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This essay addresses issues related to leaving and recreating a home from the perspective of different kinds of movements, transformations, and diasporic ways of living. Global restructurings in the wake of neoliberal economic developments provide the main background for a discussion of contemporary global upheavals and displacements, and the concomitant mix of old and new understandings of bordercrossing, multiple or hybrid identities, and neo/colonialism. The figure of the nomad is at the center of these discussions. The nomad is described as someone who carries home as an essential psychological belonging, and who can re-create home in diverse places, anywhere.  相似文献   

徽商妇是对应徽商集团的另一个群体,是明清时期最大的区域性留守群体。徽州竹枝词真实而诗化地再现了徽州妇生活和情感的历史场景。徽商妇并非"个体"而是一个有着数十万人的群体,究竟是什么魔力能让一个大规模的群体在数百年间如此笃守所谓的封建礼教而付出巨大的牺牲?仍值得反思。  相似文献   

正The Olympic Summer Games Tokyo 2020 concluded on August 8,and China took home a grand total of 38 gold medals and 88 medals,ranking second in the medal tally.When speaking of China's Olympic performance,one individual deserves some extra recognition.That is Juan Antonio Samaranch,the Seventh President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the man who supported China to resume its legitimate seat on the IOC as well as its bidding for the Olympic Summer Games Beijing 2008.  相似文献   

被誉为"时代骄子"的大学生们,他们在大学校园里学习、生活得如何,一直是家庭和社会所关注的热点问题.因为上大学是莘莘学子第一次走出家门,开始的独立生活.对于这些"初出茅庐"的大孩子们,无论是在生理上还是在心理上,无疑是一个"巨大"的挑战,特别是面对众多的"诱惑",能否把握自己、坚定人生的方向、顺利地度过大学阶段的生活,对每个大学生而言,都是一种考验.文章着重对大学生心理现状进行分析探讨,希望能对他们的健康成长有所裨益.  相似文献   

The studies and narratives collected in this special volume acknowledge "home" as a complex, ambiguous notion and reality. The contributors pay tribute to different ways of experiencing home, and to multiple connections to place and time. They illustrate how home is a social edifice, how it embodies different meanings and values, how it demarcates individual and social or national identities, and how a longing for home permeates experiences of homelessness as well as cultural, spatial, linguistic, and economic transitions.  相似文献   

Citizen participation in research may include involvement in generating original ideas, planning appropriate designs, collecting data, and helping to implement interventions. Unfortunately, little is known about the attitudes of the community members who participate in such research processes. In the present exploratory study, a team of community members (4 men, 3 women; age > 30 years old) who were employed as investigator research associates to evaluate an innovative substance abuse recovery home were asked for their perspectives about their involvement in the research effort. Findings indicated that these community members felt their participation was a positive experience. Moreover, while their understanding and sense of participation in the research process increased, their identification and affiliation with their support organization was not reduced. Results imply that there is a need to better understand how citizen members of community organizations are affected by their involvement in the research process.  相似文献   

乔慧 《青年论坛》2009,(5):112-116
德州卢见曾于乾隆诗坛位居显要,有海内宗匠之称,享风雅总持之誉,他主持红桥修禊,辑刊《山左诗钞》,一时传为盛事,是一位不容忽视的达官诗学家。其诗娴熟严谨,精纯浑厚,雅意德音,各臻其妙,引领以诗饰世的风尚,传达了盛世之音。  相似文献   

现实生活中,人具有多方面的需要。人的需要即人的本性。人的需要之所以能成为社会发展的内驱力,主要在于人有理性。然而,理性是人的福音也是人的祸因。因为正是理性使人处于一种永恒的不可避免的不平衡状态中,导致了人与自然、人与类、人与自我的深刻矛盾。这种种矛盾在现实中无从解脱,常使人去寻求另外超越的途径。这就是信仰。对于吃饱穿暖的当代人而言,信仰是其强烈的需要,如何寻找人的精神家园正成为人类最重要的课题之一。  相似文献   

人性善恶,官场是大染缸,任何人一旦进入,如果不能好好把持自己,手中权力不能受到有效的监督与制约,人性中恶的一面就会暴露。缺乏制约的权力终究会腐败,不论是民选还是“钦定”的官员,不论是中国的官员还是外国的官员,这一点已经是有目共睹。为了行贿收买,行贿者花样翻新、无孔不入,贪财的送钱,好色的送女人,盛宴豪赌、香车豪宅,无所不用其极,有的则专门走所谓“夫人路线”、“子女路线”、“情人路线”、“秘书路线”。不论采取何种路径和手段,最终都是为了达到以钱买权、弄权生钱的目的。政务不公开、财务不透明乃是当前反腐面临的最大问题。  相似文献   

