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A charred body was found after a fire in a house in a mountainous region of France. The body was severely burned and was not formally identified as the owner of the house. Autopsy was carried out to seek vital reactions and/or traumatic lesions and to identify the corpse. Before bone preparation and after autopsy, multislice computed tomography (MSCT) was performed in order to assess the potential of the technique for radiological anthropological bone identification. The challenge was to determine as accurately as possible the sex, age, ante-mortem stature and ethnic of the victim using both MSCT and conventional bone study. The results of the two techniques were compared. MSCT provided an answer to all the questions, whereas bone study did not. To the best of our knowledge, this case is the first to use MSCT for forensic anthropological study and illustrates the potential contribution of this technique in this field.  相似文献   

A jar containing the mummified body of a fetus was found in a bush near a building. Full-body multislice computed tomography (MSCT) was performed prior to autopsy to study the bones and internal organs. Age was estimated by measuring femoral and tibial lengths and examining the temporal and occipital bones. The results were then compared with the autopsy and histopathological findings. MSCT was superior to autopsy for examination of the bones and internal organs. Autopsy was difficult because of the fragility of the dried corpse. MSCT determined the gestational age of the fetus and excluded skeletal abnormalities. Estimated age was similar with the two methods used. However, the major advantage of MSCT was rapid measurement of bones or anatomical regions which are difficult to examine during autopsy and which required specific preparation for further anthropological study. This case report illustrates the possibilities offered by MSCT for studying mummified bodies, even fetuses.  相似文献   

Full-body 3D virtual reconstructions were generated using 3D technology and anthropometry following the death of a young girl, allegedly from severe malnutrition as a result of abuse and neglect. Close range laser scanning, in conjunction with full colour digital texture photography, was used to document the child's condition shortly after death in order to demonstrate the number and pattern of injuries and to be able to demonstrate her condition forensically. Full-body digital reconstructions were undertaken to illustrate the extent of the malnutrition by comparing the processed post mortem scans with reconstructed images at normal weight for height and age. This is the first known instance of such an investigative tool.  相似文献   

A great deal has previously been written about the use of skeletal morphological changes in estimating ages-at-death. This article looks in particular at the pubic symphysis, as it was historically one of the first regions to be described in the literature on age estimation. Despite the lengthy history, the value of the pubic symphysis in estimating ages and in providing evidence for putative identifications remains unclear. This lack of clarity primarily stems from the fact that rather ad hoc statistical methods have been applied in previous studies. This article presents a statistical analysis of a large data set (n = 1766) of pubic symphyseal scores from multiple contexts, including anatomical collections, war dead, and victims of genocide. The emphasis is in finding statistical methods that will have the correct "coverage."Coverage" means that if a method has a stated coverage of 50%, then approximately 50% of the individuals in a particular pubic symphyseal stage should have ages that are between the stated age limits, and that approximately 25% should be below the bottom age limit and 25% above the top age limit. In a number of applications it is shown that if an appropriate prior age-at-death distribution is used, then "transition analysis" will provide accurate "coverages," while percentile methods, range methods, and means (+/-standard deviations) will not. Even in cases where there are significant differences in the mean ages-to-transition between populations, the effects on the stated age limits for particular "coverages" are minimal. As a consequence, more emphasis needs to be placed on collecting data on age changes in large samples, rather than focusing on the possibility of inter-population variation in rates of aging.  相似文献   

Anthropological analysis of fragmentary evidence can be challenging but diverse methods allow substantial information to be gleaned. Scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy enables determination if bone and/or tooth tissue is present. Protein radioimmunoassay or DNA analysis can establish the species present. Histological analysis can assist in species determination and reveal information about thermal changes. Radiocarbon analysis with special reference to the modern bomb-curve can clarify the postmortem interval. Anthropologists should also be aware that DNA analysis not only can enable positive identification but assist in the evaluation of sex and age at death.  相似文献   

