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目的急性酒精中毒对大鼠溺死后肺组织硅藻检出的影响。方法将40只大鼠随机分为5组,进行酒精灌胃,灌注量分别为:正常组(0m L/kg)、低剂量组(7m L/kg)、中剂量组(15m L/kg)、高剂量组(22m L/kg)、死后抛尸组(0m L/kg)。观察各组大鼠行为变化、溺水时生存能力及死后肺组织中硅藻检出量。结果高剂量组呼吸出现浅慢,呼吸停止时间减少(P0.05)。酒精灌注各组大鼠攀附时间均减少(P0.05),肺组织硅藻检出量均减少(P0.05)。结论急性酒精中毒可以导致大鼠溺死后肺组织硅藻检出量减少。  相似文献   

作者对16例酒精性精神障碍鉴定案例进行分析.鉴定结论,诊断为普通醉洒13例,慢性酒精中毒3例.16例中,评定无责任能力2例(12.5%),限制责任能力2例(12.5%),完全责任能力12例(75.0%).作者强调应根据被鉴定人的既往饮酒史,醉酒后的表现,精神检查,神经系统检查,作案动机,作案前有无预谋,案发后有无掩饰行为,以及各种检查结果等,综合判断被鉴定人对其危害行为是否丧失辨认和控制能力.  相似文献   

廖莎  张辉 《法庭内外》2010,(1):61-61
日前,北京市东城区法院公开宣判一起因把醉酒的同伴置于室外导致其被冻死的过失致人死亡案件。 2009年3月12日23时许.被告人张某、王某与被害人宋某在北京市东城区一家小吃店内就餐并大量饮酒。次日凌晨结账时,宋某已喝得人事不省,张某、王某将醉酒的宋某带离饭店,将宋某拖至张某租住的东城区钱粮胡同一未完工的改建房内,后离开。次日7时许,宋某被发现已死亡。经法医鉴定宋某符合酒精中毒后冻死。  相似文献   

据调查显示:全国喝过酒的人近8亿,其中常饮的酒民接近2亿;每年死于酒精中毒的约11万人,因饮酒产生严重疾患的273万人。在江苏两地不同的酒桌上,因饮酒过量致两人死亡,亲属分别将同饮者诉至法院要求承担赔偿责任,但两地法院却作出  相似文献   

Zhang DJ  Lin Y  Mao YY  Hu ZQ 《法医学杂志》2007,23(2):101-104
目的探讨法医精神病学鉴定中两种酒精相关违法行为的犯罪学特征。方法采用自行编制的法医精神病学鉴定案例登记表,对符合本研究纳入标准的90名被鉴定人分为普通醉酒(63例)和慢性酒精中毒(27例)两组,采用统计描述和对照研究的方法进行分析。结果普通醉酒组54.0%的案前有诱发事件,慢性酒精中毒组案前有诱发事件的为22.2%;58.7%普通醉酒组作案是临时确定的作案动机,55.6%慢性酒精中毒组无明显的作案动机;66.6%普通醉酒组是临时确定的作案目标,51.8%慢性酒精中毒组无明确的作案目标。普通醉酒组19.0%对作案时间做出了选择,慢性酒精中毒组织有3.7%选择了作案时间;普通醉酒组61.9%的案后有一定的反侦查手段,慢性酒精中毒组则是有59.3%案后停留现场。普通醉酒组98.4%被评为有刑事责任能力,慢性酒精中毒组仅3.7%被评为有刑事责任能力。结论普通醉酒组案前有诱发事件和作案动机的要高于慢性酒精中毒组,慢性酒精中毒组在案中和案后更多地缺乏自我保护意识。普通醉酒组更多地被评为有刑事责任能力,慢性酒精中毒组则多被评为部分刑事责任能力或无刑事责任能力。  相似文献   

病理性醉酒人实施刑法所禁止的危害行为应否负刑事责任?这个问题具有一定的复杂性并已逐渐引起我国刑法理论界的关注。本文拟对此加以探讨。 病理性醉酒,又称病理性酒精中毒,病态性醉酒,是很少见的一种急性酒精中毒,指小量饮酒后因身体异常反应而急性发作的一种酒精中毒状态。病俚性醉酒完全不同于生理醉酒,它只会发生于极少数人身上,往往是某些平时不饮酒或很少饮酒的人,在饮  相似文献   

