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The recent controversy over the age relationship with criminal behavior can be traced to Hirschi and Gottfredson's (Am. J. Sociol. 89, 552–584, 1983) failure to define invariance. In this paper, I distinguish two types of invariance—parametric andmathematical form— that explains both the pattern of stability claimed by Hirschi and Gottfredson and the pattern of variability observed in more recent research. I then directly test for each type of invariance using age-specific arrest data for index offenses in the United States from 1952 to 1987. The results are largely consistent with recent research showing variability in the characteristics (i.e., parameters) of the age distribution of crime, but at the same time, the results provide evidence for a persistent, underlying mathematical form to the age distribution of crime, regardless of year or offense type.  相似文献   

Several core propositions of self-control theory were tested utilizing self-reported data gathered from university students in Malta, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States. The results provide some support for the claim that ineffective parenting decreases self-control and strong support for the proposition that self-control increases deviant behavior. Additionally, tests of slope differences for key theoretical variables across samples generated findings that are largely consistent with the theory's cultural invariance thesis. Implications of the findings from this multinational test are discussed.  相似文献   

Although considerable research has examined the direct effects of age and economic conditions on crime, relatively little work has investigated the joint influence that age and unemployment may have on rates of criminal behavior. This study extends prior research on the unemployment-crime relationship by testing simultaneously for (1) variation in the unemployment-crime relationship by age group and (2) variation in the unemployment-crime relationship over time. Age-specific arrest and unemployment time-series data for the United States from 1958 to 1995 are used to test these hypotheses. The two main findings indicate that (1) unemployment has a greater motivational effect on property crime among youth and young adults and (2) the unemployment-crime relationship varies over time, but in a way that appears to be more random than systematic. The implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

We use data from a survey covering ages 15–94 to test the Hirschi/Gottfredson hypothesis that the correlates and causes of crime do not interact with age. These data reveal some nonchance interaction between age and demographic and theoretical predictors of criminal behavior that is localized in specific age categories and around particular variables and/or offenses. Overall, however, such interaction does not appear to be substantial, nor does it seem to have important consequences for generalizing from age restricted samples, particularly where generalization is of the most common type-from youth samples to adults. Therefore, despite some results contrary to a strict assertion that the causes and correlates of crime are the same for all ages, our findings support the thrust of the Hirschi/Gottfredson interaction hypothesis.  相似文献   

青少年犯罪问题及其成因是各国普遍关注的焦点,也是犯罪成因研究的主要领域.青少年犯罪的成因相当复杂,已经广泛涉及到了生物神经科学、心理学、社会学、经济学以及政策等层面,迄今还没有令各方一致满意的定论.作为犯罪行为产生的最直接的因素--心理层面的理论研究则是青少年犯罪成因研究中非常有特色的领域.近年来,青少年犯罪成因理论研究逐渐采取了科际整合的观点,结合各领域各个学科的研究对各类青少年犯罪进行研究.青少年危险模式包括了社区、家庭和个人等因素,提供了多元化的取向.我国的学者长期囿于传统的横断研究,鲜有对青少年犯罪进行纵贯研究者,需要进行青少年犯罪纵贯研究的尝试与探索.  相似文献   

Self-control Depletion and the General Theory of Crime   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Criminological research on self-control focuses mainly on self-control failure. Such research has not, however, investigated the consequences of exercising self-control for the individual doing so. The present study investigates this issue within the framework of both criminological self-control theory and research on self-control depletion from social psychology, which depicts self-control as akin to a “muscle” that is “depletable” by prior use [Muraven and Baumeister (2000) Psycholog Bull 126:247–259]. Results are presented from a laboratory experiment in which students have the opportunity to cheat. Both “trait self-control,” as measured by the Grasmick et al. [(1993) J Res Crime Delinq 30:5–29] self-control inventory, and “self-control depletion” independently predicted cheating. The implications of these findings are explored for criminological perspectives on self-control and offender decision-making.
Mark MuravenEmail:

