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1959年1月1日,卡斯特罗领导的游击队推翻了巴蒂斯塔政权,在离美国海岸仅有60英里的古巴,建立起拉丁美洲第一个社会主义国家的共产党政权,这极大地震惊了美国政府和朝野.他们担心这场"红色风暴"会像热核聚变那样迅速在整个美国后院扩散.  相似文献   

Amazonia 1990: the burning question

White Gold: the diary of a rubber cutter in the Amazon 1906–1916 John C Yung johann Edited by Ghillean Prance Oracle, Arizona: Synergetic Press. 1989. 103pp. $7.95/£6.95pb

Fight for the Forest: Chico Mendes in his own words Tony Gross London: Latin America Bureau. 1989. 96pp. £2.95pb

Government Development Policies and Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon Region Dennis J Mahar Washington DC: World Bank Publications. 1989. 65pp. n/p

Bound in Misery and Iron: the impact of the Grande Carajas programme on the Indians of Brazil Dave Treece London: Survival International. 1987. 151pp. £2.00pb

International Amazonia: its human side Donald J Bogue and Yolanda Butts Chicago: Social Development Center. 1989. 177pp. n/p

Indigenous Peoples and Tropical Forests: models of land use and management from Latin America Jason Clay Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cultural Survival. 1988. 116pp. n/p

The Fate of the Forest: developers, destroyers and defenders of the Amazon Susanna Hecht and Alexander Cockburn London: Verso. 1989. 224pp. £16.95hb

Saving the Tropical Forests Judith Gradwohl and Russell Greenberg London: Earthscan. 1988. 207pp. £6.95pb

Reflections on the Gulf War

The Gulf War Edgar O'Ballance London: Brassey's Defence Publishers. 1988. 232pp. £17.95/$32.00hb

The Longest War: the Iran‐Iraq military conflict Dilip Hiro London: Grafton Books. 1989. 312pp. £17.95hb

The Iran‐Iraq War: impact and implications Edited by Efraim Karsh London: Macmillan/Tel Aviv: The Jaffee Center for Stategic Studies. 1989. 303pp. £37.50hb/£15.99pb

The Gulf War: regional international dimensions Edited by Hans Maull and Otto Pick London: Pinter. 1989. 344pp. £30.00hb

Iran and Iraq at War Shahram Chubin and Charles Tripp London: I B Tauris. 1988. 318pp. £19.50hb

The Gulf War: the origins and implications of the Iraq‐Iran conflict Majid Khadduri New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1988. 236pp. $24.95hb

The Iranian Military in Revolution and War Sepehr Zabih London/New York: Routledge. 1988. 279pp. £35.00hb  相似文献   

卡斯特罗是古巴人民衷心爱戴的领袖,是中国人民熟悉和敬仰的老朋友。卡斯特罗以古巴国务委员会主席兼部长会议主席身份对陕西的访问, 使我们有机会一睹这位共产主义战士的魅力与风采。那是十年前的往事了。1995年12月2日下午,卡斯特罗结束了在北京的国事访问,在我陪同团团长、国家计委主任陈锦华的陪同下乘专机抵达西安,开始了他对陕西为期两天的参观访问。  相似文献   

古巴的经济改革始于1993年.20世纪80年代末90年代初,东欧剧变、苏联解体,"社会主义大家庭"骤然消失,古巴失去了85%的市场、75%的进口和石油供应.美国趁机加紧对古的经济封锁,力图搞垮古巴社会主义政权.在双重打击之下,古经济形势急剧恶化.  相似文献   

古巴革命领袖菲德尔·卡斯特罗有一位亲弟弟,他在古巴反独裁的革命斗争中以及在社会主义革命和建设中与其兄并肩战斗,成为菲德尔不可或缺的得力助手,他就是古巴国务委员会第一副主席、古共中央第二书记、革命武装力量部部长劳尔·卡斯特罗.根据古巴宪法和古共党章规定,劳尔是菲德尔的法定接班人.  相似文献   

