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In May 2005, the World Health Organization adopted the new InternationalHealth Regulations (IHR), which constitute one of the most radicaland far-reaching changes to international law on public healthsince the beginning of international health co-operation inthe mid-nineteenth century. This article comprehensively analysesthe new IHR by examining the history of international law oninfectious disease control, the IHR revision process, the substantivechanges contained in the new IHR and concerns regarding thefuture of the new IHR. The article demonstrates why the newIHR constitute a seminal event in the relationship between internationallaw and public health and send messages about how human societiesshould govern their vulnerabilities to serious, acute diseaseevents in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

龚向前 《河北法学》2006,24(4):62-65
为控制传染病而行使国境卫生检疫主权时必须遵循<国际卫生条例>.<国际卫生条例>在我国的适用采取的是混合模式,即融合了"纳入"与"转化"和其他方法.依据修订后的<国际卫生条例>、<国境卫生检疫法>需要进行全面的变革.此外,我们必须解决国境卫生执法和司法中存在的问题.  相似文献   

从条约解释角度而言,病毒材料构成国家主权管辖范围内的“遗传资源”或“自然资源”,但其获取是否应遵循“事先知情同意”原则尚存在争议。国际专利体制激励基于病毒材料的医药研发,并不直接导致生物剽窃或医药可及性难题,但问题在于没有规定病毒材料的所有权和获取条件,故存在保护上的不对称性。从本质上说,病毒共享之争体现国际法上分配正义的缺失,故无法破解全球公共卫生难题,促进发展中国家履行健康权。为此,《国际卫生条例》需进一步明确健康权的国际责任,构建公平的“材料转移”机制。我国既要推动国际法上分配正义的实现和相关制度的非倾覆性变革,也可结合自身国情和优势发挥更大的建设性作用。  相似文献   

新修订的《国际卫生条例》(IHR)于2005年提交第58届世界卫生大会审议通过,并于2006年1月1日起正式实施。作为公共卫生方面唯一的一部国际法,对世界卫生组织(WHO)所有成员国均具有约束力。本文对“新条例”与检疫法及实施细则中的定义进行比较,并对其中一些较为重要的定义进行具体分析,旨在找出两者之间存在的差异,对其更好的与国际接轨提出一些个人的意见。  相似文献   

This special issue of Law & Policy examines legal, bioethical, and social science perspectives on the critical problems and choices arising from the rapid changes in the health care systems throughout the industrialized world. Advances in medical technology, the rising costs of health care, and the aging of the industrial populations have made health care a crucible for many of the broader policy concerns facing the world in the new millennium. The purpose of the special issue was for these issues to be addressed in a multidisciplinary forum, to add to the broader spectrum of socio–legal scholarship. Scholars from diverse countries examined a variety of issues from ethical, social science, and clinical perspectives.  相似文献   

传染病控制与国际法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
那力  刘若昕 《法学论坛》2004,19(2):5-11
全球化时代控制传染病这一公共健康问题必须进行国际合作才能解决。WTO及其SPS协议在控制通过国际货物贸易传染疾病方面有一些法律机制。国际卫生条例(IHR)是约束WHO成员国防止传染病蔓延的主要国际法律机制。世界卫生组织针对传染病的新形势,对国际卫生条例进行了修改,其修改集中于:(1)扩大各国报告义务范围;(2)加强对非官方信息的依赖;(3)各国出现紧急状态时,WHO采取什么控制方式、建议还是其他;(4)争端解决方式。此外,还有信息、媒体、人权等其他一些法律问题。  相似文献   

与公共健康危机有关的知识产权国际保护   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周俊强 《中国法学》2005,(1):111-118
发展中国家面临着严重的公共健康危机,Trips协议框架下的知识产权国际保护制度不利于发展中国家公共健康危机的解决。Doha宣言及其第6段的执行是发展中国家成员及其发展事业的一个胜利。21世纪知识产权国际保护制度应向更理性的方向发展,我国应充分利用现有制度资源,积极参与将来制度的制定。  相似文献   