[案情]戴某于2009年11月13日凌晨在浙江省上虞市某宾馆一房间内.趁李某醉酒熟睡无法反抗之际,强行与其发生性关系。当日早晨6时许,戴某发现李某已死亡,于当日向公安机关投案。尸体检验报告证实:(1)死亡原因:系呕吐物吸入堵塞呼吸道致窒息死亡。(2)造成呕吐的原因:酒精中毒,常发生呕吐,在中毒致人昏迷、呼吸中枢抑制情况下.呕吐物不能及时排出易误吸入呼吸道,是造成李某死亡的主要原因:戴某乘李某醉酒之际进行的性交位置与姿势,会造成其腹部屈曲及头位低.并使李某限制于仰卧位.且性交时的涌动。结合胃内容物量的情况,也可使李某发生呕吐及不能将呕吐物及时排出而误吸入呼吸道:李某头部损伤,虽不致命.但也可致其呕吐.  相似文献   

<正> 长期的醇化作用使内生的和吸收的甲醇在人体内积累。当甲醇含量大于1mg/dl就出现长期饮酒引起的酒精中毒。我们试图评价近100名接受解毒治疗的酒精中毒患者血浆中的甲醇与其它生化参数(如甲醛、丙酮、异丙醇及其它同类物,电解质,MCV,GGT,SGPT,  相似文献   

笔者在法医命案现场勘验及侦察破案工作中遇见3例醉酒状态下杀人的恶性案件,回顾总结这3起案件的侦破过程,笔者认为法医在醉酒状态下杀人案件的现场勘查、检验鉴定、作案目的、动机的判断、作案过程的分析、嫌疑人的刻画、侦查范围的划定等方面都具有一些较为特殊的地方,现作分析浅谈,供同仁们在工作实践中参考应用。1案例资料案例1徐某,女,35岁。2000年8月10日15时许被人杀死在自家客厅内。尸体解剖检验:死者下身裸露,头面部、颈部多处锐器砍切创,外阴部创伤严重,软组织残缺,破坏严重。结论系创伤性、出血性休克死亡。破案证实:犯罪嫌疑人…  相似文献   

酒精暴露常见于颅脑损伤(traumatic brain injury,TBI)的发生过程中,与颅脑损伤死亡具有紧密联系。国内外此方面研究纷繁复杂。本文总结了近十年相关国内外实验研究,从临床实验研究、动物模型应用、脑损伤鉴别不同方面对不同血清酒精水平(blood alcohol concentration,BAC)对于颅脑损伤影响相关研究进展进行系统阐述。本综述为进一步相关研究提供参考,也对相关死亡案件鉴定具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

酒后驾车血液呼气中乙醇检测方法评价   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
回顾了乙醇中毒检测的一些重要事件和发展趋势,对此领域内的一些先驱及其主要贡献略加介绍,并对血-气乙醇检测方法的原理、优缺点作了说明。血液检测方法包括湿化学方法、酶法、气相色谱法,呼气检测方法包括湿化学方法、电化学方法、气相色谱法和红外光谱法。欧洲血液检测方法进行地比较早,且较深入,北美则对呼气检测方法有比较透彻的研究。  相似文献   

Previous research shows that sleep deprivation (SD) produces cognitive impairment similar to that caused by alcohol intoxication. Individual studies suggest that SD also causes deficits in motor skills that could be mistaken for intoxication. Consequently, SD often is used as a defense when an impaired driver is charged with driving while intoxicated. Twenty-nine adult subjects participated in two test sessions each, one after a full night's rest and the other after wakefulness of at least 24 h. Subjects consumed prescribed amounts of alcohol during each session. Law enforcement officers conducted field sobriety tests identical to those with which a driver would be assessed at roadside. Researchers also measured clinical responses of visual function and vital signs. The presence and number of validated impairment clues increase with increasing blood alcohol concentration but not with SD. Thus, SD does not affect motor skills in a manner that would lead an officer to conclude that the suspect is intoxicated, unless intoxication also is present.  相似文献   

M. LYN EXUM 《犯罪学》2002,40(4):933-966
Using a rational choice framework, this study examines the effects of alcohol and anger on violent decision making. Male students of legal drinking age participated in a randomized experiment in which intoxication and anger levels were manipulated. Participants read a “bar fight” scenario and completed a series of questions measuring aggressive intentions and the perceived consequences of violence. Results indicate that alcohol and anger interacted to increase one measure of aggressivity, but the perceived costs and benefits of violence were unaffected. Exploratory analyses call into question the robustness of the rational choice model, suggesting that the perspective may not be the general explanation for crime it is proclaimed to be.  相似文献   

The use of alcohol increases the risk of dying from unnatural or violent causes. The presented study explored the distribution of age, gender, cause, and circumstances of death in persons who died in an unnatural and violent manner, with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) higher than 0.3 g/dL, and where the cause of death was not alcohol intoxication. We defined the control (0 < BAC < 0.3 g/dL) and study (BAC ≥ 0.3 g/dL) groups, as in subjects with these concentrations, there is a significant risk of gross intoxication, stupor, and death. The subjects from the study group were older, with no difference in gender distribution. Traffic accidents were the most common fatal event in both groups, followed by suicides. Other accidents (choking on food and exposure to fire) were more frequent in the study group. Compared to the control group, subjects from the study group were older persons whose deaths were mainly accidental.  相似文献   

