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In the last years, Science and Technology Parks (STPs) have been considered facilitators of inter-organizational relationships, as well as instruments of public policy, by creating networks and allowing access for the learning of local innovation. In this study, we propose a quantitative tool as support for measuring the efficiency of STPs through the analysis of the complex networks they form. We present a generic framework called the Inter-Relationship Science-Park Analysis (ISA) framework to study STPs at three different levels of management: (1) individual entities (research centres, universities, innovation companies, etc.); (2) STP global management; and (3) productive sector development. Moreover, we have applied the ISA framework to a real-world case study: the Walqa Science and Technology Park. Through it we have been able to know what relationships are established within this Science and Technology Park and which are the most important nodes in this network of interactions.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - Over the past decades, public policy has promoted the establishment of science parks to support the development and growth of technology-based firms and, as...  相似文献   

新年伊始,科技法学研究又掀起新高潮。1月10日中国科技法学会在上海召开了“科技法学学科建设研讨会”,中国科技法学会会长段瑞春教授、中国科技法学会副会长曹昌祯教授参加了会议。来自上海市人大教科文卫委员会、上海市科委、上海市信息委、上海市知识产权局、复旦大学、上海交通大学、同济大学、华东政法学院、上海大学、上海政法学院、上海电视大学和上海社科院法学所的专家学者参加了研讨。与会专家围绕科技法学的学科建设展开了认真积极地讨论,大家踊跃发言,各抒己见,欲罢不能。现将部分专家学者的发言整理刊发,以飨读者。  相似文献   

刑事科学技术是一门涉及多学科的综合性应用科学。经过广大刑事科学技术工作者半个世纪的努力拼搏,我国刑事科学技术事业已经从较为原始落后的基础上逐渐成长起来。科学理论充分发展,科技成果不断涌现,应用领域日益广阔,所起作用显著增强,已成为我国公安工作的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

During the past several years participants in the Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable, chaired by Richard Celeste, have discussed cooperation in science and technology programs between state and federal agencies. The result is the following paper on the potential for and means of promoting such cooperation. The roundtable is sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine. [It was] created in 1984 to provide a forum where scientists, administrators, and policy makers from government, university, and industry can come together on an ongoing basis to explore ways to improve the productivity of the nation's research enterprise. The object is to try to understand issues, to inject imaginative thought into the system, and to provide a setting for discussion and the seeking of common ground. The roundtable does not make recommendations, nor of fer specific advice; it develops options and brings interested parties together.  相似文献   

We analyse the results of a survey conducted by the Bank of Italy in the spring of 2012 on Italian science and technology parks. First we describe the main features of science parks in Italy. Then we investigate whether they have been effective in improving the economic performance and innovative capacity of the firms located within them. We find a pronounced heterogeneity between science and technology parks, whose cooperation with public research institutions is characterized by physical proximity. Although the business situation of firms located in science and technology parks tends on average to be better than that of similar “non-park” firms, a difference-in-differences estimation shows that entering a science and technology park did not generally improve firms’ business performance and their propensity to innovate compared with external counterparts.  相似文献   

胡开忠 《科技与法律》2004,31(3):8-13,67
以信息技术、生物技术和新能源技术为代表的高科技产业的兴起对传统的专利制度产生了极大地冲击 ,它拓展了专利制度的客体 ,改变了专利权的授权标准及授予程序 ,促进了专利保护的现代化和国际化 ,我国《专利法》应根据上述发展做出相应的修订。  相似文献   

高科技的发展对社会的影响是全方位的。高科技对行政组织变革的影响主要反映在行政组织结构、行政组织的职能和行政组织的管理方式的变革上。在高科技条件下,行政组织的变革会出现一系列的问题,正确地处理这些问题是行政组织的变革向有利于社会进步的方向发展的重要条件。  相似文献   

适配体技术是生物科技研究中的新兴发展技术之一,具有广阔的应用前景。本文从适配体技术的发展、研究方法、特性以及应用领域进行综述,并对该技术在法庭科学中的应用做出展望,以推动我国法庭科学领域对适配体技术的研究和应用。  相似文献   

本文论述了公安标准化在公安科技工作中的作用及意义,分析了公安科技的发展和公安标准化之间的关系。本文对于强化公安科技工作的科学、规范管理,充分发挥公安标准的作用具有一定的应用意义。  相似文献   

Conversion of science to technology typically represents a transition across cultures, organizations, time scales, perspectives, personal motivations and philosophies. The purpose of this special issue is to address the specific problem of efficient and effective conversion of science to technology. This special issue will focus on the ideas, concepts and principles (for improving the science to technology conversion) that can be derived from past and present practices, and will complement recent special journal issues on Research Impact Assessment (Evaluation Review, February 1994) and Performance Measures for Government Sponsored Research (Scientometrics, July–August 1996). The theme that permeates this special issue is that efficient science to technology conversion is a contact sport. It is critical that interested parties (from each side of the science-technology barrier) develop early awareness of, and subsequent early involvement in, each other's culture, problems, and potential to maximize opportunities for removing impediments to successful transition. Awareness and involvement can be greatly enhanced through the use of the latest findings and tools resulting from advances in information science and technology. The various papers in this special issue present concepts and successful examples for enhancing mutual awareness and deepening the breadth and period of involvement that eventually result in transition obstacle removal.  相似文献   

介绍了粒子激发X-射线荧光分析技术及其在物证检验领域的应用,展望了它的前景,为我们进行气态物质分析、对界面的分析、珍贵文物的无损鉴定提出了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

贯彻十七大精神,公安科技通信部门必须以科学发展观为指导,着眼于科通工作在公安工作中的基础性、全局性、战略性、支撑性、日常性、实战性作用,推动科通工作实现跨越发展.  相似文献   

随着二代测序技术的快速发展,其高通量和低成本在生命科学领域应用广泛,测序的通量更高,测序时间和成本不断下降,使得其被广泛应用于微生物研究、古DNA研究、临床诊断、法医学研究等。本文阐述了二代测序技术平台及其遗传标记在法医学中的应用,包括STR分型、SNP分型、HLA基因型预测以及在降解检材中的应用等。  相似文献   

关于我国科技查新及其发展的探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张星明 《科技与法律》2003,(1):26-27,35
随着社会信息化的发展 ,科技查新作为科技信息服务业中的一个重要部分 ,在科技与经济活动中扮演着极为重要的角色。本文结合科技查新的发展情况 ,简要论述了科技查新存在的主要问题及其在科技与经济中的重要作用 ,并对当前和今后一个时期科技查新工作的发展提出了政策性的意见与看法  相似文献   

段瑞春 《科技与法律》2009,77(1):13-14,16
新的历史时期,全面回顾我国科技法制建设的伟大里程,意义重大。在经济全球化和新科技革命交互作用的大背景下,我国改革开放30年的一大成功实践,是把依法治国基本方略和科教兴国发展战略有机结合,运用科学技术基本法及相关法律的强大武器,大力促进、引导、规范和保障科学技术进步与创新,为推进中国特定社会主义现代化事业提供了强大支撑。  相似文献   

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