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基于对上海17个区县5 100位居民对公共服务满意度的实证分析,本研究发现,上海市居民对公共服务满意度的评价总体较为满意,但在不同区县和不同领域之间存在较大差异。公共服务满意度的影响因素可分为客观因素和主观因素两类,通过多层线性模型分析进一步发现,主观层面的因素对公共服务满意度有着较强的影响,对区县间差异的解释能力较强。其中,居民对政府工作的参与度、居民对政府工作的知晓度、居民的公益活动参与水平等都对公共服务满意度有显著的正向影响,性别也对公共服务满意度有显著影响;客观因素对公共服务满意度影响力较弱。因此,政府要在积极提升居民对政府工作和社会工作参与水平、增加公共服务的财政投入、提高公共服务投入效率等方面努力,以促进改进政府公共服务,提高居民的公共服务满意度。  相似文献   

通过对苏南H镇拆迁安置社区居民进行抽样调查,探讨了拆迁安置社区居民精神生活满意度及影响因素。实证结果显示:拆迁安置社区居民对当前精神生活满意度总体持肯定评价。不同年龄、文化程度的拆迁安置社区居民的精神生活满意度具有显著差异。居民的身体健康状况、闲暇时间、宗教信仰、经济因素、家庭因素、社区因素等是影响拆迁安置社区居民精神生活满意度的主要因素。  相似文献   

以五省一市(浙江、湖北、云南、上海、四川、广东)作为研究样本,采用秩和检验、t检验和方差分析等统计学方法,对我国城乡基本公共服务的居民总体满意度及其影响因素进行实证分析,其结果表明:各项基本公共服务满意度的结果不均衡,不同基本公共服务领域的居民满意度结果存在显著差异性;从影响居民满意度的因素来看,不同职业、家庭人均年收入水平、享有的医保类型和地区的受调查居民对基本公共服务的满意度结果间存在显著差异性。  相似文献   

王伶鑫 《学理论》2012,(19):98-99
根据2011年对武汉市主城区进行抽样调查的结果,从职业工作、住房情况、健康医疗、公共服务和总体满意度等几个方面分析了2011年武汉市城市居民生活质量。调查显示,武汉市城市居民对生活质量总体感到一般,工作状况、健康状况和物质消费是对居民生活质量影响最大的三个因素,居民对物价水平和医疗收费持较低的满意度。提高武汉市城市居民的生活质量可以从增加收入、完善医疗服务和稳定物价等方面入手。  相似文献   

伴随城镇化和老龄化,空间转换过程中流动到大城市的老人在居住环境、经济状况、社会交往、社会参与等方面出现空间排异。年龄、同住人数、居住年限、是否农业户口等人口特征变量以及人均住房面积、个人月收入状况、自评健康状况、自评社会经济地位、社区满意度、邻里交往频率、社区参与情况等因素均显著影响流动老人的生活质量。基于此,建议政府广泛利用多种就业形式促进流动老人的人力资源开发,加快完善统一的社会保障体系提升老人异地养老保障水平,重视城市社区公共文化空间建设,组织开展多样化的社区活动,合理规划城市社区基本公共服务设施,保障并提高流动老人的生活质量。  相似文献   

物业管理的规范、服务质量的提高与住户的生活息息相关随着个人购房比例的不断上升,以及房改的深化,旧的住房体制逐渐打破,单位自管、房管所管房的格局将随之改变,物业管理离住房消费者越来越近,也愈来愈引起人们的关注。之所以引人关注,因为物业管理涉及服务水平、...  相似文献   

物业管理是市场经济发展的产物 ,随着市场经济体制改革的不断推进 ,我国的物业管理也应运而生。物业管理是一门新的服务业 ,它以周到的服务、良好的文化氛围和先进的管理模式保障着人们正常的工作和生活秩序 ,营造出一个良好的工作、生活环境。一、物业管理的含义、目的及发展方向物业管理是指由专门的物业管理经营机构和人员受物业所有者的委托 ,根据国家有关法律 ,依照合同和契约 ,运用现代管理科学和先进的维修养护技术 ,以经济手段对已竣工验收投入使用的各类房屋建筑和附属配套设施、场地以及物业区域周围环境的清洁卫生、安全保卫、公…  相似文献   

正NGO(Non-Governmental Organization)是指独立于政府、市场之外,采用非营利性的社会服务形式,弥补政府在公共管理领域中的失灵与不足,提升弱势群体在社会生活中的参与能力的社会公益组织。随着经济社会的发展,社会环境发生巨大变化,社会矛盾纠纷日益突出。社区是居民全体聚集的地方,其内部矛盾如政府和居民间、企业和居民间以及居民和居民间的矛盾化解程度影响到  相似文献   

