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本文以殖民地台湾新文学中文作家的文化想象形态为分析对象,探讨中文文本对特定文化对象的认知状况和认知态度,从中文写作的“日本想象”和“台湾想象”入手,考察想象重心的转移和想象形态的变化。“日本想象”从单一组织直接民族冲突的方式逐渐过渡到对殖民社会制度的质疑;“台湾想象”在悲苦民众形象之上增添了对民族性格和知识分子处境的反思。  相似文献   

文学是语言的艺术。散文作品需要描摹形象,创设意境,需要议论抒情,而这些应靠形象化的语言来传达。形象性的散文语言会增强作品的弹性与亮度,会拓展阅读者的想象空间,从而增强作品的感染力。作家在写作中经常运用比喻夸张通感等修辞手法,使描写的事物、表现的思想情感形象化。  相似文献   

本文聚焦于城市化背景下的"抱团养娃"实践,深入探讨在抚育职责被"家庭化"的当下,抚育实践如何在一定程度上重新跨越"家庭"的边界。以社区共育为基点,妈妈们的努力既从私人层面上为在陌生城市中资源不足的小家庭找到更多社会支持,又在公共层面上带动孩子们以温度和情感重塑社区认同、黏合社会转型带来的制度缝隙,体现出独特的现实意义与支持力量。"以共同育儿为业"背后,是女性试图在既有的结构约束下找到被私人化的抚育照料重担与公共生活之间的连接点,在本研究中体现为共育支持网络的形成、共育友好空间的营造、亲子活动内容的生产和共育文化的建构四个方面。这为思考如何将"社会"重新带回抚育实践中提供了想象,也拓宽了对女性主体性的理解。  相似文献   

本文聚焦于城市化背景下的"抱团养娃"实践,深入探讨在抚育职责被"家庭化"的当下,抚育实践如何在一定程度上重新跨越"家庭"的边界。以社区共育为基点,妈妈们的努力既从私人层面上为在陌生城市中资源不足的小家庭找到更多社会支持,又在公共层面上带动孩子们以温度和情感重塑社区认同、黏合社会转型带来的制度缝隙,体现出独特的现实意义与支持力量。"以共同育儿为业"背后,是女性试图在既有的结构约束下找到被私人化的抚育照料重担与公共生活之间的连接点,在本研究中体现为共育支持网络的形成、共育友好空间的营造、亲子活动内容的生产和共育文化的建构四个方面。这为思考如何将"社会"重新带回抚育实践中提供了想象,也拓宽了对女性主体性的理解。  相似文献   

The present study examines differences between homeless adolescents, young adults, and older adults served by homeless shelters or food programs to inform service provision. Four homeless studies using the same sampling and measurement methods were pooled to permit comparisons across age groups. Results showed that homeless adolescents demonstrated greater resilience than younger and older adults. Adolescents reported the shortest duration of homelessness, lowest number of life stressors, fewest physical symptoms, largest social networks, and fewest clinically significant mental health problems. Adolescents also received fewer alcohol and drug abuse diagnoses than younger and older adults. Younger adults reported less time homeless and fewer physical symptoms than older adults, but more life stressors. Younger adults also endorsed higher levels of hostile and paranoid psychological symptoms. Implications for service provision and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Although homeless youth face a higher risk of victimization and mental health problems, little is known about school victimization and mental health outcomes for school-attending homeless youth. This study examined the relationship between school climate and school-related victimization and mental health problems among homeless youth. Multivariate analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between school climate factors and school victimization, suicidal ideation, and depression tendency in a representative sample of 1,169 school-attending homeless youth in 9th and 11th grades in California. Findings show that school-attending homeless youth are at high risk of being victimized at school and have high rates of depression tendency and suicidal ideation. Positive school climate, especially perceived high expectations from teachers and safety in school, was associated with lower rates of school victimization and mental health problems. The role of supportive school climate in the lives of school-attending homeless youth is discussed and future implications are suggested.  相似文献   

