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The present article discusses convents as homes. Resulting from the study of a Gregorian source presently housed at DePaul University's Richardson library, this article probes the complexities and restrictions of convent life in 17th century Spain. The Sanctoral de Visperas (1653) functions as a backdrop for a consideration of how singing chant and attendant rituals enriched the lives of nuns. Also included are references to nuns from this period who were outstanding musicians and poets and whose works have recently received enthusiastic attention.  相似文献   

刘夏蓓 《思想战线》2007,33(2):108-115
随着女性信教人数的增长,女性与宗教的关系越来越受到学界及社会的重视。据对甘南夏河藏传佛教尼僧的调查,70%左右的尼僧是出于对宗教的热爱和追求,这与从前多数尼僧为了逃避现实和生活所迫而出家相比有了巨大的改变,这一变迁的背后是女性在宗教世界与男性平权诉求的一种反映,也是女性地位与藏族社会结构变迁的一种互动。随着社会的发展,基于理性选择而出家的女性在尼僧中所占的比例将会越来越大,而尼僧们的宗教抱负也会越来越高,宗教社会中的两性平权现状将会得到改善。  相似文献   

Brazil,Russia,India,and China—otherwise known as the BRIC nations—are enjoying a new and,in ways,unprecedented role on the international stage. The four emerging markets maintained anaverage growth rate of 10.7 percent from 2006 to 2008,according to the International Monetary Fund.With this outstanding performance,they are creating a new economic miracle.In an article recently published in the Beijing-based newspaper Guangming Daily,experts in aresearch team of the Hunan Provincial Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science pointed to atrend known as the "big country effect" as a determining factor in their rapid,sustainable growth.Excerpts from this article follow  相似文献   

Dilip K. Das 《当代中国》2013,22(84):1089-1105
The objective of this article is to explore the economic relationship between China and the surrounding dynamic Asian economies. It delves into China's influence over the Asian economies and whether this relationship has evolved in a market- and institution-led symbiotic manner. The three principal channels of regional integration analyzed in this article are trade, FDI and vertically integrated production networks. Another issue that this article explores is the so-called China ‘threat’ or ‘fear’ in Asia. The China threat implied that China was crowding out exports from the other Asian economies in the world market place. Also, as China became the most attractive FDI destination among developing countries, it was understood that China was receiving FDI at the expense of the Asian economies. These concerns were examined by several empirical studies and the inference was that they were exaggerated. The article concludes that China methodically expanded and deepened its economic ties with its regional neighbors. At the present juncture, China's integration with the surrounding Asian nations is deep. Both China and its dynamic Asian neighbors have benefited from this synergy.  相似文献   

本文以世界话语为背景,运用当代话语理论阐述了苗族文化研究的三个主要观点:苗族文化是世界第三种经济文化类型;苗族文化是由一个文化母体演绎而成的复杂文化系统;苗族文化超越许多世代具有极大的历史穿透力。文章并根据这些观点分析了苗族文化的若干事象。  相似文献   

中国官员问责发展实证研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文根据我国官员问责实践过程中所发生的问责事件,采用定量分析方法,以2003—2006年四年间《人民日报》和《中国青年报》中所报道的73个官员问责事件和212个问责对象为样本,在统计分析的基础上总结我国官员问责的一般特点,即问责属性主要是行政问责、问责一直保持较强的力度、处理措施总体上保持较严厉的状态,官员问责事件中81%的发起者和99%的启动者是上级党政部门。认为我国官员问责中存在内容单一、原因单一、处理形式起伏较大、问责的时间周期较长等问题,并提出了我国官员问责制度构建中的若干思考和建议。  相似文献   

本文从黑社会组织作为一种犯罪组织入手,对黑社会组织的本质特征进行了层层剖析,提出了黑社会组织的本质特征在于犯罪组织的社区化。并在此基础上对最高人民法院的司法解释和人大常委会的立法解释作出了评价。  相似文献   

犯罪问题具有普遍性,是长期困扰人类社会的难题之一。文章从宏观和微观角度阐述了国内外研究现状,并详细总结了近几年的研究方法,如数据挖掘、模糊数学、神经网络、灰色系统等。然后,指出了犯罪问题研究中存在的犯罪明数与犯罪暗数问题,最后给出了犯罪问题研究的发展趋势,对犯罪问题研究具有较强的指导意义。  相似文献   

上级命令不免除责任原则是国际刑法的基本原则之一。对该原则中的上级命令“明显非法”、“道德选择”、“胁迫”等有关概念作进一步的剖析。  相似文献   

本文以法院审判权参与社会管理创新为切入点,思考法院建立不良诉讼记录的现实性、困境、可行性以及具体操作方法及现实必要性。笔者认为,完整的不良诉讼记录应包含着进入机制、公布方式、救济机制、退出机制。本文通过对法院建立不良诉讼记录的思考,旨在寻找审判权在参与社会管理创新的有效路径,使司法更好地推进法治国家建设。  相似文献   