Isopropanol (IPA) detected in deaths because of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or alcoholic ketoacidosis (AKA) may cause concern for IPA poisoning. This study addressed this concern in a 15-year retrospective review of 260 deaths in which concentrations of acetone and IPA, as well as their ratios, were compared in DKA (175 cases), AKA (79 cases), and IPA intoxication (six cases). The results demonstrated the frequency of detecting IPA in ketoacidosis when there was no evidence of IPA ingestion. IPA was detectable in 77% of DKA cases with quantifiable concentrations averaging 15.1 ± 13.0 mg/dL; 52% of AKA cases with quantifiable concentrations averaging 18.5 ± 22.1 mg/dL; and in cases of IPA intoxication, averaging 326 ± 260 mg/dL. There was weak correlation of IPA production with postmortem interval in DKA only (r = -0.48). Although IPA concentrations were much higher with ingestion, potentially toxic concentrations were achievable in DKA without known ingestion.  相似文献   

Sleep sex may be a defense for alleged sexual assault. The International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD3) states: “Disorders of arousal should not be diagnosed in the presence of alcohol intoxication… The former [alcohol blackouts] are exponentially more prevalent.” A panel member of ICSD3, quoting ICSD3 asserts: “alcohol intoxication should rule out a sleep-walking defense”. This implies extremely strong support for a prosecution hypothesis (Hp) over a defense hypothesis (Hd). I use Bayesian methodology to evaluate the evidential probity of alcohol intoxication. The likelihood ratio, LR, measures the amplification of prior odds of guilt, . By Bayes' theorem, . I use data from cross-sectional studies of sexual assault and prevalence of alcohol use, in college students, with data from longitudinal studies, and data from the epidemiology of parasomnias to evaluate LR (alcohol). LR ~1.5 or 5, depending whether alcohol does, or does not, increase the risk of parasomnias. The proposition of extremely strong support for Hp implies a LR ~1,000,000, so the proposition in ICSD3 is not supported by formal analysis. The statistical reasoning in ICSD3 is unclear. There appears to be inversion of the Bayesian conditional (confusing intoxication given assault, and assault given intoxication) and failure to evaluate alcohol intoxication in Hd. Similar statistical errors in R. v Sally Clark are discussed. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine should review the statistical methodology in ICSD3.  相似文献   

Cross‐national variation in the effect of alcohol on adolescent violence is examined with survey data from 30 European countries. The data are analyzed using a method that makes it possible to isolate the nonspurious portion of the alcohol–violence relationship in different countries. In addition, multilevel models are used to estimate the effects of region and contextual measures of adolescent drinking on the alcohol–violence relationship. The evidence suggests that drinking has a strong effect on adolescent violence in the Nordic and Eastern European countries but has little or no effect in the Mediterranean countries. In the Mediterranean countries, where adolescents drink frequently but in moderation, the relationship between alcohol use and violence is almost entirely spurious. Findings suggest that the observed pattern is due to regional differences in the tendency for adolescents and their peers to drink to intoxication, as well as in their tendency to become intoxicated in settings where adult guardianship is absent.  相似文献   

目的:研究大鼠甲醇中毒后视网膜电图(electroretinogram,ERG)振荡电位(oscillatory potentials, OPs)的变化特点。方法建立对照组及甲醇中毒3 d组、中毒7 d组的SD大鼠模型,在相应时间点于暗室内进行ERG检测,记录OPs波形特点。结果相对于对照组,中毒3 d组和中毒7 d组的总振幅均下降了约50%,时程分别延长约16%和61%。结论大鼠甲醇中毒后,ERG的OPs呈现时程延长、总振幅下降特点。  相似文献   

Subdural hemorrhage (SDH) is a common cause of death. As external evidence of injury may be absent, an autopsy is frequently needed to detect it. We conducted a 3‐year review of SDH from the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner, with emphasis on a cohort of alcoholics. Our study population of 1942 included 1588 alcoholics. Of the alcoholics, c. 8% had SDH (26% of the total number of SDH). Of the alcoholics with SDH, 57% had associated brain injuries. As alcohol intoxication is frequently associated with aggressive and violent behavior, we are concerned that 6% of alcoholics in our review had no autopsy or imaging studies. It is possible that a portion of these may have had a SDH due to an unrecognized inflicted injury. We recommend that autopsies be performed on all alcoholics without a clear cause or mechanism of death.  相似文献   

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