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For attorneys who engage in matrimonial practice, work is often performed by a sole practitioner. While members of other professions have already demonstrated that interdisciplinary practice and teamwork are integral to efficiency, client satisfaction, and career success, matrimonial attorneys are just beginning to work in deliberately constructed interdisciplinary teams. In this article, we examine the definition of teamwork and highlight the characteristics of an effective team, drawing examples from the business, medical, and mental health fields. We then determine how successful teams are built and explore the application of such approaches within matrimonial practice, offering recommendations for research and effective use of teams to help families that are facing conflict and reorganization.  相似文献   

家产制作为一种习惯法,与中国的家庭法律及其社会适应性存在着密切关联。对家产制和家庭法律的研究应该采取"实践的法律社会学"态度,通过经验研究来充分展示转型社会对家庭本身的内在需求,从而在法律制度上对这种社会需求给于正确的回应。考察分家模式的历史变迁,可以发现家产制是处理中国家庭财产分配的根本制度选择。在产权结构上,家产制具有客体上的公有性、主体上的多元性以及主体作用于客体的身份性等三大特征,从而区别于西方所有权制度。这种特殊的家产制度是中国转型社会的内在需求,因为中国农村的城市化是一个长期的过程,而在这个过程中家产制有利于维护家庭的稳定从而有助于城市化的顺利进行;另外一方面,家产制有利于补充国家养老能力的不足从而确保城市家庭的稳定和再生产,提升国家的整体竞争力。然而家庭法律却日益朝着"去家产制"和"私权化"的方向发展,从而丧失社会适应性,不利于家庭和社会的稳定。因此,中国的家庭立法应该回归新的家产制,并以其为中心确立起"发展型家庭法律"体系。  相似文献   


G. H. Gudjonsson and L. R. C. Haward, Forensic Psychology: A Guide to Practice. London. Routledge, 1998.  相似文献   

This commentary discusses and expands upon Mosten and Traumm's extraordinary work on interdisciplinary teams. Focusing on the continuum between independence and interdependence in team formation, we explore the benefits of team members' shared responsibility and highlight potential challenges. We emphasize that regardless of where a team may fall on the continuum, establishing and adhering to a strong structure results in increased practitioner satisfaction and better client outcomes. This commentary identifies five best practices that promote highly functioning teams and urges family law practitioners to seek more advanced interdisciplinary team training opportunities.  相似文献   

In their article, Interdisciplinary Teamwork in Family Law Practice, Mosten and Traum promote the use of an interdisciplinary, team‐based approach to family law practice. This commentary focuses on the two pronged shift in the current zeitgeist of family law practice. First, Mosten and Traum guide us away from an historically adversarial approach to family law practice, in which attorneys advocate for the legal rights of a single client, to a more holistic approach in which the focus is on the Family Global Case. Furthermore, the push toward Family Global Case shifts the focus away from discrete legal issues associated with reorganization to empowering families to self‐determine through their reorganization. This shift follows the movement in both medicine and mental health away from direct intervention for people with disorders to promoting wellness for at‐risk yet healthy individuals. The second prong of Mosten and Traum's approach is a movement toward more collaborative interdisciplinary functioning. However, the shift in the practice of family law from the sole practitioner working alone to being one member of a broader multidisciplinary team focusing on the future well‐being of the family brings with it not only issues of professional role definitions but also the development of a new combined set of ethics and models for training. These are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Berns  Sandra 《Law and Critique》2000,11(1):1-24
This article explores the narrative structure offamily law where divorce is available on ground ofirretrievable breakdown following separation for oneyear. It argues that contemporary no-fault regimesexemplify law's procedural republic, a space with itsown legal, ethical and political requirements whichhas little if any connection to the life-worlds of theparties. Through an analysis of intractable parentingdisputes it argues that the interaction of no-faultdivorce, the requirement to have regard to the bestinterests of the child and the principle that childrenhave a right to contact with both parents has led tothe creation of particular narrative forms. Thesenarrative forms are characterised by their absolutismand map the unresolved grievances surrounding maritalbreakdown onto parenting disputes where the statutoryrequirements map them onto particular narratives andcounter-narratives. In this process, the narrativesof expert witnesses play an increasingly prominentrole, as do the naïve narratives put forward bylitigants in person. The article argues that thesenarratives are, in important ways, fictions and thatthey are compelled by the procedural requirements ofno-fault divorce. It argues further that thesefictions are a consequence of the empty narrative spaceat the heart of family law.  相似文献   

调解优先的司法政策并不意味着调解万能,其意义在于进一步促进调解在民事诉讼中的作用,并适应社会需求,在刑事、行政领域引进协商性因素。在民事诉讼中,调解优先符合私法自治原则,当事人处分权优先于公共利益考量,除法律明确禁止或限制的情形外,调解与协商和解是当事人的权利,也是法官的义务和责任,一般不能因公共利益而否定或限制调解。我国民事诉讼法的基本原则、制度制约、当事人处分权与法院职权的结合、相应的救济机制等,可以保证调解的正当性和效益。同时,诉讼调解必然以判决作为后盾,调判结合并非选择性安排,而是司法诉讼制度的必然。从实务角度出发,准确把握调判结合的原则和尺度、规避调解风险至关重要。从长远的发展而言,调判结合仍可进一步通过制度创新实现多元功能和价值。  相似文献   

Freedom from domestic violence is a central right that will be realized through a transformation of culture. Law, embedded within the evolving cultural transformation, plays a necessary, though not sufficient, role in social change. This article reviews the development of family and domestic violence law. It compares and contrasts the core precepts of family and domestic violence jurisprudence with resulting practice and policy ramifications arising from the inherent substantive tensions. Finally, critical civil legal system actors, courts, and attorneys are challenged to apply and practice domestic violence law in the struggle to afford justice for all.  相似文献   

政策性银行法性质探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了政策性银行法的性质。作者认为, 探讨政策性银行法的性质对制定我国的政策性银行法具有重要意义。政策性银行法是公法与私法的混合法, 也是经济法中重要的宏观调控法, 也是金融法( 银行法) 的重要组成部分, 应该重视和加强对政策性银行法的深入研究。  相似文献   

Practice and Paradox : Deconstructing Neutrality in Mediation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

自经济合作与发展组织(OECD)制定了《公司治理结构规则》以后,很多国家都相继制定了自己的公司治理规则。德国不仅制定了《公司治理规则》,而且通过对《股份法》的修订,从法律的角度强化上市公司对公司治理规则的遵行,以期达到完善公司治理的目的。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This article challenges the widely diffuse view of family law as peripheral to private law. It aims to the de–marginalisation of family legal issues, by showing their ties to the market realm and freedom of contract. In this theoretical framework, the article analyses the process of family law harmonisation in Europe. In particular, it focuses on three steps or aspects in respect to which the presumed peculiarity of family law is proclaimed and reveals, at the same time, its groundlessness: the status/contract dichotomy as a reflection of the family/market divide which seems to influence future developments of the harmonisation of law in Europe; the presumed political character of family law, which represents the leitmotiv in most recent harmonisation projects; and the subsequent strictly national character of family law, which makes EC institutions much more cautious in intervening in these matters than in any other field of private law.  相似文献   

第一章总则 第一条为了完善人民调解制度,规范人民调解活动,及时解决民间纠纷,维护社会和谐稳定,根据宪法,制定本法。  相似文献   

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