Medical respite programs offer medical, nursing, and other care as well as accommodation for homeless persons discharged from acute hospital stays. They represent a community-based adaptation of urban health systems to the specific needs of homeless persons. This article examines whether post-hospital discharge to a homeless medical respite program was associated with a reduced chance of 90-day readmission compared to other disposition options. Adjusting for imbalances in patient characteristics using propensity scores, respite patients were the only group that was significantly less likely to be readmitted within 90 days compared to those released to Own Care. Respite programs merit attention as a potentially efficacious service for homeless persons leaving the hospital.  相似文献   

跆拳道运动自传入我国以来,发展速度之快超出了人们的想象,而散打作为我们本民族特有搏斗对抗性运动,已经被跆拳道运动的快速发展与传播所超越。本人在对跆拳道的腿法技术与散打的腿法技术进行对比研究后认为,散打和跆拳道均具有丰富的技术内涵和独特的审美意境。散打与跆拳道相比,还有许多不如人意的地方,在腿法技术的应用上可以借鉴跆拳道中的高难度和可观赏性强的腿法技术,来充实自己的技术体系,提高散打比赛的可观赏性,使人们能够更加清晰地认识这两种运动,为散打的可持续发展提供些建议。  相似文献   

艺术想象作为艺术理论中最基本的范畴之一 ,历来是美学和艺术理论界的研究热点。从宏观的视角 ,科林伍德分析了在人类活动的大框架下想象活动的特殊性 ,主张艺术是人类特有的一种想象性的创造活动 ,是一种总体活动的想象性经验的情感表现 ,指出想象与真理、虚拟既有联系也具有明显区别。在微观方面 ,他将想象置于感觉、思维、意识、印象、观念及注意等诸多心理因素中进行考察 ,说明了想象在心理结构中的重要地位和作用  相似文献   

公共管理的现代性发展相对忽视了情感要素的治理功能,本文基于顺德案例提出"乡情治理"概念并探析其运作逻辑,以呈现传统文化和情感要素对县域社会治理的重要价值。经验考察表明,乡情治理的核心是基于经济、社会纽带和共同文化符号的情感场域,并通过以下特征治理要素发挥作用:乡情凝聚下的"新士绅"和议题网络作为主体;传统节日和文化场合作为公共平台和议事空间;爱乡、奉献、共荣等地方价值内嵌为利益协调和集体行动规则;发达的民间和社区慈善作为内生治理资源。乡情治理是对基层自治、法治和德治的补充和催化,为"共建、共治、共享"的社会治理格局增加了"共荣"的精神动力和文化内涵,为乡村振兴和城市化进程带来新的治理想象力。  相似文献   

历史叙事实则体现了写作主体的精神动态,通过历史叙事呈现,我们可以洞察主体意识形态走向.鉴于台湾文学史的特性以及两岸相隔的现实,大陆的台湾文学史写作更突出了距离对视中包含的种种政治文化想像,通过考察历史叙事提供的言说疆域版图,一方面可以探掘这一想像空间的多面维度,另一方面也可以完善学科的发展建设.本文选择刘登翰、杨匡汉、黎湘萍以及朱立立等所撰写的几本台湾文学史著作为样本,试析大陆学者台湾文学史理论视野的位移及其背后意识形态的变动.  相似文献   

Little is known about the transition to adulthood for adolescent females and young women who are impoverished and homeless. Co-occurrence of drug use and abuse, HIV risk, and victimization is notable among homeless women, highlighting the need for comprehensive interventions. Unfortunately, evidence-based prevention approaches addressing these inter-related problems among impoverished women transitioning into adulthood are lacking. To address this gap, we designed an innovative prevention program by utilizing open- and closed-ended interview data from impoverished women (n = 20), focus groups with community experts and providers (2 groups; n = 9), and a theoretical framework to direct the research. Information provided by our focus groups and interviews with women supported our theoretical framework and highlighted the importance of addressing normative information, providing skills training, and utilizing a non-confrontational approach when discussing these sensitive issues.  相似文献   


