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我们大多数人都属于平凡的人,过着平凡的生活,经历着平凡的事情。每天朝迎旭日升,目送夕阳下,平平淡淡,周而复始地过了一天又一天,平淡无奇、波澜不惊的日子让许多人觉着无趣无味,心里企盼着自己平凡的生活也能起些风浪,荡起几圈涟漪,若再能轰轰烈烈地活一回,那也不枉此生了。也有些人因自己太过平凡,而整日感叹、惆怅,伴随着莫名的怅然与失意,甚至于怨天由人。朋友,别为平凡而伤感,别为平凡而烦恼,因为恰恰是这无数个平凡的日子组成了我们多彩的人生,这无数个平凡的事物组成了缤纷绚丽的大干世界,这无数个平凡的人用勤劳的双手建造了我  相似文献   

法诺是美,理性与正义的美。美是天成,亦是真心,铁面的一边用温情诉说真谛,用人文呵护,用和谐拓印,用诚信奠基,用一心皈依信仰,美的触发,与旁无关。法诺性本善,奉献的道路,蜿蜒求索。不惑视听,不迩馋邪,用公心诠释着对法律的忠实,对人文的关爱。法诺性本智,以"诚"为号,谱写着法诺人努力篆刻的正义之史。不欺不诈的诚信之碑树立着不倒的威名。法诺的每一步,是诚信的每一步。  相似文献   

刘琴 《江淮法治》2013,(16):59-59
在那里,我找到了一个世界,一个让自己的心灵宁静无扰,快乐的、自由的世界。越学越觉得开心,觉得工作和生活都更有滋味。原来,梦想开始的地方,是幸福的天堂。小时候,父母常和我说故事,说起古代的女子,琴棋书画样样皆通。懂事后,看着古代仕女图中的女子抚琴的样子,听着古曲中古筝那美妙的声音,很是向往。学校毕业后,参加工作、结婚生子,这一愿望渐渐被生活的浪潮冲淡了。多年后,有一次,我和友人去外地游玩,在参观一文化景点时,看到一架古筝摆放在展厅,我走上前,手指不自觉地轻抚琴弦,声音很是好听。  相似文献   

监近检察是指人民检察院对人民法院刑事判决,裁定的执行情况及监狱,看守所,劳动改造机关,劳动教养机关的活动是否合法实行法律监督的活动。根据有关规定,人民检察院监所检察的职能是:(1)对刑事案件的判决,裁定的执行是否合法,实行监督;(2)对看守所的活动是否合法,实行监督;(3)对监狱,劳动改造机关(包括劳动管教队,少年犯管教所,拘役所,犯人医疗队等)的活动是否合法,实行监督;  相似文献   

正从前那诗性而古老的更声,不经意的,在某个寂静的午夜,穿过我们日益荒芜的梦乡,给我们带来久违的温暖和感动。在寂静的冬夜,来自岁月和心灵深处的更声,总是雾岚般地把我淹没,总是浆果一样悬挂在我记忆的枝头上。很多年前,村里打更的中年汉子,和老母相依为命。他膝下无嗣,个头矮墩墩的,四方脸儿,高鼻梁,尤其嘴角很厚,一张一翕,颇似田间长过了期的裂口萝卜,故有"萝卜嘴"之诨号。萝卜嘴敲出的悠远更声,给我们单调而严寒的冬日夜晚带来了无尽  相似文献   

我曾经到过许多美丽的地方,我很想将这美丽化作文字,留于心底。但是,我发现有一种美丽是不能言表的,只能铭刻在灵魂之中。云南丽江就有着这种美丽,你试想一下,在细雨纷飞的夜晚,你撑着一把暗红的油伞,走在青石板的小巷中,客栈的灯笼在风中轻轻摇曳,耳畔除了汩汩的流水声,还有时隐时现的纳西古乐飘来……因为喜欢丽江,所以就格外关注丽江。2004年11月17日,丽江中级人民法院的法庭上,几位老人演奏起曲牌为《浪淘沙》的纳西古乐……法庭上古乐声声,确实是非同寻常,原因何在呢?常,原因何在呢?愤怒的宣科2003年10月15日,《艺术评论》杂志刊登了中…  相似文献   

