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The 11th Edgar Snow Symposium,cosponsored by the China Society for Peo-ple’s Friendship Studies(CSPFS)and the Edgar Snow Centre of Beijing University,was held in Beijing on October 8,2004.To carry for ward the spirit of Snow in the exchanges between the peo-ple of China and the U.S.and extend friendship toa cause of common concern,the Chinese and the American sponsors agreed upon“Progress and Achievements Made in the Field of Life Sciences—A To pic of Common Concern to China a…  相似文献   

In May 2000, a delegation of the Israel-ChinaFriendship Society visited China at the invita-tion of the Chinese People's A ssociation for Friendshipwith Foreign Countries. The delegation spent tendays in China, visiting four cities-Beijing, Shang-hai, Harbin and Tianjin, in the last three of which  相似文献   

正ON the occasion of the 43rd anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Lebanon,China Today interviewed Lebanon’s ambassador to China Fared Abboud about the history of Sino-Lebanese relations and the prospects for its future development.China Today:What have been the most significant developments in the history of Sino-Lebanese relations?  相似文献   

China made big strides in its diplomatic push in 2006 as it confronted changing global conditions, according to Xiong Guangkai, President of the China Institute for International Strategic Studies and former Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. Xiong was recently interviewed by Study Times, a journal run by the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, on these and other diplomatic issues. Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

AT the National Energy Work Conference in January 2011,the Chinese government doubled its 2020 target for installed nuclear energy capacity which was set four years ago,to 86 million kW.The country’s current energy shortage partly drives the decision as does its ongoing commitment to the international community for energy conservation and emission reduction.According to up-to-date statistics from the Nuclear Energy Institute of the U.S.that were made available at the conference,the number of nuclear power plants under construction in China accounts for more than 40 percent of the global total,ranking China first in the world for number of plants under construction.  相似文献   

"We performed in the Carnegie Hall in New York City. Builders of the hall could not have dreamed that this premier venue for performing arts in the world would play host to us, a group of special performing artists from China. The audiences were enthralled, seeing the charms of the artists from the orient for the first time," says Zhang Jigang, art director of the China Disabled Persons' Performing Art Troupe (CDPPAT), head of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the General Political Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the only dancer in China to have won the Century Star title.  相似文献   

The Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October 2003 put forward a scientific approach of people-centered, all-round, coordinated and sustainable development and made it a strategy for governing the country, putting it in command of all economic and social development. Since reform and opening up in 1978, China has persisted in the central task of economic development and put development in the first place. The evolution of the concept "development is the  相似文献   

China has become one of the major destinations for foreign investment in the world today. Statistics from the Chinese Ministry of Commerce indicate that some $60.5 billion worth of foreign investment had been brought to the country in 2005. This large-scale utilization of foreign capital has greatly fueled local economic growth and integrated China even more into the global economy.  相似文献   

My name is Nyima Tshering.I am speaking on behalf of the China Association for Pres-ervation and Development of Tibetan Culture.Mytopic is Tibetan religious culture.I am a Tibetan monk from the Jokhang Mon-astery in Lhasa of Tibet as well as council mem-ber of the China Association for Preservation andDevelopment of Tibetan Culture.As a Tibetanmonk I feel greatly honoured to discuss Tibetanculture and religions with you.Located in the southwest of China,Tibet lieson the Qinghai-Tib…  相似文献   

中共十六大报告提出"坚持依法执政,实施党对国家和社会的领导".这是新世纪新时期对党提出的必然要求,也是党在执政理念上的重大创新.  相似文献   

在我国目前已基本实现了一部分人,一部分地区先富起来的目标后,社会成员之间收入差距拉大的矛盾日益突出,今后如何实现共同富裕的目标,需要继续把握和处理好效率与公平的关系问题。特别是在基本实现一部分人先富起来的目标后,体现公平显得愈来愈重要。在建设社会主义经济体制的过程中,要逐步形在市场注重效率,政府注重公平的格局。  相似文献   

"马哲"①面向现实、回归现实生活的问题,其实是哲学家如何自觉地感悟生活、把握生活的本质和主流,有效阐释生活的本质和规律的问题;进而是以实践为中介和契机,推动"马哲"与生活的辩证运动、理论与实践的具体历史统一的问题。哲学家要做到这点,需做好立足现实实践,反观历史逻辑,达到对历史与未来的哲学贯通;以实践为纽结,汇聚主体与客体、理论与实践、事实与价值,在这种矛盾运动和双向深化中,感悟哲学;按照实践的本性和规律去理解哲学与生活的辩证运动,创造性地诠释生活,建设性地展开生活;立足于当代社会实践,深入现实与历史,汇通科学与人文,在时代的整体语境中综合创新。"马哲"需要以自己的方式"远离"生活,即对生活采取一种超然的和冷观的态度。"马哲"还需要"归元",需要向"第一原理"层面下功夫,需要追求客观普遍性。哲学家应独立地思考生活,自由地和创造性地诠释生活。  相似文献   

大老虎与小老鼠 有一天,一只老虎在太阳底下睡觉.一只小老鼠经过时碰到了它的爪子,把它惊醒了.老虎正要张嘴吃它,小老鼠说道:"哦,别吃我,请让我走吧,先生!有一天也许我会报答你的."老虎在心里笑,小小的老鼠怎么可能帮一只大老虎呢?但它是一只好心肠的老虎,就把老鼠放走了.不久以后,这只老虎被一张网罩住了.  相似文献   

应关注大众传媒的误导偏向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来部分大众传媒在关注受众中呈现出过度娱乐化倾向;在迎合市场中呈现出过于低俗化倾向:在追逐时尚中呈现出极端窥秘化倾向;在追求效应中呈现出趋于虚假化倾向.规范大众传媒的正确导向,应该树立社会主义道德观,在注重娱乐品质中反对泛娱乐化倾向;规范传媒的社会责任,在注重提高大众水平中反对低俗化倾向;完善传媒的监督制度,在注重保护个人隐私中反对窥秘化倾向:加强传媒的职业精神,在注重提高传媒公信中反对虚假化倾向.  相似文献   

It is believed that China will promulgate its Regulations Concerning General Aviation Flight Control before the end of this year. This will permit private aircraft to fly at low-altitude (below 600 meters). "China's sky will become unprecedented-ly open," predicted Cao Jingnan, senior engineer and deputy director of the Chinese Association of Aeronautics and  相似文献   

结合煤气公司的实际从如何发挥自身优势 ,稳步推进管理体制改革 ,切实转换经营机制 3方面进行了阐述 ,以期实现煤气公司的可持续发展  相似文献   

灵活运用SPSS进行税收预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了利用SPSS进行税收预测要注意的问题,并就如何灵活利用SPSS进行预测举出两个实际例子.通过实例证明:在预测过程中,同时利用纵向数据及横向数据进行预测,有利于预测精度的提高.  相似文献   

大凡对人生抱有积极态度的人。都希望能有所作为,实现自身价值。干净干事,造福百姓,更是我们公安民警的不懈追求。一个人能否有所作为,取决于多种因素,如信念、禀赋、能力、机遇等等,然而,除了这些人们熟知的因素.还有一个重要因素却常常被一些人忽视.那就是“有所畏”。  相似文献   

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