After Raul Castro’s accession to the presidency of Cuba, the country has witnessed the most far-reaching process of economic reforms for more than five decades. The government has expanded the private and cooperative sectors, has passed a new foreign investment law, restructured most of its old debt and has sought to end the long-standing dispute with the USA. Yet economic performance has been poor and the country faces significant challenges and contradictions arising from the reforms. This paper analyses the macroeconomic environment and the changes introduced by the Cuban government over the period 2007–15. While successful at restoring macroeconomic equilibria, restrictive macroeconomic policies have hurt economic growth, whereas growth- and efficiency-enhancing measures are yet to produce results. Moreover, transformation of the economic model is slow because of its many internal contradictions. The paper also discusses some of the main impediments to future change.  相似文献   

时局稳定经济增长 过去的一年,是古巴共产党和政府领导古巴人民克服重重困难,保持政局稳定,经济持续增长的一年.  相似文献   

劳尔·卡斯特罗接班后古巴形势的变化及发展前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古巴领导人劳尔·卡斯特罗接班后两年来政绩斐然.国内形势发生了积极变化,政府的工作重心转移至经济建设方面,经济改革步伐加快.新的促农政策和取消对居民消费的若干限制等措施,受到群众的普遍欢迎.古巴的经济改革不会采取"中国模式",仍将在社会主义计划经济框架内进行.本届领导班子是过渡性的,其任务不仅要振兴经济,而且还要为五年后的交班培养新人.任重而道远.  相似文献   

在到达哈瓦那的当天吃晚饭时,我开始意识到古巴并不像我所料想的那样.我们一行安排好旅馆住宿,就来到"老哈瓦那"的这家餐厅.饭菜正如我们曾被告诫过的并不怎么样,但是餐厅的布局却颇为华丽.一座热带花园被优雅的老式庭院所环绕,园中种了不少茂盛的植物和鲜艳的花卉,中心位置则是一个喷泉.令人感受至深的是,在整个夜晚都有一支由当地人组成的乐队为我们演奏助兴.  相似文献   

In February 1982, Cuba’s Council of State approved legislation that authorized some forms of foreign investment in the island. The legislation was largely ignored by foreign business that for nearly a decade showed scant interest in investing in Cuba. However, in the 1990s, foreign investiment in socialist Cuba has increased rapidly. The first part of the article gauges the economic significance of foreign investment in the context of the financial needs of the country. The second part touches on a number of issues that have a bearing on the further growth of foreign investment in Cuba. The article concludes with some general observations on the impact of foreign investment on the Cuban economy and prospects for the future. Jorge F. Pérez-López is an international economist with the Bureau of International Labor Affairs, U.S. Department of Labor. His writings on international economics issues— especially on the Cuban economy—have appeared in professional journals and several edited volumes. He is the author ofThe Economics of Cuban Sugar (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1991),The Cuban Second Economy: From Behind the Scenes to Center Stage (Transaction Publishers, 1995), and editor and contributor ofCuba at a Crossroads (University Press of Florida, 1994). He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the State University of New York at Albany. The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone.  相似文献   

The purpose of this highly speculative article is to assess a broad range of possible developments in Cuba over the next five to seven years that could directly and adversely affect U.S. interests. By definition, therefore, it does not provide equal treatment to more optimistic and, salubrious scenarios. A key assumption is that the Cuban economy will not sustain a strong rebound to high levels of growth. Specific observations about how security challenges might impact certain U.S. government activities are also included according to the article’s terms of reference. No attempt is made to assign numerical or other probabilities to the counterfactual cases discussed. Finally, the future time frame examined includes treatments of a continuation of Fidel Castro's regime as well as the emergence of one or more successor governments. Brian Latell has been teaching courses on Cuba and Latin America at, Georgetown University for the past twenty-one years. He has written and lectured on Cuba, Mexico, and U.S. Foreign Intelligence Issues. In 1998 he co-editedEye in the Sky: The Story of the Corona Spy Satellites, published by the Smithsonian Press. He served as National Intelligence Officer for Latin America at the National Intelligence Council between 1990–1994. From 1994–1998 he was Director of the Center for the Study of Intelligence at CIA and chaired the Editorial Board ofStudies In Intelligence. Last year he retired from government service, and was awarded the Distinguished Intelligence Medal.  相似文献   

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