20世纪以来的《诗经·鲁颂》研究,逐渐突破了传统的"经学"研究模式,呈现出新的面貌。本文主要从《鲁颂》作者、作时与主旨、本义的研究;《鲁颂》与鲁国及礼乐文化关系研究;《鲁颂》中各篇专题研究;与《鲁颂》相关的其他研究等四个方面对20世纪以来的《诗经·鲁颂》研究作了简要论述,并归纳了20世纪以来《诗经·鲁颂》研究所呈现出的特点。  相似文献   

Xiaojiong Ding 《当代中国》2010,19(64):359-379
Taking converted schools at the level of basic education in Shanghai as an example, this article explores the structure of policy implementation in contemporary China. Based on 65 interviews and a two-conception analytical framework, the article proposes the model of structural fracturation. The model argues that the discrepancy between policy content and policy outcome is determined by structural factors that no single actor could manipulate. The pyramid of Chinese politics is a loose construction, with horizontal and vertical fracturations between different layers. The model highlights the fact that governments below the provincial level are remote from and beyond the control of the state and the provinces. They deserve more attention than they have received.  相似文献   

《法律上的人》一文从历史的角度考察了法律所构建的人类形象以及以立法者形象出现的人类群体,其在描述中渗透了该历史进程的法哲学反思,以及在价值相对主义和多元论的哲学背景下既反对实证主义又反对自然法理论的法律态度。它促使人们从人的角度去考量法律制度从而对之保有妥当的态度。  相似文献   

政府采购作为实践意义的制度内容涉及利益目标、规范过程等复杂变迁过程。目前,无论是经济学界还是法学界在这方面的研究很少。本文从一般制度意义、变迁过程及条件对我国政府采购制度变迁,尤其是制度完善进行了理论与实证分析。  相似文献   

Nandiyang Zhang 《当代中国》2016,25(98):277-291
This article examines the importance of political elite coalitions at local levels to create institutional reform in contemporary China. By exploring Shunde’s administrative reforms under Wang Yang, Guangdong’s provincial Party secretary from 2008 to 2012, this article identifies a provincial–grassroots coalition as the essential impetus to local reforms. It argues that formation of political elite coalitions, built upon mutual trust through reciprocal interactions, is crucial for the success of reform. Within the coalition, the strong reformist provincial leader provides his leadership by becoming intensively involved in the reform process, while active grassroots cadres serve as designers and executors of reform plans. By means of a comparison between the scenarios of active grassroots cadres without Wang and Wang with less enthusiastic grassroots cadres, the article concludes that this political elite coalition is by nature fragile; if either side is not present, the coalition will collapse, resulting in either the failure of reform or a deviation of existing reforms to a less fruitful pattern.  相似文献   

证据制度历来被比作刑事诉讼的脊梁,是诉讼活动的基础、是全部司法活动的核心和灵魂。但由于立法的不完善,导致了我国在司法实践中证据制度缺乏可操作性。证据法学不仅是一门技术性很强的学科,而且对保障人权也至关重要。因此,对我国证据制度改革问题进行认真探索研究,对完善证据立法和指导司法实践,具有深刻的现实意义。文章从介绍证据立法的紧迫性和必要性入手,对完善证据立法的意义、构建模式、现行立法现状及存在的主要问题进行了系统的分析,并在参考借鉴国外相关成熟做法的基础上,结合我国的实际国情,提出相应的立法建议。  相似文献   

本文在综合国内外相关研究的基础上,系统梳理了和谐社会评价的现状,并对相关研究论点进行述评,最后从评价主体、评价对象、指标构建、研究方法、数据来源等方面进行多角度的分析,对进一步需要探讨的问题进行了梳理。  相似文献   

The initial paragraphs of this article outline the broad themes of this special section, drawing attention to changing perceptions and definitions of corruption and to corruption prevention practices in Greater China. The remainder of the article focuses on a particular theme: the relationship between conflicts of interest and corruption in both theoretical terms and in its application in mainland China. Conflicts of interest are conceptualized as the incompatibility between the public interest associated with official duties and interests derived from the private domain. Such conflicts do not always necessarily lead to corruption and may be distinguished from it. By examining the way in which they are regulated in China, we argue that although an intricate web of rules has been established, regulations alone cannot guarantee ethically sound behaviour if there is no supportive value framework of like-minded civil servants. Rules require interpretation and if this discretion means that civil servants choose to follow an administrative culture and personal values that conflict with the regulations, they will have little effect. Hard rules may mean soft constraints.  相似文献   

文章展示的是云南"中英大龄女童技能培训和能力建设合作伙伴项目"的论坛活动之一.论坛以15-18岁来自农村贫困和民族地区的大龄女童为主体,让她们有机会向高层决策者表达自己及其生存社区女孩的心声和需求,进而推动政府、媒体及全社会对这部分特殊女童的积极关注.文章写实性地描述了论坛的设计与思考,赋权女童的过程以及倡导的过程和结果.  相似文献   

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