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Western values have long emphasized an interventionist approach to problems of health and health care. Yet, as medical technology becomes increasingly expensive and as the number of older people grows, proposed changes often are now governed more by considerations of cost than by quality of services. This tension between cost and quality also affects public willingness to invest in social components of health care despite their importance in enhancing quality of life. The tension emerges in sharpest contrast as scarce resources are allocated by gatekeepers in health maintenance organizations and in the arrangements for long-term care. With respect to financing, what seems to be needed is a creative mix of voluntary inputs from the community, private initiatives, and new programs of public entitlements. With respect to quality of care, what has often been overlooked is the recognition that gains in the quality of life require programs that encourage older people's continued involvement and participation in social life and in active and healthy life-styles. This article discusses the evolving balance between these two types of interventions: the medical and the social.  相似文献   

Tumulty K 《Time》2002,159(10):42-45

In the 1980s the convergence of a number of factors is causing government at all levels, industry, and labor to plan or initiate major reductions in health spending. Important among these are rising health care costs, a troubled national economy, mounting federal deficits and state revenue shortfalls, and the philosophical course and domestic policy of the Reagan administration. In this context government has been rethinking its capacity to finance health services for the poor, and new and sometimes controversial arrangements for delivering these services are being developed. The dilemma government officials face now is how to cut costs while still assuring that quality medical services are available. This article focuses on what these new policy developments and arrangements are and whether the significant gains in access and in health achieved over the past 20 years will be sustained. Because truly sweeping reforms are unlikely, whether government will maintain earlier commitments and established arrangements for financing and delivering health services to the poor will be worked out piecemeal over the next several years.  相似文献   

Lacayo R 《Time》2000,155(4):38-40

Utilisation of healthcare facilities is low in many developing areas. One possible explanation is that treatment costs, in time or money, are high. Another is that parents perceive treatment benefits to be low. We combine Philippines DHS data with a subsequent facilities survey in order to examine these issues with respect to treatment for respiratory infections and diarrhoea in young children. Controlling statistically for the selectivity of the initiating illness, we find that the staffing level of nearby health facilities is a determinant of the probability that parents take their ill children for curative care.  相似文献   

Church GJ 《Time》1993,141(26):30-33
Unable to wait any longer for federal reform, states and companies are launching their own programs to cut costs and extend coverage to more of those now uninsured.  相似文献   

Over the last 10 years foreign aid for HIV/AIDS control has grown from ‘millions to billions’. This study investigates donor motivations in the targeting of bilateral HIV/AIDS assistance. Are donors selecting recipients primarily based on level of need or are political and merit-based considerations at play as well? The results of our two-stage statistical analysis of bilateral HIV/AIDS assistance flows over the period 2002–2007 suggests that recipient need is an important determinant of aid flows. We also find limited evidence of dyadic political relationships having an effect on assistance targeting, while the quality of recipient policy environments seems to have a minimal impact on donor allocation decisions.  相似文献   

A new and comprehensive National Health Insurance Law was implemented in Israel on January 1, 1995. This major health care reform initiative culminated an effort lasting several decades to assure broad universal health care coverage for the population as a matter of national law. Issues that affected the development of the reform package included 1) the formation of sick funds that provide care to over 96% of the population as part of other powerful sociopolitical organizations, 2) the historical development of parallel private July 16, 1995 and governmental health care systems before Israel became a state in 1948 and the post-state maintenance of multiple health care delivery systems, and 3) the close interactions of health care systems and the political processes and parties of the nation. This paper describes the effects of these forces on resisting changes that were widely accepted as being necessary to expand access, control rising health care costs, and improve the efficiency of the nation's health care system.  相似文献   

Health care reform and cost containment have become central campaign and policy issues in the United States. Although focus now centers on federal health care reform policy, state governments have been actively introducing health care reform legislation. Some of the health care reform initiatives on the state level have influenced deliberations on the federal level and President Clinton's health care reform initiatives will spur further state experimentation regardless of legislative success in Congress, In 1992 nearly all 50 states had either legislation introduced, or special task forces assigned that addressed health care reform issues. This exploratory research compares the content and process of health reform in four states that attempted major reform in 1992—Florida, Washington, Michigan, and Wisconsin—and draws propositions for state reform based on comparisons of content and process. The four states chosen represent geographic diversity and a balance between legislation seeking partial change and legislation calling for universal health care reform. The principal reform bills in each state are compared and assessed on the degree to which they address eight reform elements; high tech medicine, administration, tort reform, long-term care, regulation, insurance mandates, small business insurance, and insurance portability. These initiatives are also compared on a series of reform process variables that relate to the political process for adopting reform: degree of health sector support, type of political strategy used, reform champion, degree of cooperation among policy stakeholders, and timing of initiative. Based on these four cases the phased/partial approach seems to have a greater chance for legislative success than immediate universal reform. Florida's partial, consensus-building approach resulted in the only signed bill of the four states. Washington's bill, which also took a partial approach, passed the state senate before ultimate defeat in 1992 and eventual passage in 1993. Neither of the more ambitious universal health care reform packages introduced in Wisconsin or Michigan got out of committee. Although some of the plans were thorough, none adequately addressed the tradeoff between increasing access to care and containing costs. In addition, this study will demonstrate that universal health care legislation, does not necessarily equate to comprehensive health care reform. The propositions derived from this research have implications for future state health care reform efforts, as well as for federal health care reform policy in terms of the substantive content of reform proposals and the political process by which they are advanced.  相似文献   

Health care technology has developed more rapidly than have the tools to aid decisions regarding that technology's assessment, acquisition and allocation. This article proposes theoretical and technological bases for formulating and analyzing policies for technology assessment. A computerized procedure for measurement and reporting of judgmental sources of technology assessment is presented, accompanied by a pilot study illustrating how the procedure can be used for both research and practical applications.  相似文献   

Liberal distributional values, the increasingly powerful capacity of medicine to provide more and better care, and concern about the health hazards of an industrial society fueled the vast expansion of the health care sector during the last 20 years. That growth was facilitated by a growing economy. The current health policy debate at one level reexamines the distributional bases of entitlement programs, and at another seeks alternative resource allocation mechanisms to reduce the cost of health care. This article has two themes. First, distributional and allocational policies are shown to be intrinsically related, so that the health policy debate is fundamentally a clash between liberal and libertarian values. Second, the inexorable social forces driving the health care system are shown to be the aging of the population and the rapid expansion of technology. The resulting dynamics imply the further growth of the health sector, now in the environment of a sluggish economy. Future policies will have to struggle with how to ration scarce health resources and how to reorient the health care sector to the problems of the aged.  相似文献   

Presently the US is the only major industrialized nation that does not insure universal access to health care for all of its citizens. Although the US spends one out of every eight dollars on health care, over one-eighth of all Americans lack basic health insurance coverage. Another concern is health care cost inflation. The quest for comprehensive health care coverage for all Americans began shortly after the turn of the century and has received varying degrees of support since then. Since the historical course of health policy in the US has followed an evolutionary rather than revolutionary course, unless consistent policies are developed to rationalize the incentives facing consumers, providers, and insurers, alike, the future path of American health policy will continue to be characterized by disjointed incrementalism. National health insurance can provide decision makers with a tool to structure and focus the American health care system. In order for cost control measures to be effective they must be coordinated with measures to promote universal access, and vice versa. NHI can be a catalyst to focus attention on the dual goals of access to care and cost containment.  相似文献   

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