自主治理机制是行政机制与市场机制之外的第三种治理机制,作为公共事务治理的集体行动理论,自主治理需要解决制度供给、可信承诺与相互监督等三个基本问题。青岛市镇泰花园小区2003年被物业管理公司弃管后,在小区精英的带领下成立两委进行自主治理,解决小区公共物品供给、社会规范提供与小区冲突的化解,成功克服集体行动的困境。镇泰花园小区成功自治的经验是:重视挖掘、发挥小区领袖及小区积极分子的作用,重视制度设计中决策的民主化以及积极培育小区自组织与小区社会资本等。  相似文献   

目前大学生村官政策已取得一定成效。但是,仍有多方面因素影响大学生村官公共服务满意度。以上海松江区为例,影响因素主要包括出路不畅、福利待遇偏低、受重视程度不足、与村民互动较少、自身知识与能力构成的缺陷等问题。可以通过落实和完善配套保障制度、改进招录模式、健全出路机制、多方协作提升满意度"、村官"来源上坚持"引进来"与"本土化"培养并重等提高大学生村官公共服务满意度。  相似文献   

本文考察了社区治理绩效的影响因素.通过对上海45个小区调查数据的统计分析,文章发现居委会的制度能力与社区治理绩效之间存在显著的关系.居委会动员社区外资源的能力有助于提高其服务效率、居委会直选投票率,居委会与物业之间的合作关系也有助于提高直选投票率.该研究发现意味着,随着住房市场化和封闭式小区的出现,传统的基于楼组长动员网络的社区治理技术面临挑战,居委会有必要采取新的社区治理实践和技术来强化其制度能力的建设,从而更好地服务、管理社区.本文将制度能力作为一种分析工具引入城市社区治理的研究,丰富了社区治理研究的理论视角.同时,本文认为今后的研究需要进一步完善居委会制度能力的测量指标,并进一步阐明制度能力影响治理绩效的作用机制.  相似文献   

The last two decades have witnessed widespread demolition of public housing and a large-scale relocation of public housing residents. Much of the current literature has examined the impact of demolition on relocated residents, focusing primarily on individual outcomes such as employment, housing quality, and health. This article examines the potential collective consequences of relocation by using data from 40 in-depth interviews conducted with relocated public housing residents in Atlanta, Georgia, to examine experiences of civic engagement and tenant activism before and after relocation. Participants describe frequent experiences of civic engagement and tenant activism in their public housing communities prior to demolition and also discuss how these collective actions often translated into meaningful gains for their communities. Participants also describe challenges associated with reestablishing these sources of collective agency in their new, post demolition, private-market rental communities where opportunities for civic engagement and tenant activism were perceived to be limited, where stigma was a barrier to social interaction, and where they experienced significant residential instability.  相似文献   

For the last two decades, performance management theories and practices have focused on outcome‐oriented management but have paid little attention to the role of public communication. Using multiple large data sets from Kansas City, Missouri, for 2009–14, this research suggests that the perceived effectiveness of public communication has a more substantial impact on public satisfaction with police protection and crime prevention than neighborhood crime rates and broken windows factors and that perceived effectiveness moderates the negative impact of crime rates. After controlling for residents’ demographic characteristics, the authors find that the perceived effectiveness of communication is associated with public satisfaction with the content and quality of the city website and the government television channel. The implications for public safety management and police–citizen relations as well as directions for future research on public communication strategies and public performance management are presented.  相似文献   

当前城乡统筹发展实践中农民地权诉求常被忽略,而地权诉求是理解宅基地流转和劳动力转移的关键。本文基于5省11县2192份农户调查问卷数据,采用双变量Probit模型实证分析地权诉求对宅基地流转和劳动力转移的影响效应。研究发现,地权诉求对宅基地流转和农村劳动力转移具有显著影响,其中地权诉求强度具有正向激励作用,地权诉求越强的农户,其宅基地流转和劳动力转移意愿也越强。地权诉求结构作用显著,其收益性诉求起正向激励作用,而保障性诉求起负向激励(抑制)作用。宅基地流转和劳动力转移存在相互作用,而地权诉求是其共同影响因素。论文研究对未来的宅基地流转政策具有参考意义,通过充分理解和尊重地权诉求,构建与地权诉求激励相容的政策方案,共同推动农村宅基地流转和劳动力转移,可实现宅基地流转及其与劳动力转移的和谐性。  相似文献   


This article examines residents’ attitudes toward homeownership in five large inner‐city public housing projects composed of multifamily apartment buildings. Based on 267 interviews with public housing residents in Boston, it contrasts their broad support for homeownership as a concept with their wholly mixed reaction to the idea of owning a public housing apartment. Interest in homeownership in public housing is shown to be independent of residents’ current employment status and closely tied to residents’ social investment in specific housing developments and to their perceptions about the quality of that development's management, maintenance, and security.