Zou CY  Xu J  Jiang P 《法医学杂志》2007,23(6):434-437
目的分析不同年龄的下颌骨正中受力时,下颌骨三维有限元分布的差异。方法选用儿童、中年和老年的下颌骨,采用螺旋CT扫描,MIMICS软件建模,HYPERMESH软件划分单元,ANSYS进行三维有限元应力分布分析。结果三种年龄下颌骨最大的平均综合应力均出现在下颌角;中年的下颌颈有应力的分布,但老年和儿童的下颌颈几乎没有应力的分布。结论下颌骨应力的分布与骨折的发病率相关,不同年龄下颌骨应力的分布与骨折的高发年龄相关。  相似文献   

车迅 《行政与法》2010,(12):118-121
近年国内一些学者开始对传统刑法学将不能犯作为未遂的类型之一的观点进行质疑,使不能犯成为理论界关注的问题。而笔者亦认为有严格区分未遂犯和不能犯的必要,故试图采用比较分析法,结合国内外关于不能犯的理论进行比较研究,建议我国采用具体危险说为标准区分不能犯和能犯未遂的界限,以实现刑法的社会保护机能和社会保障机能。  相似文献   

从历史的角度考察 ,犯罪的认定从古至今经历了“重实质”到“重形式” ,再到“形式与实质统一”这样一个发展过程。从认识论的角度考察众多的犯罪本质观 ,规范违反说是最符合社会科学的价值特质的一种观点。在内容上 ,“罪的观念”是在社会一般规范与现实中发生的行为互动的过程中产生的 ,而社会一般规范是在各种观点的竞争和妥协过程中整合而来。规范违犯与法益侵害在层次上、作用场域上不同 ,但又相互影响和支撑。  相似文献   

Most criminal acts are committed in very small groups or alone, and are repeated sporadically. But that is not always the case. Co-offending can include larger groups, cooperating sequentially or simultaneously, knowing each other or at least knowing about one another. We may use the term “extended co-offending” to subsume varieties of crime organization, crime networks, gangs, and criminal clusters. Extended co-offending also includes vaguely organized crime repetitions, and is a matter of degree. Criminal cooperation can be extended in time, space, numbers of persons involved, and types of criminal action. The extension process has a very wide span of possibilities. Drawing ideas from Max Weber and others, this paper suggests that the natural history of criminal cooperation progresses in four stages, with steeply decreasing prevalence: (1) primordial clusters of offenders, (2) small-scale charismatic leadership of offenders, (3) a medium-scale patrimonial system of offenders, and (4) and an extended patrimonial system of criminal cooperation. Primordial co-offending occurs on a very local level, with little or no hierarchy or systematic repetition. Extended criminal cooperation usually requires personal trust among offenders, favoring patrimony over formal organization.  相似文献   

杨代雄 《法学研究》2007,29(1):32-41
近代德国民法学中的私权一般理论是德国民法典总则赖以形成的学理基础,民法典总则在本质上属于私权通则。民法典总则具有充分的方法论依据与实用价值。我国未来民法典应该设立总则,总则的体系构造应当以私权(民事权利)的一般原理体系作为逻辑基础。民法草案总则的体系存在缺陷,应当予以完善。  相似文献   

犯罪认定是一个动态的价值判断过程,司法三段论是这一判断过程的逻辑体现,在寻找大前提、确定小前提以及大小前提涵摄判断的过程中,犯罪构成理论并不能发挥实际的作用,因为犯罪的认定与犯罪构成理论之间并不具有必然的关联性,采取何种犯罪论体系也不会影响犯罪认定的结果。犯罪构成理论只是针对刑法规定的犯罪成立条件进行理论解读和体系建构的结果,作为解释结论它被解释对象和解释主体的前见所决定,在解释对象即刑法规定不变的前提下,不同的犯罪构成理论体系只是不同解释主体从不同逻辑前提出发所作的不同解释选择。  相似文献   

为我国现行不能犯理论辩护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈家林 《法律科学》2008,26(4):121-129
我国不能犯理论的通说属于客观主义性质的学说,与德、法、英、美等国家在未遂犯的判断上采用了相同的观点。我国不能犯理论的通说较之具体的危险说、修正的客观危险说等各种新提倡的观点而言更具合理性。  相似文献   

