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公民参与下的民主行政   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
公民参与下的民主行政是公共行政和民主政治发展的必然趋势。公民直接参与公共政策的制定及公共管理 ,是公共行政的公共精神与公民民主权利的具体体现。代议制民主向直接民主、威权行政向民主行政发展 ,为公民参与奠定了理论基础 ,并提供了实现的路径。  相似文献   

Abstract: One way governments have responded to the heightened democratic discontent of recent years is to seek greater input from citizens in the policy‐making process in large‐scale public consultations. This article provides a case study of one such consultation. In the fall of 2002, the City of Saint John, faced with a sizeable budget deficit, sought public input on important fiscal decisions that had to be made before year's end. Citizens could provide their views in a traditional way ‐ by mailing in a questionnaire to city hall ‐ or they could submit their views electronically via the City of Saint John web site. Drawing on a wide variety of data sources, including interviews with city officials and a follow‐up survey of consultation participants, the authors assess the success of this particular exercise in achieving several interrelated objectives: facilitating citizen participation in public affairs, enhancing citizens' sense of their political efficacy, providing public officials with insight into public opinion, and shaping public policy. Taking into account both consultation outcomes and the expectations of citizens and officials, the authors identity key shortfalls of the Saint John consultation, as well as avenues for constructive change in future exercises. Sommaire: L'une des maniéres dont les gouvernements ont réagi au méontentement démocratique exacerbé. qui s'est manifesté ces derniéres années a été d'accroitre la participation des citoyens au processus d'éaboration de politiques en organisant des consultations publiques à grande échelle. Le présent article ést une étude de cas portant sur une de ces consultations. À L'automne de 2002, la ville de Saint‐John, faisant face à un gros déficit budgétairc, a cherchéà obtenir L'avis du public sur d'impor‐tantes décisions financiéres qui devaient être prises avant la fin de L'annee. Les cito‐yens avaient la possibilité de faire connaître leur opinion d'une façon traditionnelle en renvoyant un questionnaire par la poste à L'Hôtel de Ville, ou bien ils pouvaient soumettre leurs commentaires par voie électronique par L'intermédiaire du site Web de la Ville de Saint‐John. À partir d'une grande variété de sources de données, y compris des entrcvues avec des responsables municipaux et un sondage de suivi auprés dcs participants a la consultation, f'étude de cas évalue le succés de cet exer‐cice particulier à atteindre plusieurs objectifs interdépendants:faciliter la participation des citoyens aux affaires publiques, améliorer le sentiment d'efficacité politiquc chez les citoyens, permettre aux fonctionnaires de se faire une meilleure idée de L'opinion publiquc et façonner la politique publique. En tenant compte à la fois des résultats des consultations et des attentes des citoyens et des fonctionnaircs, nous identifions les principales lacunes de la consultation de Saint‐John ainsi que les moyens d'apporter des changements constructifs aux exercices futurs.  相似文献   

公民政策参与是公民通过合法途径,以政策参与者的身份直接参与公共政策过程的行为。公民与公共政策的关系实质上是利益关系,根据这种利益关系可以对参与公共政策过程中的公民做出界分。公民政策参与实践中的问题在一定程度上是政治现实的反映,只有将公共政策体制和制度作为重要变量纳入分析视野,才能推动公民政策参与研究走向深入。  相似文献   

This article uses a case study of non‐profit child care in Manitoba to explore whether accountability is co‐produced. Co‐production is not a new concept, but is gaining attention particularly in Europe. Co‐production involves citizens directly in the development or delivery of public goods alongside government. Through key informant interviews with parents, non‐profit organizations and government officials, this article argues that accountability is not co‐produced because citizen co‐producers are overly burdened with a disproportionate share of risk and responsibility compared to government co‐producers with minimal support.  相似文献   