重要的是政才 帝王夺取天下好比摘人参果,你想吃,他想吃,大家都想吃,于是大家都想方设法捷足先登,争取优先权. 可古代帝王妻妾成群,儿孙也就多,而王位只有一个,到底传给谁,这一点不同帝王各有标准,但最要紧的,一是要传给自己最喜欢的、自己认为最可靠的人,二是要传给有能力保住帝王位子的人.  相似文献   

腊月里回乡下老家,正要吃午饭时,来了一位中年妇女,四十开外的样子,扎着头巾,背着一只小挎包,站在门口,问母亲今年的鸭子长得怎么样。母亲先是一愣,接着笑起来,忙招呼女人进屋。母亲说,今年捉的十只小鸭,死了一只,还有一只是公的,剩下的个个肥硕健壮,天天下蛋呢。女人说,那你就给八只小鸭的钱,一共是二十四块。  相似文献   

血淋淋的身躯被摩托车拖了十多米 曾振强,1965年10月出生在湖南省新化县孟公镇,那是一个人人习武、个个爱武功的地方.曾振强受故乡人的影响,人还没进学堂门,就被父母送回老家,扎扎实实练了4年武功.初中毕业后,对治跌打损伤有个一知半解的曾振强上了卫校,本想凭自己已有的基础,深造几年后,当一名治病救人的医生.然而,命运却未能照顾他的意愿,1982年,卫校毕业的曾振强,被招工进了父母所在的新化县供销社,在新化县果品公司当了名采购员.曾振强生性爱动脑子,又积极肯干,深受领导和同事的好评,先后被任命为日杂公司供销印刷厂厂长、食杂公司副经理,还光荣地加入了中国共产党.  相似文献   

采撷一朵云作风的衣裳,捧一把清水做田野的盖头,踏着星光,追着太阳,奔跑在乡村的田野上,这儿的景色最好。当风的季节来临。大树不忍片片叶子满含期待眼神中的失落,它松开了紧抓不放的手,宠溺着它们飞扬落地。叶儿顽皮地落在我的跟前,轻轻地拾起属于秋的思绪,看那朝霞满天的山头,沉醉在这片粗犷而又纯美的风景里。喜欢静静地拥着黎明里的期待,渡步在这幅如画的山村  相似文献   

从权力来源角度并不能充分证明中国足协具有行政诉讼被告资格 ,这是形式主义地理解《行政诉讼法》第 2 5条第 4款和《若干问题的解释》第 1条第 1款所致。借鉴英国司法审查的理论 ,从公共职能角度重析中国足协的被告资格 ,结论是人民法院未必不能对中国足协的行为予以司法审查 ,北京市二中院的裁决或许是错误的  相似文献   

我国职业足球运动员的劳动者地位和劳动法保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
职业足球运动员虽然与职业足球俱乐部具有劳动关系的属性,但在人力资源上具有不同于一般劳动者的特征,作为劳动法中的特殊劳动者,应当纳入劳动法的保护范围。基于职业足球运动员劳动权益保护的特殊需求,劳动法在实体法上应当对职业足球运动员的就业自由权、工资收入、工伤赔偿、工会组织等问题作出特别规定;在程序法上应当将职业足球运动员与职业足球俱乐部的劳动争议纳入劳动争议处理程序,并就其劳动争议处理体制作出特殊设计。  相似文献   

As the football industry continues in its struggle to balance its traditional regulations and practices with the demands of domestic and European law it is evident that entrenched attitudes within the game will have to be changed if the industry is to avoid further damaging litigation. One such area is in the appointment of football managers (or head coaches), where the practices of selection seem to contravene the most basic principles of employment law with regard to the Sex Discrimination Acts. This article argues that the appointment of ex professional players as Managers violates the prohibition on indirect sex discrimination, and asserts that being male is not a ``genuine occupational qualification' for the post. The article analyses case studies of football managers to substantiate its claims, and uses interviews carried out with coaches and players in the women's Premier League in order to discuss sex discrimination and the non-appointment of women to one of the most important posts in the football industry in more general terms. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this article a sociological diagnosis of football hooliganism as a world phenomenon is given. The author uses mainly English (newspaper) data about football violence (in and outside England) as an empirical base to explore how hooliganism can be theorised and understood. These data can usefully serve as a rough indication of the worldwide incidence of football hooliganism in the twentieth century. The author favours the figurational/process-sociological approach to football hooliganism which is historical and developmental. It also involves an exploration of the meanings of hooligan behaviour via an analysis of verbatim statements by the hooligans themselves, locates the football hooligans in the overall social structure, especially the class system, and examines the dynamics of the relationship between them and groups in the wider society. It is important, nevertheless, to stress that it is unlikely that the phenomenon of football hooliganism will be found always and everywhere to stem from identical social roots. As a basis for further, cross-national research, it is reasonable to hypothesise that the problem is fuelled and contoured by, among other things, what one might call the major 'fault-lines' of particular countries. Effective policies are urgently needed if the great social invention of football is to be protected from the serious threat posed by a combination of hooligan fans, complacent politicians and money-grabbing owners, managers and players.  相似文献   