徐军华 《政法论坛》2021,(2):90-102
"国际关注的突发公共卫生事件"情势下,国际航空旅行限制措施的广泛适用反映了"传染病控制"与"国际航空旅行"关系的失衡,面临着合法性与合理性的诘问。国际航空旅行限制措施只能在《国际卫生条例(2005)》《国际民用航空公约》以及相关的双边航空运输协定等国际条约的框架内实施才具有合法性;国际航空旅行限制措施在实践中的效应使其合理性遭到质疑。为了进一步维系"传染病控制"与"国际航空旅行"二者的平衡,世界卫生组织和国际民航组织通过了一系列的"软法"性国际文件,然而,其执行力依赖于成员国的履行意愿和履行能力。我国应在维护WHO权威及PHEIC创立的制度初衷的前提下,在国际法的框架内合法合理应对和适用国际航空旅行限制措施。  相似文献   

In February 2007, Indonesia withheld sharing H5N1 viral samples in order to compel the World Health Organization and Member States to guarantee future access to vaccines for States disproportionately burdened by infectious diseases. This article explores conceptual and temporal fallacies in the International Health Regulations (2005) and the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, as relates to global public health preparedness. Recommendations include adopting laws to facilitate non-pharmaceutical interventions; securing the rights of affected populations; and fostering inter-State collaborations to promote intra-State public health capacity building.  相似文献   

何佳馨 《法学杂志》2012,33(3):156-159
本文分三个方面,就我国刚刚确立起来的三大社会基本医疗保险(城镇职工基本医疗保险、城镇居民基本医疗保险和新型农村合作医疗保险)之外的商业健康保险作了一个比较系统的阐述,对商业健康保险法制的形成、发展中遇到的问题、完善商业健康保险法制的一些措施做了分析,对我国保险法理论和实务的发展阐述了自己的思考。  相似文献   

This article examines the current state of disease surveillance and reporting in the United States and seeks to answer two central questions: first, whether the increasing emphasis on the global importance of public health policies compels a fundamental reexamination of the long-standing deferential approach to state power where matters of population health surveillance are concerned and, second, how the nation's long-standing deferential legal customs might be modified to address the growing emphasis on global public health policy that is undergirded by technological advances. We examine the International Health Regulations, or IHR (2005), and suggest that these regulations offer a powerful impetus for reevaluating U.S. legal custom concerning the policy and practice of population health surveillance, not only as a matter of U.S. law but also as a core dimension of U.S. legal obligations to other nations, as embodied in international agreements and treaties. We find that if the political will exists to change the domestic disease surveillance and reporting system, the federal government has the power to act. Questions remain, however, about whether the public health and legislative communities are willing to challenge current customs or even if they desire to do so.  相似文献   

通过不断加强公共卫生立法,澳大利亚联邦政府在卫生与老年部下设了国家预防保健局,日益关注公民权利的法律保护,推动示范法律的研究和运用,将风险管理引入立法程序,促进联邦与州/特区的立法协作。中澳两国存在特有的公共卫生关系,澳大利亚在公共卫生法律方面的实践和经验,为我国提供了借鉴意义,特别是法律示范和统一机制、立法过程的风险评估以及基本公共卫生服务的公平性等方面。  相似文献   

The transfer of new health technology to South Africa is occurring despite the fact that North American and European health care planners and entrepreneurs have a very limited understanding of traditional Black South African cultures which condition the health-related behaviors of the majority of the population. Consequently, relatively few people of African descent in this very diverse nation are, at least initially, benefiting from the new imported medical technology. This study gives an overview of traditional Black medicine in South Africa and, through the presentation of several case studies, discusses its implications for the societal adoption of new health technology received from the United States and other industrialized nations. The example of the successful application of cervical cancer exams in rural and urban clinics of the Eastern Cape is analyzed and institutional mechanisms that support successful transfer are identified.  相似文献   

