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As a member of the delegation of ChineseAssociation for International Understanding, Ivisited Nepal and India last March.ⅠNepal is a country both “familiar” and“strange”to us. It is “familiar”because CAFIUand Nepal Council of World Affairs haveexch  相似文献   

<正>Last November, I was honored to have the opportunity to visit the Republic of Korea and Japan as a member of the CAFIU delegation of  相似文献   

<正>Before the Spring Festival,at the invitation of the National Strategy Institute(NSI)of the Republic of Korea(ROK),Tonga-China Friendship Association and Rotary International 9940 District New Zealand,a 6-member CAFIU delegation paid a short good-will visit to the above-mentioned three countries from February 3 to 12,2015.During the visit,the head of the delegation CAFIU Secretary-General Ni Jian,CAFIU Council  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Philippine Center of Young Leaders in Governance (PCYLG), Nepal Council of World Affairs (NCWA) and the National Strategy Institute of the Republic of Korea (NSI), a 6-member delegation headed by Mr. Zhu Dacheng,Vice-President of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) paid agoodwill visit to the Philippines,  相似文献   

At the invitation of Nepal Council of World Affairs (NCWA) and India Delhi Study Group (DSG), a 4-member CAFIU delegation headed by Mr. Xu Jianguo, Secretary-General of CAFIU visited Nepal and India from March 3 to 13.Duringthe visit in Nepal,the delegati…  相似文献   

君主制时期,尼泊尔同印度的关系绕着“控制与反控制”展开。尼泊尔建立联邦民主共和国后,政治外交政策也显示出和以往不同的灵活性,主动发展与印度的关系。普拉昌达政府旗帜鲜明地提出了发展独立自主的外交政策的政治观点,内帕尔政府从要求得到更多的经济发展自主权的角度,向印度的“控制”政策提出了反抗。  相似文献   

从日相访印看日印关系升温   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
4月28-30日,日本首相小泉纯一朗对印进行了为期两天半的访问,双方最后发表了《联合声明》,决心大力推动两国“全球伙伴关系”的不断深化。小泉此次访印是5年来两国间总理级别的首度访问。日印关系一直不冷不热,双边政经往来相当稀松,缘何近一年来日印关系逐渐升温?首先是加速深化印日“全球伙伴关系”的需要。日印“全球伙伴关系”虽构建于5年前,但由于缺乏实质内容而一直乏善可陈。然而,亚太利益格局近年的加速变动正悄然拉近日印关系。印度大国意识的日趋强烈,日本“正常国家”诉求步伐的不断提速,东盟地区整合的有条不紊,美亚太战略部署…  相似文献   

中印关系被广泛认作是一种地缘政治上的力量均势关系或是亚洲两个正在崛起的大国之间的对抗关系。在这一背景下,作者从尼泊尔的角度阐述中国、印度和尼泊尔之间的三边合作设想,探讨中印之间竞争与合作的主要变化趋势,认为这些变化趋势在某些领域可能会向它们的邻居尼泊尔提供持续获益的机会。当代尼泊尔外交政策思路中最有趣的一点就是尼泊尔努力在三边框架范围内扮演促成中印协作关系的催化剂角色,从而使尼泊尔自身的地理位置成为一种优势,并使尼泊尔自身获得体面的中等区域国家的地位。从理论上讲,这一想法可以使尼泊尔从冲突一线的前哨转变为国际枢纽的角色。  相似文献   

At the invitation of the International Initiatives of Change of Japan (IC-Japan), I and other two members of CAFIU visited Japan from April 14 to 20. We were cordially received by the Japanese side.During the visit, we met with leaders of IC-Japan and had discussions with members of the association, and also called on old friends of the Kazankai Foundation.  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Bellpo Kai of Japan,a six-member CAFIU delegation with Mr. SongZude, CAFIU Council Member as the head andMr. Song Guangjie, Mayor of Tumushuke City ofXinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region as the adviservisited Japan from April 11 to 18…  相似文献   

At the invitation of the Kazankai Foundation, a 4- member delegation headed by Mr. Xu Jianguo, Secretary-General of Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU), visited Japan from January 9 to 16, 2008. Apart from Tokyo, the delegation also visited Nagano, Hiroshima and Fukuoka, and met with many old friends in Japan.  相似文献   

At the invitation of National Strategy Institute of Republic of Korea and Japan-China Association, the Young Leaders Delegation headed by Mr. Zhu  相似文献   

构建海湾新安全体系——由内贾德访问伊拉克谈起   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为中东和海湾的地区大国,两伊接触蕴含着有关安全主体在关键利益上的角逐,意味着海湾安全格局出现新因素.从传统的伊朗、伊拉克、沙特阿拉伯三角制衡到伊拉克战争后的四方角逐,海湾安全建构中的大国因素一直起主导作用.伊拉克战争后,美国试图建立新伊拉克以取代萨达姆政权努力的失败,使美国在中东地区的安全构建中从幕后走向前台.当前,海湾显现的竞争与妥协并存的安全格局已将构建海湾安全体系的主要因素摆上了台面.但要建立这种安全体系仍将面临许多困难和不确定因素,其中包括美国和伊朗关系、伊拉克重建及相关稳定问题、地区信任问题,以及美国未来对中东的政策.  相似文献   

According to the exchange program between the National Strategy Institute(NSI) of the Republic of Korea(ROK) and the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU),as a member of the NSI delegation,I had the honor to visit Beijing,Kunming and Guangzhou in China from November 1st to 7th.  相似文献   

<正>In the summer of 2010, President Zhou Tienong headed a delegation of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) to visit Indonesia and Myanmar. As a delegation member,  相似文献   

At the invitations of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) and Czech-China Association, delegation of the Chinese Association the for International Understanding (CAFIU) led by its Executive Vice-President Li Chengren visited Germany and the Czech Republic from December 6 to 16, 2008.  相似文献   

At the invitation of New Zealand and A ustralian R o-taries,a 4-m em berCA FIU delegation headed by M r.Zhu D acheng,V ice-PresidentofCA FIU visited thetwo countriesfrom M arch 6to 18.In N ew Zealand,itwasautum n,warm in the daytim eand coolatnight. Tranquilbeaches, vastfarm s,flocks ofleisurely sheep and friendly K iwis, therewas friendly and peaceful atm osphere everywhere.The delegation visited A uckland, W ellington andN ew Plym outh and attended the D istrict9940Con-ference of…  相似文献   

正At the invitation of the National Strategy Institute of the Republic of Korea(NSI),Japan-China Friendship Society under Junior Chamber International(JC) and the Philippine Center of Young Leaders in Governance(PCYLG),a 3-member working team headed by Nijian,  相似文献   

我长期从事非洲史的教学和研究工作,一直期望能够有机会到非洲进行实地考察,在2007年上半年终于如愿以尝.在国家留学基金委和中国驻肯尼亚大使馆的大力帮助下,我到肯尼亚肯雅塔大学(Kenyatta University)做访问学者,度过了一段难忘的时光.  相似文献   

The financial crisis of 1949 threatened to bankrupt Britain and destroy the American economic and political system constructed after 1945. The US government was unable to respond effectively to this challenge. Truman's administration was split, as the Treasury and State Departments advocated diametrically opposing responses. Only the secret British decision to devalue sterling, a judgement not shared with the Americans until much later, stopped Washington from offering aid packages to London that would have totally changed US postwar foreign, economic and strategic policies. Therefore, this episode questions the assertion that national security concerns dominated the American government in the early Cold War.  相似文献   

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