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刘伟 《学理论》2012,(30):160-161
作为国内第一本关于日本文学与大连关系研究的专著,《日本侦探小说与大连关系研究》挖掘出珍贵的史料,揭示了殖民地都市的现代性和殖民性的双重属性,对战争与殖民罪恶进行了深刻的批判,填补了中日学界此方面研究的空白。  相似文献   

日本作家的“乡愁”是一个历史的产物,不单纯是一个情感的问题,也不是个人的情感,而是民族的行为的结果,是和日本帝国主义的侵略历史紧紧联系在一起的。大连这座都市所具备的其他城市无法比拟的特殊性,决定着研究这座城市历史与文化的价值所在,看似平凡的个人化的日本作家的“乡愁”和“大连记忆”,其实包含着极其复杂的情感,承载着历史的厚重,也折射出残酷血腥的帝国主义侵略和殖民罪恶。  相似文献   

正石本鏆太郎是早期日本在"关东州"实行鸦片特许专卖制的特许专卖人,也是当时代表日本国操纵"关东州"鸦片专卖掌握实权的重要人物。1905年日俄战争结束后,作为战胜国,日本继承了原来沙俄在中国东北南满铁路及其附属地的租借权,并在旅大地区建立了关东都督府,开始其殖民统治。受老牌英国殖民主义者的启发,日本殖民当局决定首先在"关东州"乃至整个东北地区实行鸦片侵略政策。20世纪初,鸦片毒品在国际上早已臭名昭著,为了逃避国际舆论和中国人民的谴责,日本殖民当局决  相似文献   

日本的大陆政策的核心及基本内容是征服中国,而满铁即是为实现该政策而建立的具体机构之一。满铁自1905年成立之日起,主要侵夺中国东北的铁路和矿山,并向其他行业渗透,其实质为日本侵略中国东北的殖民公司。在其早期(1905-1915年),满铁对中国东北的殖民掠夺给中国东北人民带来了沉重的灾难。  相似文献   

正5月22日下午,由辽宁省外事(侨务)办公室、日本国驻沈阳总领事馆共同主办的"中日交流工作大连对接会"在大连日航酒店举行。辽宁省外事(侨务)办公室主任应中元、日本国驻沈阳总领事石塚英树出席活动并分别致辞。辽宁省外事(侨务)办公室副主任高爱华主持对接会,日本国驻沈阳总领事馆大连领办、日本自治体驻大连事务所、日资企业、日本贸易机构,及沈抚新区管委会、辽宁省旅游发展委员会、辽宁省人民对外友好协会、辽宁自贸试验区3个片区,大连、沈阳、抚顺、本溪、  相似文献   

1900-1901日本殖民台湾之始 明治维新以降,日本开始向西方学习,国力迅速增强,走上了对外扩张,建立海外殖民地之路,而台湾则不幸成了日本对外实行殖民统治的第一个实验区。台湾成为日本的殖民地缘于1894年的中日甲午战争,战败的中国向日本支付巨额的赔款,并割让辽东半岛、台湾和澎湖。  相似文献   

周敏 《学理论》2012,(32):203-204,234
日本侵略者在东北沦陷后,开始着手建立一整套的殖民教育体系,对东北人民进行奴化教育,而后随着侵华战争的扩大化,职业教育在这殖民教育体系中占有的地位突显出来,无论从职业教育的初步实施、强化,还是从职业教育的特点来看,都不难暴露出日本侵略者创办职业学校的险恶用心,企图通过这种教育模式培养出的人才,满足他们扩大侵略战争、掠夺经济资源、建立法西斯统治秩序的需要。  相似文献   

郭一娜 《求知》2013,(6):62-62
日本内阁官房长官菅义伟和外务大臣岸田文雄于5月7日分别对外界表示,日本政府将坚持"河野谈话"和"村山谈话"。此前,日本首相安倍晋三曾经扬言要摒弃其前任政府就日本侵略和殖民历史表示歉意与反省的"河野谈话"和"村山谈话",甚至还公然作出了否认日本侵略历史的表态。而眼下,一天之内又有两名日  相似文献   

遵照日本裕仁天皇敕令,1936年日本殖民当局在中国东北设立了一〇〇细菌部队。该部队用中国人进行活体实验,研制生产了大量细菌武器。同时,该部队经常到野外实验场进行演习,并且在实战中应用细菌武器,给中国人民造成了巨大的灾难。  相似文献   

九一八事变后建立的伪满洲国是日本军国主义刺刀扶植起来的傀儡国家,伪满洲国经济是为日本军国主义服务的典型的战时殖民经济。日本侵略者对东北经济肆无忌惮的掠夺,建立越来越严厉的经济统制,控制经济命脉为法西斯战争服务,还体现在杀鸡取卵式的鸦片专卖和劳动力压榨上。  相似文献   

South Korea–Japan relations are at their lowest point in decades, as colonial era disputes flare once again. Most pundits argue that the South Korean public is strongly united against Japan. We argue that South Korean elites are sharply divided over how to manage the crisis; this division is starting to impact how South Koreans understand colonial era narratives; and, long-term, bilateral relations depend on how these growing divisions play out. Despite state censorship, a rising counter-narrative in South Korea challenges the dominant, Manichaean, anti-Japanese one. For the first time, Korea and Japan have a realistic chance of reconciling based on liberal public discourse and a nuanced, empirically based understanding of history.  相似文献   

MTI翻译策略与翻译产业需求——以大连为区域背景的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着大连市国际交流的不断拓展,大连市第三产业的发展不断加强,尤其是会展业和生产性服务业的巨大需求带动和促进了翻译产业的发展。带有市场定位性质的MTI翻译硕士培养策略应与翻译产业需求接轨,既重视目前大连产业结构发展的特点,也考虑大连目前翻译产业的特点,并针对翻译产业的发展趋向做出具有针对性的培养计划。  相似文献   

