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A very unusual homicide of 2 children by smothering and strangulation by means of a rubber adhesive band carried out by the mother who committed suicide by the same manner is presented. Smothering is supposed to be one major cause of death in child homicide. Suicide by smothering is relatively uncommon. Suicidal smothering by winding strips of adhesive tape around the head to cover the nose and mouth is an even rarer method recently described in literature. The circumstances of the crime and the macroscopic and microscopic evidence are discussed to reduce the potential for underdiagnoses or mistakes in such cases in which it may be difficult to establish whether suicide or homicide occurred.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A 40-year-old man was found dead in his prison cell, hanging on a twisted bandage tightened around his neck. His permanent metal tracheostomy tube was completely corked with a piece of paper wrapped with transparent cellophane from a cigarette case. After police investigation and complete autopsy, suicide was determined as the manner of death. Although suicides by 1 form of asphyxia are relatively common, combination of several different forms of asphyxia is far less frequent. We present this unusual and very rare case of suicide by combination of 2 forms of asphyxia, that is, choking and hanging, along with autopsy findings and discussion.  相似文献   

A 25-year-old man committed suicide by shooting himself with eight bullets fired from a military rifle set on automatic. This rifle has two firing modes: an automatic mode and a self-loading, single-shot mode. Using this case as an example, some important aspects of firearm injuries are discussed with special emphasis on those points that are relevant to automatic military rifles and most applicable to forensic pathology practice. Some of the pathologic features of firearm wounds are reviewed and the role of the pathologist is discussed. Lastly, the most important points that help the pathologist to determine the type or nature of a firearm death--that is, whether it is an accident, homicide, or a suicide--are discussed. Classically, the number of the firearm wounds is used to differentiate suicide from homicide. As in the case reported here, however, when an automatic rifle or a military rifle set on automatic is used, the number of wounds is not a reliable indicator of the type of death.  相似文献   

An unusual case of suicidal ligature strangulation is described. The victim is a 42-year-old white male who devised a very elaborate ligature mechanism comprised of thin wire, a plastic tub filled with water, and a combination of other common objects to commit suicide while in custody. A brief review of the literature follows.  相似文献   

Verapamil toxicity: an unusual case report and review of the literature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Verapamil blocks the rapid influx of calcium into the cardiac myocytes of the cardiac conduction system and smooth muscle of the vasculature, resulting in decreased myocardial contractility, prolonged conduction time, and vascular relaxation. A sustained-release form, verapamil SR (or ER), is available that contains higher levels of medication and requires only once-daily dosing. The majority of reported fatal cases of verapamil toxicity are due to massive, intentional overdoses. Herein, we present an unusual case of fatal verapamil SR toxicity in a 57-year-old female that resulted from accidental overdose of only 3 tablets (720 mg), as witnessed by the decedent's daughter. In spite of the low dose ingested, the postmortem cardiac blood verapamil level was clearly toxic (6000 ng/mL, or 6 mg/L). Her preexisting medical conditions included hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, iron deficiency anemia, diabetes mellitus, and associated mild chronic renal failure. Complicating factors, which likely include the decedent's preexisting renal and cardiac disease, and a review of the available literature will be discussed.  相似文献   

Suicides without apparent antecedent causes present great difficulties for medical examiners and families alike. A case is presented of a young male suicide victim whose antemortem course did not demonstrate apparent psychopathology to either his family or fellow students. A journal written by the decedent was found, however, which revealed extensive ruminations on death, depressive symptomatology, and evidence of possible delusions, and hallucinations. We opine that this represents the prodrome of a psychotic process, possibly schizophrenia, and the decedent's suicide was a response to his awareness of his deteriorating mental status. The prodrome of schizophrenia is a well-described entity that manifests as a decline in social and occupational functioning, along with increasingly bizarre behavior. Prodromal psychosis could represent an explanation for some cases of suicide seemingly without causation.  相似文献   

