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This article compares the design and implementation of density for benefit agreements (DBAs), a form of density “bonusing” in Toronto and Vancouver. The cities identify many of the same priorities for benefits secured from developers, but in practice they prioritize widely different benefits. By comparing practice in Toronto and Vancouver, this article demonstrates how institutional differences and the decentralization of policy decision‐making in major cities can affect urban planning decision‐making.  相似文献   

城市化伴随着人口及资源的高度集聚,必然引发城市承载的边界问题。如何解决当下的大城市发展困境是对可持续发展提出的重大挑战。作为自然资源匮乏的岛国,新加坡在提高城市承载能力上取得了瞩目成果。本文基于承载力和韧性城市两大理论,构建了城市综合承载力的分析框架。新加坡在资源高效利用、基础设施配置体现人文关怀、产业转型与空间布局并重、围绕"组屋"提供公共服务、建设智慧政府等方面的实践做法值得学习借鉴。未来我国城市建设应该精准规划与减量规划并行,坚持以人为本,重视"里子"工程,融入城市更新,建设智慧城市,提高城市政府的治理能力。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between local government economic development policy and multilevel governance, and investigates whether multilevel governance can be effectively implemented in key sectors, using two case studies of the aerospace and fashion sectors. This article seeks to answer the following questions: What inhibits the formation of multilevel collaborative governance institutions in these sectors? What implications does this have for urban economic development policy for the City of Toronto, and by extension, other cities across Canada? The case study evidence suggests that these institutions are forming in other cities such as Montreal and contributing to their success. So why is Toronto different?  相似文献   

城镇化指农村人口转化为城镇人口的过程,是工业化、现代化进程必然经历的历史阶段。改革开放之后,我国大量农村人口向城市的转移为现代化、城镇化注入生机和活力,丰富了城镇建设的人力资源,这支力量的主体是青年。在这一过程中进城农村青年经历了很多艰辛,主要表现为权利平等、权益维护、人格尊严、资源共享、社会保障等方面的缺失,即社会人文关怀的缺失。加强对进城农村青年的人文关怀、推进市民化进程,需要制定政策、形成制度。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,大量外来人员进入城市,为经济发展作出了贡献,但其违法犯罪问题突出,而政府在管理中未能在社会管理创新理论导向下从犯罪预防的角度开展相关工作。公安机关应该针对辖区内外来人员的现状,转变理念,从源头着手开展预防工作,以服务促管理,最大限度地控制违法犯罪的发生,并应采取一系列方式方法以创新社会管理。  相似文献   

农民工随迁子女的融入城市既是城镇化推进的动力,同时也是城镇化的最终目的.而现阶段在城乡隔离的二元社会体制的“社会屏蔽”机制与农民工随迁子女融入城市过程的“社会性防御”策略的双重作用下,导致了农民工随迁子女在城市中处于相互隔离状态,形成了“一座城市、两个生活圈子”的现象,进而在城市中形成了“二元社区”.因此,积极引导其融入城市已迫在眉睫.在引导农民工随迁子女城市融入的行动中,社区是其城市融入的“共存空间”,以社区为依托,开展促进农民工随迁子女的城市融入的“社区行动”,进而引导其在“共建共享”的社区文化中实现城市融入.  相似文献   

Although provincial and local governments bear primary responsibility for urban transit projects and operations in Canada, the Government of Canada engages intermittently in this policy field, mainly through research and short‐term funding programs. This article analyzes federal policy concerning urban transit over the period 2002‐2017, with a substantive focus on policy ideas—the cognitive and normative concepts that provide direction for, and shape the perceived legitimacy of, policy choices. Through a thematic content analysis of policy documents, this article explicates the paradigms, programmatic foci, frames and public sentiments that have underpinned federal urban transit policy over this 15‐year period.  相似文献   

我省许多城市与国内其他城市一样,面临的交通拥堵问题越来越突出。解决城市交通问题,要树立科学的管理理念,要切实加强交通规划和建设,着力从源头上预防和减少交通拥堵;综合运用各种管理手段和力量,不断提升城市交通管理的现代化水平;深入实施文明交通行动计划,逐步建立全民参与城市交通管理的新格局。  相似文献   

由于专业化程度不高和时间精力有限,工会工作者不适合做职工心理咨询师,但可为心理健康或处于不健康早期状态的职工提供非专业的心理干预。无论从维护职工合法权益的角度还是从工会组织所具有的优势角度或是从职工需求的角度看,工会组织都应把为职工心理健康服务视为自己的应尽职责。  相似文献   

Abstract: The growing number of new immigrants settling in suburban communities has caused researchers and policy‐makers to shift their focus from large cities to the communities that surround them, thereby side‐swiping several stereotypes commonly associated with “white” and “wealthy” suburban cities in North America. My article responds to this recent interest by proposing an analysis of the public policies that apply to immigrants and ethno‐cultural minorities in Laval, north of Montreal. The article establishes that Laval has had a policy in place since the early 1990s, with a specific institutional configuration that changes over time. I discerned two institutional configurations shaping two distinct sequences for this policy. The first sequence (1990–2003) involved an institutional configuration that shut down the channels for the representation of the interests of immigrants and ethno‐cultural minorities on the municipal level, and the second sequence (2003–2009) was marked by the regionalization of the shutdown of the mediation channels for the representation of these interests. In each sequence, the shutdown of the mediation channels is illustrated in three areas of this public policy: intergovernmental agreements, the recognition of associations, and affirmative action in the municipal public service.  相似文献   

