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Good grooming has replaced the macho look, to the delight of cosmetic manufacturers and salon owners.CHOCK full of lotions, cosmetics and perfumes, the bathroom shelves are traditionally the domain of the ladies of the Chinese household.  相似文献   

The term "Turkistan" appeared in Arabic geographical works in the Middle Ages. It meant "the region of the Turks" and referred to the areas north of the Sir River in Central Asia and the adjoining areas to the east of the river. With the evolution of history, the modem ethnic groups in Central Asia were established one after another. By the 18th century, the geographical concept of "Turkistan" was already very vague,  相似文献   

With the rapid increase of motor vehicles, people are more and more perplexed about the best means of transport. Is it a bicycle, private car, or bus?  相似文献   

EVER since I heard of Yan-jing (salt well in Chinese) in Tibet as a child, the place has held fascination for me. A recent work trip gave me the chance to see Yanjing and all of Tibet's breathtaking landscape first hand. Yanjing is in a valley in Markam County, on the border of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces. The Jingsha, Nu and Lancang rivers converge in the region,  相似文献   

THE first program of the "Cultural Gateway to China" opened to the public in the Beijing Capital Intemational Airport last April, with the "Brilliance of Hebei", an exhibition and performance staged at the Beijing Capital International Airport, turning out to be more than just a nice distraction for travellers, The full-scale production was an unqualified hit. a real draw for admiring passengers who turned the airport lounge into a kind of temporary club.  相似文献   

How did a traditional folk game of an ethnic minority group in China evolve into a modern sports event adopted at the national-level games? The story of the "stilt horse" will give you an answer.  相似文献   

HE "Tibet Issue" was conceived at a time when Western imperialists were determined to invade and carve up China. They wooed and promoted separatist forces in Tibet from among the serf-owning class, which likewise wished to split Tibet from China with the support of imperialists. Between them, the two sides colluded and fabricated the "Tibet Issue."  相似文献   

Among the three methods of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) protection--salvage, integrity and productivity~--productive protection is the most complex and controversial one. Through a comprehensive analysis of legal relations, coordination mecha- nisms and modes of operation by the Wuhan Tourism Investment Group in the course of safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in handicrafts, this paper discusses the sustainable "Wuhan Model" and its human values.  相似文献   

WHEN heads of economic colossi such as Sir John Bond, chairman of the SHBCGroup, Michael Treschow, chairman of Ericsson, Nick Scheele, president and chief operating officer of Ford, Gary Rogers, chairman of GE, Taizo Nishimuro, chairman of Toshiba, and distinguished scholars Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley chief economist, and Erik Berglof, director of Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics under the Stockholm School of Economics, gather, there is assuredly a weighty matter of common interest at hand. Their convergence on March 23-24, 2003 in Beijing was oh the occasion of the China Development Forum.  相似文献   

ZHAO Qizheng,former deputy mayor of Shanghai andminister of the State Council Information Office,is a member of the Standing Committee of China’s top political consultative body,the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). He serves as chairman of the Foreign  相似文献   

侦查讯问教学应构建以基本理论、基础知识和基本技能为根本的,以理论知识与实验操作为一体的教学体系,突出技能培养,强化教学训练环节,使培养对象在掌握侦查讯问基本理论的基础上,能够根据不同的讯问对象,开展针对性侦查讯问工作,顺利地完成讯问任务。  相似文献   

始终把党性教育贯穿于党校教学的全过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺先平 《桂海论丛》2011,27(3):120-124
党校作为领导干部党性锻炼的"熔炉",在党性教育中承担着重要的责任,具有不可替代的作用和优势。当前,在党校教学中党性教育存在着对党性教育重要性认识不足、对党性教育规律研究不多以及教育方式陈旧等突出问题。要解决这些问题,必须坚持把丰富知识、提高能力与增强党性更好地结合起来,把党性教育作为党校教育的根本原则和主要内容贯穿于教学的全过程。  相似文献   

集体主义的核心内容是个体价值定位的问题。在中国社会主义发展的不同历史时期,个体价值定位经历了一个从个体依赖到逐渐获得个体独立的演变过程。集体主义也随着个体价值地位的演变,呈现出新的时代内涵,开始由传统集体主义向新集体主义过渡。  相似文献   

西部开发中民族文化保护论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄泽 《思想战线》2002,28(1):11-15
西部开发作为经济、社会、生态、文化协调发展的系统工程 ,少数民族传统文化的保护、建设是其中十分重要的基础工程。西部开发也为传统文化的更新、转型提供了机遇。经济全球化与文化多样性的关系则是西部开发中民族文化保护、文化资源开发利用的文化语境。云南少数民族传统文化的保存现状及近年来实施的保护措施 ,印证着这个文化变迁进程的复杂性与丰富性。  相似文献   

战场环境是警察执法战斗的依托和舞台,也是战术运用的客观依据。在警察执法战斗中,警察战斗力的使用是不能脱离战场环境的,因此战场环境对警察战斗力及其使用有着重要的影响。一是对警察战斗力构成的影响:即对参战人员的影响,对武器装备的影响,对人与武器结合的影响;二是对警察战斗力使用的影响:即对战法选择的影响,对战场情报信息的影响。  相似文献   

曾志伟 《桂海论丛》2010,26(1):55-58
增强基层党组织发展力,是加强和改进新形势下党的建设的现实需要,也是党更好地贯彻落实科学发展观的基础。基层党组织发展力包括发展民主的能力,统筹协调的能力,开拓创新的能力,知人善任的能力,维护稳定的能力和驾驭网络媒体的能力。"六种能力"构成了基层党组织发展力的基本要件。  相似文献   

综观中国共产党执政50多年来的理论与实践,其执政观大致上可以概括为五个方面:理论创新——永葆执政活力的理论之源;执政为民——永葆执政活力的阶级之源;发展兴国——永葆执政活力的动力之源;依法治国——永葆执政活力的制度保证;从严治党——永葆执政活力的本质要求。  相似文献   

现场重建作为全面再现案件经过的科学方法,在揭露和查明犯罪,排除犯罪嫌疑,保证侦查准确性和保障人权方面具有优势。因此愈来愈受到相关部门的重视。相比西方国家发达的犯罪现场重建理论和技术,我国犯罪现场重建仍属于起步阶段,有关概念问题仍存在争议。文中就犯罪现场概念问题以及犯罪现场重建的启动和结束等相关问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

探讨精神损害赔偿数额确定的原则、思路和方法,建议对我国精神损害赔偿数额依以下标准确定:侵权行为一般,致人严重精神损害,未造成人身伤亡的,赔偿数额在500元至5万元人民币之间确定;侵权行为恶劣,致人严重精神损害,造成受害人精神障碍等疾病,影响其正常工作、劳动和生活的,赔偿数额在5万元至15万元人民币之间确定;侵权行为恶劣,致人严重又长久精神损害,造成受害人丧失大部分(含全部)劳动能力或死亡的,赔偿数额在15万元至30万元人民币之间确定,最高赔偿数额是50万元人民币。然后,以上述酌定赔偿数额乘以当地上一年度精神生活系数,在最高赔偿限额内计算出当地精神损害赔偿数额。  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼法对侦查终结的条件的规定过于简单,并且将侦查终结的条件和对案件的处理方式一并表述,没有完全体现我国刑事诉讼法对侦查终结条件的规定要求,不利于侦查人员及其负责人掌握。我国刑事诉讼法再次修改时,应单独规定侦查终结的条件。即“侦查机关或部门侦查终结的案件,应当做到案件全部事实、情节清楚,证据确实、充分,案件性质认定准确,法律手续完备。”  相似文献   

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