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Population surveys of the disabled frequently show large numbers of persons who report work activity despite a simultaneous response indicating that they are severely disabled. Using multinomial logit analysis, this article examines the characteristics of persons who express such a commitment to work. The characteristics examined are sex, race, age, family size, education, marital status, health status, and length of work experience prior to onset of disability. The logit analysis allows us to see which of these variables predict work behavior. Data from the 1972 Survey of Disabled and Nondisabled Adults and the 1974 Followup Survey are used. Data are shown in cross section (1972 and 1974) and longitudinally (patterns of change from 1972 to 1974). In 1972, the less severe the level of health problems, the higher the level of education, being male, and needing to help relatives financially were traits associated with the probability of working despite self-report of severe disability. Those who received funds from public income maintenance were not likely to have worked. Essentially, the same findings were obtained for 1974 cross sectionally and 1972-74 longitudinally. Comparison was also made between those severely disabled persons who worked full time and those who worked part time, for both 1972 and 1974. Basically, age and severity of health condition were associated with the probability of working full time as opposed to part time, suggesting that it is a work/no work decision that is more likely to discriminate among the work commitments of the severely disabled than is the type of work schedule.  相似文献   

This article uses the New Beneficiary Data System to describe the first job held after award of Disability Insurance benefits, in terms of occupation and industry. It examines work activity within sectors of employment, and looks at the issues of whether work return in certain industries and occupations varies according to the demographic characteristics of the beneficiaries. The article also presents data on sector-specific employer accommodations that can aid in sustained work return. Postentitlement work was fairly evenly distributed across occupational and industrial sectors. Persons with higher levels of educational attainment were found to be in white-collar employment sectors. There were noticeable differences in the availability of employer accommodations across postentitlement occupations and industries.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to tease out the historical and deeply rooted ethical standards, spirituality, and social values that have long supported the social service system in Kyrgyzstan, which, today, faces pressure to align with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The data are based on an intervention conducted as part of the European Union-Social Protection Systems programme in Kyrgyzstan between 2017 and 2018 where 30 university lecturers were part of. Interviews both to the Kyrgyz trainers with disabilities and to the trainees of the university lecturers as well as follow-up survey conducted in 2019 form important part of data for this paper. We first investigate the conventional ethical standards, spiritual explanations, and social values related to disabilities within the Kyrgyz social protection system and social services. We elaborate on the Kyrgyz context of the societal ethics, spirituality, and values around disability in the Kyrgyz university education for social workers. Second, we analyse the transformation of the perception of disability among the university lecturers. We conclude this paper with a discussion on the negotiation between a charity-based approach that reinforces the stigmatization of disability and a human rights-based approach that promotes paradigm change, to contribute to global discourse of social change towards disability inclusion.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(1):104-112
With the collapse of the imperial system, Confucianism rapidly lost its credibility and authority. 'Nature' was now conceptualized as a set of relatively impersonal forces that could be objectively investigated. No longer were physical bodies thought of as being linked to the cosmological foundations of the universe: bodies were produced according to biological laws inherent in 'nature'. Identity and ancestry were buried deep inside the body. With the spread of an alternative epistemology based on scientific knowledge, a new medical semiology of the 'monster' appeared, in which the causes of malformation were firmly attributed to purely physical factors. Malformed infants came to be symbolic representations of racial degeneration, while freaks embodied the disfigurement of the nation. Raising the spectre of racial extinction, many writers claimed that the poor physical quality of the population was one of the key causes of the nation's backwardness. The strengthening of the population and the improvement of the race were represented as the essential prerequisites for national survival.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the manufacture of specific kinds of uncertainty and risk has become central to programmes of work flexibilization. The construction of a riskuncertainty relation has underpinned a raft of managerial doctrines on the worker as entrepreneur. I outline the dominant representation of risk as an unavoidable symptom of globalization. I then explore the relationship between human capital risk management, as defined by management consultants, and the working practices restructured in their name. In contrast to the rhetoric of worker-entrepreneurs, the making of contingency and uncertainty at work is revealed to be riven by tensions. I conclude by considering how we might begin to expose the myths of individual entrepreneurship, revealing the ordinary and everyday practices that make the displacement and reallocation of risk possible.  相似文献   

我国现行立法对罢工权没有作出明确的肯定,但也没有作出明确的禁止,从而使得劳动者的罢工权成了一个灰色地带,这种状况已经远远不能适应社会发展的客观需要了。因此,尽快修改现行宪法,在宪法中明确规定公民的罢工自由,并通过修改和制定相关的普通法对罢工权进行确认并作出严密的规定,这无疑是摆在我们面前的一项紧迫任务,具有十分重大的历史意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

La France restaurée, 1944–1954. By François Bloch‐Lainé and Jean Bouvier with prologue by Jean‐Pierre Rioux. Paris: Fayard, 1986. Pp.338 with appendices and index.

De Monnet à Massé: Enjeux politiques et objectifs économiques dans le cadre des quatre premiers Plans (1946–1965). Edited by Henry Rousso. Paris: Editions du CNRS, 1986. Pp.245 Index.

Les comptes de la puissance: Histoire de la compatibilité nationale et du plan. By François Fourquet. Paris: Editions Recherches, 1980. Pp. 462, notes, index and bibliographies.

Le Prince et la conjoncture. By Alain Siaens. Paris: Duculot Perspectives, 1985. Pp. 189 with appendices.  相似文献   

陈晨  郭博 《学理论》2010,(24):10-12
安全生产关系着人民群众生命财产安全,关系着改革、发展和稳定大局,关系着全面建设小康社会和构建和谐社会。为了实现这一目标,国家相继出台了一系列法律、法规和规章。但现行的安全生产制度尤其是安全生产行政检查制度尚存在一些问题,外国一些有益的立法经验也可供借鉴,最后对中国安全生产行政检查制度的完善提出一些有益的法律建议。  相似文献   

There have long been attempts to humanize the conduct of development by taking into account the mental and cultural constitution of those amongst whom it is to occur. Very largely, these have been unsuccessful owing in part to the conception that has been used of the things of which account has to be taken. In consequence, developmental thought has remained mechanistic and impersonal generally and corresponding problems afflict development practice. Seeing this approach exemplified in the two articles by Rondinelli and Mandel (1981a, 1981b) the author takes issue with it. He argues in the light of experience with health planning and medical practice that fresh attention should be given both to understanding local social realities and to the way in which development work could be related to such realities. In the process the author suggests that the value of the approaches characteristic of social anthropology should be more widely recognized.  相似文献   

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