权利时代的到来伴随着公民权利意识的觉醒,公民希望通过多种渠道寻找他们的权利,正是公民的相关诉求使媒体走入公共领域并于此域中形成公共舆论。公共舆论作为公民政治权利之一是宪法和法律确定、赋予并加以保护的,其存在对发挥警察权力的功效有着积极的作用。权利和权力理论是政治学的重要理论,而警察权力与公共舆论正是这一理论的外化。警察权力面对公共舆论应开辟新路径。  相似文献   

对重大突发事件舆论引导水平是衡量一个政党成熟与否的关键指标,也是检验一个政党治理能力的重要标志。回顾建党百年来党内外发生的对党的建设有重大影响的突发事件,可以看出:在建党百年来重大突发事件处置历程中,我党逐步形成了“内外有别”的舆论引导模式。对于党内突发事件的舆论引导主要分为两种:一是对于叛逃叛变类突发事件的舆论引导强调根据涉事对象身份的差异分别采用正面舆论交锋或维稳基础上的大规模舆论宣传两种策略;二是对于贪污腐败类突发舆论事件,我党则通过媒体及时向公众通报调查进程和相关人员处理结果,形成强大舆论震慑。对于党外突发事件的舆论引导:一是强调全域性舆论引导阵地的建设,二是强调重大突发事件舆论引导的及时性,三是在舆论引导中将“自我叙述”和“他人叙述”结合起来。  相似文献   

网络舆情作为一把双刃剑,在给人们工作、生活带来快捷便利的同时,也能产生巨大的负面效应。当前网络舆情衍生出的网络犯罪有恃无恐、网络谣言蛊惑人心、网络色情泛滥成灾、网络欺诈层出不穷。故而,为维护国家政治安全和社会稳定、保障公民个人权益,必须加强对网络舆情的依法管控。但我国现有网络舆情管控的法律体系在实际管控过程中还暴露出诸多问题,需要借鉴国外先进的管控经验去进一步健全完善。  相似文献   

The literature on public participation suggests that engaging the public in policy‐making empowers citizens and enhances democracy. Drawing on conditions of “authentic” participation derived from this literature, this critical analysis shows that the public consultation said to have informed Canada's new prostitution laws served to legitimize the governing party's policy orientation. The contribution of this article is twofold: providing an in‐depth, critical account of how a public participation process can endorse elected officials’ values; and identifying factors that may be associated to this outcome. Ultimately, this article shines the spotlight on a force often neglected in the public participation literature: power.  相似文献   

网络舆情作为一把双刃剑,给人们工作、生活带来了快捷便利,同时也能产生巨大的负面效应。当前网络舆情衍生出的网络犯罪有恃无恐、网络谣言蛊惑人心、网络色情泛滥成灾、网络欺诈层出不穷。故为维护国家政治安全和社会稳定、保障公民个人权益,我们必须加强对网络舆情的依法管控。但现有网络舆情管控的法律体系在实际管控过程中还存在诸多问题,需要借鉴国外先进的管控经验进一步去健全完善。  相似文献   

In response to the global financial crisis that began in late 2007, many countries took on significant levels of deficit financing in order to increase spending on public works and infrastructure. This rapid infusion of public funding has raised concerns about the accountability and transparency of stimulus measures, including how best to monitor and evaluate the allocation and impact of the funds and report back to citizens. While there is growing research on the macro‐economic impacts of stimulus spending, very little comparative work has been done on the approaches of different countries to the governance of infrastructure stimulus spending programs. This article focuses on the latter by identifying and explaining the different practices in Canada, Australia and the United States in order to highlight implications for future stimulus‐led investment.  相似文献   

基于风险社会的理论视野,单一的官僚制政府治理带来不可避免的公共管理危机。公民参与式治理是有效应对政府治理失灵风险的一种治理工具,其实质是政府与公民的合作共治,也称之为复合治理。其基本价值是:参与式治理可以规避政府失效,达致和谐的政府治理;有利于实现宪政民主,最大限度地规避或化解社会风险,提高公共管理绩效,实现社会善治。实现参与式治理的路径是:新型的转化性领导的出现、确立政府公务员的代表性公民角色、培育公民参与伦理、实现公民参与的制度化。  相似文献   