陈家志 《桂海论丛》2002,18(4):17-19
领导干部队伍建设 ,历来是同党的历史任务以及党为完成这些任务而确定的理论和路线联系在一起的。面对经济全球化时代的到来 ,面对新世纪国际国内新的形势和任务 ,要积极探索培养高素质领导干部队伍的方法和途径  相似文献   

Thirty-nine-year-old Bao Yongliang is the head of the Department of Digital Animation at the Jilin University of Arts in northeast China.However,the birth of his daughter in 2013 not only fulfilled Bao's dream of becoming a father,but also inspired a creative passion that has seen him launch his own art toy company.  相似文献   

宰,本义是指在奴隶主家中劳动的奴隶;引申出冢宰、宰相义,其原因是冢宰与宰相虽位在万人之上,但对于君主来说,却也还是奴仆.  相似文献   

The shortage of foster/adoptive parents being licensed to care for children in the public welfare system prompted an evaluation of the Licensure and Home Study Process (LHSP). Ecological systems theory framed the barriers-to-resources interplay among kinship and non-relative caregivers who withdrew or completed the LHSP. This mixed-methods study examined differences in applicant characteristics and types of barriers experienced. Results indicated that applicants responsible for other children in the home paired with welfare system barriers served as a tipping point for withdrawal. Relatives encountered the most barriers and all grandparents withdrew from the LHSP prior to licensure.  相似文献   


This paper is concerned with changing meanings of home for Taiwanese employers of foreign domestics under globalization. Shifting sense of home occurs for Taiwanese employers as well as foreign domestics in the process of labor migration. The author argues that Taiwanese employers, facing aliens at home, have adopted various rhetorical strategies to redefine their relationships with foreign domestics and deployed diverse practices of management within their households. As foreign domestics do housework at home, Taiwanese employers also do their own “homework,” struggling to understand and cope with the process of becoming and being household employers. Their “homework” is an integral part of the globalization of domestic service.  相似文献   

I am from the city of Sulaymaniyah in Iraq but for the last 17 years,Wuhan has been my home.That’s more than the age of my daughter,Hu Yang Abu,8,who was born in the city in Hubei Province,central China.I came to Wuhan as a PhD student on a scholarship.After getting my degree in electrical engineering at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology,I stayed on and today,I teach graduate,postgraduate and Ph D students at Wuhan University.My wife Hu Changli is a Wuhan girl,so you see the city has given me love,happiness as well as my livelihood.  相似文献   

Lust for Life     
In January 2018, when Lyu Xiaoning crossed the threshold of La Casa Azul, Frida Kahlo's family home in Coyoacán, Mexico, she was touched by a particular painting named Viva la Vida. For her last work, completed in 1954 fol-lowing complications from an amputated leg, Kahlo chose to paint vivacious red watermelons for their significance to the Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), a Mexican holiday celebrated on November 1 and 2. This holiday sees fam-ily and friends gather in remembrance of those who have gone before them. The artist inscribed the words "Viva la Vida"on the central melon wedge at the bottom of the canvas, which trans-late as "Long live life," just eight days before she died.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with changing meanings of home for Taiwanese employers of foreign domestics under globalization. Shifting sense of home occurs for Taiwanese employers as well as foreign domestics in the process of labor migration. The author argues that Taiwanese employers, facing aliens at home, have adopted various rhetorical strategies to redefine their relationships with foreign domestics and deployed diverse practices of management within their households. As foreign domestics do housework at home, Taiwanese employers also do their own "homework," struggling to understand and cope with the process of becoming and being household employers. Their "homework" is an integral part of the globalization of domestic service.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relationship between the country of birth and the ability of the individual from that country to create a sense of home, identity and belonging in other countries and cultures. What is home? Is home the place where you were born and raised, where your parents live or where they are buried? Is home the place from where you were dislocated or where you live now? What does longing for home mean? The author draws on theory to address these questions but her personal story plays a prominent part.  相似文献   

发展"家庭养老院"探索社区养老新模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
家庭养老院是一种新型的养老形式,是我国养老体系的重要组成部分.发展家庭养老院,必然在我国形成以机构养老院为龙头、家庭养老院为基础的适应全面建设小康社会的养老体系,必将产生一举多得的社会效果.  相似文献   

中华民族共有精神家园的现代化既是中华民族共有精神家园具有生命力和创造力的重要前提,也是我们建设中华民族共有精神家园义不容辞的责任。中国海外移民作为中华民族成员,他们是推动中华民族共有精神家园现代化的重要力量和宝贵资源。全球化的浪潮与中国特色社会主义实践是海外移民推动中华民族共有精神家园现代化的外部环境,华侨华人文化与中华民族共有精神家园的双向互动是中华民族共有精神家园现代化的内在张力,民族性、时代性与世界性是中华民族共有精神家园现代化遵循的原则,精神家园现实问题的解决和主体自觉性的培养是中华民族共有精神家园现代化的根本路径。  相似文献   

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