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A suicide committed with a power saw is an uncommonly reported incident: and the use of a chain saw in particular has been extremely rare. We report two cases of suicide that were committed by using chain saws. In each case the victim had a history of depression or of a prior suicide attempt, and applied the chain saw to his neck to kill himself. We summarize the findings of the two death investigations and the world literature pertaining to suicide committed with power saws.  相似文献   

Some recent interpretations of the child abuse laws are creating serious and unprecedented erosions of therapist/patient confidentiality. In contrast to the Tarasoff decisions and laws, the child abuse statutes introduced a new element of mandatory reporting which permits no discretionary alternatives and presents prospects of criminal penalties for failure to report. A recent development suggests a possible requirement for therapists to violate confidentiality for the sole purpose of punishing perpetrators. Overinterpretations of the laws by some child protective services have led to recommendations that long past child abuse must be reported, even when no current child is in danger. The California Attorney General's Office has issued a clarification stating that the child abuse statute refers to children and not to adults molested as children. A survey of forensic psychiatrists and psychologists shows that most perceived an ethical problem in reporting adults molested as children when no child is presently in danger, and the purpose of the report is solely for maximal legal self-protection. The survey indicates that fears induced by rigid and intimidating child abuse laws can influence therapists to act in ways most consider unethical. Recommendations are made for improving the current child abuse laws so that they accomplish their goals more effectively.  相似文献   

The present article considers deradicalization programs. It is observed that deradicalization is primarily a strategic tool, that it was already used in the 1970s, that it can occur spontaneously, and that is should be differentiated from physical disengagement. An evaluation of existing deradicalization programs lead to the propositions that 1) deradicalization programs in the area of right-wing extremism primarily focus on changing behavior not thoughts, that 2) currently there is insufficient insight in what motives people to deradicalize, and 3) that insights from psychology are still insufficiently used to increase effectiveness of deradicalization. Research can make an important contribution to optimize efficiency of deradicalization for counterterrorism purposes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We report an unusual case of planned complex suicide. The victim was a woman aged 67 years, who was found dead in her bath in a state of advanced putrefaction. A plugged-in hairdryer was submerged in the water and the electrical fuses in the room had short-circuited. A kitchen knife lay below the body of the victim, whose left forearm bore incisions suggestive of wrist-cutting. At autopsy, no sign suggesting electrocution could be observed because of the advanced state of putrefaction of the body. Toxicological analysis revealed massive ingestion of tianeptine (blood concentration 15.5 mg/L). Although the exact cause of death could not be determined because of the state of the corpse, meticulous examination of the scene and information obtained from the victim's relatives led to the conclusion of suicide.  相似文献   

Complex suicides (CSs) are committed by using more than one method. They account for 1.5-5% of all suicides. We present a case of CSs of a 44-year-old man, found dead in the vicinity of his car, in a deserted frozen field. Police investigation excluded homicide, and no medical data confirmed mental illnesses. Autopsy revealed wrist cuts, neck cuts, acid burns in the GI tract, multiple stab wounds to the head by a screwdriver, and several uncertain signs of hypothermia. Toxicology analysis (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) confirmed ingestion of insecticide. We concluded that stab wounds to the head were the cause of death, while external hemorrhage and hypothermia were contributing factors. This is the first case of CSs reviewed in the literature where six suicide methods were applied. This particular case is interesting because the victim used a screwdriver as a tool for inflicting stab wounds to the head, which is a rare suicidal method.  相似文献   

Parliaments are difficult institutions to market and promote to their publics, partly because of their political nature and their institutional complexity. However, because good promotion requires a good ‘product’, thinking about parliaments in terms of their promotion can also focus attention helpfully on how they are actually structured and operated, thereby contributing to the improvement in their effectiveness, both internally and in relation to the wider polity. The Westminster and Scottish Parliaments can be usefully and conveniently compared and contrasted, both in terms of their parliamentary product, and in its promotion. such a comparative analysis highlights some of the defining characteristics of an effective parliament, such as an underlying vision and purpose, substantive institutional autonomy (especially in relation to the executive), and genuine public engagement. It also emphasises that both the operation and the promotion of a parliament are multi-layered tasks for parliamentarians and parliamentary staff.  相似文献   

Critics of Virginia's challenge to the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act have asserted that Virginia lacked standing to even raise the issue. Such criticism is inconsistent with foundational understandings of the role of states in providing a check on federal power and with the modern standing jurisprudence of the Supreme Court, especially as reflected in the Court's decisions regarding a state's sovereign interest in defending its code of laws. This Article demonstrates that, as a matter of constitutional design and history, as well as under relevant precedents, Virginia clearly had and has standing to bring its challenge.  相似文献   

This article examines the mental impairment (insanity) defense in the Australian state of Victoria and argues that the defense is successful only when offenders suffer from psychotic mental illnesses. This raises the question about how non-psychotic offenders are dealt with by the courts when they claim ‘mental impairment’ for serious acts of violence such as homicide, particularly when a relatively large number of perpetrators involved in homicide suffer from non-psychotic illnesses like depression. The analysis shows that depressive illnesses do not reach the threshold for mental impairment (legal insanity) such that they mitigate violent criminal behavior, although they can, arguably, diminish culpability. This article draws upon existing literature, qualitative analysis of two court cases and semi-structured interviews with four legal representatives to make its conclusions.  相似文献   

Delayed sequelae after pressure on the neck are rare. Awareness of such sequelae as well as a high degree of suspicion is essential for early detection and proper clinical management. Injuries to the common carotid artery and pseudo aneurysm formation leading to fatal hemorrhage are still rare occurrences after attempts of manual strangulation. When such cases are presented to the forensic pathologist, he has to establish the link between the cause and effect, excluding other possible causes for such complications. In addition, he may have to give opinions in possible medical negligence charges.  相似文献   

There were more than 30,000 suicides in 1998 in Japan, and since then, the numbers have remained high. In 2009, the number of suicides per a day was c. 90. This phenomenon constitutes a major social problem. One of the major reasons for the rapid increase in the number of suicides appears to be the worsening economic problems. It is therefore necessary to research the relationship between economic issues and suicide. In this study, we examined the relationship between the value of the Nikkei Stock Average and suicide rates in Japan. The value of the Nikkei Stock Average may be related to suicide among men. On the basis of the results, relevant researchers and organizations should understand the factors that relate to suicide to better carry out specific suicide prevention measures.  相似文献   

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