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There is abundant evidence that research collaboration has become the norm in every field of scientific and technical research. We provide a critical overview of the literature on research collaboration, focusing particularly on individual-level collaborations among university researchers, but we also give attention to university researchers’ collaborations with researchers in other sectors, including industry. We consider collaborations aimed chiefly at expanding the base of knowledge (knowledge-focused collaborations) as well as ones focused on production of economic value and wealth (property-focused collaborations), the latter including most academic entrepreneurship research collaborations. To help organize our review we develop a framework for analysis, one that considers attributes of collaborators, collaborative process and organization characteristics as the affect collaboration choices and outcomes. In addition, we develop and use a “Propositional Table for Research Collaboration Literature,” presented as an “Appendix” to this study. We conclude with some suggestions for possible improvement in research on collaboration including: (1) more attention to multiple levels of analysis and the interactions among them; (2) more careful measurement of impacts as opposed to outputs; (3) more studies on ‘malpractice’ in collaboration, including exploitation; (4) increased attention to collaborators’ motives and the social psychology of collaborative teams.  相似文献   

Inter-firms R&D collaborations are often seen as an effective mean to access new resources, to innovate and/or to enter new markets in a turbulent environment characterized by fierce competition. However, all R&D partnerships do not have the same strategic importance. We analyze the strategic features of two types of partnerships that are seldom compared in the academic literature on R&D alliances: EU-sponsored inter-firms collaborations on the one hand, and non-sponsored, spontaneous inter-firm collaborations on the other. We compare their incentives and coordination mechanisms, and derive theoretical propositions that we test empirically. Our econometric analysis uses original data on (sponsored and non-sponsored) projects conducted by participants in the 5th and 6th European R&D Framework Programs. Our empirical findings support our main propositions. EU-funded collaborations are more exploratory and more focused on peripheral competences than spontaneous R&D collaborations. They are also less flexible, due to rigid monitoring rules which are nevertheless crucial to the projects?? success. However, there is no major difference between the different types of EU-sponsored collaborations, which pleads for a simplification of these policy instruments.  相似文献   

Each year, the United States invests about $45 billion in research conducted by federal researchers within federal laboratories. These efforts generate extensive social benefits when results are transferred to the private sector. It is important that we effectively quantify the economic and societal impact of federal technology transfer activities to inform taxpayers and policymakers about the value of public investments in this form of research. The Argus II device, an artificial retina commercialized in the United States by Second Sight in 2013, provides a rich example of how private sector innovation can be enhanced by research collaborations with federal labs and academia. Over the 25-year journey from idea to product, Second Sight carried out research and development collaborations with six Department of Energy national laboratories and seven universities. The case of Argus II also offers valuable insight into (1) how private industry, academia, and government can work together to bring socially beneficial innovations to fruition and (2) the tradeoffs inherent in these public–private collaborations. In this paper, we use a Markov model to estimate the realized and potential future social benefits associated with Argus II. We provide an interactive tool that can be used to replicate our findings and modify assumptions using updated patient information as it becomes available. We also provide insight into the aspects of federal involvement surrounding the development of Argus II that contributed to its successful commercialization and discuss other spillover benefits from these public–private collaborations.  相似文献   

While the performance implications of university-industry collaboration (UIC) have been the subject of extensive research, no study thus far has investigated the potential influence of absorptive capacity and innovation competencies on the relationship between UIC and product innovation performance. Based on a sample of 2061 German companies from two waves of the German Community Innovation Survey and using moderated multiple regression, this study examines these moderating effects and provides the following findings: (1) absorptive capacity in terms of internal R&D negatively moderates the relationship between UIC and incremental innovation performance and has no effect on the relationship between UIC and radical innovation performance; (2) absorptive capacity related to employee know-how has no moderating effect on the relationship between UIC and incremental innovation performance but positively moderates the relationship between UIC and radical innovation performance; and (3) innovation competencies exert no moderating effect on the relationship between UIC and incremental innovation performance but have a predominantly positive moderating effect on the relationship between UIC and radical innovation performance. In summary, our study provides relevant insights on the dynamics governing UIC relationships and provides evidence for potential negative effects of absorptive capacity in the context of collaborative R&D (substitution effect). Providing an in-depth analysis of UIC, this study offers insights for research in this field by explaining the variance in the outcomes of UIC. Moreover, our findings have the potential to aid practitioners (e.g., innovation managers, researchers, and governing and funding bodies) in their decisions concerning their involvement in UIC.  相似文献   