A thirteen-year old girl attending a special school who had been suffering from genuine epilepsy for about one year was found dead completely clothed in the full bathtub in the bathroom of her parent's flat. The characteristic features of death by drowning but also signs of strangulation as well as a condition after shackling of the hands were found in the forensic post-mortem examination and autopsy. The putative strangulation instrument was a pair of tights which was floating in the bathwater. The hands were probably tied with the lace of a sneaker. In the further course of events, the inquiries and investigations initially commenced on the assumption of a capital crime gave reason to consider suicide. A reconstruction experiment under comparable external conditions indicates that this is possible. From a forensic-psychiatric point of view, an exacerbative mental crisis situation can be inferred as a final motive from the known personality configuration and the immediate circumstances. The tragic outcome in the final phase appears to have been determined by the additional complication of a provoked grand mal epilepsy attack. All in all, this hypothesis is the most plausible. However, subjective and objective observations do not rule out the possibility of homicide.  相似文献   

The examination of damage to a paper towel, an item of evidence in a murder case, is described. Simulations performed with selected tools and the observation of the lacerations present on the towel permitted to infer that they were originated by cleaning of a pointed and sharp implement. Some marks, considered characteristic of scissors, were detected on the exhibit. This experimental outcome resulted critical in challenging the declarations of the suspect. A rather significant analogy between damage examination on paper towels and on textiles was established.  相似文献   

A 28-year-old white male medical student was found hanging by the neck from the bathroom closet of a hotel room. An intravenous infusion line leading from a bottle of thiamylal sodium (an ultrashort-acting barbiturate) was inserted into the antecubital vein of the left arm. Blood was analyzed for alcohol and other volatiles and for acidic, basic, and neutral drugs. Only thiamylal was detected. Thiamylal was quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection, and its presence was confirmed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The tissue distribution of thiamylal was 29 mg/L in blood, 1.4 mg/L in urine, 16 mg/L in bile, 135 mg/kg in liver, 25 mg/kg in kidney, and 0.4 mg in the stomach contents. The uptake and distribution of thiamylal is similar to thiopental. The distribution of the drug in this case was compared to that of other fatalities involving ultrashort-acting barbiturates.  相似文献   

Stud guns (powder-actuated fastening tools) are a commonly used construction tool. Accidental injuries and fatalities are no longer frequent, presumably because of current safety features and practices. A case of an intentional fatal wound (suicide) is described. A literature review of stud gun injuries is also presented.  相似文献   

We describe an extraordinary case of a 49-year-old man who committed suicide by using a pneumatic hammer. As an industrial accident was initially assumed, difficulties in determining the manner of death are discussed. In addition, the ability to perform activity and evidence of a protracted agony in a situation of extensive cerebral destruction are considered. To our knowledge, no such case of suicide has ever been reported.  相似文献   

An accidental atypical hanging with the collar of a sweater is reported. A 67-year-old man was found dead in the sitting position with the collar of his sweater hanging off the brake handle of a motorcycle. Autopsy findings revealed a ligature mark on the surface of the neck; hemorrhages in the sternohyoid muscles; submucosal hemorrhages in the left greater horn of the hyoid bone; a large degree of submucosal petechial hemorrhages in the larynx, oral mucosa, and palpebral conjunctivae; and dark-red liquid blood with little clotting in the heart cavities. The alcohol levels in the blood and urine were 2.84 mg/ml and 3.52 mg/ml, respectively. It was concluded that the man had died from hanging by the sweater, and it was speculated that when he became inebriated, he might have lost consciousness and then fell with the collar of his sweater hanging from the brake handle of the motorcycle.  相似文献   

Postmortem examination performed on a 70-year-old man revealed a thinly encapsulated, ovoid, large mass in the right hemithorax. The tumor was attached with its pedicle to the atrioventral pericardium and adjoined the diaphragm with compression of the right lower lobe of the lung. There was no adhesion between the tumor and the surrounding organs. Light microscopy showed a lipoma consisting of mature adipose tissue, and no malignancy was found.  相似文献   

An unusual suicide by self-stabbing is presented. A 42-year-old man committed suicide with a dagger weighted with 2.72 kg in total and allowed to fall freely. The blade of the dagger fell from a height of 10 cm above the chest, penetrated the second left intercostal skin and pierced the upper lobe of the left lung. However, the weapon did not penetrate the chest skin from a stationary position in our trial at the autopsy. This finding confirms the results of experiments with stab wound dynamics which demonstrated that the impact velocity of the weapon as well as the sharpness of the tip is important for skin penetration.  相似文献   

