观需要。十届全国人大一次会议已经落下帷幕,会议审议并批准了关于国务院机构改革的方案,这意味着又将掀起新一轮的政府机构改革高潮。在改革开放以来四次机构改革已取得显著成果的基础上,在新的形势下推出新的改革方案,对我国行政管理体制改革无疑具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

It is clear that urban economic development practices in Ontario tend to cluster in certain classifications. The most widely and consistently used practices are in the area of marketing. On average, nine out of eleven techniques are practised by the cities surveyed. Governance tools and infrastructure investments are also fairly widely employed, with an average of six out of ten uniformly used. Governmental regulations, land and property management activities, and financial tools are less widely employed, with averages of five of thirteen, four of eleven, and two of twelve techniques practised by all cities respectively. In total, cities in Ontario employ an average of twenty-five out of fifty-seven economic development techniques listed. The ten most widely practised techniques across all categories are identified in Table 6. Again, marketing activities figure predominantly. However, landbased incentives and initiatives such as land acquisition, industrial zoning and industrial parks, and infrastructure improvements also are important. Based on these findings, it appears that cities in Ontario offer a range of economic development incentives which conforms closely to those widely practised by other cities. Marketing, site acquisition, and infrastructure improvement are among the most commonly used techniques according to literature. Indeed, because much of the literature focuses on cities in the United States, this research also suggests that similar economic development incentives are offered by cities in Canada and the United States. However, financial incentives such as tax abatements, loans, and loan guarantees are notable by their absence in Ontario cities. Does the limitation on bonuses affect economic development practices in the other categories? In other words, what appears to be the result of provincial restrictions on bonuses? Based on survey results and personal interviews with a small sample of economic development officials in Ontario, it does seem that restrictions have had some impact. While common techniques do centre in the marketing and land based areas, it appears that Ontario cities are also more likely to use more innovative means of attracting economic development. For example, business incubators and training programs are utilized by over 25 per cent of the cities. Thus these techniques, often promoted in the literature as more advantageous to cities, seem to be used more widely in Ontario than in many other cities. Regulations to limit or control certain facets of development also seem more prevalent than easing governmental regulations to promote development. Finally, some innovative techniques such as awards for research and development are also evident. While many economic development officials acknowledge that provincial restrictions limit their ability to compete with other cities, particularly those in the United States (52 per cent agree), they are split over whether such restrictions are too extreme (40 per cent feel they are too restricted, 43 per cent feel that they are not). In interviews it was often suggested that such limitations do reduce the inter-city competition for development which often drives economic development policies in cities that are allowed to offer tax abatements and other incentives. Further research is warranted to explore more fully the effect of restrictions on economic development bonuses. If such limitations regularly result in practices that are judged to be effective in promoting economic development, then such policies as those contained in the Municipal Act appear promising.  相似文献   

中国城市青少年弱势群体问题探析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
如果将城市青少年弱势群体放到社会变革与发展的大背景中来看,青少年无论是因家庭原因,还是因自身原因而成为弱势群体,都与转型期的体制变化及其体制的不完善和管理规则不到位有密切的关系。因此,城市青少年弱势群体问题的解决,应依赖于较为完善的社会主义市场经济体制的建立,特别是与青少年相关的各项政策和措施的完善。  相似文献   

刑事诉讼中疑罪案件处理的几个问题辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
疑罪从无是无罪推定原则在案件的实体处理上的体现。准确界定疑罪案件是刑事司法实践中正确适用疑罪从无原则的前提和关键。疑罪从无原则不仅适用于审判阶段 ,也适用于侦查和起诉阶段 ,但效力不同。我国现行刑事诉讼法未能彻底贯彻疑罪从无的精神 ,如二审程序的立法有悖于这一精神及最高人民法院的司法解释又给其予以重大冲击。  相似文献   

利用语言心理学的理论分析听辩的过程,探讨英语听力课教学需注意的问题,提高学生的英语听力水平。  相似文献   

社区民警陈勇琦在社区警务工作的实践中,总结探索出了一套以提高社区民警管理防范能力为主要内容的切合实际、服务实战的“陈勇琦社区警务工作法”。其主要内容为:以信息主导警务为理念,加强社区治安基础信息管理;以人口管理为基础,着力规范社区治安管理;以预防为立足点,加强社区治安防控工作;以打防结合为原则,发挥协助破案的优势;以警民合作为平台,着力搞好群众工作;以构建和谐社区为目标,做好纠纷调解工作。  相似文献   

本文运用城市管理学和可持续发展理论,对我国城市现代化进程中的城市发 展战略进行了重新审视,提出了以形态更新、管理创新为基础,以实现城市可持续发展为原则, 以提高城市发展质量为目的的现代城市再生战略,并对这一城市新发展战略的方式、原则和战 略效益作了较系统的理论阐述。  相似文献   

当代中国城市青年的政治参与:特点、方式和问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对相关的调查问卷数据分析.本文考察和分析了当代中国的城市青年在经济改革的背景下,政治参与状况及政治参与意识所呈现的四个特征对稳定和发展等基本政治原则抱有积极的认同,在经济改革和政治体制改革方面对突出的社会问题比较关注,政治参与水平的参差不齐,以及政治参与意识与政治参与行动的分离;同时,由于经济导向以及政治参与途径和方式的问题,导致一定范围内的"经热政冷"的出现,而这种状况的出现又是与一定时期盛行的价值观取向分不开的.经济开放带来的经济功利主义取向,使得实用主义和个人主义的价值观在青年中占据一定的比例,然而在以实用主义和个人主义为主导的实践行为中,当代青年往往将这种价值取向进行极端化的理解,比如,把改革的负效应当成正效应接受,放大个人的需求而弱化共同体的公共利益.文章认为,在对这些价值观的误解基础上形成的行为取向,最终会导致政治参与的意识和理念的分散,难以形成统一的政治参与力量.相反会形成干扰政治发展和稳定的负面力量.  相似文献   

This article examines the definition of success in First Nations drinking water service as voiced by the First Nations technical community of practice. The research explores success stories to identify success themes and factors to formulate a workable definition for policy‐makers. Researchers interviewed sixteen technical practitioners in Ontario using a semi‐structured approach. Data analysis revealed a definition of success that extends beyond the technical boundary to include professional growth, employment, local action and a facilitating policy environment. This comprehensive definition provides a basis for policy and program considerations to increase First Nations buy‐in and foster a constructive environment for drinking water improvements.  相似文献   

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