新时期,抓紧在非公有制企业建立党组织,进一步扩大党组织在非公有制领域的覆盖面,是基层党建工作的重点和难点。本文对浙江多个地市进行深入调查研究,揭示了新时期加强规模以下非公有制企业党的组织覆盖和工作覆盖的现实紧迫性;分析了当前规模以下非公有制企业开展党建工作的总体状况,以及影响规模以下非公有制企业党的组织覆盖和工作覆盖的制约因素,在此基础上提出加强规模以下非公有制企业党的组织覆盖和工作覆盖的对策措施。  相似文献   

While there is extensive American literature that examines the interface between elected officials and administrators in cities and municipalities, there is virtually nothing written about Canada, particularly for small and isolated cities and villages. Based on a survey consisting of twenty‐one operational questions conducted in the Thompson‐Nicola Regional District (TNRD) of British Columbia, the study fills that void. We found varying degrees of shared decision‐making between the two parties, but the respondents also reported incursions from their counterparties in a number of areas.  相似文献   

“以城带乡、以工促农”的统筹城乡发展战略虽然较大程度地改变了“城乡二元结构”,却仍然是建立在城市中心主义之上的,它客观上固化了农村的边缘地位。在城市大幅扩张、农村劳动力大量转移、城市出现“消化不良”症状的背景下,统筹城乡发展需要在继续保持外力拉动的基础上着力激活农村内在动力,消除“村际阻隔”和“产权缺陷”,通过促进农村内部产权自由流转、建立农地农房储备制度等途径,着力构建大农村内部市场和弹性城市化机制,实现统筹城乡“外力拉动”和“内源发展”并行的“双轮驱动”。这种战略调整和制度安排既可以改变农村资源资本化不足带来的发展动力不够的现状,又可以避免农村土地私有化带来的巨大社会风险。  相似文献   

运用CGSS2015年调查数据,通过多元有序Probit回归分析我国城乡居民公共教育服务满意度,对比发现:农村居民对公共教育服务的总体满意度略高于城市居民,与现实城乡公共教育服务供给情况形成反差,出现"倒挂"现象。基于顾客感知价值原理,城乡居民对公共教育服务资源充足性、普惠性和便利性的感知由高到低地影响公共教育服务体验,"不患贫而患不均"可以解释城乡满意度"倒挂"现象。此外,城市和农村实际上客观存在两个相对分割的基础教育市场,农村教育投入的增速较快,有利于缩小城乡的差距,但城市的组内差距仍然巨大,城乡居民皆"患不均",这为未来公共服务供给提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

改革开放30多年来,我国城市建设正经历着一个从量变到质变的新跨越,特别是近年来新城市、大城市、特大城市的不断崛起。地处关中西部、渭水之滨、关中——天水经济区核心地带的宝鸡,在建设大城市的过程中,有着良好的机遇和得天独厚的优势,同时也面临诸多制约因素。宝鸡在新一轮城市建设中,一定要抢抓机遇,前瞻性地消除大城市建设中普遍存在的"城市病"问题,更好地打造一个既富有关中地域特色,又富有现代化都市魅力的大城市。  相似文献   

我国转型期的各种矛盾集中反映在城乡的不均衡、地区的不均衡、收入分配不均衡、人与自然不平衡和内外发展不平衡等一系列问题上。我国转型期的许多社会冲突是由于地方政府片面的政绩观驱使的发展所导致的。我国已经进入城市化加速发展的城市化时代,社会矛盾一旦在人口密度高的城市发生,就会产生非常严重的后果。城市安全问题的突出表现是城市各种犯罪现象严重。在各种影响城市安全的社会冲突中,就业矛盾和缺少覆盖更多社会成员的保障制度是其中两个重要的原因。要解决转型期的社会冲突,需要继续加快制度性建设进程,需要政府对社会公平的维护,尽快建立起不同利益主体的利益诉求和维护机制,才能真正解决城市安全问题。  相似文献   

作为当今世界最为主要的商主体——公司最为重要的特征就是其赢利性,而公司赢利性的背后却隐藏着其出资人——股东的赢利性,股东从公司获取赢利是其投资创办公司的原动力,积极推行股东的分红权也就成了《公司法》义不容辞的责任.但是在实践中,有限责任公司小股东分红权的保护现状非常令人担忧,在市场机制不完善、诚信缺失的当下,大股东利用“资本多数决”,恶意侵害小股东分红权的现象非常普遍.而《公司法》第75条的规定并不能称之为公司不对小股东分红的救济途径,因为这样的规定是让股东从原本赢利的公司彻底撤出,从本质上说就是彻底幻灭了股东的赢利性.  相似文献   

青年农民工不仅具有融入城市的强烈诉求,而且其群体特征也为城市化的实现提供了条件。在增权理论的视阚下,对青年农民工难以真正融入城市进行解读,可以看出,只有通过专业社会工作的干预和帮助,挖掘其潜能,从个体层面、人际关系层面、社会参与层面增强青年农民工对权力的认识,减少或消除无权感、无助感,实现全面增权,才能使青年农民工更好地融入城市社会,成为新市民。  相似文献   

In late 2015 and early 2016, the Canadian government resettled 25,000 Syrian refugees within roughly a three‐month period. This initiative brought a much higher number of refugees to Canada than are usually accepted in that time frame and put pressure on the resettlement system. This article focuses on policy learning on the part of street‐level bureaucrats—employees of the organizations that do the work of resettling Government Assisted Refugees at the community level—and how they dealt with the pressure created by this situation. The findings indicate that the Syrian initiative exposed weaknesses in the existing system and created new obstacles with which street‐level bureaucrats working for Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) had to contend. Presented with an overwhelming strain on the system, street‐level bureaucrats at Saskatoon SPOs performed a real‐time evaluation of the system in which they work and devised solutions to issues as they arose.  相似文献   

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