预算信息公开作为政府重要事项是信息公开的一项重要内容,一直是社会公众关注的焦点,也是国家民主化和法治化进程的重要步骤。当前,我国政府预算信息公开尚处于起步阶段,在政府预算信息公开方面还存在不少问题,随着人民民主法治意识不断增强,我们必须进一步推进预算信息公开的进程、深度和广度。  相似文献   

This article surveys management improvement initiatives in the federal public service during the 2000s and assesses their progress. It reviews eight key areas: management accountability; expenditure management; financial management; human resource management; grants and contributions management; project management and capital investment; internal audit; and processes to sustain public service values and ethics. Although not all of the initiatives have been equally successful, this article argues that general improvement has been realized. The article also considers factors behind the successes, arguing that improvements typically arise from a combination of political, organizational, cultural and economic factors including public service leadership and support at the political level. Recent budget pressures may affect the sustainability of continuing management improvement, but elements for moving forward are clear.  相似文献   

随着网络基础设施逐步完善、群众参与程度越来越高,互联网为公民的言论自由这一宪法性权利提供了前所未有的广阔发展空间.网络民意因为内涵丰富,对社会现实和人们生活息息相关,涉及多个学科领域.网络民意作为普通民意表达最直接最“原汁原味”的方式,受到了网民极大的欢迎,也受到了政府部门的高度肯定.但是,不同于立法、行政等活动,司法...  相似文献   

本文从新时期我国政府治理理念重塑的必要性入手,对政府治理理念重塑 的内涵"以公众为中心,以结果为导向,以市场为基础"做了较为深入的阐述,在此基础之 上,运用公共预算决策的一般性分析框架,从权力、信息、决策模式出发,建构了"新公共预 算决策"这一全新的理念。  相似文献   

在现代社会,请愿自由是公民所享有的一项基础权利,具有广泛性、强制性、公共性、参与性等明显特征,其功能主要表现在传递民众意见、防止权力专横与腐败、培养公民参与意识、避免社会矛盾激化以及重塑官兵关系等几个方面。  相似文献   

This article traces the emergence of public‐private partnerships (P3) in Alberta from 2003‐2016, using a case study of Edmonton's Anthony Henday highway projects. We describe how P3s emerged following dissatisfaction with the conventional delivery model, specifically with late project delivery and over‐budget performance, and the need to attract private financing arising from Alberta's fiscal deterioration beginning in 2001. We also highlight how political, policy, and organizational support were critical enablers of the emergence, acceptance and normalization of Alberta's P3 model.  相似文献   

The newly promulgated “budget law” stipulated in article 4 that all government revenues should be brought into the budget management, namely the whole caliber budget. Its original purpose is to realize the legal control of government revenue and expenditure behavior, however, due to the conflict between the law, department of vested interests conformity, various legal spending and budget supervision of National People's Congress of anomie, and many other factors exist in different degrees to thwart the citizens of the character of the original“control ”. Therefore, the revised budget legal rules as well as the power structure adjustment is to resolve the all caliber plight of budget implementation solution.  相似文献   

网络舆情的研究在社会各方面已引起了广泛的关注,通过利用文献计量分析方法对2002-2012年公开发表在CNKI中中国学术核心期刊网络出版总库的1432篇网络舆情领域学术论文进行文献计量分析,对10年来国内核心期刊网络舆情文献的载文量、作者、月平均被引频次、月平均下载频次进行分析与研究,综合论述网络舆情研究文献状况和发展趋势。  相似文献   

突发公共事件发生时,不进行积极的舆论引导,易导致谣言盛行,影响公众理性判断,不利社会稳定。不论是从公共安全功能还是公众知情权等实际情况看,面对突发公共事件,政府安全管理部门必须主动应对,让公众尽快了解事实真相,培育公众健康应对的心态,重建社会正常秩序。  相似文献   

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