Using Foucault's notion of governmentality, this paper argues that colonial governmentality in India sought to effect a new relationship between resources, population, and discipline. Drawing theoretical insights from the 'critical accounting literature' to bear on the regulation of economic activity in colonial India, the paper shows how the discursive practices of colonial governance, in particular the modalities of measurement, accounting, and classification, enabled the constitution of the 'economy'. Such statistical data generated as part of colonial administration opened up the possibility of a nationalist accounting of the exploitation of India by the colonial power.  相似文献   

During the conquest and early administration of Spain’s American colonies the most controversial policy was the granting of temporary encomiendas, or temporary rights to collect tribute from Indians, as a reward for conquest. The contribution of the encomienda to the destruction of Indian populations was recognized by Spanish authorities at the time, yet the Crown persisted in introducing the most destructive form of the institution during the early stage of each colonial venture for over 200 years. Because the Crown financed the defense of its colonial possessions against other European imperialists, an addition to colonial capital, by increasing the return to an aggressor, imposed a defense-cost externality on the Crown. Since the cost of defending additional assets was higher in the Americas than in Spain, an efficient policy would have been to encourage the rapid transformation of human services into durable assets that could be transported to Spain. According to our defense-externality argument, the temporary encomienda and its parallel modification in each colonial episode becomes a rational Crown policy. The administration of Spain’s distant colonial possessions, especially the adjustments in the restrictions on encomiendas, required information about the local conditions, and we argue that the Church, as designated “protector of the Indians,” may have played an unwitting role in the communication of information.  相似文献   

WAI FUNG LAM 《管理》2005,18(4):633-654
The change in sovereignty of Hong Kong in 1997 has brought about an interesting puzzle: despite a high degree of institutional continuity, the Hong Kong bureaucracy that was considered highly efficient during the colonial era has appeared to turn into an inept administrative structure generating blunder after blunder. The bureaucracy seems to face greater difficulties in horizontal coordination under the new governance, and has lost the ability to produce coherent policy actions.
Drawing upon a literature of institutional analysis, this article examines the institutional design for coordination in the Hong Kong government. The article argues that the bureaucracy in Hong Kong is designed upon a logic of colonial rule. Like any institutional arrangements, the colonial administrative system has inherent coordination limitations. During the colonial era, some smoothing mechanisms were developed as the lubricant for the bureaucracy's operation, but the new governance has inevitably impinged upon some of these—making the bureaucracy more prone to coordination problems.  相似文献   

对于女性主义文学批评的理论未来而言,性别诗学的建构具有十分重要的意义。本文围绕女性主义文学批评逐步走向理性与成熟、逐步实现诗学的转换、强化个性的文学写作方式与批评理念、逐渐改善女性的生存状况与文学现状、跨学科研究等方面,阐述了建构开放多元的性别诗学体系的必要前提,从而对女性主义文学批评的发展走向进行一些前瞻性思考。  相似文献   

This article addresses fundamental questions about power in colonial states by analysing the role and performance of intelligence agencies in response to internal rebellion. What was the relationship between intelligence agencies and the coercive instruments of imperial power? How far did intelligence-gathering help to maintain state authority? And what role did intelligence agencies play as architects of colonial state formation? These questions are discussed here with reference to two French overseas dependencies that proved especially turbulent in the 1920s: the Moroccan protectorate and the Syrian mandate. It will be suggested that colonial rule in these locations was so heavily dependent on intelligence-gathering that both could be termed ‘intelligence states’.  相似文献   

Rona Sela 《社会征候学》2018,28(2):201-229
The essay discusses one characteristic of colonial archives – how the ruling state plunders/loots the colonized’ archives and treasures and controls them in its colonial archives - erasing them from the public sphere by repressive means, censors and restricts their exposure and use, alters their original identity, regulates their contents and subjugates them to colonizer’s laws, rules and terminology. It focuses on two archives plundered by Israel in Beirut in 1980s: the Palestine Research Center and archive of Palestinian films. The essay continues my earlier research on Palestinian visual (and other) archives taken as booty or looted by pre-state Jewish military organizations and soldiers or civilians in the first half of the twentieth century, especially during the Nakba (the Palestinian catastrophe, 1948), and later by Israel’s military bodies. It analyzes the plunder itself while focusing on the power relations reflected toward the hybrid gazes of the colonizer and the colonized and discusses colonial features of military archives holding and controlling seized materials. While colonial museums have been largely discussed, and also archives holding colonial history, this is one of the first essays to discuss features of colonial archives holding plundered archives/material.  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(2):81-86
Anthropology has been widely identified as the colonial science par excellence. General propositions that anthropologists advanced about the nature of races, cultures or societies, or about particular populations, are supposed to have motivated and justified a variety of colonial and postcolonial policies, including even genocidal massacres. There are a number of problems with arguments of this sort. The theories of the anthropologists were diverse and much disputed, and their political views were by no means predictable or undifferentiated. Nor is it generally easy to specify the pathways by which these ideas supposedly exerted their influence.  相似文献   

1931年9月18日,日本帝国主义发动对东北的侵略战争,东北变成由日本独占的殖民地,并在经济特征上表现出殖民地经济的特性,以大豆为主体的东北农业生产遭到极为严重的破坏,大豆生产出现全面危机。我们除了深入揭露和批判日本帝国主义对东北大豆业所造成的严重摧残外,也应该总结出这一时期东北大豆种植业区域化日益加强以及大豆加工技术近代化这两大发展特征。  相似文献   

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