Previously homeless women (17) and men (12) were surveyed on their experience as a caregiver to physically challenged senior citizen clients (16 men, 13 women: age M= 64.7, SD = 16.8). Caregivers had training in service delivery and experience before the survey. More satisfaction than stress from providing care was reported by caregivers. Caregiving satisfaction was significantly positively related to global life satisfaction and a sense of personal vulnerability to being disabled. Caregiving stress was significantly negatively related to perceived knowledge of the disability. Overall, these previously homeless caregivers reported that providing care to the disabled was positive, and would be repeated and recommended to Others.  相似文献   

本文在阐释WTO 协议关于司法审查的规定及特征的基础上,分析了中国司法审查制度中的一些不足,并继而从完善我国司法审查的依据、标准、范围和程序等方面提出了一些构想.  相似文献   

论当代文化背景下倡导经典阅读的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋生贵 《思想战线》2004,30(1):55-59
当代中国,经典阅读呈衰落之势,其既因现实情势的引导作用,也有历史上印刷文艺发展不充分的传统原因。在目前所有的各种文化———特别是文艺———接受形式中,阅读在调动和强化接受主体的能动性、想象力、创造意识等方面所具有的优势和独特意义,是其他任何形式都不可替代的。阅读对拓展与涵养主体精神世界的特殊意义主要在于:文本特有的表现手段对主体参与再创造的能动性的触导与培养;阅读活动对主体审美心态的特别要求与陶冶;阅读品位对主体精神品格的潜在影响。  相似文献   


The Life Skills Training (LST) program is a broad-based substance abuse prevention program which emphasizes self-improvement and the development of important personal and social skills. This chapter describes the LST program, its theoretical rationale, and the results of evaluation studies conducted over the last eight years; in addition, this chapter reports the process by which the original school-based program format was revised for use in a community setting-specifically for use with urban minority adolescents living in a shelter for the homeless. The revised version of the LST  相似文献   

对民族志进行反思的过程,包括了对田野研究中民族志学者与当地报告人之间的合作关系的重新思考和定位,对与民族志文本伴随始终的想象特质的正视和承认,以及对民族志所承担的任务和作用的重新认识。在全球化的当下,人类学的民族志是民族志学者和对自己的角色有主见、有认识的地方合作者共同制造的想象,而民族志的功能则是对这种合作的关系进行深入的分析、研究,作为一个媒介而不是真理的知识,让人们能够了解、研究这种合作关系。  相似文献   

This study examined whether social support tied to relocation efforts and neighborhood social climate may mediate the effects of stressful life events on mental health outcomes following Hurricane Katrina. Participants were 108 adult persons made homeless by Hurricane Katrina and evacuated to Columbia, South Carolina. Civic leaders developed an intervention model that emphasized (a) a one-stop point of entry, (b) living in hotels and apartments rather than shelters, and (c) matching hotels with volunteer “hosts” to assist in relocation efforts. Results revealed that perceived neighborhood factors and satisfaction with host relationship were related to several mental health outcomes. Neighborhood social climate partially mediated several mental health outcomes. Implications of this intervention model and the utility of social ecological perspectives on homelessness interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, the HomeBuy5 Program has successfully helped families who were homeless find an apartment, while working with them to develop a plan to move from homelessness to homeownership. This article provides an historical overview of how the program developed and evolved, a detailed discussion of the program's process and structure, the role of organizational collaboration and community partners, and demographic information on the families that have been served. It is argued that this program can be a prototype for other communities as they increase their efforts to eliminate homelessness.  相似文献   

白领犯罪作为一种独特的犯罪现象,它的社会危害性已经超出我们的想象。然而在理论和实践上,我们都没有给予其应有的重视.以致大有愈演愈烈的趋势。因此,界定白领犯罪的范畴,分析其形成的原因,提出防控的对策就十分必要了。  相似文献   

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