The 1974 amendments to the Labor Management Relations Act have created new problems of statutory interpretation in the rapidly evolving area of health care labor law. By including nonprofit hospitals under the auspices of the Act, the amendments have opened up a new area for unionization and have given rise to questions concerning the types of bargaining units that are appropriate in health care facilities. In the following article, the authors discuss these questions and other current issues in health care labor relations law. The issues include the determination of relevant bargaining units, the status of state nursing associations as labor organizations, and the ten-day strike notice requirement of the Labor Management Relations Act.  相似文献   

赵丰 《科技与法律》2021,(2):105-116
COVID-19的大规模流行破坏了世界正常的生产和生活秩序,也给每个国家的社会治理带来了新的挑战.为了控制流行疾病和促进经济恢复,健康二维码作为一种数字技术管理手段应运而生.从实际效果来看,健康二维码的开发在很大程度上消除了填写报告的繁琐工作,减少了交叉感染的可能性,并提高了数据收集的效率.但与此同时,健康二维码的广泛...  相似文献   

The impact of health reform on employee health benefits programs could be dramatic. Depending on the health reform program adopted, employers could face significant new regulatory and economic burdens in operating employee health benefits programs or could find themselves greatly relieved of such burdens. President Clinton's proposal, in particular, would dramatically alter today's practices. This article focuses on how the Clinton proposal would change employee health benefits programs. Although President Clinton has indicated a willingness to compromise, his legislation may prove to be a house of cards, with all provisions interdependent. Employers should study all pending proposals carefully and weigh in on the debate so as to ensure that lawmakers are fully educated before making potentially irreversible decisions.  相似文献   

Mental health courts have been proliferating across the country since their establishment in the late 1990's. Although numerous advocates have proclaimed their merit, only few empirical studies have evaluated their outcomes. This paper evaluates the effect of one mental health court on criminal justice outcomes by examining arrests and offense severity from one year before to one year after entry into the court, and by comparing mental health court participants to comparable traditional criminal court defendants on these measures. Multivariate models support the prediction that mental health courts reduce the number of new arrests and the severity of such re-arrests among mentally ill offenders. Similar analysis of mental health court completers and non-completers supports the prediction that a "full dose" of mental health treatment and court monitoring produce even fewer re-arrests.  相似文献   

Changes in mental health legislation (e.g. Mental Health Act 2007 in England and Wales, Mental Health Act 2001 in Ireland) have generally improved adherence to international human rights standards, but also present challenges to primary care providers. When mental health legislation was substantially reformed in Ireland, 62.9% of general practitioners (GPs) felt the new legislation was not user-friendly. Majorities of GPs who felt the legislation affected their practice reported increased workloads (85%) and various other difficulties (53%). GPs who had received training about the legislation were more likely to find it user-friendly (43% versus 30.9%), and informal training (e.g. from colleagues) was just as likely as formal training to be associated with a GP finding it user-friendly. With similar changes to mental health legislation being introduced in England and Wales, it is significant that informal training is just as good as formal training in helping GPs work with new mental health legislation.  相似文献   

Health information exchanges represent one way of making medical information available to practitioners across institutional boundaries. One health information exchange in Memphis Tennessee has been operational since May of 2006 and provides information supporting care for over 1.2 million individuals. Creating such an exchange challenged traditional institutional boundaries, roles, and perceptions. Approaching these challenges required leadership, trust, sound policy, new forms of dialogue, and an incremental approach to technology. Early evidence suggests a positive impact on patient care and a change in the way providers interact with their patients and on another. Personal health records, consolidated EHR systems, and other alternative models promise to have similar impacts on the way in which providers and patients interact with one another.  相似文献   

WTO成员以公共健康为口号发起的贸易限制措施与各国在WTO下的贸易自由化的义务存在着冲突。GATT/WTO的有关规则和实践显示出多边贸易体制对国内公共健康政策的态度从“忽视”到“有条件肯定”的演变过程。具体来说,GATT时期的规则和争端解决实践不利于国内公共健康政策的实施,而WTO时期出现了有利于国内公共健康政策实施的变化。在WTO现行体制下,各国在实施为公共健康目标的贸易措施时,应符合特定目标的合法性、目标与手段的一致性、目标与手段的相称性等一般要求和相关的具体要求。  相似文献   

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