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罗豪才 《人权》2010,(6):2-4
Distinguished guests, experts and scholars, ladies and gentlemen:
In the golden October when people are enjoying clean and fresh air, the China Society for Human Rights Studies unveiled its Third Beijing Forum on Human Rights. On behalf of the Society, I would like to express my warm welcome and sincere apprecia- tion to all the friends here.  相似文献   

How the scientific outlook toward development is related to human rights in China was the theme of a forum held in Beijing by the Human Rights magazine on April 18. Attending were a dozen experts from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Central  相似文献   

XUEHONGTAO 《人权》2008,(3):38-38
A symposium on how to tackle the challenges to women workers' rights was held in Beijing on March 8, the International Women's Day.  相似文献   

The Fourth Beijing Forumon human Rights was heldin Beijing from September 21-23,2011.Jointly sponsored by the China Society for human Rights Studies and the China human Rights Development Foundation,the forum was centeredon the theme of"Cultural Tradition  相似文献   

The 2nd Beijing Forum on Human Rights was held on November 2-3 in Beijing. Senior human rights officials and experts from 26 countries and regions attended the forum, organized by the China Society for Human Rights Studies.  相似文献   

The 3rd Beijing Forum on Human Rights was held on October 19- 20 in Beijing. About 100 senior human-rights officials and experts from 28 countries and regions and international organizations including the United Nations, gathered at this year's forum, or- ganized by the China Society for Human Rights Studies.  相似文献   

温家宝 《北京周报(英文版)》2010,53(1):后插4-后插8
President Jean-Pierre Lafon,Secretary General Vicente Gonzales Loscertales,Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,It is truly a pleasure for me to attend the Seventh World Expo International Forum. On behalf of the Chinese Government, I warmly welcome all the guests to the forum and sincerely wish the forum a complete success. The series of World Expo International Forums are important events to promote the ideal of the World Expo and expand its influence. Participants to this forum will have extensive and in-depthdiscussions under the theme of shaping urban future with global wisdom. This is of major importance in substantiating the content of theWorld Expo 2010 in Shanghai and making it a big success.  相似文献   

李克强 《北京周报(英文版)》2019,62(29):I0001-I0006
尊敬的施瓦布主席先生,尊敬的各位元首、政府首脑,尊敬的各位贵宾,女士们,先生们:很高兴与大家再次相聚在美丽的大连。首先,我谨代表中国政府,对第十三届夏季达沃斯论坛的召开,表示热烈祝贺!对远道而来的各位嘉宾和媒体界朋友,表示诚挚欢迎!  相似文献   

2005年是"十五"计划的最后一年,也是进一步巩固和发展宏观调控成果,保持经济、社会发展良好势头的关键一年.  相似文献   

The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which was held in October 2003, advanced whatthe Party chooses to call the "scientific outlook on development" and called for putting it into full implementation. This represents a breakthrough in how development is viewed in China, and serves as a milestone in the country's endeavor to strive for modernization. By practicing this sci- entific outlook on develop- ment, we aim at achievingan all-round, …  相似文献   

As environmental issues are attracting domestic and international attention, protection of environmental rights is becoming increasingly  相似文献   

In the recent a few years,the most important theory innovation of the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese government is the advancing of the Scientif ic Outlook on Development,which is the important strategic guiding thoughts to promote the reform and opening up and the modernization construction of China.  相似文献   

Since 1949, China has achieved great progress in human rights protection. We also experienced some big setbacks such as the Cultural Revolution. China redirected itself to a proper course of healthy human rights development from 1978. But during the time of 1983 to 1990, our concept of human rights fell behind world civilization greatly; the mainstream concept of human rights in China was that "the term of human rights is a pure slogan of western society." China should not adopt it. Theturni…  相似文献   

ZHAO HAIQI 《人权》2011,(2):26-27
The Human Rights magazine organized a workshop on December 23-24,2010 to discuss the Theoretical System and Development Model of Human Rights in socialism with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

<正>The 19~(th) National Congress of the Communist Party of China established Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in a new era,and opened up a new era for the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics.This indicates the direction for China’s human rights cause to move towards a new era,which has laid  相似文献   

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