Inventors often experience a low productivity after their company has been subject to a merger or acquisition (M&As). It is of central managerial interest to identify factors facilitating the integration of new inventive staff and thereby counteracting innovation declines after M&As. This paper provides empirical evidence into the role of acquiring firms?? absorptive capacity for the post-merger patent productivity of the acquired inventors. Based on a sample of 544 inventors employed by European acquisition targets in the period 2000?C2001 it is shown that the post-merger productivity of acquired inventors is significantly higher within acquiring firms with a distinct absorptive capacity. It can be concluded that absorptive capacity is a firm capability that enhances the integration of inventors after firm takeovers.  相似文献   

During the past 20 years, we have learned how similarly harmful are experiences of terror, violence, and abuse, whether they occur on the combat field or at home. The field of family violence has gained much from the field of traumatic stress, and collaborations between these two previously separate fields have yielded important new answers, as well as new research questions. The field of traumatic stress is poised to integrate, more fully than in the past, a variety of aspects of trauma such as social betrayal, as well as outcomes of trauma such as depression, criminality, and physiological harm that go beyond posttraumatic stress. The field of family violence has much to offer in this process. We look forward to improved research designs that will further our knowledge of how trauma affects aspects of people's lives, including productivity, relationships, cognition, and emotions, in negative and positive ways.  相似文献   

This article seeks to address two fundamental questions: (1) Does social capital (SC) embedded in global buyer–supplier (GBS) relationships enhance local firms’ potential absorptive capacity (PAC) and realized absorptive capacity (RAC)? And (2) What are the effects of local firms’ PAC and RAC on their innovation outcomes? Based on survey data collected from 297 Chinese firms engaged in GBS cooperation in China’s Yangtze River Delta region, we test our research hypotheses with the structural equation modelling approach. The empirical findings indicate that both structural and relational SC are important antecedents of PAC and RAC in global buyer–supplier relationships. More specifically, RAC not only improves local suppliers’ new product performance, but also fully mediates the relationship between PAC and new product performance. Our results have two major implications for practicing managers. First, local suppliers in emerging economies need to pay more attention to SC embedded in GBS relationships for it is an important means for them to overcome resource constraints and therefore to improve their new product performance. Second, it is important for managers in local firms to continuously improve their PAC to better assess and assimilate external knowledge, and extend their RAC to upgrade their interpretation and comprehension of commercialization possibilities, which allows for generating synergy of knowledge recombination with existing core competencies.  相似文献   

Addressing sexual and relationship violence (SRV) on campuses requires coordinated engagement from all members of the campus-community; however, many campuses do not yet have the infrastructure or institutional commitment to build an all-campus action plan. In such cases, campuses lack the metaphorical table around which collaboration happens. This paper presents tensions and lessons learned so far from a faculty-staff-student partnership to build a movement toward university-wide collaborative practice. Through iterative, collaborative reflection on our context, practice, and intermediate outcomes, we identified recommendations for improving praxis in campus-based, intersectional anti-SRV organizing. Our analysis explores how our individual positionalities both open up and limit our potential to move this work forward. We share our guiding values and frameworks, including intersectional feminist attention to power and oppression; centering survivors and students; strategic collaboration within systems; and integrating self-care and other supportive practices for building a sustainable movement. Our emergent strategy, illustrated through ten lessons/tensions and four case examples, focuses on finding close collaborators with shared SRV analysis; making the best use of resources and spaces we control; identifying meaningful “small wins;” and pursuing opportunities to connect to others through positive collaborations. Efforts to intentionally raise awareness and grow strategic institutional connections build momentum toward institutionally-supported campus-wide evaluation and reimagining of prevention and survivor-support efforts. While feminist collaborative social change is challenging, we celebrate and learn from our “two steps forward” to sustain us through the inevitable steps back. We write to stir a conversation where we help each other interpret and learn across our varied contexts.  相似文献   