The policing of football crowds in Sweden is underpinned by a national coordination approach based upon a set of conflict reducing principles and supported by crowd theory. The approach is referred to as the Special Police Tactic (SPT). While focused on police capacity to exercise force, the SPT also gives primacy to tactics based upon communication, in the form of Dialogue Police. Existing research on the SPT focuses exclusively on the policing of protest crowds. This paper extends the existing literature by reporting on a large scale three-year observational research project examining the SPT as it is applied to football fixtures involving several of Sweden’s major football clubs. On the basis of our analysis we draw out how policing operations in line with facilitation and communication were associated with effective outcomes. However, we also highlight deficiencies in national coordination and coherence as well as highlighting important innovations with regard to approaches to dialogue with football fans. We explore the implications of our analysis for theoretical understanding of effective football crowd management and engagement with fan culture.  相似文献   

黄建军 《行政与法》2006,3(1):95-97
中国社团立法对于加强社团的登记管理起到了积极作用,但总体来讲还不能完全适应社会发展的需要。现行的社团立法在指导思想、法律位阶、双重管理体制、社团设立的法律制度等方面存在一些问题,对结社自由限制过于严格。为了更有效地保障宪法的结社自由权利,维护社会秩序,需要对现行的社团立法进行变革,在结社自由的保障与限制之间实现平衡。  相似文献   

商谈民主理论认为社会公众通过协商和对话参与决策能达致在公共问题上的共识并实现民主,同时强调社团等"商谈性配置"的关键作用。结社自由是"商谈性配置"发挥作用的法律基础和保障,其内涵反映了个人与社团实现该自由的具体方式和途径。我国目前在社团立法上存在着合法性与正当性方面的不足,因此,应当从转变立法指导思想、明确结社自由的权利属性、完善社团管理体制等方面加以解决。  相似文献   

黄凯 《行政与法》2010,(10):70-72
本文对我国足球职业化改革的历史进行了回顾,总结了影响我国足球职业化改革的几个重要因素,在此基础上,提出符合我国实际情况、促进我国足球职业化稳步进行、推动我国足球体制改革的相关建议。  相似文献   

Social dialogue refers to discussions, consultations, negotiations and joint actions involving organisations representing the two sides of industry, namely employers and workers. The constitutional basis for social dialogue is located within Articles 153–155 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. In July 2008, a social dialogue committee in European professional football was established. This article assesses the significance of this move and argues that the committee has the long‐term potential to transform industrial relations in European football based on the conclusion of binding collective agreements. In the shorter term, the committee performs two functions: first, as a means of effecting a change in governance standards in European football and as a lobbying technique for the social partners in terms of their relationship with the EU; second, as a venue for a negotiated settlement between the rival interests operating within the EU's sports policy subsystem.  相似文献   

律师整体独立论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宋世杰  伍浩鹏 《河北法学》2006,24(1):118-121
西方国家的律师往往具有特殊的社会地位,实现了律师行业的整体独立.律师整体独立是保障公民权利、实现司法公正、律师职业发展的内在要求.我国并未实现律师的整体独立,司法行政机关在律师管理体制中居于主导地位,因此,我国的律师管理实际上采用的是行政化的管理模式.在宏观上,应当明确我国律师管理体制改革的终极目标为律师整体独立;在微观上应当将实质性律师管理权授予律师协会.社会认同是律师整体独立的前提,律师行业应重塑自身形象,增进社会对律师行业的尊重与认同.  相似文献   

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