The findings cast renewed doubt on policies that would make public housing sales a centerpiece of national policy, but they provide qualified support for more modest efforts to increase homeownership in public housing developments and in low‐income neighborhoods around them.  相似文献   

This article conceptualizes the relationship between housing instability, residential mobility, and neighborhood quality. We summarize the existing literature about residential mobility and housing instability and examine their potential interactions along three dimensions: (a) the reasons for a move, including a variety of push and pull factors; (b) mobility outcomes in terms of whether moves result in residing in a better or worse neighborhood than that of the prior residence; and, especially important for low-income households, (c) the degree to which the current move and past experiences of moving have been discretionary or forced. Housing instability is a cumulative concept, with involuntary moves at its center. This synthetic model of housing instability's impact on mobility outcomes suggests that the more instability a household has experienced, the less likely mobility moves are to occur, or, if they do occur, to be long lasting. Policy implementation may underestimate the interaction between cumulative housing instability and residential mobility in housing mobility policies. Thus, these interactions have implications for mobility policies, pointing toward a path for future research that inform policies to move low-income households toward both greater housing stability and better neighborhood outcomes.  相似文献   

Despite severely depressed property markets, housing in declining U.S. cities can be surprisingly unaffordable for poor residents. Yet the characteristics of decline, such as abundant vacant property and constrained economic/political conditions, also provide opportunity for squatting. This article explores survival squatting—illegal occupation of property as a means for procuring suitable housing by marginalized residents. Drawing on a 4.5-year ethnography in Detroit, I examine the mechanisms by which people strategically choose squatting as a method of sheltering in the context of local conditions, and the experiences and conditions of this practice. I situate these empirical findings within a broader discussion comparing squatting and other forms of housing that have received considerable attention by researchers (e.g., shelter use, sleeping rough, doubling up). Squatting is particularly risky and unstable, and often very hidden. Substandard housing conditions prevail, and substance abuse is common. Squatting may have negative implications for child welfare, but may also provide measures of independence, self-determination, and comfort for illegal occupiers. There is a critical need for further research in this area, both to inform comprehensive housing policies and to anticipate how squatters’ well-being is impacted by other urban initiatives, such as blight demolition.  相似文献   

实物配售和实物配租是廉租住房补贴实施的主要方式,实证分析两种补贴的政策效果对廉租住房的开展具有重要意义。本文运用效用分析方法,结合陕西省XX市廉租住房住户随机抽样调查获得的数据,对比分析实物配售和实物配租两种补贴方式的实施效果。研究结果表明,两种补贴方式均提高了受补贴家庭的消费效用水平,但效用增加量的大小与住房消费获得的效用占总消费获得效用的比重r相关:当r小于0.5974时,实物配租的效用增量大于实物配售;当r大于0.5974时,实物配售的效用增量大于实物配租。研究表明廉租住房建设过程中,应当适当考虑其建设地点或完善小区周围的学校等公共设施。现阶段两种补贴方式在廉租住房保障中都能够发挥一定的作用。因而政府通过建设廉租住房解决家庭住房困难问题,可以采取实物配租和实物配售相结合的方式。两种方式的具体选择可以依据住房消费效用占家庭消费总效用的比例来确定。  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between public housing, health outcomes, and health behaviors among low-income housing residents. While public housing can be a dangerous and unhealthy environment in which to live, the subsidized rent may free up resources for nutritious food and health care. In addition, public housing may be of higher quality than the available alternatives, it may provide easier access to health clinics willing to serve the poor, and it may link residents to social support networks, which can improve mental health and the ability to access higher-quality grocery stores. To test whether there is a "back-door" health benefit to the public housing program, we analyze data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study. We minimize the effects of selection into public housing with controls and instrumental variables estimation and find that the results are somewhat sensitive to the instrumental variable used, and thus, we conclude that we are unable to detect a robust health benefit from public housing for our measures of health. However, we do find some evidence that public housing residency has mixed effects on domestic violence, increases obesity, and worsens mothers' overall health status.  相似文献   

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program is designed in part to expand the neighborhood choices of assisted households, thereby enabling assisted households to find a living environment that simultaneously meets their housing and neighborhood preferences. While several studies have examined the impact of rental subsidies on neighborhood satisfaction, few have examined whether access to adequate transportation enables HCV recipients to locate housing in more desirable locations. This article relies on data from the Moving to Opportunity experiment to examine the impact of transportation access, rental housing vouchers, and geographic constraints on neighborhood satisfaction. We find that access to both vehicles and public transit positively influences neighborhood satisfaction, and the influence of vehicle access varies with transit proximity. These findings point to the importance of transportation in helping low-income assisted renter households locate housing in more desirable neighborhoods.  相似文献   

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