The medicolegal system relies on the ability of experts and non-experts alike to make judgments about expertise and use those judgments to reach consequential decisions. Given the lack of standard criteria, mandatory certification, or licensure for establishing expertise required to practice forensic anthropology and testify as an expert witness, we sought to understand how individuals assess and identify expertise in forensic anthropology by using a social science tool called the Imitation Game. This tool assesses immersion in a specific area of study via discourse, with the premise that some individuals lacking expertise themselves imitate or attempt to pass as experts. For this project we recruited volunteers with varying expertise in forensic anthropology to participate in interviews which asked questions about the practice and structure of the discipline. Those interviews were transcribed, anonymized, and evaluated by other recruited individuals with varying expertise in forensic anthropology. Results found that judges who were experts in forensic anthropology performed better than non-expert judges in determining who was not an expert in forensic anthropology based on their anonymized responses; however, nearly half of the non-experts were still able to pass as experts in forensic anthropology. The difficulties in assessing expertise based on discourse interactions demonstrates the value and need for well-defined credentials and mandatory certification to practice forensic anthropology. This study demonstrates that accurately identifying expertise in forensic anthropology may be challenging for both experts and non-experts, especially when relying solely on interactional expertise rather than formal assessments of competency which directly elucidate contributory expertise.  相似文献   

Research represents the driving force for change and advancement in the forensic sciences [1]. Of course, forensic science features casework and the application of our scientific knowledge to medicolegal issues. However, that scientific knowledge is largely based upon research conducted over decades.  相似文献   

The name, T. Dale Stewart is synonymous with physical anthropology. To many members of the physical anthropology section, particularly those born in the latter half of this century, he is perhaps best known for his 1979 Essentials of Forensic Anthropology. Without a doubt, much of the foundation of this discipline rests upon his teachings and influence. Few knew him in the capacity that William M. Bass did, as T. Dale Stewart was a member of Bass doctoral committee. Bass was greatly influenced during the time he spent working with Dr. Stewart in the 1950's and the instruction and guidance Stewart instilled in Bass has and will continue to be passed on to subsequent generations. Research was Dale Stewart's main emphasis and he succeeded in demonstrating the value of investigation and how results were crucial in explaining many of the processes manifest on skeletal material. Clearly his hypothesis-based approach became essential to skeletal biology and numerous procedures and methods employed in the field are synonymous with the teachings of Dr. T. Dale Stewart. By reflecting on several recently completed interdisciplinary research projects, the far-reaching impact of his knowledge and instruction can be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Anthropological contribution to forensic sciences has been multifaceted and the progress has been remarkable in the last quarter of this century. The field has brought together scientists from all around the world. The purpose of this paper is to present a special issue on forensic anthropological research. Some of the papers cover age estimation from the ankle and knee epiphyses (India), basioccipital synchondrosis (also India), sternal end rib metamorphosis in Turks, and histomorphometry of the Japanese. Sex determination from the South African cranium and Mongoloid humerus are the subject of two papers. Factors of individualization include a comparison of photographic images using neural network, bone trabecular radiography, determination of handedness from the humerus, time since death using 210Po to 210Pb ratio, and changes in the mineral content of bone after burial. From the papers in this special issue it can be concluded that there will be integration of many areas of forensic sciences to deal with anthropological issues in the 21st century. Estimation of time since death will be based on new and more precise techniques. Further research is needed to develop population specific osteological standards for populations of Africa, central and southeast Asia and Pacific region. In addition, there will be an increased interest in the study of living people.  相似文献   

The body of an unidentified elderly woman was found trapped in a floodgate. Prior to autopsy, full-body multislice computed tomography (MSCT) was performed for study of bone lesions and cause of death. Age was estimated by analysis of the sternal end of the fourth rib and of the pubic symphyseal medial articular surfaces. The results were then compared with the autopsy findings. MSCT was superior to autopsy in diagnosis of traumatic bone lesions and also revealed dental anomalies and signs of drowning. Age estimation gave a similar result for both methods. This case report illustrates the potential value of MSCT for medico-legal investigations of death: diagnosis of injuries, possibility of determining the cause of death, and anthropological study in order to estimate age or to visualize features likely to enable identification of a corpse.  相似文献   

A twentieth-century trend for increased stature has received considerable attention in the forensic literature with regard to its effects on stature estimation, but a secular trend for earlier maturation has received little attention. Current evidence indicates that within populations with similar climatic adaptation, truncation or extension of the same trajectory of ontogenetic allometry accounts for the secular trend and the within-cohort stature variation, as well as the scaling of limb proportion to stature and intralimb proportions. Since secular increase is small compared to interindividual variation, the Trotter and Gleser formulae are still appropriate as long as the 95% confidence intervals are applied. A secular trend for increasing childhood and adolescent obesity is associated with a trend for accelerated skeletal maturation, but does not predict a consistent direction or a quantitative correction for traditional standards. Secular trends for increased stature and earlier maturation are overshadowed by increasing nonsecular intrapopulational variation.  相似文献   

