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于志宏 《政法学刊》2003,20(4):42-45
我国内地、香港、澳门三地的合同法律制度有较大的差异,主要表现在合同的订立、合同的形式、合同当事人的能力等方面均有所不同,法律冲突在所难免。解决三地合同的法律适用问题的首要原则是意思自治原则,最密切联系原则应作为意思自治原则的补充,有些合同有其特殊性,可做例外处理,直接指出其应适用的法律。  相似文献   

当代中国法存在于一个实行着两种政治、社会、经济制度的国家内,三种法系风格兼备,内地、香港、澳门和台湾四地各有独立的法律体系,并在四个法域中分别适用各自的法律。三种法系风格是指大陆法系、英美法系与混合法。澳门法和台湾法属于大陆法系风格,香港法属于英美法系风格,而中国内地法源于现代西方、马克思主义和中国传统三种法律文化,由此形成混合法。  相似文献   

按照《香港基本法》与《澳门基本法》的规定,香港、澳门回归后,内地与港澳实行一国两制.在一国两制的框架下,内地、香港、澳门三地刑事案件管辖有着各种不同的类型,实行着不同的原则,如何协调内地与港澳三地互涉的刑事案件,规定出能为三地接受的管辖原则,解决三地间刑事管辖冲突,是一个有待解决的复杂问题.一、内地、香港、澳门互涉刑事管辖冲突产生的原因按照邓小平同志“一国两制”的构想,香港、澳门回归祖国后,内地、香港、澳门之间在司法领域将形成一国两制三法域,即内地、香港、澳门都是统一的中华人民共和国的行政区,在内地实行社会主义制度,在香港、澳门保持原有资本主义制度五十年不  相似文献   

梁爱诗 《中国法律》2002,(4):19-20,77-79
在香港大学举办的“自由贸易区法律制度研讨会”上,来自中国内地、香港、澳门、台湾四地的专家,就中国“入世”後四地建立自由贸易区所涉及的法律问题追行了深入探讨。本刊本期选登香港特别行政区律政司梁爱诗司长及内地、香港学者在研讨会上的专题演讲,以飨读者。  相似文献   

通过改造股票融资具有许多优越性。香港作为国际金融中心,其股市对大陆的资本筹集具有重要作用。大陆国企股票在香港上市,要充分准备条件,并解决好处理纠纷的法律适用问题,同时做好香港回归后香港法律的适应化问题.  相似文献   

法域,是指适用独特法律制度的特定范围。①从冲突法的角度理解,当一个国家内部存在不同的法域,便会存在区际法律冲突。我国由于历史等原因,成为一个复合法域国家,出现“一国、两制、三法系、四法域”的局面,②即在同一中国里面,内地实行社会主义制度,港、澳、台实行资本主义制度;中国内地、香港、澳门和台湾分别施行各自的法律制度,分别属于中华法系、英美法系、大陆法系,并成为四个法律制度互不相同的独立法域。  相似文献   

当代中国法存在于一个实行着两种政治、社会、经济制度的国家内,三种法系风格兼备,内地、香港、澳门和台湾四地各有独立的法律体系,并在四个法域中分别适用各自的法律。中国四地不同的法律的未来,在全球地域化中,当是走向一种新的中国法圈,它既是民族国家的,又是"溢出国家"的地理性的,具有一元的现代法律理念,应透射出强烈的沟通理性。  相似文献   

我国“一国两制”特殊政治体制,赋予了香港、澳门经中央政府授权后的部分缔约权,如何协调平衡国际条约在中国内地及香港、澳门的适用成为一大难题。通过国际条约适用理论、国际条约效力等级、国际条约与国内法的关系等问题,对国际条约在内地、香港、澳门地区的适用进行比较分析,有现实意义。  相似文献   

2004年11月17日至22日,笔者以中国内地法律图书馆馆员的个人身份,利用在深圳参加中国图书馆学会专业图书馆分会2004年研讨会的机会赴港、澳参观,在港期间有幸得到香港一家法律信息机构的资助,重点对香港及澳门境内的多家综合性图书馆及法律专业性图书馆进行了为期六天的实地访问与考察。在访问中笔者受到了港、澳地区图书馆同仁的热情接待。  相似文献   

香港、澳门主权回归后 ,解决中国区际法律冲突的问题已提到了议事日程 ,但目前该领域无法可依的矛盾突出。鉴于内地和澳门地区现行冲突法在立法体例、具体的法律制度、采用的法律术语、法律传统、法律文化背景等方面存在着较多相同和相似之处 ,两地有条件率先就解决中国区际法律冲突作出尝试。本文着重论述中国内地与澳门区际法律冲突的特殊性 ,并对解决两地区际法律冲突的途径提出具体的设想。  相似文献   