The policing of football crowds in Sweden is underpinned by a national coordination approach based upon a set of conflict reducing principles and supported by crowd theory. The approach is referred to as the Special Police Tactic (SPT). While focused on police capacity to exercise force, the SPT also gives primacy to tactics based upon communication, in the form of Dialogue Police. Existing research on the SPT focuses exclusively on the policing of protest crowds. This paper extends the existing literature by reporting on a large scale three-year observational research project examining the SPT as it is applied to football fixtures involving several of Sweden’s major football clubs. On the basis of our analysis we draw out how policing operations in line with facilitation and communication were associated with effective outcomes. However, we also highlight deficiencies in national coordination and coherence as well as highlighting important innovations with regard to approaches to dialogue with football fans. We explore the implications of our analysis for theoretical understanding of effective football crowd management and engagement with fan culture.  相似文献   

Joanne Belknap’s recent ASC presidential address included a critique of Convict Criminology’s activism. A number of concerns were provided, although of particular importance here are, first, Belknap’s concerns regarding the absence of ‘marginalized voices’ in the Convict Criminology network. Second, the issue of defining how non-con academics function as Convict Criminology group members. This paper responds to these criticisms. Specifically, we discuss the question of ‘representation’ in BCC and our attempts to remedy this issue. We also draw attention to the academic activism that British Convict Criminology is conducting in Europe. This includes a detailed discussion of the collaborative research-activist activities that involve non-con as well as ex-con academic network members. We demonstrate how these collaborations explain the vital group membership role that non-con academics assume in the activism of Convict Criminology.  相似文献   


Three professors at a regional public university describe the goals, methods, and results of an experimental course in empowering a diverse group of students to build a more just community among themselves. Students critically examined theories of community and justice in relation to the social construction of difference, including their own experience as members of various social class, racial/ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, and ability groups. A six-hour diversity workshop designed by the National Coalition Building Institute and Arnold Mindell's principles of deep democracy were used to transform the class, increase group awareness, and model more authentic, generous interactions. Students then developed Action Research teams to plan and carry out a project to enhance the larger campus community. Faculty and students reported increased critical consciousness, empathy skills, empowerment, and a sense of community among students. Faculty concluded that it was necessary to focus specific attention on social injustice within the classroom and on campus, rather than "out there" in the world. Sharing our experience and responding to different needs of group members promotes learning, strengthens democracy, and humanizes us all.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of local linkages, international linkages, and absorptive capacity on firm innovation for firms based in one emerging economy while operating in another emerging economy. Testing research hypotheses derived from the institutional and organizational learning perspectives on a sample of 102 Taiwanese manufacturing firms operating in China, we find that the impact of international linkages is greater than that of local linkages, while both local and international linkages have a positive impact on innovation. Further analysis confirms that absorptive capacity has a stronger moderating effect on the relationship between local linkages and innovation than it does on the relationship between international linkages and innovation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this special issue is to explore how researchers, evaluators, and practitioners use community-based, participatory research (CBPR) approaches to prevent gender-based violence, support survivors, and transform communities and systems. In this introduction, the editors define gender-based violence (GBV) and briefly discuss how systemic inequities exacerbate the prevalence of GBV. The authors featured in this special issue aim to dismantle these inequities by engaging in research approaches that center those who are most impacted by the social issue, ensure that community members guide the research process, build community capacity, and aim to transform oppressive conditions. The issue includes six empirical studies across the United States that cover the process and outcomes of conducting transformative CBPR. It also contains six commentaries from GBV adult practitioners and young people who provide pertinent insights on their experiences working with academic researchers and/or engaging in participatory research. The articles in this special issue cover the major themes of defining community, working in inequitable conditions, and transforming individuals and communities.  相似文献   

黄淑娥 《政法学刊》2008,25(3):118-121
城市出租屋与流动人口管理是一项复杂的社会工程,其需要社会各种力量与资源的整合。建立一套与动态环境及社会主义市场经济体制相适应的流动人口管理制度和管理机制是必要的。引入市场机制,实行出租屋和流动人口的社会化、产业化、法制化和科技化管理新思路。  相似文献   

A substantial amount of research assesses the ability of Hirschi’s social bonds theory to explain numerous deviance oriented outcomes. In addition to amassing support for the theory, studies have also examined social bonds from sex and racial perspectives finding variations in bond strengths. Despite the impressive body of literature, one area that has yet to be explored is how social bonds and their relationships with deviance may vary between sexual orientation groups. Thus, the current study sought to compare the strength of social bonds and assess how social bonds can predict substance use between heterosexuals and non-heterosexuals. Self-reported data collected from 626 college students was examined using linear and logistic regression models. Results revealed that social bonds tend to be stronger and better predictors of substance use for heterosexuals. This study is the first of its kind to explore social bonds as a predictor between sexual orientation groups. Results indicate there is a need to further explore the strength of social bonds as predictors between sexual orientation groups. Heterosexuals and non-heterosexuals have different experiences as a result of their sexual orientation leading to varying relationships between social bonds and deviance.  相似文献   