计算机X线断层摄影术具有分辨率高、成像清晰、可进行三维重建等优点,对骨骼和牙齿的成像效果较好。近十年来,国外有学者将其用于推断年龄和身高,判定种族和性别,在相关文献中介绍了有关的研究方法和数据,并对这些方法和数据在法医人类学个体识别中的应用价值进行了客观的评估。笔者对近几年发表的部分文献进行综述,希望能够为法医人类学科研和办案提供新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

Ellis R. Kerley (1924 to 1998) represents an important figure in the history of American forensic anthropology. In research, he is best known for pioneering the microscopic approach to the estimation of age at death from human bone. A university professor for 22 years. Kerley also served as Scientific Director of the Army identification laboratory in Hawaii and worked on many forensic cases. He was a leader in the formation of the Physical Anthropology section of the AAFS and the American Board of Forensic Anthropology and held many offices within the AAFS, including President from 1990 to 1991.  相似文献   

The 1993 US Supreme Court decision Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. presented new guidance for the judicial assessment of expert witness evidence and testimony in the determination of admissibility. Despite the rarity of admissibility challenges to forensic anthropology evidence, Daubert is frequently cited in published forensic anthropology research. This study undertook a qualitative thematic analysis of forensic anthropology articles published in the Journal of Forensic Sciences to assess why authors continue to cite Daubert and express concerns over potential exclusion. The results show a significant increase in the number of articles that cite legal admissibility standards over time (p < 0.001). Authors frequently cite these standards to contextualize their results within the Daubert framework or to justify the need for their research. Notably, many articles present Daubert as a constraining force, misinterpreting the guidelines as rigid criteria or that they require methods to be strictly quantitative. However, Daubert was intended to be a flexible tool for judges—not a standard or instruction for scientists. While it was reasonable to reflect on the scientific rigor of methods in the wake of the Daubert decision, a new perspective is warranted in which forensic anthropologists shift their focus from trying to “satisfy” admissibility guidelines to adopting quality assurance measures that minimize error and ensure confidence in analytical results, and developing and using methods that are grounded in good science—which is important regardless of whether or not the results are ever the subject of a trial.  相似文献   

When the pelvis is unavailable, the skull is widely considered the second best indicator of sex. The goals of this research are to provide an objective hierarchy of sexing effectiveness of cranial and postcranial elements and to test the widespread notion that the skull is superior to postcranial bones. We constructed both univariate and multivariate discriminant models using data from the Forensic Anthropology Data Bank. Discriminating effectiveness was assessed by cross-validated classification, and in the case of multivariate models, Mahalanobis D(2). The results clearly indicate that most postcranial elements outperform the skull in estimating sex. It is possible to correctly sex 88-90% of individuals with joint size, up to 94% with multivariate models of the postcranial bones. The best models for the cranium do not exceed 90%. We conclude that postcranial elements are to be preferred to the cranium for estimating sex when the pelvis is unavailable.  相似文献   

The medico-legal assessment of a subdural haematoma (recent or organized) usually requires some information regarding its cause. Quite often, especially in the absence of a known history of trauma, minor head injuries, which are no longer verifiable, are simply assumed to be the most likely causes. Considering the fact that a subdural haematoma could also be non-traumatic, e.g. in haemorrhagic disorders, cardiac conditions with persistent passive hyperaemia, true inflammatory and degenerative processes of the dura, etc., the medico-legal implication of a possible head injury would require the exclusion of such non-traumatic conditions capable of causing subdural bleeding. In this respect, the case of a 92-year-old man, who suffered from cerebral sclerosis with occasional episodes of confusion and agitation, is briefly discussed. He was reported to have fallen from his bed, was hospitalized and died 2 days later. A head injury was suspected. At autopsy, no skull fractures and no obvious bruises were discovered. Fresh bilateral temporal subdural haematomas were found. These appeared consistent with a suspected head injury sustained as a result of a fall. Fairly large partly organized adherent subdural clots in the parieto-occipital region completely remote from and unconnected with the fresh bitemporal haematomas were also found. Based on the gross pathology and the histology, an attempt is made to assess the possible cause of the organized clots. Some of the findings indicated a possible non-traumatic origin, a consideration which is likely to affect the forensic implications.  相似文献   

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