The search for endophenotypes that stand between genetics and disease has been applied to the diagnostic entity of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Advances are being made in understanding the pathway to disorder in PTSD in terms of brain regions, neuronal networks, stress-related systems (e.g., the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis), and their underlying genetic and neurogenetic bases. The latter are affected by gene–environmental interactions and epigenetic effects, and the environment and context reciprocally interrelate with them, as well. Therefore, a primary focus on (neuro)pathophysiological intermediates in the disease pathway, as appears emphasized in the research domain criteria (RDoC) approach to etiology of psychiatric disorder, and to which the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM-5) subscribes, might detract from a more inclusive biopsychosocial approach that would be more applicable in the case of PTSD. The paper undertakes a comprehensive review of the recent literature in the areas of endophenotypes, neurogenetics, epigenetics, neural networks, HPA axis, neuronal networks, pathways, the PTSD five-factor model, allostasis, and the RDoC criteria for psychiatric diagnosis, and then returns to the topic of endophenotypes. Neuronal networks constitute one integrating area that could help in arriving at an appropriate model of PTSD endophenotype. Pathway analysis provides a rich field for discerning individual differences in PTSD development, more so than the static approach of using DSM-5 symptom criteria. A model of endophenotypes is presented, which considers these factors in relation to PTSD. The paper concludes with implications for the DSM-5, for practice and for court, especially that it would be premature to seek individual biomarkers of PTSD given the current state of knowledge, even if it is burgeoning.  相似文献   

Among the many wars thatColombia is fighting, there are two that itis definitely losing – those forgovernment legitimacy and against poverty.Although the country has always shown anearly infinite capacity to turn itselfaround, its traditionally praised democracyshows fresh signs of erosion that lookalmost impossible to reverse. With solidinstitutions no longer standing, theguerrillas, the paramilitary, the corruptjustice system, and the drug producerscontinue to thrive like perennial weeds.Massacres, bombings, kidnappings and thedestruction of infrastructure continue toproduce a devastating effect on theColombian psyche. The good, the bad and theugly mix together in a pitiable realismbetween civil society and state. Theoutcome is poverty, dissatisfaction, andlack of legitimacy and hope.  相似文献   

The focus of Geeta Rao Gupta's plenary presentation of 12 July 2000 at the XIII International AIDS Conference is on the what, why, and how of gender, sexuality, and HIV/AIDS. Dr Rao Gupta discusses the factors associated with women's vulnerability to HIV; and the ways in which unequal power balance in gender relations increases not only women's, but also men's, vulnerability to HIV-despite, or rather because of, their greater power. She then addresses the question of how one is to overcome the seemingly insurmountable barriers of gender and sexual inequality. How can we change the cultural norms that create damaging, even fatal, gender disparities and roles? According to Dr Rao Gupta, an important first step is to recognize, understand, and publicly discuss the ways in which the power imbalance in gender and sexuality fuels the epidemic. She provides examples of sensitive, transformative, and empowering approaches to gender and sexuality and concludes that, in the final analysis, reducing the imbalance in power between women and men requires policies that are designed to empower women--policies that aim to decrease the gender gap in education, improve women's access to economic resources, increase women's political participation, and protect women from violence.  相似文献   

Negligence is a problematic basis for being morally blamed and punished for having caused some harm, because in such cases there is no choice to cause or allow—or risk causing or allowing—such harm to occur. The standard theories as to why inadvertent risk creation can be blameworthy despite the lack of culpable choice are that in such cases there is blame for: (1) an unexercised capacity to have adverted to the risk; (2) a defect in character explaining why one did not advert to the risk; (3) culpably acquiring or failing to rid oneself of these defects of character at some earlier time; (4) flawed use of those practical reasoning capacities that make one the person one is; or (5) chosen violation of per se rules about known precautions. Although each of these five theories can justify blame in some cases of negligence, none can justify blame in all cases intuitively thought to be cases of negligence, nor can any of these five theories show why inadvertent creation of an unreasonable risk, pure and simple, can be blameworthy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the instrumental networks established between organized criminals and national politicians. Its major focus centers on the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, the Department of Labor, and the Reagan Administration. We explore the organized crime influence that affected President Reagan's selection of Raymond Donovan as Secretary of Labor. The choice of Donovan resulted in several related investigations into Donovan's association with organized criminals primarily in the construction industry in New Jersey and New York. We explain and critique the investigations thereby establishing the instrumental quality of the networks and the politics of law enforcement. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

《Russian Politics and Law》2013,51(4):349-355
As the matter is generally conceived, it is the accused who needs a defense attorney. Of course, it is he who needs a lawyer above all. But lawyers for the defense are no less essential to the Soviet state in its administration of justice. The administration of justice, the prosecution, and the defense are three functions, clearly differentiated from each other, that are implemented respectively by the court, the procuracy, and the institution of advocates. Together, they are called upon to assure the smooth functioning of the mechanism of struggle against crime.  相似文献   

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