An interesting case of firearm suicide carried out using an unusual type of handmade weapon and a peculiar combination of tandem missiles is presented. A nail and a screw were placed in the rifle barrel ahead of a bullet, and all 3 were simultaneously discharged. The inflicted injury began with 1 common channel, which later split in 2 separate channels, both directed backwards and upwards; one was caused by the screw, ending in the epistropheal body, and the other, caused by the bullet and the nail, penetrated into the cranial cavity, where it bifurcated in 2 branches, one from the bullet, ending in the cerebellar tissue, and the other from the nail, penetrated through the brain stem. The established site of the entrance suicidal wound, the appearance of the weapon, and the unusual missiles are discussed with regard to the available references dealing with different types of nail injuries to the head.  相似文献   

Ludwig angina is a rapidly progressing submaxillary, submandibular, and sublingual necrotizing cellulitis of the floor of the mouth that can have lethal consequences due to airway obstruction. Various aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms, and less often fungi, have been implicated to cause Ludwig angina, including oral flora such as streptococci and staphylococci. Early recognition and the use of parenteral antibiotics can prevent mortality and morbidity. We report a case of a 25-year-old white man who was admitted to the hospital by his dentist after being diagnosed with Ludwig angina secondary to periodontal abscesses involving teeth #17 and #32. Although antibiotics were administered, while in the hospital, the decedent had difficulty swallowing and was drooling. He suddenly began to have seizure-like activity thought to be anoxic myoclonus. The decedent was aggressively resuscitated and taken to the operating room for neck exploration and a tracheostomy. Neck exploration revealed severe necrotizing acute inflammation of the deep soft tissues and musculature of the neck. He remained on life support for 7 days until he was declared brain dead. Ludwig angina is a progressive cellulitis that often results in death by asphyxia. Ludwig angina can be complicated by subsequent deep neck infection. The underlying etiologies and common scenarios are examined, and significant autopsy findings and dissecting procedures are discussed. The pathophysiology of Ludwig angina is studied with a review of the current literature.  相似文献   

Spontaneous hematoma of the umbilical cord represents a rare cause of fetal morbidity and mortality and the outcome is poor in half of the cases. There are many risk factors, such as infections, morphologic anomalies, alterations of the vessel walls, prolapses, twisting and traction of the cord, but in many cases the causes remain unknown. We present 3 cases of umbilical cord hematoma which took place at the end of the pregnancy and were followed by perinatal death of the fetus. In the 3 cases, which were autopsied including macroscopical and histopathologic examination of the placenta and the umbilical cord, a cordonal pathology was present; in all cases, there were alterations of the vascular wall, and in the third case inflammatory vasculopathy was found. In all 3 cases, the cause of death was attributed to acute anoxia due to the cordonal hematoma.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), the toxic gas associated with the smell of "rotten eggs," is an important cause of work-related sudden death. The gas is particularly insidious due to the unpredictability of its presence and concentration and its neurotoxicity at relatively low concentrations, causing olfactory nerve paralysis and loss of the warning odor. We report a double fatality involving 2 surveyors working near a man-hole, who fell into the sewer and died due to sudden exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas. Key historical, physical, and toxicologic findings are described. Additionally, we present a discussion of the clinical presentations and differential diagnosis, mechanism of injury, metabolism and toxicology, incidence, and scene and safety concerns in fatal hydrogen sulfide exposures.  相似文献   

Death during autoerotic activities is of special concern to law enforcement officials, medical examiners, the family of the decedent, and society in general. As in the probing of any violent demise, accurate identification, management, and preservation of all physical evidence; complete photographic documentation of the scene and the body; reconstruction of the scene; and interviews with the family and acquaintances (psychological autopsy) are mandatory for proper study, evaluation, and interpretation of the case. Because of a lack of knowledge on the part of many people, including professionals, about these activities and the fact that many autoerotic fatalities share common characteristics with suicide and homicide, these cases are often misinterpreted. The authors present a case of autoerotic accidental asphyxial death which was initially misinterpreted as suicide.  相似文献   

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