量刑反制定罪论高举实质正义的大旗,强调量刑对定罪的反作用。然而认为该理论违反罪刑法定原则的批评比比皆是,目前学界主要存在滥用司法权、突破构成要件限制以及违反传统的罪刑关系这三个批评意见。抽象意义上的滥用司法权以及违反传统以罪定刑的观念无法形成有力的批评,但量刑反制定罪不能突破构成要件的限制,在此前提下的量刑对于定罪的反作用正是该理论的合理性所在,这种解释论意义上的量刑反制定罪并不违反罪刑法定原则。  相似文献   

Drug- and nondrug-related acquisitive crime offences such as burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft, were compared to assess whether drug abusers were more likely to be apprehended via forensic science techniques. Data were all acquisitive offences committed over a 6-year period within a police force area in England. Drug-dependent offenders committed a wider range of offence types than nondependent offenders, and they were significantly more likely to be detected via their DNA or fingerprints (p < 0.01). A logistic regression (n > 14,000) revealed a number of predictors that influence the detection of the crime by forensic techniques. The results indicate that a number of these predictors are of statistical significance; the most significant of these being drug use by the offender with sex, ethnicity, and employment status also being relevant. Age of the offender and number of offences committed were found not to be significant. Of the four hypotheses considered to explain this, the most likely was thought to be the physical and mental impact of drug use on crime scene behavior. Consideration is given to the disciplines of forensic science and forensic psychology working closely together to distinguish factors that influence crime scene behavior.  相似文献   

刑法教义学研究的中国主体性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刑法教义学既包括教义学方法,也包括教义学知识;教义学方法是无国界的,但教义学知识是对一国现行有效的法律所作的解释,因而是有国界的。德日刑法关于共同犯罪的规定表明,共犯的定罪与量刑均取决于正犯,因而决定了其共犯理论必须采取实质客观说以区分正犯与共犯;而中国刑法关于共同犯罪的规定表明,共同犯罪的定罪与量刑是截然可分的不同层次,因而在正犯与共犯的区分上采取形式客观说就足以解决问题。中国刑法和德日刑法对侵占罪规定的成立要件并不相同,"拒不退还"、"拒不交出"在中国的侵占罪中是一种客观处罚条件,是独立的行为要件,因而不能将其融入"非法占为已有"的含义之中。中国的刑法教义学研究必须清醒地认识到,要以中国刑法的规定为研究的逻辑起点并受其严格约束;要真正构建中国的刑法教义学,必须唤起研究者的主体意识。  相似文献   

政治对刑法犯罪理论体系的影响和制约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何秉松 《河北法学》2005,23(12):6-15
通过对德国从纳粹时期开始至今的犯罪理论体系的发展变化的历史的分析,阐明了政治对于犯罪理论体系的影响和制约,并以日本、前苏联和中国的事例论证了善政、恶政存在,对法律和法律理论都起着支配和控制作用,这样一个世界性的问题。  相似文献   

基于对中外犯罪构成理论的考究与分析,揭示并遵循犯罪构成理论的必要规则,正视中国大陆刑法的实然规定与犯罪构成理论的基本现实,应当建构我国双层模式的犯罪构成理论。犯罪成立必须具备本体构成符合与严重危害充足二个阶层要件;本体构成符合为第一层次,描述犯罪的基本轮廓,严重危害充足为第二层次,限定犯罪的实质底线。犯罪成立是本体构成与严重危害两者缩限评价的结论。  相似文献   

喻贵英 《法律科学》2010,28(2):101-106
97《刑法》明确规定了单位犯罪,但是对于单位犯罪的理论争议并未消解于立法的"一锤定音"。单位犯罪的立法化使社会存在转化为法律存在,其乃社会发展之必然结果。单位犯罪之肯定首先在于民法上肯定单位的权利能力与行为能力以及法律对这种实在的拟制。但是,单位犯罪单罚制中代罚制所带来的不当后果,乃我们无法回避的现实与理论问题。对此,应当进行深入检讨。  相似文献   

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