Social scientists have long investigated the social, cultural, and psychological forces that shape perceptions of fairness. A vast literature on procedural justice advances a central finding: the process by which a dispute is played out is central to people's perceptions of fairness and their satisfaction with dispute outcomes. There is, however, one glaring gap in the literature. In this era of mass incarceration, studies of how the incarcerated weigh procedural justice versus substantive justice are rare. This article addresses this gap by drawing on unique quantitative and qualitative data, including face‐to‐face interviews with a random sample of men incarcerated in three California prisons and official data provided by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). Our mixed‐methods analysis reveals that these prisoners privilege the actual outcomes of disputes as their barometer of justice. We argue that the dominance of substantive outcomes in these men's perceptions of fairness and in their dispute satisfaction is grounded in, among other things, the high stakes of the prison context, an argument that is confirmed by our data. These findings do not refute the importance of procedural justice, but show the power of institutional context to structure perceptions of and responses to fairness, one of the most fundamental principles of social life.  相似文献   

Economic Efficiency in a World of Frictions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the literature has given increasing attention to the roles played by transaction costs and bounded rationality in shaping economic outcomes, attempts have been made to redefine the concept of economic efficiency. The traditional criterion, which is linked to the standard Pareto conditions, is said to lead to the nirvana fallacy. The newer, alternative definitions, however, are also open to criticism on grounds that they involve contradictory assumptions. It appears that, for logical consistency to hold, only a loose, qualitative definition of allocative efficiency can be established for a system in which decision makers have limited cognitive capacity and both transaction and deliberation costs are positive. Given this interpretation, the analytical focus should shift from concern with narrow technical issues of allocative efficiency to a consideration of how legal, social and other constraints can be changed to improve economic performance.  相似文献   

This article addresses a new field for legal education researchers. It describes and discusses emergent methods for computer-aided qualitative data analysis of social media in legal education. Social media contributes opportunities for learning, teaching, and research for legal educators and students. It potentially expedites collaborations, sharing, and collection of information and commentary on relevant and important issues and topics. These sources provide content and data for learning, teaching, and research. Benefits of computer-aided qualitative data analysis of social media in legal education include a systematic approach, transparency, accountability and durability, and innovative ways to communicate insights through textual and graphical communications. The article uses two examples in which computer-aided qualitative data analysis, combined with qualitative data analysis strategies, can contribute insights in and about legal education: analysis of social media discussions involving specific topics or events – to study students’ work, or academics’ interactions at conferences; and analysis of legal educators’ scholarly communications and social media activities, toward improving the visibility and influence of legal education scholarship. Research ethics for studies involving social media and human participants are also considered.  相似文献   

The American health care system embodies a complex amalgamation of fractured and conflicting parts. As such, any call to enhance quality or competition necessarily presupposes some ability to introduce greater harmony and coordination. But how does one make a complicated system work well? Dynamic theories of economics stress the significance of section mechanisms, learning, and adaptive modes of behavior in directing markets toward more efficient outcomes under conditions of uncertainty. Unfortunately, the American health care sector suffers from intense factional divisions. Policy makers need a more self-conscious understanding of the interactive and often conflicting effects of regulation if the health care system is to be reshaped in a manner that will generate more desired social outcomes. Evolutionary theories of economics can provide the conceptual framework in which such a restructuring could take place. This article examines how health care quality and competition can be improved through a better understanding of dynamic economic processes and evaluates the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice 2004 report Improving Health Care: A Dose of Competition in light of these perspectives.  相似文献   

There is increasing awareness that domestic violence (DV) and child maltreatment often overlap and that there are significant negative consequences to women and children who are victims in the same families. The present study contains data from a participatory evaluation of a multisite national demonstration project on family violence (the Greenbook Initiative), funded jointly by the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services and Justice. The goal of this initiative was to increase community capacity to assist dually victimized families. This article focuses on the DV service organizations in the demonstration with regard to collaborations with other agencies and work within the DV system to respond to dually victimized families. Findings suggest that DV agencies participated in leadership roles, cross-system collaborations, and cross-system trainings throughout the initiative. Within-agency practice changes were less apparent. Research and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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