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一国货币的影响力是一个国家综合国力和国际地位的体现。把人民币建设成为国际支点货币,使人民币成为国际上普遍接受的结算手段,中国的进口就不必再用外汇直接支付,不但节省外汇开支,而且出口也不受其...  相似文献   

朱小梅 《理论月刊》2006,(8):137-139
拉美国家美元化作为区域货币合作的一种重要方式,必将对国际货币体系的改革产生深远的影响。近年来,针对国际货币体系改革方案的探讨主要集中在汇率制度、国际货币及国际货币基金组织的改革三个方面,本文从这三个方面前瞻性地分析了拉美国家美元化对国际货币体系改革的影响。这些影响包括:拉美国家美元化将促进国际汇率制度朝着固定汇率制度的方向改革;拉美国家美元化在近期会巩固美元的国际货币地位,而从长期来看,有利于世界单一货币的诞生;拉美国家美元化会在一定程度上有利于国际货币基金组织对国际货币体系的管理。  相似文献   

Becoming Equal     
Chinese women have seen their rights strengthened over the past 60 years Beginning November 1,an updated local regulation will explicitly guarantee victims'rights to report domestic violence in Beijing,  相似文献   

Becoming BRICS     
<正>Adding South Africa to its ranks makes BRICS even more representative of global emerging and developing economies In 2001,Jim O’Neill,Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management,introduced the world to the idea of BRIC countries—Brazil,Russia,India and China,countries that were attracting international attention for  相似文献   

人们普遍都有较大的志向,“不 想当元帅的士兵不是好士兵”嘛! 年轻人的抱负是成为领袖、成为将 军,有谁要立志成为智囊呢?绍兴师 爷倒也能办些大事,可远远没有湖南 领袖红安将军的气度与风光。 但要成为智囊也并非易事,成为 指点江山,扭转乾坤的智囊更是凤毛 麟角。当年刘备麾下不乏文官武 将,关羽、张飞、赵云之流都名冠一 时,威震个万,然而水镜先生环顾刘 备的文武要员却说:“伏龙、凤雏, 两人得一,可安天下。”这才有刘备 三顾草庐,诸葛亮隆中三分天下的智 囊趣话。姜太公以古稀之年渭水垂 钓,苍桑岁月所积累的丰富经验…  相似文献   

Gaining Currency     
<正>With South Africa’s economic leadership severely challenged,the yuan can come to its aid South Africa was Africa’s economic giant,creating the miracle of accounting for one third of the continent’s GDP though its population was only 6 percent of the entire African population.However,exceptionally high unemployment,socio-economic inequalities,an ailing electricity generation capability and  相似文献   

AFreer Currency     
<正>China advances its foreign exchange reform—short-term pain and long-termgain China has changed its central parity system to better reflect market development in the exchange rate between the Chinese yuan against the U.S.dollar.The move is another step toward market forces determining the value of the currency.The yuan fell sharply in value  相似文献   

Digital Currency     
正China's digital fiat currency, or the e-CNY, has been used for the first time for transactions in the domestic futures market, the China Securities Journal reported on August 23.The e-CNY has been used by the Dalian Commodity Exchange(DCE) for the payment of storage fees to a delivery warehouse, assisted by the local branches of Bank of Communications and Bank of China.  相似文献   

<正>As multinationals flock to China as a favorite investment destination, an increasing number of Chinese firms are also quickening their pace of going global.This is good news for the crisis-stricken target countries and the sluggish world economy. As they expand globally,  相似文献   

<正>A new international stock board will soon be established in Shanghai,allowing foreign companies to list their businesses and tap into the China market China is moving closer to launching its own international stock board,a market for foreign companies to list their stocks in China,said Shang Fulin,  相似文献   

<正>Antalya summit of the G20 witnesses China’sgrowing role in global governanceSeven years on from the international financial crisis, the world economy is still feeling the effects and finding it hard to achieve robust and synchronized global growth.The International Monetary Fund’s(IMF)October World Economic Outlook Report stated all countries are facing challenges and have downgraded their near-term growth rate  相似文献   

Currency Swap Against Crisis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By helping their neighbors, Asian economies also help themselves on December 12, the People's Bank of China and the Bank of Korea jointly announced a bilat- eral currency swap arrangement  相似文献   

On the global economic recovery’s already unpredictable road,the latest threat comes from the possibility of a currency war.  相似文献   

<正>China is promoting greater use of the yuan in global trade,investment and as a reserve currency China’s currency,the yuan,ascended to a higher global status in 2014,with the value of cross-border payments by the currency accounting for 23.6percent of total cross-border payments,according to a report on the globalization of the yuan released by the People’s Bank of China,the country’s central bank,on  相似文献   


Recounts the author's professional life history in the context of his personal life story. Reflects on the ways in which history and autobiography combine to create life pathways that are experienced as individually chosen, yet historically determined. Recounts the author's family life, neighborhood experiences, early education in the Philadelphia public schools, and the impact of post-World War II government programs including the GI Bill and the establishment of United States Public Health Service fellowships. Considers the influence of African American writers and the civil rights movement, as well as women returning to school, the culture of medical schools and the influence of mentors in the formation of a professional identity. Recounts the discovery of the community mental health movement and the search for a social justice agenda that led to Community Psychology. Ultimately, the author views himself as an “insider/outsider,” whose personal and professional identity crosses traditional boundaries and welcomes paradoxical, narrative and qualitative approaches to research and practice.  相似文献   

<正>On January 4, the World Bank issued its first round of bonds denominated in China’s currency, the yuan or renminbi, worth 500 million yuan ($76 million) with a two-year fixed rate due on January  相似文献   

正Estonia's accession demonstrates the euro zone's charm, despite European economic woes with the 2011 New Year's bell, Estonia joined the euro zone-a hopeful sign for the slowly recovering European economy.  相似文献   

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